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February 17, 1979 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-17

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Page 2- Saturday, February 17, 1979-The Michigan Doily
ChurchWposh ip Srie

120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion in the
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning Wor-
ship in the Sanctuary.
Church School for All Ages-9:30
a.m. and 11 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal Thursday-7:15
Ministers :
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Director: Rose McLean
Intern: Carol Bennington
409 S. Division
Steve Bringardner, Pastor
Church School-9:45 a.m.
Service of Worship-11:00 a.m.
Time of Meeting-6:00 p.m. -
* * *
Join us for Sunday School and Worship
Packard & Stone School Road
Sunday School-9:45 a.m.
Worship-11:00 a.m.
For transportation-call 662-6253
* * *
602 E. Huron at State, 668481
Rev. W. Thomas Schoimaker, Chaplain
Lynette Bracy, Mike Pennanen,
Shirley Polakowski
Sunday-5:00-Gathering for shared
Sunday-6:15-Worship Fellowship.
* * *
(One Block North of S. University and
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
10 a.m.- Service of Holy Communion.
6 p.m,-Everting Worship.

Episcopal Campus Ministry
332 Sq th State St.
Rev*Andrew Foster, Chaplain
:1:00 a.m.-Bruch and Social Hour.
12:00 noon-Celebration of the Holy
Canterbury Loft serves Episcopal-
ians at the University of Michigan and
sponsors-rograms in the arts which
have ethical or spiritual themes.
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:
Daily-Man.-Fri. 5:10p.m.
Saturday-7:00 p.m.
Sunday-7:45 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30
a.m., noon, and 5 p.m.
North Campus Mass-9:30 a.m. at
Bursley Hall, West Cafeteria.
Divorced'Catholic Meeting Friday at
7:30 p.m.
Right of Reconciliation-4 Vp.m.-5
p.m. on Friday only; any other time
by appointment.
* *.
530 W. Stadium
(Across from Pioneer High)
Schedule of Services:
Sunday-Bible School-9:30 a.m.
Worship-10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday-Bible Study-7:30 p.m.
(A Bible Study for college students)
For information call 662-2756
Wilburn C. Hill and LArry Phillips,
Transportation: 662-9928
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave.-662-4466
William M. Ferry
Carl R. Geider
Graham M. Patterson
Services of Worship:
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee hour at 12 noon.
Student Fellowship meets at 4:00
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.-Campus Bible
Study in the French room.

2535 Russell Street4
Snday School-10 a.m.1
Morning Worship-11 a.m.1
Thursday Bible Study and Prayer-1
7:00 p.m.
Sunday Evening Service, 727 Miller,1
Community Room-6:00 p.m.
For spiritual help or a ride to our
services please feel free to call Pastor
Leonard Sheldon, 761-0580.
Affiliated with G.A.R.B.C.
Serving the Campus for LCIS
Robert Kavasch, Interim Pastor
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
663-5560 and 668-8720
Double Sunday Services-9115 a.m.
and 10:3 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study at 9:15 a.m.
Midweek Worship-Wednesday at
10:00 p.m.
Midweek Bible Study-Thursday at
7:30 p.m.
*. * *
512 E. Huron St.-663-9376
Jitsuo Morikawa, Minister
A. Theodore Kachel, Campus Minister
Worship-10 a.m.-"Cheap Grace"
-Mr. Morikawa.
11 a.m.-College Bible Study-
"Women In The Bible."
7:30 Sunday night-American Baptist
Student Fellowship Drama Workshop,
"Song of Songs" by Leroy Waterman.
In the Campus Center Lounge.
* * *
(The Campus Ministry of the ALC-LCA)
Gordon Ward, Pastor.
801S. Forest at Hill St.
11:00 a.m.-Worship Service. A
luncheon will follow the Worship Serv-
ice. All are welcome to join us.
Monday, Feb. 19:.
7:30 p.m.-Lifestyle Assessment
Group-at the Wesley Foundation
(corner of State & Huron). To examine
our lifestyles in light of the world
hunger/ecology/justice situation.
Tuesday, Feb. 20:
7:30 p.m.=Lifestyle Assessment
Group-at Lord of Light.
Wednesday, Feb. 21:
7:00 p.m.-Choir practice; new choir
members are always welcome!
8:30 p.m.-Bible Study; a study of the
history and theology of the Old
Testament; led by Gary Herion, a
doctoral student in Old Testament
* * *
102 W. Huron
Phone: 429-2139
10:30 Sunday Morning, Feb. 18-
Topic Title: "Inherit the Wind We In-
herit." A pictorial history of Unitarian
Universalists, presented by Gerald
Quote of the Week:
"I call that mind free . . . which
does not content itself with a passive or
hereditary faith. . ."-William Ellery
Daily Classifieds Get
Results-Call 764-0557

Americans leave
(Continued from Page 1) flew out more than 1
reflecting intense anger at the highest New York via Fran
levels of the U.S. government, accused many.
the Soviets of damaging relations with Malcolm Toon, the
Washington and de-stabilizing Iran. to Moscow, called o
SPECIFICALLY, the administration Minister Andrei G
was responding to Soviet broadcasts Kremlin to indicate
and published accounts that have ac- surprise" that the offi
cused the United States of plotting would act "in a way ti
military intervention in Iran. U.S. Of- the danger to Americ
ficials labeled these, accounts as false State Department spc
propaganda. Carter.
Spokesperson Carter said these THE DECISION tc
broadcasts could endanger the lives of diplomatic relatic
7,000 Americans still in Iran. About provisional govern
4,500 of these are to be brought out in an Minister Mehdi Baza]
evacuation airlift that began this mor- tical effect of withdra
ning when a Pan American Boeing 707 from Shah Mohamma

troubled Iran

150 Americans to
kfurt, West Ger-
U.S. ambassador
n Soviet Foreign
romyko at the
"our dismay and
icial Soviet media
hat could increase
ans in Iran," said
okesman Hodding
o conduct normal
ons with the
ment of' Prime
rgan has the prac-
wing U.S. support
ad Reza Pahlavi as

Iran's head of state.
U.S. Ambassador William Sullivan
"relayed to the government in Iran our
intention to maintain diplomatic
relations with that government," Car-
ter said. "This is the formal declaration
that our relations do continue."
Meanwhile, a major test of Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini's ability to govern
Iran and control the forces of revolution
he unleashed comes todiay when the
religious leader has decreed everyone
must return to work.
Khomeini told his followers Wed-
nesday it was their religious duty to end
the general strike that crippled the
nation's economy.

ISR senior researchers must
act as jacks-of-all-trades

(Continued from Page 1)
devote time to their studies.
"If you are a researcher elsewhere,"
Center for Political Studies (CPS) ad-
ministrative manager Rayburn
Howland adds, "it's your responsibility,
to know all the ins and outs of person-
nel, budgets and accounts.
"HERE AT ISR, there are people to
lend support and create the time for the
researchers to do the work at hand. The
pressures of time are the hardest things
that a researcher has to cope with,"
continues Howland.
Acting Director M. Kent Jennings
points out that nearly all of the CPS
staff has had the opportunity to pack up
and move to other jobs with better
finances and benefits, but few have op-'
ted for that route.
"This is a good indicator of conditions


here," Jennings says. "The main
reason is, in part, that CPS has a
working environment that cannot be
duplicated elsewhere. It simply can't
be matched."
Competitiveness between resear-
chers and their projects is unusual, ac-
cording to Phillip Brickman, director of
the Research Center for Group
Dynamics (RCGD).
"PRIMARY SENIOR researchers
tend to be like different species and,
have their own ecological niches.
They're feeding off different sources of
food," states Brickman.
Nancy McAllister, who has worked on
the consumer behavior study for 25
years, says there is an unusual type of
cohesiveness at the Institute.
"There's not a great deal of interac-

tion because everyone is so busy, but it
makes for a more dynamic work at-
mosphere," McAllister explains.
CURTIN SAYS he likes the Institute
because of the diversity of researchers
within the building. "I like it because I
can go across the hall and see someone
from the Psych Department, or down-
stairs and see a sociologist. They talk
my language and know my project. We
work well together," he says.
"Everything I want is here. I can do
whatever I want, but it's my Fespon-
sibility. I only feel lucky that ISR has so
few barriers and bureaucratic rules,"
the senior researchers adds.
(Tomorrow: Things to
come at ISR.)


with the
Naval Ship Weapon Systems
Engineering Station (NSWSES)
Port Hueneme, California
if you will be graduating with a BS/MS degree in electrical
or electronic engineering by August of this year, we would
like to talk to you about the interesting work being done by
our staff of approximately 600 professional engineers.
Our representative will be on campus to interview
students on February 21, 1979.
Positions are located in Port Hueneme, midway between Los
Angeles, and Santa Barbara, California on the Pacific coast.
Some positions involve approximately 25% travel, domestic
and foreign, in support of ship trials and technical assistance.
We would appreciate the opportunity to provide you more
information about our work, the benefits of career civil service
and our location. Take this opportunity by signing up for an
interview with your Placement Director now.

Cellar employees resent restructuring
(Continued from Page 1) (management)," said Lucy Bjorklund
proposed the plan to the board, conten- management. o h rd eatet
Is that the present method of decision- "It's not as though they're coming in- I think this sort of epitomizes why
making leads to "haphazard and dif- to a situation where, because we're run the union came about," said Felicia
fused" decisions with "too many loose collectively, we've been hurt in a Cassanois in the records department.
ends," said John Sappington, assistant business sense," said an employee in "It was to eliminate layers of managers
manager of the Cellar. "Often we're the stock department. "They are not in- between workers and the decision-
left in the dark on these decisions," he troducing this into a disorganized, making process of the store."
said. wasteful system." Many of the employees feel this is a
Several employees called the decision WHILE BRADLEY contends the response to theirsuccess last month in
"despicable" and "a slap in the face." store has been going downhill approving the union. "It-was all a mat-
Thirty-four of the employees, who economically under the present ter of timing," according to Fred
recently voted for union affiliation with system, the workers disagree. "Our Chase, who was instrumental in setting
the International Workers of the World sales are up, our book rush was one of up the union. "Contract negotiations
(IWW), signed and delivered strongly the best ever, and it is the workers who are coming up, and that (worker input)
worded protest letters to store 'are doing this, not them was going to be one of the major focuses
of the talks."
"* THE NEW management policy on
this issue doesn't allow the workers to
negotiate that, Chase added.
(Continued from Page 1) objectivity would be provided by sen- "It's inevitable," said employee Ben
negotiations with the Regents about ding two from each committee." Colman. "They're saying, You pull a
those rights, and saw the apparent "The granting of interview rights- I'll power playw(b y'.".
result of their efforts yesterday. dicates that they (the Regents) think Not all the employees are upset over
STUDENT SEARCH committee our feelings and opinions are valid, the -decision. Bruce Weinberg plans to
leaders were pleased with the decision, she added. apply for the supervisor's job in the
particularly because more than one BUT MSA Special Projects Coor- records department because he thinks
member of both the student and alumni dinator Joseph Pelava, a constant sup- the store needs re-organization.
committees were included. Student porter of a permanent student boycott "Money's being wasted," he claimed,
committee co-chairperson Jeff Supowit of the process, said the decision was "and the whole thing needs to be re
explained .the Regents had mentioned "nowhere near enough."a es
the possibility that only one member of "They couldn't have done any less," Sapington said it was not an over-
each advisory committee might be he said. "If they had done any less than ga
granted interviewing rights. that it would have been unacceptable." night decision on thepart of the, board
to counter the union, but was rather a
"I'm glad they listened to our ad- nbadad
vice," said co-chairperson Bridget Most alumni committee members concerted effort between board and
O-U-, sd .....rs .ntncted annroved of the move. management for several months

Scholl. "We suggested that a lot more

GvaaIa%.ecu "kFF& v . v......... -

Pres. guidelines determined

Let's be candid... This is a pitch.

We're looking
for talent.
At Magnavox Government &
Industrial Electronics Co., we
want to hire the best engineers
and computer scientists we can
find. If you qualify, and you're
-interested in a career with the
world's leader in communica-
tion sytems, Magnavox may be
for you.

(Continued from Page 1)
regarded as more important than
THE CRITERIA, drafted late Thur-
sday night by several of the Regents,
was based on "Needs of the University"
statements submitted to the board by
the alumni, faculty, and student
presidential advisory comnittees. The
alumni and faculty statements were
completed in early December while the
student document was turned in
Student advisory committee co-
chairwoman Bridget Scholl said she
thought the Regents gave fair con-
sideration to the student needs
statement, though the board had only
hours to review the report.
Instead, Scholl said the short time
between the Regents' receipt of the
student statement and their release of
the criteria was "not so much an in-
dication of their philosophy (towards
the students) as of the time element."
IN OTHER ACTION, the board ap-

proved a recommendation from Vice-
President and Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff that the University
comply with President Carter's wage
and price controls.
According to Brinkerhoff's
suggestions, this year's salary in-
creases are to be no greater than seven
per cent. Under the plan, the Univer-
sity's tuition increase for the next year
will be limited to-9.5 per cent.
The 6.9 per cent jump in housing
costs, approved Thursday, are within
the guidelines, according to
The board has not yet determined
next year's tuition costs.
THOUGH CARTER'S wage and price
control program is voluntary for many
institutions, the University would be,
bound to comply if it receives a federal
grant this year of $5 million or more.
One such grant request has been sub-
mitted by the University.
The Regents also heard yesterday a

presentation from Vice-President for
University Relations and Development
Michael Radock about the University's
need to expand its fundraising
Radock stressed the importance of
private fundraising to the University.
"About half the buildings on this cam-
pus are from (financed by) private
sources," he said.
The board also listened to a report on
replacing the University computer
operation, the Michigan Terminal
System (MTS). The system will be
replaced by more efficient, larger-
capacity equipment during spring
The Regents also approved further'
discussion between University officials
and a developer interested in buying a
piece of University land just east of the
Church Street parking structure near
North University street.

Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25

That's because, in our businesp, an outstanding technical staff is the key to
success. Magnavox has been remarkably successful because we offer small
company atmosphere with large company benefits and challenge!
Hence the pitch, and thisad. If you like what you see- here, get in touch. Maybe
both of us will be glad you did.
Thursday, February 22, 1979
Please contact your Placement Office or send your resume to:

The 1st Psalm of the Bible, God's Book of Revelation of
Himself to man, tells of the blessedness of the man that
meditates day and night in "The Law of the Lord." The
human mind has been likened to mill stones: If you put wheat
between them they grind out food that will sustain the body
and life. If you put nothing between them they grind on, but It
Is themselves they grind away. The human mind grinds on
continually whether good or bad or nothing is put within. Try
putting "The Law of the Lord" therein for meditation day and
The second Psalm of the Bible, God Almighty's Book of
Revelation of Himself to man, tells of the curse of God upon
those who resist and reject "The Law of the Lord," naming
them heathen. However, the Psalm offers them forgiveness
and mercy if they repent and submit to God's Law, His King,

One of the best preachers the writer ever heard was also a
Methodist Layman who had almost no educational op-
portunity-about three months schooling. He had to go to
work when a child to help keep the wolf away from the door.
My friend preached for nothing except to honor God, to lift
up the Saviour before lost men, and to' establish
righteousness In the earth. To men of faith and the fear of the
Lord his messages were "more to be valued than silver and
We tell you of one such message of his. His subject was
"Abraham, The Friend of God." Three times, at least, the
Bible calls Abraham The Friend of God2nd Chronicles
20:7; Isaiah 41:8, and James 2:23. There were three headings
to the sermon: Abraham believed what God told him;
Abraham went where God told him to go; and Abraham gave


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