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January 16, 1974 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1974-01-16

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Glie Ctdtgan aily
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Students seek answers
in counseling services

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


Feldkamp. Truth in Housing

THE APPARENT involvement of Uni-
versity Housing Director John Feld-
kamp in rent control politics is an inter-
esting situation, to be sure.
It would seem only natural that Feld-
kamp would be concerned with the rent
control proposal appearing on the city
election ballot this spring. Indeed, it
would be rather troubling if he were not,
since his job is to be concerned with
where and how students at the University
However, his recent actions, including
closed-door meetings with prominent
city landlords raises questions of exactly
whose side he is on.
Feldkamp, we suppose, has the right to
meet with anybody he wants. But when
discussing the rent control program with
local landlords, an issue that vitally con-
cerns students, it would seem appropriate
to include students in the discussions.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, it is imperative
that the substance of such discus-
sions be related to the Housing Policy
Committee, which was kept in the dark
about the meetings.
Landlords, of course, have a vested
economic interest in keeping Ann Arbor
rents among the highest in the country.
City Republicans do not hide their oppo-

sition to the rent control proposal.
But it should be obvious that John
Feldkamp has a vested interest in mak-
ing the Ann, Arbor rental market a rea-
sonable situation for students in terms
of rental rates and quality.
IT IS JUST such a reasonable situation
that the rent control proposal is de-
signed to promote, and so we would hope
that the Housing Director would support
the proposal.
Hence it is not particularly surprising
that members of the Human Rights Par-
ty have charged "politicking" as a re-
sult of Feldkamps secret meetings with
landlords and his role as campaign man-
ager of City Council Republican William
Colburn's Third Ward reelection cam-
Hopefully there will be, as Feldkamp
has protested, no conflict of interest be-
tween his duties as Housing Director and
his political activities.
But it is apparent that Feldkamp will
have to walk a narrow path, especially in
light of his involvement with political
factions opposed to a ballot proposal that
should logically garner his support.
And there should definitely be no more
secret meetings on issues that directly
affect students.

BLUE-FLAIRED message families
was written three feet up on source
the bathroom wall. "I'm so alone! when c
I can't believe I survived the first financia
semester and I can't believe I'm "Man
facing another one." Someone pen- blemsi
cililed a line beneath it. "I know lems,"e
what you mean. There's no one ordinato
to talk to and nothing anyone can Counsel
do." ents ar
The onset of winter semester dents' f
brings depression, academic ex- their i
haustion and low spirits to m a n y children
students. The momentum b u i I t moneyv
over the summer may have slowed Thel
considerably by the time winter can bre
semester begins, and many stu- lationsh
dents find themselves frustrated a knowi
over beginning another semester break-u
without sufficient interest or ener- Retur
gy without a clear goal. reunites
The holidays themselves are not- girl or1
ed for bringing depression, espec- can can
ially to those who are separated tions or
from or at odds with their famil- relation
ies, or those who expected too pus rel
much from the vacation and were The h
disappointed. celebrat
Although individual problems can lead to
ndver be neatly tied into labelled "Proble
bundles, members of different Uni- of holi&
versity counseling staffs have ue- we have
scribed some basic areas where "But th
students have most problems. face un:
the mic
lationship problems tend to be ACAD
more frequent in the fall semester, after a
but continue to be a winter bemes- ing the
ter tension for many. "Roommate can pr
problems are very frequent in both demic w
winter and fall semesters," said yet anot
Alice Bron, Coordinator of 76- impetus
GUIDE. vanceo
"Many students come to us at the life and
beginning of the winter semester By w
and say they've really tried i#r a must d
semester to get along with their versity
roommate," said Dr. John Kri:n- to mak
ke, a psychologist at the Univer- however
sity's Counseling Center. "They rection
ask for help to face another semes- the wor
ter of it." deals w
Most students spend the holiday said Kr:
Korea: 1
"THE SOUTH KOREAN government can-
not continue as it is. It is on a colli-
sion course with the people. The crash is
less than a year away, and somebody is
going to win, and somebody lose-either
the people or the government."
Opposition leader Kim Dae Jung made
this statement shortly after his release
from an eleven-week ordeal that ensued
when he was kidnapped from his Tokyo ho-
tel room by the Korean Central Intelligence
Agency (KCIA). In the short two months
that have elapsed since then, the KCIA's
power in Korea has declined rapidly.
At the same time, the student movement
has emerged as a major political force,

with their families, and ing and help ti
present a commonly cited their choice."
of problems, especially "They want a
onected with the student's go. Many questi
al survival. their being hers
y students with family pro- The most freq
really have money prob- the first weeks o
explained David Patch, Co- ter deal with 1
or of Direct Services in the cedures of survii
ing Services Office. "Par- and sometimes
e in control of many stu- versity maze.
inances and can try to use two weeks we h,
money to persuade their add questions of
n. They sometimes confuse University ineffi
with love." Bron.
break between semesters "We logically
ak social dating or love re- tacts during win
ips as well. "Christmas is dents who are
Nn time for relationship students who ai
ps," stated Dr. Kreinke. don't know wha
ning home for the holidays do. But we de,
many students with the range of thing;
the boy "back home" and talk to other pi
use confusion, mixed emo-
force a choice between the PERSONAL:'
ship at home and the cam- here often with
ationship. am I?" and 'W
holidays are also a time of said Patch.
tion and partying which can with their ident
complicated problems. and their indepe
pm pregnancy as a result The area of
day activity is a situation often combines
e to deal with," said Patch. other two gener<
hose problems won't sur- almost likely to
til later in the term, around of a student w
ddle of February." than the studen
ued Patch. "A p
PEMIC: Returning to school lem will often
two-week reprieve follow- able friend ab
intense pressure of exams the friend can't
ovide depression and aca- lem alone and c
weariness. The beginning of vice."
ther semester can also give The first sour
to questions on the rele- vice and help J
of the student's academic trouble is their
d future. are where studei
Hinter term, sophomores Patch. "Yet fri
eclare a major; this Uni- the amount of h
requirement forces them give. The come
e some sort of a decision, source for alma
x superficial, about the di- The only real pt
of their lives. "Half of locate the answi
k at the Counseling Center
with vocational coliaseling," "WE GET MO
ienke. "We ofer career test- in here during J,
he fight f
system is breaking down as many of these
part-time agents turn on their former boss-
es, and other informers stop talking in
fear of reprisals by their fellow students.;
Says one student organizer, ". . . the in-
formers aren't sure they can trust the
KCIA anymore, it has lost so much credi-
bility in the last few months.
Previous student protests tended to be
spontaneous outbursts on isolated campus-
es which were quickly put down.
THE LATEST STUDENT uprising, how-
ever, has been different. Instead of being
a flash in the pan, there has been a steady
growth of student mobilization that shows
planning, coordination and timing. When
other campuses joined the groundswell that

he students w i t h
dvice on where to
on the relevancy of
e," agreed Patch.
uent questions in
f the winter semes-
the technical pro-
ving the impersonal
unorganized Uni-
"During the first
andle a lot of drop-
r complaints about
ciency," says Ms.
have more con-
nter term with stu-
dropping out or
re graduating and
t they're going to
al with the whole
s people want to
eople about."
"Students come in
questions of "Who
Vhy am I here?',"
They're concerned
ity, their futures
personal problems
problems fr'm the
al groups. "We ate
get the roommate
ith real problems
it himself," contin-
person with a prob-
talk to an avail-
out it. Sometimes
deal with the prob-
omes to us fcr ad-
ce of comfort, ad-.
for the student in
friends. "Friends
nts turn first," said
ends are limited in
elp they're able to
rmunity has a re-
ost every probleri.
roblem is where to
)RE depressed kids
anuary than we get

Lynn Thompson, 76-GUIDE s t a f f
member, responds to a call as part of
G UIDE's 24-hour service.

all fall," said the bartender in the
V Bell, foaming a beer into the
glass. "They've had fights with
their parents or broken up with
their girlfriend or boyfriend or
don't want to spend their life in
a library."
"Everybody has problems," said
the man paying for the beer. "But
not everybody has sense enough to
admit they need help."

"Everybody's problems are dif-
ferent," said Patch. "Most aren't
serious enough to require long pro-
fessional counseling. Just talking
to someone, whether a friend or a
member of a counseling staff can
help. Students who try to convince
themselves they never need any-
body, those who try to make it on
their own - they're the ones who
run into real problems."

Court rejects rights suits

NIXON-PACKED Supreme Court
yesterday made two significant rul-
ings further undercutting the chances
that citizens will be able to receive reme-
dies for injustice through the courts.
The high court ruled out the use of
injunctions by federal courts under civil
rights laws to halt alleged racial discrimi-
nation in state criminal justice systems.
Six justices also voted to reject the use
of civil rights class action suits to stop
the same sort of state court discrimina-
Both decisions arose from a suit filed
by civil rights advocates from Cairo, Ill.,
where blacks have been under systematic
attack - legal, economic, and physical--
for several years.
The majority opinions, couched in
phrases like "unwarranted anticipatory
interference" and "continuous or piece-
meal interruption," held that those who
sued had not been themselves subjected
to the discrimination of which they had
complained. By this reasoning, only mur-
der victims could sue their assailants for
that crime.
PERHAPS THE LARGEST leap in judic-
ial wisdom taken by the Warren
Court was the understanding that racism
not only engenders crimes against indi-
viduals, but, in institutional forms, con-
stitutes a crime against society as a
Clearly the rampant discrimination
News: Penny Blank, Dan Blugerman,
Chris Parks, Steve Selbst, Jeff Sorensen
Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Eric Schoch
Arts Page: Sara Rimer
Photo Technician: David Margolick

against blacks in Cairo, characterized by
Justice William O. Douglas as "boiling
with racial conflicts," is the sort of
crime against society for which a remedy
should be available in federal courts.
Dissenting Justices Douglas, Brennan,
and Marshall commented: "A class suit
where evidence would be developed
showing a pattern of discriminatory bail
and sentencing decision ... would be the
one appropriate vehicle in which these
claims could be developed."
Even Justice Harry Blackmun, who
voted with the majority on both ques-
tions, said that the court went too far in
deciding whether an injunction was
available to halt discriminatory prac-
tices. He said that once it had determin-
ed that there was no controversy on
which to act, it overstepped its bounds to
hand down a decision on injunctions.
BUT NOW NIXON'S honchos, headed
by Justice Byron White, have more
heavily fettered those who are already
burdened with discrimination, either as
individuals or as a class. State legal
systems will evidently have carte blanche
to treat those whose lives are controlled
by those systems in any manner they
It is increasingly imperative that all
citizens pay close attention to the ways
judicial power is exercised, especially
where judges are elected.
It is also necessary for those who find
the Supreme Court's decisions repugnant
to so inform their legislative represen-
tatives, so that those individuals or
groups who are discriminated against by
local or state institutions will have ave-
nues of redress available.

)r political
The movement's steady growth, and the
students' seriousness, has had a strong im-
pact on the larger society, especially among
liberal intellectuals who had been fence-
sitters during earlier demonstrations. First,
the college seniors -- usually the most re-
luctant to demonstrate because of upcom-
ing jobs -- joined the protests. Then, many
Christians, who had been only discreet
sympathizers, found the courage to march
in the streets.
BY DECEMBER 1, the protests spread to
the media: reporters of one of the major
Seoul newspapers went on strike, followed
by a strongly-worded resolution by the Ko-
rean Journalists' Association demanding a
free press.
University faculty members, long under
tight government control, spoke out, too.
The Faculty Board at Ewha Women's Uni-
versity, for example, approved all the stu-
dent demands and forwarded them to gov-
ernment offices under its name.
Even the long-silenced opposition parties
in the National Assembly, splintered and
co-opted by the Park regime since martial
law was declared, began speaking out on
the floor of the Assembly. By December 18,
many of them had even taken to the streets
demanding Park's resignation.
Perhaps more important than all these
actions was the reaction of Seoul's general
citizenry. When riot police began blockad-
ing campuses in November, thousands of
people poured out of their homes and shops,
lining the streets to watch.
and they were usually quiet. Yet the air was
full of excitement and anticipation - the
sense that this time, history was being
made, and that they were participants.
An intense sense of national pride has
undergirded and given impetus to the strug-
gles. From the time of the 1919 anti-Japa-
nese riots through the 1960 student revo-
lution that ousted Syngman Rhee, national-
ism continued to play its part, but usually
took the form of "throw the rascals out"
and "we have nothing to lose."
Today, however, there is a different feel-
ing: that the people can secure more in-
ternal freedom, and that Korea can become
less dependent on outside manipulation and
As the protests spread in November, the
government was forced to come up with
new tactics. Brute force and mass arrests,
which usually quickly ended protests, were
having the opposite effect this time. Instead
of creating more martyrs, the government
decided to close all universities and high
the campuses, pockets of students con-
tinued to occupy campus buildings.

The government then tried a new tactic.
In three quick moves in early December,
the government granted amnesty for ar-
rested students, fired the head of the KCIA,
and promised more freedom for the uni-
versities, churches and the media.
While the closing of the campuses had
the short-term effect of defusing the stu-
dent fovement, the three' lightening an-
nouncements had little effect, except as a
publicity stunt for the foreign media, which
was beginning to pay close attention to
the deteriorating situation in Seoul. Many
editorial writers abroad applauded the
"liberalizing measures, not realizing that
the actions made little difference in the in-

Kimz Dae-dung

pus'' LET THEM

AP Photo
SOUTH KOREAN POLICEMEN drag demonstrators off a downtown Seoul street dur-
ing a March demonstration. The students participating in the march were violating a
special decree issued by the military government banning all political activity.

ternal political situation.
In reality ,the amnesty was only partial.
Students who had "resisted" arrest, and
those who had alseady been charged under
the Anti-Communist Law, were not re-
was not pacifying either, since there had
bee.i growing rumors of his removal for
some time. Some saw it as merely another
example of the Park regime giving in to
= nese demands for his dismissal, to
uiiet anger. over KCIA involvement in the
kidnapping of Kim from Tokyo.
And the promise about "more freedom"
was quickly qualified by the government to
mean "freedom to the extent possible under
the current state of communist aggression."
Political repression will continue to be
necessary, according to a recent Park
Behind the scenes, the government has
begun re-emphasizing that pro-government
loyalists will be rewarded. The Minister of
Education told 34 university deans on No-
vember 19 that scholarships should no long-
er go to students with good academic re-
cords but to "students of good conduct
with a firm nation-loving sense." Similarly,
the government has put right-wing, anti-
communist Christian groups on its dole 'in
an attempt to undermine growing church
opposition to the regime.
THE PACE 'F EVENTS has picked up
in the past few weeks. For the first time in
r t Korean history, there is opposition

with a strength not seen since students sent
President Syngman Rhee packing in 1960.
Marches, boycotts, fasts, and sit-ins spread
like wildfire from Seoul National University
(SNU) to virtually every major campus in
the country.
Formerly quiescent churches set up a de-
fense fund for arrested students and or-
ganized their own marches. Hundreds of
journalists also joined in, demanding an
end to the KCIA's massive censorship sys-
THE IMMEDIATE government response
was to shut down colleges and high schools
in early December, to stem the rising tide

started at Seoul National University, the
mood was not one of wild protest, but of
serious demands: the restoration of free
speech and press; academic freedom, in-
cluding the removal of all KCIA agents and
informers from the campuses; the abolition
of the KCIA, and an end to the country's
increasing economic subordination to Ja-

Contact your reps-
Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), Rm 253, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol,
Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515.


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