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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
PJl[ XCVI- No. 25
Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 8, 1986
Ten Pages
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A surplus of dentists has caused
the number of applicants to the
University's dental school to
plummet 60 percent in the past 10
s, and officials say the decrease
is part of a trend currently affecting
dental schools across the country.
Students are wary of becoming
dentists because they fear that the
market may be too crowded for new
professionals to succeed, according
to Donald Strachen, associate dean
and head of admissions at the dental
"Practitioners seem to be in-
creasingly competitive for clien-
ele," he said.
BUT STRACHEN added that
although the market is crowded,
there is still room for newcomers.
High tuition and the perception
that the school has extremely high
admissions standards' also con-
tributed to the decline in ap-
plications, Strachen said. In 1975,
more than 15,700 prospective stu-
dents applied to the dental school.
By 1985, that figure had fallen to
"It's common for a lot of
students to think that it's next to
impossible to get accepted into our
dental school. This isn't always
true," Strachen said.
The overall grade point average
of enrolled students is 3.26 and the
average Dental Aptitude Test score
is 5.07. These averages are ranked
fifth in the nation, according to
dental school statistics.
"Of all the schools I applied to, I
expected Michigan to be the
toughest to get in to, although I
felt I had a decent chance of being
accepted here," said Jim Neme, a
third year dental student.
DAVE SUSKO, president of
the dentat scdhoo's junior class,
also had doubts that he would get
in. "I was a little intimidated by U.
of M.'s reputation. I thought you
might need something like a 3.7 or
3.9 GPA to get accepted," he said.
The most formidable deterrent to
prospective dental students, how-
ever, is the cost.
"There's no way around a
substantial debt for students,"
Strachen said, adding that it takes
about five years for a dentist to
establish a clientele.
After completing the Uni-
versity's four-year program, a stu-
dent can accumulate up to $40,000
in debts. This year, an 8 percent
across-the-board tuition increase in
the University's graduate programs
added to the already steep costs.
naot r
This year's Michigan Student
Assembly will take a "No Code"
stance, the chairperson of the
assembly's Student Rights Com-
mittee predicted yesterday.
Next week the assembly will
vote on a proposed response to the
Emergency Procedures, the first part
of the proposed code of non-
academic conduct, which would
govern students, faculty, and staff
members outside the classroom.
KEN WEINE, chair of the
Student Rights Committee and a
member of the group that is
developing the code, said MSA will
probably endorse a scathing critique
of a discussion draft of the
Emergency Procedures, which
would set up a mechanism for the
University to deal with members of
the University community
suspected of committing violent
"Last year we (MSA) asked
'Why Code?' and we haven't gotten
an adequate answer," Weine said.
The University Council, the nine-
member panel made up of students,
faculty members, and ad-
ministrators, has asked MSA, the
faculty's Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs, and
University President Harold Shapiro
to respond to the Emergency
tProcedures by Oct. 17.
P"Theresare problems with codes
by nature," Weine said. The
s criminal justice system can deal
adequately with most crimes, he
said, and although the Emergency
Procedures are supposed to promote
Michelle Hare, company commander of Bravo Company ROTC, stands during a ceremony yesterday
honoring outstanding ROTC students for the month on the lawn of North Hall.
' U' maintains minority standards
Fewer colleges are easing entrance requirements for
minorities, but the University's minority admissions
standards have remained the same since the late '70s,
officials said yesterday.
According to a study released by the Educational
Testing Service, the percentage of four-year public
universities granting exceptions to, minorites have
decreased since 1979 from 45 percent to 40 percent. At
private institutions the percentage has dropped from 39
percent to 25 percent.
"It's very unfortunate that this trend exists because-
the number of black high school graduates has been
going up, while the number admitted to college has
gone down," said Niara Sudarkasa, associate vice
president for academic affairs. Sudarkasa is in charge of
minority enrollment at the University.
SUDARKASA said it is hard to speculate why
the trend exists, but she suggested that it "might reflect
the general conservative trend in the country, or might
reflect that commitment to equity and equality of access
to higher education was only there as long as the black
political voice was very firm in demanding this
See 'U',; .'gag
... says MSA won't ratify code
community rights, "they really
erode individual rights."
"'TAKE IT downtown to the
civil-criminal system, I say,"
Weine said..
The Emergency Procedures are
meant to "provide a rational and
humane means for protecting
members of the University
community from violent crimes,
including arson." Other dangers
include assault and "the threat of a
violent act."
Once a crime is committed, action
would be taken by the Central
Coordinator, appointed by Uni-
See CODE, Page 2
Student blasts Yale invesments
One of nine Yale University students
suspended for their participation in anti-
apartheid protests yesterday called Yale's
divestment policy "a facade to merely quell
Yale has kept its stock in companies that
do business in South Africa if they follow
the Sullivan Principles, a set of guidelines
for racial equality in the workplace. But Yale
senior Mike Morand said the University's
policy is just an attempt to cut down on
protests without making any real changes.
FIVE students were suspended for the
semester and five more-including
Morand-were given a one-day suspension
and probation for the semester after they
staged a sit-in at the office in charge of the
university's investments. The group urged
the university to divest all its holdings in
companies that do business in South Africa..
Morand called the disciplinary action
"rather unusual" because there was no
violence at the protest. "When we walked in
the investments office, we announced that
we were there to make a peaceful protest.
The penalities imposed were rather harsh,"
he said.
Yale officials negotiated for more than an
hour with the students and finally issued
instructions for campus police to arrest them
when the students refused to leave.
Meanwhile, New Haven police arrested nine
other members of the Yale Divestment
Campaign for blocking the entrance to the
Financial Building.
THEY were charged with disorderly
conduct, a misdemeanor which carries a
penalty of up to a year in prison.
Morand said the monthly meeting of
Yale's Board of Trustees was going on about
a block from the student protesters. "When
the Trustee meeting was dismissed, a few of
the people who attended the meeting walked
by the protest. So we let them know that
this campus is sensitive to the issue of
apartheid," he said.
Despite his arrest and suspension, Morand
plans to be just as involved in anti-apartheid
activity. "The penalities imposed may
restrict some of our activities and intimidate
some students, but they don't stop us from
organizing," he said.
YALE'S Director of Information, Walter
Litell, said the apartheid protest
accomplished nothing and didn't offer a more
useful method of stirring interest in the
South African government's policy of racial
Volunteers work unglamorous shift in ER
LSA junior Mark Ziadeh calls
broken bones, cuts, and bruises
"every-day, normal stuff." Like 41
other volunteers this term, Ziadeh
helps people cope with injury and
stress at the Emergency Room at
University Hospitals.
But Joanne Leith, director of
Volunteer Services and Com-
munity/Patient Relations for
Ambulatory Care Services, said
working in the ER is not as
glamorous as most people think.
Some volunteers come to the ER
thinking "this is where the action
is," but, because they are not
allowed in the treatment rooms,
their expectations wear off soon,
she said.
side of emergency care that many
people never think about. Each
volunteer in the emergency room
"Each of them, individually, has to deal with the
feelings that go along with seeing those kinds of
accidents "
-Joanne Leith, director of volunteer services,
Ambulatory Care Services
everything was going on."
"After going through something
like that, it makes you look at
things a little bit different," Ziadeh
said. "I think it'll help me grow and
hopefully change.''
an LSA junior, remembered that,
during one of her shifts, a man
whose fingers had been severed was
brought into the ER. Flum saw the
bandages, blood, and X-rays of the
hand and carried a box containing
the fingers to surgical pathology,
where she had to open it for a
Flum said she had to lie down
for a while after the incident. "That
was something I'd never seen
before," she said.
Another volunteer spent his first
day talking with the wife of a man
in critical condition who was flown
See HOSPITAL, Page 8
works a weekly four-hour shift, the
first two hours of which are spent
in the family waiting room talking
with friends and relatives of
patients, giving directions,
providing non-medical information,
and acting as a "link between the
family and the health-care team,"
Leith said.
"They're there to offer the family
a chance to talk," she said.
During the second half of the
shift, the students work with nurses
and patients, help transport patients
to other floors or clinics, and carry
blood samples to the lab.
ZIADEH vividly remembers
his first shift in the ER. A fire at a
family home had killed a 2-year-old
boy, and the boy's mother, who
was 8 months pregnant, had to
deliver prematurely.
He said that first day was "kind
of tough for me to handle, because
Student volunteers at the new University Hospital use this washbasin
while helping emergency patients.
Garcia and the Grateful Dead performed regularly
for more than two decades until hetfell into a
coma in July at his California home.
changing the shopping habits of a nation. "The
mall is Main Street in a space ship. It's an
attempt to recreate the nostalgic Main Street," said
William Kowinski, author of "The Malling of
America." He calls malls the "center for
everything in suburbia." Shopping malls have
LOUNGER: Opinion criticizes West Quad resi-
dents' reaction to mystery lounger. See
Page 4.
Return of the living Dead