1'A P r
PASf ( (CRSD MRS. FSEWL ~j RFSOS(( meeting were as follows: President, Oldest radwua
MIMS C AM102 BIL 1! [SI99 TAT ! ~ti h RE I avid Whte, Washington; first vice- ITe oldest living gra
JOMPLETE IS PLANS1923 ILL ! S BEGLUItpN STTR USADE ~t-yTnAPPEARTONIGHT tTREE PRO FSSORS ARE l. president, Prof. William Herbert ~ifl rty Is Dr Gor
("The Cloiser"ad pTeaTte n Aair# flrAlIT l ill il .Fkwll Yapea iuhrie-tNORnDATMEEINj obbs, University of Michigan; sec-MudrCora, co
"Tejose"ad TeTitet i 1YLfW!U ii1UI At the Whitney theater tonight IIUIIUI('Vand vice-president, William H. Em- vriyatoiis T
14Char" to Be *Mr.Fikewllapear i hr e-coT ons, Minneapolis, MInn.; third vice- ment follows publicationi
En U ~ V nK _____president T. Wavand Xaghn. Wash-1I es telling of the death i
dCUate of tlhq'
go Carter Of
rdig to Uni-
he. announve-
of dispatch-
_____Mimes tentative schedule for the, CONFERENCE FOR173LATES PLANS; markable new play, "The Last Card", HOBBS, PECK, HUNT ELECTED TO ngton, D. C.; secretary, Charles P.
19 To Levy Thre Million Dallas Week-end programs which will be giv FO)R EDUCATION OF'FOIq- in which shte will essay the role of NATIONAL OFFICES IN SI. Barkey, New York City; treasurer,
LsThnTaofen during the first of the year at the Edward B. Mtes atmrM.
LesTa In fMimes theater has been announced. EThe new vehiPaddy.sLadmirablSOCIuTtE
I9ItThis program includes one week-end--Tenw ehleiad rbl u- j- editor, Joseph Stanley-Brown.
performance by those who compete in The beginning of a state crusade ed to Mrs. Fiske's abilities and gives t 'hre University professors were
"OFF YEAR" 'HAS BEEN the final round of the Mimes vaude- in behalf of Americanization, intend- l her an opportunity to display that honored this Christmas vacation by9 Lose something? A classified 1n
EXCEPTIONALLY BUSY ville tourney. aci to bring abet education of the talent which has led her to be called elcint ainlofcsiNtoa he nt ilfidt.Av
____Three one-act plays will be given; the foremost actress on the American Sceetiont anloficesi ainl ,iywl idi.Av
Prs)Jan. 12, and 13. The final round of foreign born to American ideals and stage ntfcsocieties w hch'hld cnven- SHU8ENT aidh* 075.1.o0
(By Associated Pes the Mimes tournament will be held aspirations, took place here lastI Patricia Baird Is a fascinating comn-lions here during the holdays. D C IG Pp. Mat. Tues.,Thurs
Lansing, Jan. 2.-The state has just Jan. 19 and 20. "The Cloister," which Thursday and Friday, when rmn I biation of wit and wisdom, elfish flip-I, Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology and Sat., 20 and Soo
completed its most prosperous year, was produced for the first time in etpros rmalprtpftes ant y, and scintillating humor. She department, was elected to the pos-
so tIar as the condition of its treasury America last spring at, the Minies the-II has only a transitory interest In peo-tnofirtvcpesdtofheG-
Is contc( ed. It passes from 1922 to, ater will be repeated Jan. 26 and 27. mPet to discuss plans for putting theI pie, but her devotion to animals isI logical ¥Society of American at its 35th BOSTfELLSE COM1PANY
1923 'with a ba'ance, of something "The Thirteenth Chair", also given idea into being. constant and true. annual meeting which was held in this N trugh Courtesy of Sir James Barrie,
more than $4,000,000-a sum greater last spring, will be presented a second The conference was called by Au- She is only too glad to offer va- city. Professor Hobbs is recognized' Hiss Bonstelle Has Secured
byfrm 2,0000 o 3,0000 tantmeFe. ad .grants of the neighborhood food and as one of the greatest authorities in "PETER AN
J________ustus H. Gansser, of Day City, in shelter, and finally prevals upon herhi field, and has but recently return-! Te World's Greatest
any previous .blance, at the end ofhi
th aedryai ihgnhis-;S L LND IE charge of the state department of the daughter to let her adopt a cat. This' ed from a world tour of inspection and and :Host Charming Fantasy
thecaenaryerInMicign OL LI DE GIESAmerican Legion Americanization small "Meow" soon, becomes an im- Investigation along geological lines.j
Tore were two major contributing ~ SEVEN LECTURES committee and others in the state in- portant member of the family, giving, In addition Prof. Albert D. Peck, of GA! RRIC THIS WEEK
ittases 'to the comfortable position in ___ as It does somebody for Paddy to talk the mineralogy department, was nam-'_________Mae Wd& Sat.
which the state finds itself. One was PrfAnoi0.Salneofteeese inovngheAeiai- at when her daughter is absent. ed treasurer of the Mineralogical So-,
the state corporation tax, which add-: Spanish department spent the Christ- inpolm hsicdn ftectI nyaceyo mrc n rf atrF EDDIE CANTOR
Pln o h agrsaew n inyfrgment in the vivid pattern of Hunt was appointed editor of the Am-' k
ed in the neighborhood of $,000,000 Inas vacation lecturing in various u-I ln o telre t-ie un-they playyeitsadouasnefeicnMerlgtheperf
annually In 1921 and 1922, to the iversitles throughout the east and' dertaking evolved at Ann Arbor, so' h ly e tsadsota n feia Snrlgstepprocie 1 IVI rflAm-
soit.TeMnrlgclSceyo:state's reve-iuae .i.The other was the middle west. During his trip, he de ;far, are in the formative stage. It teiessit oMwrsicFskls comedyRnnig socty.ahefoundedin o stn ncaAPepyRITe Al e
state- administrative 'board, which at:.,red talks at the University o8I~ anticipated, however, that the meet- through the whole play is a highly ab-19,wihPo.E ar H. ras PRICES: Nights 5Src to $2.75
various times during the past yearj Pennsylvania, Cornell, Chicago, Wis-ling will have the result of crystaiz- sorbing undercurrent of drama. ac tin eanof.thEdwSumme.raol a Mats. 55C to $220
claniped down upon expenditures and ;consin, Minnesota, Ohio State and ing sentiment in behalf of the move - fs first presdent. Since that time it sho has
refused to allow the state's money to Iowa. He will. not return until the 'men.. tae rpdsrdeIn hsya'
,VA tICAN DENIEStae rai stisan thsyrs
be spent, even, in some cases, when it first part of next week. The underlying idea back of the;cnetowathlrgstatihs
was appropriated by the 1921. legis- In his absence, news came from crusade is the overcoming of selfish- POPE INI TERFEH ED}ever held. At the meeting ProfessorI
lature.' Madrid, telling of the publication oi; ness on the part of individuals and I___ Kraus soko on the subject, "The UseF R
. ?..result. of the state's affluence, two of Professor Solalinde's works, a the bringing about of an era in which oneJn2-h Vaia tdyof peto paau nTahn I
which is probably of more interest selection from the works of Alfonso the vast majority of Michigan folk' oue a dn.al2ofTherept inoat-fofC etinAs raousMiner a"
to the average tax payer than any oth- Ithe Learned, and an edition of the ;will work for the common good. Ingud i nal f th ep toe iuswasoon rtaiheesngof MtherGelogic ~ A Tjal soci- -j
er, is the reduced state tax made pa-j "Miracles of the Virgin" by Gonzalo( The Ann Arbor gathering was at- rg ge heintevnino mrc t a teddb cetssfo l
siblet this year. In 1921 the state tax die Berceo, the first known Spanish 'tended by every grcup and organiza- to wsaltemrehn$13000.Tei bring about the economic and mor- r'ver America, though one of the dle-1II B
was alt more than $ 7,300,000. n12 tFeProfessor Solainde had originallY on in Michigan interested in Amer- 1 reconstruction of Europe.: gates was Prof. Emanual de Mergerie lR
'cIonwsmd psil y teitne o eanhr nY until the Ic niz ion work in any forim The: The statement from the Vatican of France. who Is holding an exchange o CA Z
redtctin ws mae pssile b th' itendd t reain ateonlmeetingv. as of an informal nature, says the German report was perhaps professorship in this country. He s
pamse, u e factors which contributed to the endoftshae fist seniester butarnge- to permit of a close working arrange-'due to an erroneaous interpretation one of France's most distinguished
byto th acttatiweth 1921lso~. services have been secured until May i ment between representatives of the' of the replies sent by the papal sec- scientists having held the position of
jaure enacted laws centralizing thel 1. He will then leave here for thevrooraizios oay o.tt oAercn h a president of the French Geological so-
Univrsit ofoClifonienther boardl The m ieting was divided into so- .orwarded Christmas messages to the ciety. Tha meetings were all held in
teach iii the interimnclsessione and-thejera- sections, Including those that pope. These replies repeated theteauioum fthNtrlScne
wildevote a considerable part of the ideas contained in the allocution of bmligb
to dedut unexpended balances at the summer session, giving a number of biluilding 'h ' 1 1~ and were open to the public.
lectures also in Leland tanfct *,..ineto education, iecreaion, andthe Decemer1 and te encycicaI Officers who were chosen in the
exd of a fscal year from the tax levy It Hih etr er Troblems, of December 23, in which the pope
the nextyear .There were unexpended -'Th desire is for improvedun tometh- iurged rcntutoIn hertr O R E U E
baneofaut$3,000,000 last July.'ust . meeting the needs of our own of peace.
when the state's fiscal year ended. 8500 ihns h hl i mrcarcntrcinad h eur L~® (3 meals S5.0{.. OLDEST BANK
'Th '6mitstatie'board~rasfered MNY ~arS4( R, ftea are not of America," Major Remember 445 Huron Street Taxi '54.00 (2 meals) $4.00 OLDEST NATIONAL
them t the 1922 fund antd deducted' AT BO'I'TN LA ! Gansser ;laid. 25c-Ad. 643 AHNTNSRE _________
a correspodn mutfr om the tax ______________Off_____e
Tevhe year just ending ha ~en an Many nmembrs f the Unvceitt _________________________________-
Colonel+Richard Elliott, -who was de-
,Iscribed as the oldest graduate.
25c rate for students 445 Huron
Street Taxi.--Adv.
$ Trin For
To men who are eager to shorten the
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Faculty MIen Write Astronomy Paper
Prof. W. C.', Rufus, of the astronomy
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anid Pr'of. R. F. ' Paton, of the physics
departmnent, are the authors of a pa-
per upon "New Silicon Lines in Class
JB paeanilep. SM Iou3jI~sJiVS ~
the annual meeting of the American
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