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December 05, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-12-05

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 5, 1986


Doctors pressured to release patients

Chicago (AP) - Almost half the nation's
doctors feel pressured to release Medicare
patients from the hospital before they are ready
to go home, according to a survey for the
American Medical Association.
The nationwide survey of 1,000 physicians,
released today, found that 48 percent of the
doctors felt "unduly pressured" and only 28
percent felt no pressure because of concerns
about reimbursement under the present Medicare
system. The remaining 24 percent either were
unsure or did not answer.
"It's becoming an invasion of quality of
care," Dr. John Coury, president of the nation's
largest physicians' organization, said in a
telephone interview. "We don't feel that the
quality of care is negotiable... and we're going
to resist it.
The question did not pinpoint blame for the
IN ANOTHER survey question, 56
percent of the doctors polled said they felt their
control over patient treatment decision in the
hospital had decreased during the last several
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Only six percent answered that it had
increased. Thirty-eight percent said their control
over decisions had remained the same, according
to the survey, conducted by an independent
research firm, Tarrance, Hill, Newport, and
Ryan of Houston.
The feeling of decreasing control was
especially pronounced among physicians in
obsterics-gynecology - 66 percent - but the
feeling was also common among surgeons,
psychiatrists, and general practitioners, the sur -
vey indicated. But no reasons were given for the
doctors' responses.
The AMA had strongly opposed rules put
into effect by the Reagan Administration to
contain soaring medical costs. The rules limit
in advance the amount of reimbirsement the
government will provide for treatment of Med -
icare patients. The system established a list of
467 treatment types, called dianostic related
groups, and fixed a fee for each group to give
hospitals an incentive to be more efficient and
"This plan generally provides a particular
level of payments for all patients within one
DRG, regardless of differences in length of hos -

pital stay," said AMA Executive Vice President
James Sammons.
"Thus, there may be an economic incentive
for the hospital to limit the length of stay of
any Medicare patient, and physicians may feel
some pressure to discharge Medicare patients as
soon as possible," Sammons said yesterday.
DR. PEDRO PALMA, an obstetrician-
gynecologist and president of the Chicago
Medical Society, said in a telephone interview
yesterday that the pressure is not limited to
Medicare cases, but occurs in all cases with
third-party payers, such as insurance companies.
"If a patient has pneumonia, they assign you
five days in the hospital. All hospitals have
decision review committees. When the third or
fourth day comes about, they are calling for a
decision on whether the patient goes home
tomorrow. But sometimes these things are not
black and white."
"Then they give you an extra day and they
give you another call. You have to start look -
ing for justification," he said. "Often, you have
to get a second opinion before admitting a pa -
tient. You may have to check with the insur -
ance company on whether to proceed at all."

dical faculty earn top salaries

Sat. & Sun. 2:00 4:30. 7:00 9:30
Fri. & Mon-Thurs. 4:30, 7:00. 9:30






Sat. & Sun..1:00, 3:00, 5:00. 7:00, 9:00
Fri & Mon.-Thurs. 5:00. 7:00. 9:00
Sat & Sun. 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15
Fri.&MonThurs.5:15 7:159:15

(Continued from Page 1)
comprised 67.7 percent of this elite
group, including the highest paid
faculty member - Mark Orringer,
a professor of thoracic surgery, who
took home $180,000 in the 1985-
86 fiscal year.
Only $11,803 of Orringer's
salary was paid by state appro-
priations and tuition, however.
According to Duderstadt, clinical
faculty are responsible for funding
approximately 80 percent of their
own salaries through patient care.
"These salaries are still sig-
nificantly less than these in-
dividuals could receive if they went
into private practice," said
Duderstadt, "perhaps even by an
order of two or three."
The highest-paid woman on the
payroll, School of Nursing Dean
Rhetaugh Dumas, reached $98,461
this year. No woman has yet hit




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231 S STATE 662 52%6
Dailyat 2:30,520,7:20,920
Daily at 2:45, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30
Daily at 21 5500,710,915
Daily at 200,5:10,940
Daily at 7:00 only
Midnight Fri. Sat.

the $100,000 mark.
According to Duderstadt, this
results from a shortage of women
in senior positions at the
University. "When I compare
women faculty members at
comparable years of rank and
administrative experience, they fare
quite well," he said. "We have to
continue to work very hard to put
women in senior positions in this
OVERALL, the University
retained its rank as the highest-
paying public university in
Michigan. The average faculty
salary was $45,796 for those
employed on a nine-month pay
period and $64,544 for those
employed on a 12-month pay
period. These averages include the
salaries of full professors, associate
professors, assistant professors,
instructors, and lecturers.
The English Composition Board
received the lowest departmental
average, at $22,490. The minimum
salary in this department was
$19,800, and the maximum salary
was $26,800.
At the opposite extreme, the

average Law School professor
earned $81,979. Salaries in this
department ranged from $50,000 to
University President Harold
Shapiro's 8.54 percent salary boost
brought his annual pay to
$127,000, still considerably less
than the $165,791 taken home by
Vice Provost of Medical Affairs
George Zuidema.
The third-highest paid executive
officer remained Jon Cosovich,
with a salary of $113,250.
One-half of the deans in
University schools topped the
$100,000 mark. Joseph Johnson,
the dean of the medical school,
headed the list with $147,150. Art
School Dean Marjorie Levy was the
lowest-paid dean at $70,200.
Football coach Bo Schembechler
was once again the only athletic
coach to break the $100,000 mark.
A successful football season
culminating in a Rose Bowl bid
helped boost Schembechler's salary
to $108,102.
Basketball coach Bill Frieder
enjoyed a 10 percent pay increase,
putting his salary at $83,050.

Reagan's spokesman resigns
WASHINGTON - Presidential spokesman Larry Speakes, who faced
the daily gridiron of White House briefings longer than any of his recent
predecessors, announced yesterday he is resigning to take an executive
post with Merrill Lynch & Co., the Wall Street investment firm.
Speakes, 47, has been negotiating for the senior vice presidency
which sources have said pays about $250,000 a year in salary and
benefits, for two months. He plans to begin his new job Feb. 1.
President Reagan, when asked how he felt about his chief spokesman:
leaving in the midst of the furor over his secret arms sales to Iran and the:
diversion of profits to Nicaraguan rebels, smiled and told reporters:
"Congratulate him on getting a fine job."
"Nothing could ever match this," Speakes said of the $75,000-a-yea:
job he has unabashedly adored, despite the constant grilling of the White
House press corps, with which he has maintained a relationship marked
both by rancor and rapport.
Icy wings blamed for crash
WASHINGTON - Investigators believe the crash of a military
charter that killed 248 U.S. soldiers most likely was caused by the crew's
failure to de-ice the jetliner before it left Gander, Newfoundland, according
to Canadian and U.S. aviation sources.
The Canadian Aviation Safety Board findings are not expected to be
released until late spring or early summer of next year, although the
writing of a draft report on the accident has begun.
Sources familiar with the investigation said, however, the
investigation clearly points to ice contamination on the wings of the
chartered Arrow Air DC-8 as likely being the primary cause of the crash
last Dec. 10.
Other factors, including excessive weight and perhaps reduced power in
one of the plane's four engines, may have contributed, but in themselves
would not have caused the jetliner to stall and crash as it did, said the
sources, speaking on the condition that they not be identified.
14 sentenced to hang for
slaying Grenadan premier
ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - Fourteen people were convicted
yesterday and sentenced to hang for the slaying of Prime Minister
Maurice Bishop in a coup that prompted the United States to invade this
Carribean island in 1983.
Three of the 18 defendants were convicted of manslaughter, with
prison sentences of up to 45 years, and one was acquitted by a jury of
seven men and five women that deliberated only three hours. All the
defendants had pleaded innocent.
They were accused of killing Bishop, three Cabinet members ad
seven other people Oct. 19, 1983, during the coup. Witnesses said
Bishop was among-eight victims lined against a was and cut down witi
machine gun fire.
Six days later, 6,000 U.S. Marines and paratroopers landed on
Grenada. The Reagan administration said the invasion's purpose was to
restore order, protect American - including several hundred medical
students - and prevent a further buildup of Cuban military advisers and
weapons on the island.
Honeywell to sell S. African
operation to local firm
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Honeywell Inc. will sell its
small operation here to a local firm and join the exodus of American
companies from South Africa, a company executive said yesterday.
The sale to South African owners follows a pattern set by General
Motors Corp., IBM and dozens of other U.S. companies which bowed to
disinvestment pressure from the anti-apartheid movement and to poor
economic conditions.
A major South African industrial group, Murray and Roberts, is to
purchase the Honeywell operation for an undisclosed amount and all 175
employees probably will keep their jobs, said Markos Tambakeras,
Honeywell's local managing director.
At Honeywell's Mimneapolis headquarters, spokeswoman Susan Eich
said: "I think it's generally acknowledged that the business environment
in South Africa is volatile.
Abortion clinic bomb defused
Experts defused a bomb found leaning against the door of a Detroit-
area abortion clinic yesterday and a blaze that destroyed a similar clinic
in southwest Michigan was ruled arson.
The bomb in the Detroit suburb of Lathrup Village was discovered at
6:45 a.m. against the front door of the Woman's Care Clinic, said,
police Chief Andrew Misner. He said the device was defused about 9:15

The bomb had b'een set to go off at 10 p.m., presumably for
Wednesday evening, Misner said. About 25 people were evacuated from
two homes and an office building near the clinic after the device was
"The state police bomb squad said if the bomb had detonated, it
would have caused severe structural damage to the building," he said.
In Kalamazoo, investigators confirmed that the fire which destroyed
the Planned Parenthood-Reproductive Health Care Center early Monday
was the work of an arsonist.
e&Iir f*Itdtitan DO ail~
Vol. XC VKi -- No. 65
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:
September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city.
One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
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1. N. & S. Carolina:
Strong winds and waves
up to 25 f-eet on shore
washed away beach
2. Ohio:
Flooding closed roads
and some families
evacuated from homes.
3. Illinois:
Chicago lake-front high.
rises pounded by 9-foot
waves; some streets


4. Michigan:
Waves up to 25 feet topped seawalls and flooded roads and homes.
5. Wisconsin:
Surf threw rocks onto Milwaukee's Lincoln Memorial Drive, temporarily -
closing one northbound lane; pavement in a marina parking lot collapsed.
Flooding round-up AP Cynthia Greer
Strong easterly winds washed away beach property in the Carolinas this
week, while roads were closed and some evacuations were triggered
along western Great Lakes shores in Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and Wiscon-

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