- ~- K
Wednesday, June 24, 1970
420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials orinted in The Michigon Doily exoress the individual
opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reorints.
Discontent GI's with
no use for thewar
Fc lassified Ad ervice, Phone 764-0557
Monday through Friday, 12:00-2:00
News Phone: 764-0552
American pties:
A stacked deck
THERE IS A TRICK in politics that involves extensive
use of both hands with each one doing a different
thing. The present administration seems quite adept at
this tactic, their most recent exhibition of skill occur-
ring in the Senate where Republican forces are seeking to
overturn the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. The resolution
was passed overwhelmingly in 1964 and was the vehicle
Lyndon Johnson used to justify massive U.S. intervention
in Vietnam.
This move is the activity of the right hand - making
a dovish gesture to appease the anti-war senators and
Americans. But the left hand holds all the trump cards.
It is the bellicose hand that is dealing so energetically in
the same Indochina the Tonkin resolution speaks of.
This latest Nixon move smacks too much of shoddy
politics to be ignored. How ignorant, how blind, how ob-
tuse does the President think the country is to be taken
in by his grandiose claims to disassociate the U.S. from
Indochina with one hand while escalating the struggle
with the other?
SEN. ROBERT DOLE (R-Kan.), sponsor of the amend-
ment to repeal the resolution, admitted Monday that
the move was a White House effort to 'seize the initative
in debate on Nixon policy in Indochina.
The President has said he doesn't need the resolu-
tion to legitimize his actions there. And he is apparently
correct, for he based his commitment of troops to Cam-
bodia on something quite different than a resolution,
something more difficult to attack than a piece of paper
filled with diplomatic jargon.
The Cambodian effort, Nixon explained, was neces-
sary to save American lives in Vietnam which he said
were imperiled because of North Vietnamese and Viet
Cong border sanctuaries in Cambodia. How can one prove
the veracity of this claim? How does one know for sure
whether the President and all of his advisers are Cor-
rect? How can one openly show disregard for the loss
of American lives?
G IVEN ALL THIS, why must Nixon even go through the
motions he and a large part of the country ought to
know are meaningless? The answer, one must admit, is
really quite simple but nevertheless disgruntling. It is
the politically suave thing to do because there just might
be enough Americans out there who think the President
is doing something constructive for peace and who will
subsequently answer the Gallup or Harris poll affirma-
tively when asked "Do you think the President is actively
working for peace?"
And this will only reaffirm the President's belief that
what he is doing is right. And he will continue.
-But somehow underneath the feeling, persists that
what he is doing is not right and that all of these osten-
sibly benign gestures are not that at all.
If enough people get wind of the game, maybe some
day the right hand will deal out the left.
With a grain -of SALT
THE NEW YORK TIMES reported last week that U.S.
negotiators at the strategic arms limitations talks in
Vienna are insisting that, at a minimum, the U.S. be al-
lowed to maintain one missile defense site - to defend
Responsiveness of the government to the needs of the
people being what it is, perhaps such an agreement would
lessen the Nixon administration's surprising reluctance to
initiate the ultimate expansion of the war in Indochina.
But what about San Clemente and Key Biscayne?
M. H.
Sumner Editorial Staff
ALEXA CANADY.....,...................................... Co-Editor
MARTIN HIRSCHMAN.....................................o-Editor
SHARON WEINER............Sumer Supplement Editor
SARA KRULWICH' ...............:....... ............Photo Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Rob Bier, Nadine Cohodas, Robert Kraftowitz, Anita.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Lindsay Chaney, Hester Pulling, Carla
R apoport, Debra Thal, Harvard Valance.
FOR MANY months many Amer-
icans were tranquilized by the
plea that President Nixon be
"given a chance" to carry out his
proclaimed objective of with-
drawal from Vietnam. Then came
Cambodia and, despite the tor-
tured insistence that this was the
swiftest route home for our troops,
there is a continuing explosion on
Capitol Hill and on the campuses.
And now the last line of defense
for expansion of the war has be-
come a renewal of the cry that dis-
sent is a disservice to our em-
battled young men in the front
lines. Nixon set the tone in the
saccharine peroration of his last
TV performance; he appealed for
support not for the President
(banish so unworthy a thought)
but "for our brave fighting men
fighting tonight half-way around
the world . . ." On the next day
he journeyed to the Pentagon and
there7angrily contrasted the valor
of the GIs with the "bums" in-
festing campus sanctuaries, a re-
mark that may long haunt him
despite all of yesterday's belated
It is time this desperate dem-
agogy was finally laid to rest. For
five long years opponents of the-
war have been accused of betray-.
ing the men in uniform. But who
has really let them down-those
who have been calling for an end
to this tragic adventure or those
who have led us from one entrap-
ment heralding that elusive light
in the tunnel?
Do -these youths now facing
death in Cambodia have quarrel'
with those condemning the ex-
pedition-or with those who reck-
lessly plunged them into it?f
THERE ARE NO opinions-polls
conducted at the front, and the
41,610 Americans who have died-
up till last week-will never be
heard from. But dispatches from
Associated Press correspondent
Peter Arnett, who went into Cam-
bodia' with the first detachments,
recorded angry, almost mutinous
language among enlisted men;' a
CBS news-report last night re-
vealed a mood of cynicism and
frustration over the sudden shift
of locale.
Over the telephone from Madi-
son, Wis., Morris Rubin, editor of
The Progressive magazine, report-
ed a conversation he had yester-
day morning with a Vietnam vet-
eran who had journeyed from his
family's farm in the town of Black
Earth-about 20 miles away. The
youth had come into the city to
watch the turbulent anti-war
demonstration t h e r e; he was
neither participant nor adversary.
But when Rubin asked him what
the reaction of men at the front
ha been to earlier anti-war pro-
tests, he replied:
"Nobody I ever met out there
had any-use for this war-they
were for anything that might help
to get us away from it:"
THIS WAS JUST one voice from
the "breadland" of America; but
little in the literature of the war
suggest any clearly contrary view.
Sadly, Vietnam is being remem-
bered most not for individual acts
of heroism-of which there no
doubt have been many-but for
chronicles depicting the rage and
brutalization of frustrated troops
lacking any deep sense of mission.
Now all that is certain is that
the casualty list will rise again.
We are being told these deaths are
necessary to avert larger losses in
the .future. Is it a disloyalty to
those in the battle zones to con-
tend anew that a negotiated peace
-based on the emergence of a
coalition government in Saigon-
ofers the only true insurance
against large escalation of battle-
field death? Would many GIs vote
for cotne combat if they were
bluntly told that they were fight-
ing to save the Thieu regime?
There will be no larger type for
the names of those doomed to
death in Cambodia than for those
who have perished in Vietnam; as
before, each one will signify heart-
break and horror for another
American home.
(c) New York Post
GIBSON Heritage folk guitar. Seven
mos. old, beautiful finish, crazed bar-
gain at $340. 761-0986. 6X35
Acoustic, electric instruments, acces-
sories, David lessons-repairs, Gibson.
Harmony. 209 S. State, 665-8001. 10-7~
p.m. X
Oldies! 20,000 in Stock. Send 35c
for 2,000 listing catalog. Mail Or-
ders Filled. RECORD CENTER,
1895 W. 25th--Cleve., Ohio. Record
Tapes. 31X1
STEREO-FM system, KL and H, Gar-
rard, and Hardon-Kardon comnpon-
ents, negot. 761-3273, Barbara. X35
RADIO, TV, Hi-Fi repair. House calls-
Very Reasonable! Very Cheap!! 769-
6250. DX35
HONDA 305 Scrambler, helmets and
extras. 769-2275. 17235
DUCATI ELITE-200 cc. 3500.miles. Ex-
cellent condition. $300. Call 668-8764.
LEATHER JACKET wanted in sort of
small size. Don't care what condition
it's in. Call Sara, 769-3215. DZ35
305 YAMAHA. Call 663-3267. 13238
1970 HONDA GB 350. $650 or best offer.
761-1916. 12235
SUZUKI 250 cc, X-6 Hustler Road-
machine, FAST. $439 or offer. 769-
4488. 11235
HONDA 300 Scrambler. 769-3952. 323
John St. Best offer. 10Z35
MOTORCYCLE tune-ups, 1 day service,
Call 665-3114 for appointment. 9235
1963 ECONOLINE, stereo, carpeted,
paneled, new engine. $900. Mark, 665-
5498. 2N35
TRIUMPH TR-3 classic, excellent
throuhout. $900. 761-0548 or 769-5354
65 -VALIANT. automatic. radio. Good
S Condition. Call 761-8298. 1N35
CLASSIC CAR-Triumph TR-3. Good
condition. Hard and soft tops. $895 or
offer. 769-4488. 48N35
EFFICIENCY apartment. Campus. Park-
ing. 665-4014 after 7 p.m. Fall option.I
33U35 I
SUBLET-Girl needed for modern air-
cond. 4-man apt. Cheap. 761-7452.
MUST SUBLET 1/3 of 3 man apt., mod-
ern, air-conditioned, five minute walk!1
from main campus. 307 Packard, Apt.
1. 769-7549. 35U35
YOUR OWN ROOM, 1 or 2 people. 628
Packard. $65. 761-9625. 36U35
3RD GIRL NEEDED to complete larger
3-man apt. in well-kept older bldg.,
air cond., 1 blk. from campus, now
thru Aug. and fall option. Rent9
negot. 761-8487 (eves. best). 37U35
SPACIOUS BI-LEVEL, A/C (2), 3 bale.,
dishwasher, 1 bath, 4-5 man, July-
Aug. CHEAP. 769-5482 or 761-2454.
1 GIRL NEEDED to fill modern 5-man
on Geddes Rd. CHEAP. 769-4344. 39U38
1 FEMALE NEEDED now 'til Sept. 1,
near hospitals, large furn. apt., air-
cond., parking, good price. 761-5418.
SUMMER SUBLET-i or 2 girls, July
and August, cold and cheap. 665-7374.
HALF OF, 4-woman apt. June 25-Aug.
25, mod. 665-7161. 32U35r
JULY AND AUGUST sublet - Furn.,
air-cond., effic., on campus. Call 665-
0334 before 1 p.m. 20U35
GIRL WANTED to share apt. July-Aug.
Call 665-7346. 29U35
Girl Senior needs roommates July and
August. MODERN A/C, 1 BDRM. at
911 S. Forest. 668-6906 or Det. collect
863-9109. 30U35
2 ARMY uniforms, green fatiques, and PAINTING - Student desires painting
hats for sale. Great for freak show jobs, inside and outside. Four years
and parties. 761-6289. 18F35 experience. Call 662-4736. FD
"COME TOGETHER"'Friday and Sat- GUITAR LESSONS -Start now. All
urday, 8 p.m. Canterbury House. F35 levels of proficiency, flexible hours.
Call David any time at 668-8505. DF35
Experienced SCUBA diver looking for
weekend diving partner, call Jay after TENANTS Union-Ozone House PARTY
6 p.m., 662-0293. 19F35 June 29th-8:30 to 1:30. ONLY $1.00.
-___The Floating Opera, Woodfield, and
MAKE LOVE NOT WAR Packard House Weasel. Only $1.00 at
t's good for our business) the Big Steel Ballroom on S. Main.
1209 S. University # - ------- -
some Ann Arbor Blues Festival pos-
ters with you. We need posters put
up across the country. Call 763-1134
or stop by the Festival office, 2nd
floor Michigan Union (UAC Wing),
Creative Photography
WEDDINGS. and portraits. Professional
quality at student rates. Call John
Evans at 769-0053 for appointment to
see portfolio. F60
SANDER LEVIN has immediate open-
irgs for the summer. Pay is terrible.
often non-existent, however respon-
sibility and challenge are great. Con-
tact Peter Elliott, Levin for Gov., 400
Mich. Bldg., Bagley Ave., Detroit.
UAC needs the pictures you took for
our publisher and board. Contact Mel
Miller, 540 Mosher, 764-9833. If any-
one knows where Arnie is, please
contact Mel. DF35
NOT ONLY does Lloyd make great uni-
sex custom sandals ($15) but his
leather parachutes are outta sight.
804 S. State 3-9 p.m. 15F35
A Summer Law Club Dating Service
will professionally match you up
exclusively with law students at no
Send the following information
which must include name, address,
phone number, height, and interests;
which may include a picture, age,
year in school, and anything else. All
information will remain confidential,
Mail to Law Club Social Committee,
c/o Lawyer's Club, 551 S. State Street.
PAPERS written and typed, cheap, very
fast. Esp. Eng. 662-6985. 7F35
2, 3, AND 4 FOOT black lights w/fix-
ture, under $16, 18, and $20. 769-2098
or 662-6550. 8F35
NEED FIGURE MODELS, tall, mature.
$5.00/hr. 761-4687 eves. 9F35
GROUPS - Emotional re-education
and interpersonal awvareness. 663-7616.
SUBLET a 1-bdrm. apt., large living
room, etc., near campus and down-
town. Ideal for any kind of couple.
Avail. 6,127. Very Cheap. 662-6985.
NEED 3RD MAN for mod, 3-man apt.,
July-Aug. sublet, very close to cam-
pus, dishwasher, air-cond. 769-4144.
BI-LEVEL, modern 4-man, patio, air-
cond, dishw., I block from Diag,
July-Aug. Call 769-1889. 24U35
GROOVY, mod., 4-man, near hosp.,
parking, disp., A/C, available now.
761-9439, Linda. 23U35
JULY-AUG. sublet. Need 2 girls to
complete 4-man apartment in Heri-
tage House. Terms negotiable. Call
665-3663. 25U35
AVAILABLE immediately - Sublet for
two girls in 5-man apt., bi-level, air
conditioning, dishwasher, near cam-
pus, rent negotiable. Call 769-6224 or
769-6424 after 5 p.m. 15U35
TWO-MAN apartment for rent for
summer term. Air conditioned, close
to campus. Call 761-2802. 28U35
CHICKS! Your own room in a groovy
house! July 1-Aug. 31. Call 662-6166
now. 27U35
ust. Furnished. 761-5382 after 5:00.
'Adalen': Very successful
ADALEN 31 is valid proof that
Bo Widerberg is one of the most
formidable writers and directors
in the movie business. After the
amazing success and critical ap-
praisal of Elvira Madigan, many
waited in excited anticipation to
see if Mr. Widerberg's talent was
a one shot fluke, or if, in fact, he
deserved the accolades bestowed
upon him. Now that his second
film is out, he has proven beyond
a doubt that he is truly a great
Adalen 31, now "showing at the
Campus Theatre, is as equally
beautiful and captivating as El-
vira Madigan. However, it g o e s
one step further than its prede-
cessor in that deals with social
problems with the same honest
insight a simple love story receiv-
ed in Elvira Madigan. , -
In 1931 there was a worker's
strike in Adalen, Sweden. Violence
perpetrated by the owner's action
to break the strike led to the trag-
ic death of five people. The film
is dedicated to these five.
Widerberg portrays the workers'
plight, their fight against hunger,
their devotion to principle, and
their impatience when their de-
mands go unheard and the busi-
nessmen first bringing in scabs
and then the military to protect
the scabs.
Although the movie is based on
history, Widerberg is not content
with a simple rehashing of factual
material. He delves into these
people's lives, concentrating the
action on a human level, exposing
the h o p e s and frustrations of
these people as human beings, and
not merely as recipients of a his-
torical event.
Besides, the main story of the
strike there are underlying plots
including a love story between the
son of one of the workers and the
daughter of one of the owners,
and a close-up of one of the strik-
ing families.
Letters to the Editor should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Mary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office n The
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should not
exceed 250 words. The Editorial
Directors reserve the right to
edit all letters submitted.
Widerberg has not lost his in-
trinsic ability to display the inno-
cence of youth in love and like
the moving impact of Elvira Mad-
igan, the love story in Adalen 31 is
as touching and as cataclysmic.
No one can cast actors better
than Widerberg and his choice of
characters in this film is perfect.
All of the actors live their roles
with a believability that goes un-
questioned. The young lovers are
as beautiful as we all expect our
first love affairs to be, and there
is a little kid in the movie who
will simply win your heart. The
impression he makes is so great
that you expect him to walk out
of the screen when the movie is
Because I see so many films, I
am often not able to ponder them
as much as I would like to, but
Adalen 31 is a movie that forces
you to think about it. It conjures
up visions of past pretenses and
the shocking reality of life as it
is today. You remember the sense-
less killings at Kent State, the
intimacy of a family, the idealism
of inexperienced youth, and the
final message of the film that af-
ter a general s t r i k e in Adalen
"equality has never been achiev-_
ed" leaves you with the impres-
sion that Mr. Widerberg knows
how to fake a case against the
injustices of the world.
Some people may stay a w a y
from this film because they feel
that subtitles are distracting, but
this technique, in no way, hamp-
ers the movement nor the mes-
sage of this film.
There will be a lot of movies in
town this summer, but it is my be-
lief that Adalen 31 will be one of
the best films you'll see all year.
It won the Cannes Film Festival
Award and you can be sure its
accomplishments won't stop there.
See it, your friends will be talking
about it for a long time.
The Editorial Page of The
Michigan Daily is open to any-
one who wishes to submit
articles. Generally speaking, all
articles should be less than
1,000 words.
eves. 3N35
NEED 3RD FEMALE, A/C apt., July-
FOR SALE-1952 Pontiac OK car, $50. Aug. Cheap. 761-8784 or 662-6386. 31U35
WANTED-VW, Ford, Dodge etc. BUS
VAN for camping with boys from EFFICIENCY and very large 1 bdrm.
Child Care Center. 761-7779. 49N38 directly on campus, avail. July and
August. 668-6906. 19U35
'67 MGB-Green, new tires, snow tires, -
exc. cond. Call 761-5612 persistently WANTED-2 chicks to share apt. for
anytime night or day. 50N35 1 fall, ideal location. 769-1647. 26U35
ov a
mfr 'n1} W 4 . u .
"To whom otre' you- referring,
Mr. Vice President ... of Mr. Rhodes. .?Y