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February 17, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-17

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' I


In tomorrow's SUdY magazine:

Model cities---
Keeping them,

Mark Russell-
best kept secret

Plus-God and
man at Harvard,

and more

. . .


See Editorial Page


Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom

III aug

B -R-R-R!
High -13
Low --8 below
See Today for Details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 116 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 17,1979 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Project directors at the Institute for Social Research
(ISR) often find themselves working as employers, em-
ployees, experts in their fields, entrepreneurs, as well as
"They (senior researchers) have to do everything," ex-
plains Stephen Withey, Director of the Survey Research
Center (SRC), a branch of ISR.
"THEY MUST think up ideas, write propositions, get
funding, administer research, and write reports," he
ISR is different than most research organizations, ac-
cording to Richard Curtin, a SRC senior researcher
studying consumer behavior, since each project is self-
(This is the third in a four-part series describing
the Institute of Social Research-the people who
work there, the work they do, and the changes to
come. Today's article takes a look at the senior
research staff.)

ISR senior researchers
Iare jacks-of-all-trades

private angel," Caplan states.
SINCE EVERYONE is in the same boat when it comes
to funding, says ISR Director F. Thomas Juster, the at-
mosphere at the Institute is supportive between resear-
Curtin states that during his eight.years at SRC, he has
found the Center and the University compliment one
another because he can research and teach concurrently.
"Students are eager to apply research to the real world
to understand real events," says Curtin. "I try to fit in the
new data during class.
"WORKING AT ISR makes for a lot to do, but when
you're interested and challenged, it's time absorbing. I
want to give life to the data," he adds.;
The research system at ISR is viable because it frees
investigators from everyday worries about logistics,
bookkeeping, and computing, while allowing them to
See ISR, Page 2

"If you have no money, you have no project," says Cur-
tin. "Some projects get funded one year and not the next.
It's up to the individual researcher to make sure he does
not run out of funds."
NATHAN CAPLAN, who studies Social Research and
Social Policy in the Center for Research and Utilization of
Scientific Knowledge (CRUSK), states that ISR is one of
the best places in the nation to find project sponsors and to
initiate research.
"By and large, people can practically write their own
ticket here," Caplan remarks.}

Research proposals are generally self-generated, ac-
cording to Caplain. He says the average cost of developing
a study in its first six weeks is betwen $20 thousand and $40
ONCE A PROPOSAL is submitted to possible sponsors,
Caplan explains, "it's in the hands of the Gods, and all you
can do is sit and wait."
He says that ISR's national prestige helps in getting
funds, but that having connections with the Institute is not
an exceptional advantage.
"No one here has a private pipeline to funds; or some,




Regents grant
interview rights

Daily Photo by PAM MARKS
They're lumberjacks and they're okay,
THERE WAS PLENTY of square dancing to the country twang of the Sharon Hollow String Band among other groups last
night at the Paul Bunyan Ball. Tomorrow's Arts Page will carry a story on the rip-roaring event.
American evacuees flee Iran,
U.S. plans to maintain relations

The Regents yesterday granted the
student, faculty, and alumni presiden-
tial search committees the right to in-
terview University presidential can-
didates, ending a major conflict which
has divided students and the Board sin-
ce the selection process began last Oc-
The seven Regents present
unanimously approved a resolution in-
troduced by Robert Nederlander (D-
Birmingham) allowing members of the
three advisory committees to question
the final group of candidates, a group
the Regents say they hope will be "less
than eight persons."
members and two members from both
the student and alumni groups will in-
terview presidential hopefuls along
with the Regents - reflecting the size
difference between the 15-member
faculty committee'and the ten-member
student and alumni committees.
Under the new guideline, each ad-
visory committee will determine for it-
self which members will interview each
candidate. According to the resolution,
the University will pay for the inter-
viewers' traveling costs.
The resolution forbids advisory
committee members to communicate
"directly or indirectly with persons
recommended for the presidency
unless expressly authorized in writing
by the chairman of the Regents Selec-
tion Committee (Nederlander)."
have been feuding over the right to in-
terview presidential candidates since
the Regents announced selection
process guidelines last October. Point
12 in those guidelines specifically stated
that "the Advisory Committees are not
to conduct any interviews. This is the
prerogative *of the Regents Selection
Committee alone."

mw un th neenis r oiesclose
participation "somewhere down the
line," the Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) boycotted the selection process
until Dec. 12 by refusing to choose a
student advisory committee. The
Senate Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs (SACUA) selected a com-
mittee, but asked for more involvement
in the process.
After its formation, the student ad-
visory committee drafted a resolution
that it would "recommend to MSA the
recall of our committee" if "we per-
ceive a lack of meaningful-student par-
ticipation in the selection process,
specifically inadequate access to can-
didates, including interviewing.. ."
However, the group opened


Regents set

While ~ theZ LoonLZLn pi ULUWnU '..RUOV

Pres. criteria.

r x.

By AP and Reuter
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Shielded by
young Moslem gunmen, a planeload of
American evacuees fled Iran yesterday
on the first flight of a massive air shut-
tle operation that will carry thousands
of Westerners to safety in the next few
The evacuation will gather pace
tomorrow when two chartered Pan
American 747 jumbo jets, each capable
of taking 400 people, will fly into
Tehran. These flights will continuefor
several days at the rate of at least two
daily, spokesman Hodding Carter said.
THE EVACUEES left behind an in-
creasingly ominous anti-Americanism
among Iranian revolutionaries. One
'U' Cellar
resent job
A decision by the University Cellar
Bookstore Board of Directors to create
more supervisory positions has
angered many Cellar employees, who
claim the action will limit their par-
' i:nain: hn an ,,eAc :,.:i ,.

Iranian cut in on a radio frequency of
the U.S. Embassy and warned darkly:
"We know where you are, Americans,
and we will kill you."
The five-day-old government of
Moslem leader Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini executed four Iranian
generals late Thursday, only hours af-
ter a revolutionary Islamic court found
them guilty of "torture, massacre of
people, treason ... and earthly corrup-
A Khomeini spokesperson said about
20 other high-ranking military officers
and officials of the old regime were on
trial and also faced death sentences.
HE SAID two former prime ministers
- Amir Abbas Hoveida, government
Saturday 7
* The next to last in a series of
articles on University decision-
making concerns the effects of
toe budget on different groups
within the University. See the
Editorial Page.
o Rep. Perry Bullard has in-
troduced a job bill. See the story,
Page 3.
" The Michigan hockey team
lost to Wisconsin, 8-3. See the
story, Page 7.
" Thanks to a recently-in-
stituted state loan program, Ann
Arbor will be eligible to receive
housing renovation funds. See the

chief in 1963-77, and Shahpour Bakhtiar,
deposed last weekend - were in
custody but were not on trial.
Meanwhile, the Carter ad-
ministration announced yesterday it
will conduct normal diplomatic
relations with the Khomeini gover-
nment in Iran and angrily criticized the
Soviet Union for spreading anti--
American propaganda there.
A strong administration statement,

The University Regents yesterday
released a list of 19 qualifications to be
fulfilled by the next University
President, citing strong leadership as a
major stipulation.
The board, during this month's
meeting in the Administration
Building, also granted interviewing
rights to the three presidential advisory
committees. Committee members will
question candidates as the selection
process progresses (see related story
MANY OF THE guidelines in the'
document are vague, such as the
requirement that the president

"possess scholarly background."
Another criterion says the next
president should "possess executive
and administrative skills.
There are also several specific
criteria,. such as the stipulation, that
former University President Robben
Fleming's successor "must be able to
serve at least ten years." Another
guideline specifies that the next
president "need not hold a Ph.D.
Prior to the listing of standards, an
introduction states "a person having all
of these desired characteristics may
not be found; so some abilities will be
See PRES., Page 2

How two student governments spend money

MSA awash with funds

LSA-SG spends readily

The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) has had some trouble this year
adjusting to the largest budget it has
ever dealt with, due to an assessed
mandatory fee.
But now, with a somewhat more
focused idea of what it ought to do with
the money, MSA will probably be able
to initiate more of their own projects
rather than simply respond to requests
made by other organizations.
TWO-THIRD OF the $75,000 annual
budget goes to funding student
organizations and their projects. The
groups asking for funding go through a
rather critical analysis of their

$.15 to the Course Evaluation program,
$.06 to the Tenants Union, and $.97 for
MSA internal expenses and external
allocations to student groups.
DURING LAST April's MSA elec-
tions, students voted to pay this man-
datory fee, which the Regents then
okayed in July. This is the first year in
recent years MSA funding has been
Assembly members agree that due to
the increased funding-from $5,000
$10,000 to $50,000-they'll have more op-
portunities to work for and through the
students-and more clout to do so.
Thev cite examples such a securing

Unlike the Michigan Student Assem-
bly (MSA), to which it is often com-
pared, the Literary 'College's Student
Government (LSA-Sg) has a relatively
unstructured allocations system and no
rigid criteria for its allocations. Con-
sequently, rumors have circulated
among campus organizations to the ef-
feet that any group which needs money
can just go to LSA-SG.'
Most Council members seem pleased
with their reputation as "liberal" spen-
ders. "We're getting more groups
coming strictly to us, rather than to
MSA, because it's easier (to. get,
money)," said LSA-SG President Bob
Ct .s

students. According to LSA-SG
Treasurer Qeoffrey Cox, the Student
Accounts Office charges each student
50 cents per term which is applied
toward the student government of each
school in the -University. Later this
month, LSA-SG will receive a total of
$5,985.95. As of Feb. 14, LSA-SG had
$1,469.62 in its treasury, a sum left over
from both last term's and this term's'
The revenues, Stechuk said, are used
for two basic budgets: office expenses
and allocations to groups. Stechuk
proposed a basic working budget to
Council at LSA-SG's Feb. 7 meeting and
under his plan, total operational expen-
ses would be $4,145. They would cover

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