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January 03, 1923 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-03

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p-ANCE T'mm

Nuil i FNI.fAl

ti ries Loan
To' One Anothera



UIIR1LLLIIU 1 L I 1 Ln1! .i Have You*'.IiIstory and 1~se$ of lg- 1111.111 I UL! II1i,'L 111011:1IvU
Challenges from various universl- tWe irainikakdsc Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 2.-Mrs. May
ties and colleges for rife atches Van Wye, wife of apofsran
with the women shooters of the 1uestion as th~is and the book is nei-jprfsoant
versity have been. accepted, ,accordl-j ther cataloged 'nor on reserve,' once herself a former school teacher, was
ing to MlaJr Willis Shippami, Of thie mighit thinlc there is little more to be elected by republicans of Hlaniitoin
local R. 0. T .C. Matches are sched-!si.I shr telbayla oe county to be one of the women who1
tiled with the rifle~ clubs, of Syrace! eiInto effect. It is a quiet, little-adver- trill represent this county in the Ohio~
~university and the University of Mary- !'tised system which is going 'on contin-
lan fo Fe. 1,, 6 ad ,7 ad aually' behind the~ scenes bu~t which at legislature for the next two years.
rangements are being made ,to incluide times a suines ~great lImp ortance. j Mrs. Van Wye was elected to the'
Depauw university in a, tourniament! Cards inquiring as 'to ~the where- I Flouse of Representatives by 76,609
on the same dates. The women~ rifleabouptts of the book 4desired are $ent votes.j
shooters of Michigan have challenged' to specialized libraries 'all over the 'Born and educated in Brooklyn. Mrs.
those of Cornell unpiversity, Ohiop State ? IJnited States. Rockefeller Insttutes Van Wye came here about 10 years1
university, and the Unie siy of Z1.or instanee, containse some fifty thou- ago 'and engaged in school work. She,
ljnois for a match on Jana 27, and ?4i sand volumes2 on niiedicine alone. The was a member of: the National Coun-
A. C, Nrthwsten, nd Kanss Aerican 'Medical association in Chi- cil of PDefeiise during the war, beings
A. ., ortwesern an KasasAgri- cago has a' well-equipped 'library.' In in direct'charge of' the social 'work of
cultural college for 'March 17. t he Cnrsial lbrary of Washing- that organization, and also served as"
Teams to represent 1chsgai n
these matches will be coe from ton, the agricultural department and chairman ,of the Patriotic league. ShQ
thosewoe hvn the gIetscr~teole~ogical survey are all com-plete is now connected with the Y.W.C.A. r
womehavng te hghes scresin their partcular lines. B~ooksi afro in an official capacity and is also ej
inthirrguavpacte. From, sx 'borrowed. for ,a definite lenigt'h of mnember of several clubs of Cincin-
to ten women with' their alterna~tes im! rt.
wilshoot durinig each- tournamettOfeven wider scope than# the bor-i It is Mrs. Van eye's first venture,
anad the scores resultjig wll e 'te-i !rl ro~n~itg of hooks is the leunding. The;{ in politics. During her, campaign sh
graphed to the opposing rifle club. Ptnyersiy of Mihigan library sends' spoke on legislation for women. Shes
High schores frthe weeks of Nov.! i~k equired by other libraries to! also stressed the importance of the
27 to Dec. 16 have been poted n the I every. state . 'Par~ticularly, books are' women exercising their newly acquit o
bulletin board in Barbour 'gynia- sent 'to the. small julnior' coleges in ; d rights.
ium, the outstanding one lading-: NO V. Mcign. ft ' rch laboratories of The woman representative says that
27, prone positioi-L. Pop'wska, scor- in4trial plants such as' Park Davis,' her nain bobbie is traveling, but that,
ink 46 'out of a possible 56; sitinb. ](Detrt; chemi~cal), Nela, Park, (elec- .she is also fond 'of gardening and ouit-
Hohmann, score 47; Nov.'69 ne l~, r 1 , lotelad), Henry Ford hospi- door life. Interest in the home Is tihe
A. 'Higley, 48; prone and sittig, , ta the'iyicans' library of the most important, she adds.
'Maitz, 45; Dec. 4--prne, F. x*'If and Bitl Creek' sanitarium send for Mrs. Van- Wye is the wife of Ben-
M. LeBeau, 45; sittig, B. Devine, 6; in J boks. IJam in'-C. Van Wye, professor of pub-
Dec. 6--prone, C.. Sperry, 48; si-tting,' ;'-. lie speaking at the University of Cain-r
E. Klotz, 47l; Dec. 7---tandig, I. W i4npl~w e O i Rifle Tcaiii c! cnnati.
ing, 46. On Dec. 4 sihots t*erc'fi..ed $ "ifle shotig is onie of the sports,' -
from all four positone,; pro~nesittng, that h~as airozit ed considerable inter- Cltinier of Ciuiterce to Meet
keling and standin'g with a possible_ est, aogwomn throughou~t the The Chamber of Commerce of the
snore of 25 in each position. M-. ig ~euntryiy 'tYer.' The' most recent University of ichigan will hold -its"
low made a total score of 88, and A. ofrife tes'us,,to be. organized is ono first meeting of the year at 7 o'clock
She don one of 90. On Dec. 13.M. iles at Iowa State, ollege where 100 wo- tonight'in room 302 of the Union. All I
er maeatotal score- of nx eorlted. fipr ~actice. Ma- 'members of the Chamber are urged
The matches will be sho~t in the, orJ 3. 'Boles'M placed third' in to bte present as a -iinber of-import-
early part of next semlester. All wa all nte rnatioal shoo~t held at Mian, ant 'items 'of business are to be. dis-
M~en shooters are urged to' turn "oui I taly; willdo Of tI e! team. ' cussed. Among these are plans for i.
regularly for practice. I big smoker 'for' all students. of lFco-
1,09L s0 m hn A classified in nqi'cs to be held inl the near fu-
claeiiel d Will: soi it foryou---Arlo" trie.
Christmas Part ___
Cheers K'id s,;-'

.Tlae com mittee on fellowsilii0. 'of
the American Association of Uni\ e-+Screent-To'da
city 'Women fellowships,, in their A(a(o Tenr eia i
nouncenment for 1923-24 wvomen gra'd- "a Home oui l Broke"
hate students, lists the followiin;:! -
Alice Freeman Palmer Me om lri Mije:tA~iney SawyiA-i damzs
fellowship. accompanied by .a great cast.
Sarah Berliner Research and Lc-' Wlem'th - "Fair Lady"' by Rlex
ture fellowship. 1
A.A.U.W . luropean fellowship.
Anna C. Brackett Memorial fellow f___
Latin-American fellowship.'' tg-oa
Gamma -Phi Beta Social Sorv*ic fel- 1\Ybrli litney-Mr9 .Fiske playing in
Boston Alumnae fellowship. ' , TeLstCr.
Rose Sidgewick :Memorial fellow- _____ ___
A.A.U.W. International fellows;hip, I Frost. Wis Poetry IPrize
The above fellowships involve those I Robert Frost, resident poet of the
women who have graduated and h~ave, University, has been awarded the 1922,
met certain requirements, or 'who Helen I-lamre Lewison prize of $200 by
have graduated and plan to take uW)1 the Poetr~y magazine.
research work. Further details rc-Io - "'____ --
garding qualifications, award, terms3 Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv.

u its s Supply Sitore

.,. .

1 1 1South= University Ave.

Engineers' :and ,Architects' Materials,
Stationery, Fountain Panxs, Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies

Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos

. _ : i


of award, and the procedure of appli-'
cation for them, imay. be had by coil-
sulting A.A.U.W. fellowship announce}
meat for "1923, copies of which can be
obtained 'in the office of the Dean c'
Women or from Professor Margarc1
E. Maltby, chairman of the coinralttee
on fellowships, Barnard Goilege, Co,
lui~ia university, New York City.
PorIa*$oeiety AMeets Tomorrow
Portia Literary society will hold a
regular meeting at .7:15 o'clock to-
mnorr~ow night in room 302 Mason hall.
Call 445 Huron Street Taxi.--Adv.

I'e handle She E. Iurnham
and PMarinello co(meiics
Rain Water Shainpo


It, Costs No More for Our. Conl eteiit Service



70~7 N. UNIV.

PHON,\E 2652

The annual Christma prt. orthk
Children at the Univerity lositxl)
was given by the Univerity Hospitil
Circle of the King's Doaugiters ,on ttheI
Saturday afternoon before Cjh4iti4W
at the hospital. 'The wards 'were all
beautifully decorated with Chritmas~u
trees which were gie by the& frater-
nitnes and sororties of-the .city. $he
children gave a short'. progrm which
was followed by'Christ'mas'staries Tl
by Mlrs. Walters. Mr. an~dMrs Saii-
to Claus were present giving each
child a gift and candy canie.
Dean Hamuilton ern
Dean Jean H~amilton is' expected' to
be in her office"this' moringm after
returning from 'New York City where.
she spent the vacation at' her Boni@.

One-tird to. one-half, off; regular prices.
This sale last~s until Saturday night. It
iticludes, first-grade. clean stock of. the best
known tmanufacturers.'




who seek relief
from'the monotony, of
every- day fashions, ou
Clearance Sale offers an
r opportunity to choose
refreshingly original
models at -noteworthy



,e . 1T~' t z itp

M,, S



$1.109 $1.65, ,$2,20,$2.75
H. H. Fra~zee Presents







w ,I
=January Wite Sacles are, nokv in full 'M
..sluing throughout the various sections of
w ~b~f .the store rha are deboted to whkite goods.
c :.Among the most imP.ortant items of tis
sale are t0 e whinte undernucslins Iv hick h
are gr-eaty reduceed in price .'The see -
= lions g:tyan over to lingerte are rich in
c ~money~ saying bargains. N'ilady will do
c hvell to supply her Season 's needs Ivith
-- ' ' unde'rlvear urng the vv he Sales.
- --- -Dainty night gowns, some of white crepe
with orciored stitching and others of orchid z
opink crepe with contrasting stitching, in
Costume slips, inipnal aiefrueav 'several styles, originally priced $2.25, will be
underhouse des o prt focare -of.'
Swhite wash satine or. crepede chine. Biodie o aea
-top styles wear wel ' undr e~vey tytieo
Sgown, and the double h fns make themp A
A utbefrw~rVkl wn'hn tcg group of rather plain gowns, trirnmeu 00
SHemstitching' finishes these ' ips. ;They wihemtthnadmdeo very good
- will be on sale for Jarnuarr'4iteSales; tlhe q ality material, just the thing for general
washsatie rt~des ~ 4'X3 50 andl ier; regularl y-priced, $1.75, and daintily
.l and thie crepe de tie .mrd is t~ri trimmned with lace or embroidery, will be 0on 5
- $1.50+
Crepe Blodi ye 5
Bloomers of white crepe are also lincluded in Gowns of a good quality whlite material in
the White Sales. The plain, tailored mnode
wit ~an eastc andat the wistineandat rather simple modes, trimmed with a bit of
bu laeo.e rodr'the :knees, adorned only wthpa le lc rebodr or finished with hem-
; stitching are much favored for general wear. stitching; regularly priced $1.25, wvil b on
- They launder easily, wear well, and arwe saet
Practical. For the sale they will be priced- al8ac

x Wh~at the Critiq Say
'Wheii flac history of the current theatrical seaso m is writ,-
ten, ,I ciea'dy prec ct that M-,rs. Fise's new play will be put
down as the most poignant aid g'rippinig of the year. Andl
Paddy' will I iiave to be ini~clvd led as the incest intei-estin g study
of a w({A-an~ that has been given the stage in a ong liie.''
- Rochesftr Journal..
t'Pacdly's "' problem clutches dleep in our hearts."
- - o hlester- Herald.


ti;K : ' t }' :i u4 i . R,.'t+""1'E e s .*r n. ' k j 7 "' li z" .,,


evil I


T I'G i


We can offer no bet
ter pleasure of ani
evenlig thum tills.

-Lindly Putnam, prettiest girl in
The GnghamMason's Corner, folks said. A cal-
T1/ ico Cleopatra, that's what she was

You still atppreciate
ny One's Ijivitat ioli
voo optimedening'
auienat 'oaaso !

v ampI

hlei she set her cap for Quinty.

1, r..


A clean, wholesome Comedy Draima that's sheer cntertau-
nt from start to finish. It has, already ,pleased thoutsads,-;
and we'll wager it will pleaise you !


Blanche Sweet
.John Bowers
Louise F azenada
Hank Mann
Gale Henry
Billy Fi-aney

Lon Chancy
Barbara LaMarr
Elmo Lincoln
June Elvidge
Victor Potel
Edward Connelly


Joseph Do',\'iina
s a



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