Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 8, 1986
MSA urges military research awareness
The Michigan Student
Assembly's military research
advisor said last night that the
assembly should work to increase
student awareness about military
research done at the University.
Robyn Watts said students
should protest the increase of
Department of Defense spending
through the University Research
Initiative. The URI is a
Department of Defense program
that funds research on university
Funding for three URI projects
that have already been .approved
could double the amount of defense
department-sponsored research at
the University.
IF THE department fully
funds these projects, they would
total $32.4 million over a five-
year period. But University
researchers expect between $20-
$25 million worth in' funding.
The Pentagon is still negotiating
the contracts and expects to decide
on them later this month.
The defense department
contracted the University for $7.7
million in research for fiscal
Watts pointed out that 30
students who opposed this funding
protested in front of electrical
engineering and computer science
Prof. George Haddad's office last
July. Watts said that Haddad's
$15.4 million project to increase
the speed of computer microchips
would enable nuclear and
conventional weapons to be
integrated on the battlefield.
"(The students) should let
(military researchers) know right
now that we won't have their
weapons on our campus," Watts
research guidelines under review by
various groups on campus, such as
MSA and the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs,
also need more student attention,
said Watts.
Watts said these changes
"eliminated all that MSA has
fought for" by deleting the
review panels and failed to make a
strong moral statement by
eliminating the end-use provision.
"We should show the Regents
that the students don't like the
changes that are occurring in the
guidelines," Watts said.
Code is unnecessary, MSA says
(Continued from Page 1)
versity Council. The coordinator
will inform the accused of his/her
crime, call for emergency psy-
chiatric care or other professionals
if appropriate, may restrict the
accused from the University
campus, and arrange a hearing.
The hearing would be conducted
by four University Council
members, including two students,
one faculty member, and an ad-
ministrator. The panel would have
the power to bar the suspect from
campus entirely in extreme
situations, but the accused would
have the right to appeal the decision
of the hearing board.
MSA's response to the
Emergency Procedures, if the
Student Rights Committee
proposal is approved Tuesday night,
attacks the Emergency Procedures
for several reasons:
-too much power would be
granted to the Central Coordinator,
who would be a paid employee of
the University and may be subject
to administrative pressure;
-only members of the
University community could be
subpoenaed, even if others wit-
nessed the alleged crime;
-hearings could be closed at the
written request of the victim of the
-the "threat of violence" clause
could be used to limit civil liberties
and political dissent because of its
-academic enforcement as a
mechnanism for punishment
Shapiro is pushing for the
implementation of the Code.
Virginia Nordby, Executive
Assistant to the President, has said
a Code is necessary since the
criminal justice system does not
effectively deal with crime. Shapiro
has intimated that he thinks the
students on the council are stalling.
Kurt Muenchow, MSA
president, said he is worried that if
Shapiro sees that MSA will not
approve a Code, he may bypass the
regents bylaw which gives the
assembly authority to ratify any
Code before it is implemented.
MSA must oppose a Code to
protect student freedoms, Muen-
chow said. "I can forsee abuses of
the Code. They can penalize you
for anything they don't like,"
Nationwide dentist surplus affects 'U' enrollment
(Continued from Page 1)
financial burdens, dental school
officials say they have been trying
to increase the availability of loans,
scholarships, and grants, but
students are still caught in a
financial bind.
"The financial aid suituation is
not a very good one. I'm 24 years
old, and I'm $30,000 dollars in
debt," Susko said.
Strachen agreed that financial
concerns will be crucial in the years
ahead. "The next few years will be
very nervous ones for me. It's very
hard to increase enrollment when
the University approves an .8
percent tuition increase," he said.
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Dental school officials hope
research will also attract students.
"WE MUST remain com-
petitive in the international
community of dental schools as a
reputable base of reasearch," said
Richard Christiansen, dean of the
dental school.
Students agree that research
funding is important and necessary
to their education. "I think the
administration is right in pouring
funds into research, because we as
students will receive better practical
training," Susko said. "As general
practitioners in dentistry, we will
be able to compete better in the
marketplace, and hopefully provide
better service to our clientele."
To boost enrollment, the dental
school is using grant money from
the United States Office of Health
and Human Services to operate five
recruitment offices on other
university campuses: Wayne State
University, Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity, Michigan State University,
Moral questions exist on the
subject of animal research. The
Daily incorrectly reported yesterday
that since animals do not have
rights, there are no moral questions
about doing research on them.
and the University's branches in
Flint and Dearborn.
The campuses were chosen
because of their relatively high
black student enrollments, Strachen
said. Minority students have been a
primary focus of the University
dental school's recruitment program
because of low minority enrollment
figures. In 1971 only three black
dental students attended the
University. By 1985, minority
students accounted for 12.4 percent
of the school's 483 students.
Dow plant discharges
high levels
Chemical Co. discharged more than
six times its allowed amount of the
cancer-causing chemical dioxin
when its wastewater treatment plant
at Midland flooded last month, a
state official said yesterday.
But the flooded Tittabawassee
River, which contained from 100
times to 166 times more water than
usual, diluted dioxin in the river to
"about a third of what it was
normally," said Richard Powers, a
Natural Resources Department
section chief.
"AS FAR AS the actual
impact on the environment or on
human health, we don't anticipate
that there's going to be any
measurable change," Powers said.
The company's state water
quality permit for the plant, which
manufactures products including
aspirin, plastics and latex, allows it
to discharge 10 ppg dioxin, he said.
The state's goal is for Dow to
of dioxin
limit dioxin discharges to 0.3 ppg
of dioxin. But prior to October 1,
1985, the company discharged from
30 ppg to 50 ppg of dioxin "on a
routine basis," Powers said.
"IT WAS AT that time they
put the high-pressure sand
filtration on, a final finishing step
to their wastewater treatment," he
The amount of Dow's allowable
dioxin discharges has been gradually
falling, he said.
The September 9th flood caused
Dow to dump as .many as 20>
industrial chemicals into the river,,
including up to 10 times the
allowable amount of cancer-
causing hexachlorobenzene, state
officials have said. But any threat
to human health or of
environmental damage was limited
by the high river levels, they said.
"It was an emergency situation.
They really didn't have much
choice, "Powers said.
LaRouche disciples indicted
WASHINGTON- Political extremist Lyndon LaRouche, his
inner circle penetrated by indictments and a sweeping federal fraud
investigation, declared yesterday that "I have committed no crime"
and "will not submit passively to an arrest."
LaRouche, who was not indicted, responded to the charges against
10 of his followers and five of his organizations by saying the Reagan
administration will be "condemned by history" if federal
prosecutors seek to charge him,nafter a massive raid seeking records
at his headquarters in Leesburg, Va.
LaRouche, a frequent fringe candidate for president who says he is
running again in 1988, espouses bizarre theories of global conspiracy
involving the Queen of England, international drug traffickers, the
Soviet KGB and prominent Americans.
The 117-count indictment charged wire fraud in alleged
unauthorized credit card charges.
Report urges change in U.S.
counterintelligence policies5
WASHINGTON-The United States has improved at catching spies
but has neglected defensive technology and personnel policies that
could put more obstacles between spies and the nation's secrets, the
Senate Intelligence Committee said yesterday.
"The hostile intelligence threat is more serious than anyone in the
government has yet acknowledged publicly," the panel said in a 141-
page staff report, "Meeting the Espionage Challenge."
The product of 16 months of investigation, the report recommended
95 changes to bolster the nation's protection against spies, including
reducing the number of Soviet diplomats in this country and
establishing government-wide standards in a presidential executive
order for protecting secret data and screening employees who handle it.
The report estimated that the West's lead over the Soviets in high
technology had been whittled by sping from "10-12 years a decade ago
to about half that today."
River levels expected to drop
Clear skies brought hope to flood-weary Lower Peninsula
residents yesterday, and the National Weather Service said
dropping river levels should prevent additional flooding, but drying
out could be a slow process.
"Flooding should be decreasing gradually right on through
Saturday," said Dennis Dixon, forecaster for the National Weather
Service in Ann Arbor.
Governor James Blanchard was in Washington for a second day
to lobby for adoption of an amendment passed Friday by the Senate
that would provide $315 million in direct aid to farmers who fell
victim to floods, drought or hail this year, said Rosemary Freeman,
Blanchard's spokeswoman in Washington.
Yesterday, Genesee County became the 28th Michigan county
declared a major disastor area since a series of storms hit the state
September 10th, said Julie Phillips, spokeswoman for the state police
emergency management division.
Blanchard has estimated agricultural damage at $255.3 million,
with at least 1.5 million of the state's 18 million acres of farmland
affected, said .Candace Avery, Blanchard's special projects
Fetus born after surgery
SAN FRANCISCO - A team of surgeons seeking to correct a
fetus' urinary tract defect opened the mother's womb and pulled out
the baby's legs to perform a bladder operation.
The baby was only the third to undergo open-womb surgery, and,
at age 1 year, is the longest survivor of such an operation, according
to surgeons at the University of California at San Francisco.
The operating team was headed by Dr. Michael Harrison, who in
1981 helped pioneer surgery within the womb.
Harrison said the latest operation, which involved actually
opening up the womb, partially removing the fetus and then
returning it to the womb, took place quietly last year on an
unidentified Texas woman.
Harrison said fetal blockage of urine was preventing the
formation of amniotic fluid in the mother's womb, threatening to
collapse her uterus and preventing the normal growth of the fetal
The infant, called "Baby Mitchell," was born in a Texas hospital
nine weeks later.
Senate opens impeachment
trial of Judge Claiborne
WASHINGTON- Opening an impeachment trial steeped in tradition
but conducted in keeping with the television era, the Senate was urged
yesterday to avoid a "rush to judgment" on U.S. District Judge Harry
With the sergeant at arms ordering silence "on pain of imprisonment"
and Vice President George Bush presiding, Claiborne attorney Oscar
Goldman argued for a "full and fair" hearing for the Nevada jurist, who
is serving time in prison on a federal income tax evasion conviction.
Responding to the House charges, Goodman said his client may have
been "grossly negligent" about his tax returns but was "not a foolish
person." He said it "borders on incredulous" to suggest that Claiborne
would deliberately try to defraud the government when he knew he was
targeted for prosecution by vengeful federal agents.
Vol. XC -VII - No. 25
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:
September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city.
One term--$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times
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