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Page Ten
Wednesday, June 24, 1970
Wednesday, June 24, 1970
By The Associated Press
In the wake of demonstrations that
erupted in many of the nation's campuses
during the last semester, 32 of the 50
states have enacted laws designed to pre-
vent further disorders.
Included in the laws a r e provisions
---Revoke the financial aid of students
engaged in illegal demonstrations:
-Penalize anyone who damages school
property or interferes with campus ac-
-Bar outsiders from college campuses;
--Dismiss faculty members involved in
A survey of the 50 states shows that
bills relating to campus upheavals were
introduced in 40 states during the 1969
and 1970 legislative sessions. Bills were
passed and signed in 32 of the states.
Bills were defeated in six states, and in
two other states, measures are still pend-
Those legislatures that defeated cam-
pus bills and the 10 that took no action
at all generally were in states w h e r e
there were few, if any, demonstrations.
In some states, legislators argued suc-
cessfully that existing controls were
strict enough.
No action was taken in Alabama, Alas-
ka, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Da-
kota, Washington and Wyoming.
Continued from Page 5) stroyin
off exploitation. On drugs: "For altoget
fundamentally, drug users are health:
behaving like g o o d American cludes
consumers. The mass media tell ing "t
us continually to satisfy o u r fromt
emotional needs with material domin
products - particularly thcse advise
involving oral consumption of upon>
some kind. Our economy de- ing in
pends upon our willingness to that fi
turn to things rather than peo-
ple for gratification - to sym- ,
bols rather than our bodies. The
gross national product w I11 *
reach its highest point when a
material object can be inter-
polated between every itch and
its scratch.
I h e drug user makes
precisely the same assump-
tion as do other Americans ->
that the body is some sort of<
appliance. Hence they must x
"turn on" and "tune in" in '
their unsuccessful effort to
drop out. They may be enjoy-
ing the current m o r e, but
they are still plugged into the
same machinery that drives
other Americans on their
weary and joyless round."
As another example of suchh
concern, woman's desire for z
"liberation," Slater sees in part
as an unfortunate imitation of
male career-oriented, narcis- the m
sistic values. A denial of these that t
values, which attend to s e 1 f- italis
aggrandizement and harm any er tha
person's vitality, would be, in- man1
d e e d, a denial of inferiority. our c
How sad it is that this realiza- gicalc
tion seems not to have occurred. tive i
and that, in their struggle for stead
new status, women have chos- other.
en the bra-less truck driver ap-oher,
proach foregoing subtle and in- hold o
genious persuasion, which had In t
stood them in good stead since cial
Eve and the apple. mend
Having made an analysis the sa
pointing to a crisis between the revolu
old culture, lonely and life-de- ual "
campus disorder
Measures w e r e defeated in Georgia,
Hawaii, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana
and Vermont.
"If student activities had grown to a
menacing extent, it might well h a v e
passed," says John Burgess, speaker of
the Vermont House of Representatives,
said of"a defeated bill that would have
provided for the dismissal of students or
employes at state 'colleges or universities
who engaged in "certain disruptive ac-
Conversely, the strongest, most com-
prehensive bills came in states that had
the most violent, most prolonged demon-
strations, including California, New York,
Wisconsin and Ohio.
Many of the laws dealt with existing
offenses - assault, trespass, property
destruction - but made clear their ap-
plication on campuses and often enlarged
the power of campus police to make ar-
rests. Violation of most of the laws was
classified a misdemeanor, with penalties
of under a year in jail and fines less than
Here are some examples:
In California, legislators'
three bills: one revising
in 1969 passed
t h e criminal
Michigan's disruption statute
On June 2, Gov. William Milliken signed the following bill aimed
at curbing campus disorders in Michigan. Under the new law, a judge
may impose a jail sentence of up to 90 days and a fine of between $200
and $1000 on persons who:
-"Intentionally constitute a clear and substantial risk of phys-
ical harm or injury to other persons;"
-"Intentionally constitute a clear and substantial risk of damage
to or the destruction of the property of the institution;" or
-Participating in the "unreasonable prevention of disruption of
the customary and lawful function of the institution by occupying
space necessary (for carrying out the institution's functions) by use
or threat of force,"
In addition, the bill imposes a sentence of up to $500 and 30 days
in jail on persons who refuse to leave a campus building when ordered
to by the president of the institution, "or his designee."
code, one making it a misdemeanor to use
physical force to prevent a student or
teacher from attending class at any state
college or University of California cam-
pus and one changing the educational
The educational code changes require
disciplinary action against students or
faculty involved in illegal demonstrations
and provide that any student receiving
financial aid from the state shall be
ineligible for such aid for two years if
convicted of taking part in a campus
New York also took action in 1969. It
enacted a bill requiring all institutions
of higher learning to have rules for main-
taining order or they will not be eligible
for state aid. Another law banned guns
from campuses, and created a state com-
mission to study the causes of campus
Ohio, scene of some of this year's most
violent disorders-including one at Kent
State University where four students were
killed during a confrontation with Na-
tional Guardsmen-passed a campus dis-
orders bill shortly before the Legislature
adjourned June 6.
The bill calls for the immediate dis-
missal of a student or faculty member
convicted as the result of participating in
a campus disorder and bars the individual
from attending or being rehired by any
state-supported institution for one year.
ith his tive, concise and accented by a
nction. refreshing idealism still trust-
nds to ing to common sense and real-
m his ity. Here Slater is true to us.
ssorial, For without some humor, some
shop- grace, some passion, idealists,
es this perhaps, are the loneliest people
your- of all.
-Associated Press
Adam Clayton Powell
defeated in
By The Associed Press
lonely crowd
g, and the new, itself not
her sound b u t with
y potential, Slater con-
with some guides mean-
o optimize the transition
one pattern of cultural
ance to the other." He
s change first dependent
an examination of exist-
stitutions and programs
Oster not social ends but
fected by liberal reforms. Not
only will the union of radical
and liberal ease the transition
of cultures, but also "make it
possible to test the limits of
what can be done." Social equi-
librium and particpatory de-
mocracy are key to a utopia
Slater believes is within o u r
reach, if we are willing.
Slater is hopeful that things
can be better, yet solemn about
our responsibilities. "I can best
summarize my various predic-
tive comments by saying that
old-culture moderates or liber-
als will be given the choice, dur-
ing the next decade or so, be-
tween participating in some way
in the new culture and living
under a fascist regime. T h e
middle is dropping out of things
and choices must be made. If
the old culture is rejected, the
new m us t be ushered in as
gracefully as possible. If t h e
old culture is not rejected then
its adherents must be prepared
to accept a bloodbath such as
has not been seen in the United
States since the Civil War, for
genocidal weapons will be on
one side and unarmed masses
on the other."
One form of lonliness, which
Slater does not specify, is the
Volunteers Needed to do re-
search and secretarial work for
"GM ImprovementrProect" in
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identification of man wi
own particular social fu
That is to say, man te
become inseparable f r o
role, whether it be profe
administrative, or the
keeper's. Barely more do
society ask than to find
self' a niche and be quiet
it really means to be a
left somewhere behindc
gotten. The sense of imm
however, in Professor
book, his sense of human
call to us to be true to o
other merit distinct prai
gratitude. He has set a
sary example.
There are travel books1
before an American visit
countries; The Pursuit of
liness is a book to read
continues to live in this
is an important book, pi
man is
or for-
ity, his
ne an-
se and
to read
s other
I if he
one. It
G e t a
GeW e 0
1209 S. University 663-715S1
Changes in
city conduct
code asked
Following a public hearing next Mon-
day night, City Council will vote on pro-
posed changes in Ann Arbor's disorderly
conduct ordinance that is designed, ac-
cording to City Attorney Jerold Lax, to
clarify violations that may be uncon-
stitutionally vague, unenforceable, or out-
If passed, the amendment to the pre-
sent ordinance would eliminate a present
law against fortune telling for hire or
profit, and "quarreling" in a public place.
It would also redefine the loitering
statute to bar persons from remaining in
a public place after closing hours, in
contrast to the present law prohibiting
persons from standing in a park or on a
sidewalk in such a way that would "ob-
struct the free and uninterrupted passage
.of the public."
A current law forbidding one to "beg
in any public place" would be changed to
permit begging in cases where the beggar
does not "misrepresent his economic or
physical condition to the public."
Citing public concern over changes in
the present statute, Councilman James
Stephenson (R-fourth ward) requested
at last Monday's City Council meeting
that public hearing be held on the mat-
At the council meeting,- Councilman
Lloyd Fairbanks (R-fifth ward) said that
many local businessmen and citizens ob-
jected to panhandlers. He complained
that the proposed changes "would make
begging legal."
Councilman Joseph Edwards (R-third
ward) complained that the present or-
dinance against panhandling was not
being adequately enforced and supported
a change in the proposed amendments
that would have retained the wording of
the present ban on begging.
The motion was defeated, 6 to 5, with
Mayor Robert Harris and the five Dem-
ocratic councilmen opposed.
Lax responded to Republican criticism
of the change in the begging ordinance
saying. "it should not be a crime, to be
The proposed changes in the city or-
dinance were prepared by an ad hoc
committee on Police Community Rela-
tions and by a committee that included
the staff of the city attorney's office. Lax
said that further recommendations to
amend the controversial sections of the
ordinance regarding obscenity and inde-
cent exposure would be submitted to
council at a later time.
All citizens will be permitted to speak
during the hearing, which will be held
as a part of the regular council meeting
on the second floor of City Hall at 7:30.
Adam Clayton Powell, the controversial
Democratic congressman from Harlem,
was- defeated yesterday in his- race for
Powell, who has spent 25 years as Har-
lems representative, was excluded from
the House of Representatives two years
ago for alleged misuse of funds, but won
his seat back in a Supreme Court battle.
Yesterday's defeat was at the hands of
Charles Rangel, a state assemblyman.
Meanwhile, Arthur Goldberg, former
ambassador to the United Nations, Su-
preme Court justice, and secretary of
labor, won the Democratic nomination
in the New York gubernatorial race, beat-
ing millionaire businessman Howard
In the South Carolina runoff primary,
Rep. John McMillan won the Democratic
nomination by a wide margin over a black
physician, Claud Stephens. The runoff
had been marked by charges of election
irregularities, although it is not certain
whether there will be a court challenge.
A Democratic primary race in Brooklyn,
N.Y., which centered on the war saw
Rep. John Rooney take a 2,000 vote lead
over peace candidate Peter Eikenberry,
with 76 per cent of the votes counted.
At midnight, Rooney was leading with
9,501 votes to Eikenberry's 7,442.
In the South Carolina runoff, a spokes-
man for the Southern Christian Leader-
ship Conference said yesterday, that a
large number of ballots marked for Mc-
Millan had been found on the eve of the
Hosea Williams of Atlanta, Ga., SCLC
vice president, said the civil rights or-
ganization asked the U.S. Justice Depart-
ment to pr6vide pollwatchers in the dis-
trict or delay the vote counting until after
a federal investigation.
The Justice Department said later it
had not received the request for poll-
watchers in the district
A four-way race for the Democratic
senatorial nomination in New York on a
see-saw battle for the lead between Rep.
Richard Ottinger, 41, of suburban West-
chester county, and Paul O'Dwyer, 62,
former New York City councilman. Ot-
tinger was projected as the winner by
NBC and CBS.
The other Senate candidates were
Theodore Sorensen, 42, the organization
candidate and former speech writer for
President John F. Kennedy, and Rep.
Richard Max McCarthy, 42, of Buffalo.
The primary vote for senator with 1,704
districts counted was O'Dwyer 29,972,
Ottinger 29,041, Sorensen 13,432 and Mc-
Carthy 9,307.
Kuiistler, stud(entls
William Kunstler, counsel for the Chicago 7, cools off
a speech at the University of Toronto Monday nig
hecklers the podium Paul Fromme, a student frient
poured or spilled a glass of water over the podit
pouring a pitcher of water over the students. From
lawyer's arrest charging him with assault, which
Vote rights denia
18 votinge e bi
The State Court of Appeals in Lansing
yesterday upheld a lower court decision
denying local voting rights in Ann Arbor
to three former students of the Univer-
sity, thereby confirming the right of the
Legislature to define "residence" for vot-
ing purposes.
Also in Lansing yesterday, the state
senate passed a proposed constitutional
amendment which would lower the state's
voting age from 21 to 18. The amend-
ment proposal was passed in a similar
form by the House recently.
The three former students had chal-
lenged the constitutionality of the Legis-
lature's right in regard to aspecific statute
which states that "no student shall be
deemed to have gained or lost residenc-'
by reason of his being a student at any
institution of higher' learning."
Under this law, three students-Sally
Wilkins, Jeanne D'Haem and Kenneth
Jendryka-along with five others were
denied voting rights in Ann Arbor in -
August 196
dents took
tenaw Coun
Breaky. Fly
voting rig-
of their "in
as citizens,
The ren
denied loca
of evidence
they had gi
their parer
Ann Arbor
said under
dent canno
ply because
law, Goldm
the Univers
is Ann Arbc
is a good s
the city an
fluence city
Heavy Duty Steering
and Suspension Parts
e a n s of personal glory,
reat technology and cap-
n in their own terms rath-
an their impact upon hu-
life. He urges us to leave
ommitments to technolo-
"progress" and competi-
ndividualism, kto adopt in-
moods of concern for each
to want to care, to take
of some joy.
their efforts to change so-
motivation, Slater com-
s young radicals, but, at
.me time, warns them that
tion must follow a grad-
softening up" process ef-
Daily Classifieds
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Ga mbodh(
By The Associated Press
News Analysis
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (4P) -Next
week's withdrawal of all U.S. ground
forces from Cambodia is expected to
have little direct effect on this coun-
try's chances of military survival
against North Vietnam and the Viet
However, with the final countdown
under way, the American pullout June
30 seems certain to undermine morale
in Phnom Penh, where some have con-
tinued to hope that somehow the Unit-
ed States could be drawn into a long-
range major role in the fighting here.
There is no question that the mili-
tary situation here is far more critical
than it was before U.S. troops entered
Cambodia. Some Western diplomats
believe the arrival of U.S. and South
Vietnamese troops may have led to the
apparent decision in Hanoi to destroy
the regime of Gen. Ion Nol instead of
merely carving out enough of eastern
Cambodia to insure needed operational
bases for the war in South Vietnam.
The South Vietnamese incursion
aside, the U.S.-entry into Cambodia's
U. S.
eastern provinces caused early majo *
confusion within the Communist com-
mand. This confusion probably en(
when it became apparent that U.
ground forces would not overster
21.7-mile line of maximum penr
At that point fears of an American
threat to Hanoi troops fighting again
the Cambodian government could be
put aside and the Communist com-
mand could turn to the greatly simpli-
fied problem of tackling government
and South Vietnamese units.
Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Mel-
vin R. Laird said yesterday in London
that the results of the U.S. campaign
in Cambodia "far exceeded the expec-
tations" of Gen. Creighton W. Abrams
when the American commander in
Vietnam "recommended the sanctuar-
ies operation."
"The tactical success of the Cam-
bodian operation is self evident," Laird
told a news conference. "It is self
evident in the destruction of caches
of arms, supplies, material, bunkers
and food."
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