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December 05, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-12-05

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In Weeken Magazine:

Special Rose Bowl

'87 Issue

Interview: Ken Higgins - Mike Fisch " The List


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Ninety-seven years of editoria/freedom
Vo. C~l o.65Copyright 1986, the Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 5, 1986 Fute ae
a n Senate digs
°tialedrn bss deeper into,

'U' profs'
,rose 8%
this year
The final University payroll for
the 1985-86 fiscal year boasts an
eight percent salary increase for
tenured professors. Associate pro-
fessors received a 9.5 percent pay
increase, and assistant professors
gained a 9 percent hike.
"We hope this gives a clear sign
on how importantly we value these
people," said University Vice
President of Academic Affairs and
Provost James Duderstadt. "We've
set faculty salaries a very high
priority this year, but one year in
itself cannot make the difference.
We'll have to maintain this effort."
Over the past seven years, sal-
aries for tenured University pro-
fessors have dropped nine percent in
comparison with peer institutions.
"This year I think we've held our
own," said Duderstadt, "But we
continue to face an enormous
challenge, particularly with respect
to the leading private institutions."
THE NUMBER of University
faculty and staff earning more than
$100,000 grew from 72 to 96 this
year. Medical school faculty
See MEDICAL, Page 2

Iran c
investigators quizzed the CIA's No.
2 man for four hours and
subpoenaed documents around the
country yesterday in an expanding
probe into the secret sale of arms to
Iran and transfer of profits to
Nicaraguan rebels. President
Reagan said Cabinet officers are free
to decide whether to invoke the
Fifth Amendment when their turn
comes to testify.
Reagan, embroiled in the most
serious crisis of his presidency, has
defended his decision to sell arms to
Iran as part of a secret diplomatic
initiative to re-establish ties with
the strategically-placed Persian Gulf
nation. But he says he was
unaware that money in connection
with the sales was being funneled
through a Swiss bank account to
Contra rebels battling the
Nicaraguan government.
The money was made available
at a time when direct and indirect
government military assistance to
the Contras was prohibited by law,
and there was evidence that the
Justice Department was looking
into the operations of a privately

financed support program for
Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
The president announced Tuesday
that his administration would seek
appointment of an independent
counsel to, probe the issue,
although.the White House disclosed
that Attorney General Edwin Meese
is still at work on the formal
and Democratic leaders met
privately to discuss establishment
of an 11-member "supercommittee"
to take over the investigation, in
January, but in the meantime, the
Senate Intelligence Committee
pursued its own probe.
With extraordinary security
provisions in effect, the panel heard
first from unnamed U. S. officials
involved in covert operations, then
questioned CIA Deputy Director
Robert Gates for more than four
Sen. David Durenberger (R-
Minn.), chairman of the committee,
said the witnesses were providing a
"very candid response to the
See SENATE, Page 3

Ar v i Daily Photo by JAE KIM
Anniversary visit
University President Harold Shapiro talks to Mark Van Osdol (left) and Ernest Van Bergeijk at Baits II-
Stanley House. Baits director Doug White plans more "V.I.P." visits for the 20th anniversary celebration of
Baits houses. Mrs. Shapiro is in the background.

Holidays may


to student depression

Although the trimmings in the
streets and sappy music in the
malls are cheerfully heralding the
holiday season, some people spend
their Christmas getting drunk and
fighting depression.
Georgia Herold, a senior couns-
elor at Counseling Services in the
Michigan Union, said loneliness is
probably the biggest cause of

Christmas is "a time that speaks
of closeness, togetherness, and
family," she said. "People are likely
to be more depressed if they are
without family or friends."
This depression can be magnified
by a lack of money, Herold said,
when people are unable to buy
presents for their family.
Counseling Services Recep-
tionist Pat King said her office
always gets busy this time of year.
"It's getting more busy as you get

closer to exams," she said. "After
Thanksgiving, people come back
from home and want to see a
HEROLD SAID that while
the holiday season itself will not
turn someone into an alcoholic, it
does cause increased drinking. "If
someone's coping mechanism is
alcohol, they are likely to drink
more when they are depressed."
But Leo Heatley, director of
See HOLIDAYS, Page 5

RHA schedules elections for next week

The Residence Hall Association will hold
elections next Wednesday to replace three officers
,who resigned Wednesday night. Rebecca
Lawrence, former vice president of RHA, has
assumed the presidency.
The RHA is a student group which works
with University housing officials on residence
hall policies. Peter Samet, former RHA
president, Kevin Novak, former treasurer, and
Bryan Case, former secretary, resigned from their

posts for academic reasons.
Samet said he resigned so he can cope with a
difficult academic schedule next term.
"Sometimes your academics totally fall apart," he
All three men, however, will remain active in
the association. Case said that, following the
resignations, he became- the RHA representative
for East Quad, Novak became a representative for
Bursley Hall, and Samet became the group's
liason with the University Activities Center.

In a story in yesterday's Daily,
incorrectly said that Lawrence resigned.


Lawrence refused to comment on her
colleagues' resignations. She said, she only plans
to change the leadership style of RHA, but would
not elaborate.
Case said that the association held
nominations for the election last night. At least
two people were nominated for each post, he

Deadl discovery?
New virus may cause cancer in humans

Researchers have isolated a virus
that bears some resemblance to a .
leukemia virus , but appears to
cause lymphoma. The finding
increases the likelihood that such
viruses may play a role in many
unexplained human diseases.
The new virus, which has been
designated HTLV-V by its
discoverer, belongs to a family of
so-called retroviruses that includes
two leukemia viruses and two
varieties of the AIDS virus, one
that causes disease and one that does

"There'are more retroviruses that
affect humans than we think, and
they are likely to cause
pathologies," said the discoverer of
the new virus, Dr. Vittorio
Manzari, in a telephone interview
yesterday. Manzari, of the
University of Rome, said, "It is
still preliminary, but we think we
have a strong association," between
HTLV-V and lymphoma, a cancer
of the lymph glands.
"What we are hoping to do is
complete the characterization of the
virus, and describe how it is spread
and how it works," -said Manzari,

whose collaborators include Dr.
Luigi Frati, chairman of the
university's department of
experimental medicine.
The finding could ultimately lead
to better treatment and prevention
of lymphona, but it has no
immediate importance for victims
of the disease, researchers said.
THE VIRUS, first isolated in
1984, was initially believed to be
HTLV-I, a virus that causes a rare
form of cancer called T-cell
Dani Bolognesi, a biologist at
Duke University in Durham, N.C.,

said Manzari isolated the virus
using materials intended to detect
the AIDS virus, which is often
designated HTLV-III.
"If that's true, if there's a real
cross there that's shared between
these viruses, then there's a lot of
interest from my part in trying to
take the lid off this thing and find
out how many viruses are out there
like that," Bolognesi said.
"HTLV" is short for human T-
cell lymphotropic virus, referring to
the propensity of the viruses to
attack the white blood cells called

M usician Daily Photo by JAE KIM
Mokoto Ajimi, a student at the English Language Institute, demonstrates
the Shamisen, a Japanese string instrument. Ajimi played for the
Michigan Union Arts Program in the Pendleton Room. She is a graduate
of the Tokyo National University of Arts and Music.

Pushing God
,.God works in mysterious ways, but a
a ,- - I, -a

Week." In the 60-second radio spot, Chalker is
beamed heavenward to meet "The Big Guy," com -
plete with angelic chorus. Chalker, 37, wants to
rebuild the 200-member congregation, which in
1924 numbered 3,000.
Sneezing fit

chocolate sauce into her mouth and nose. She was
allergic to chocolate. At the hospital, Sturm
reasoned that the sneezing was caused by irritation
of the nasal lining and the transmission of nervous
signals over the trigeminal nerve to the brain. His
solution was a squirt of cocaine hydrochloride, a
tnnici1 nethetic-

ROSE BOWL: Opinion says it's about time.
S . Page 4.
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