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November 22, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-22

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"That Was No Accident"

* I5 A~ijan &tidy
Seventieth Year
'When Opinions Are Pree
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

New Labor Reform Law
Promises Rigid Cleanup

rHE UNIVERSITY is for the first time on
record as opposing all forms of discrimina-
There are "no implications" in adoption of
;e bylaw at this time, according to Regent
Wscoe Bonisteel of Ann Arbor-the University
as ilways practiced a policy of non-discrimi-
ation in the administration and management
f its internal affairs," he said.
What then does the non-discrimination by-
3w mean? Not an awful 'lot, except that an
istitution noted over the years for either con-
ervatism or indecision has committed itself
o an actiye role.
Perhaps the most important word in the new
ylaw is "work":
"... It slall work for the elimination of dis-
rimination: 1) in private organizations recog-
ized by the University, and 2) from non-Uni-
ersity sources where students and the em-
loyes of the University are involved."
'OREMOST AMONG the "private organiza-
tions recognized by the University" are of
urse the 66 fraternities, sororities and colonies.
Fraternity - sorority discrimination can be
ivided into two basic problems: 1) making it
pssible for a chapter on this campus to pledge
nyone it wishes, and 2) educating local affili-
bes so their choices of pledges will be made
n the individual's merit rather than group
Discussion of fraternity discrimination and
cal autonomy has of late tended to focus on
ie so-called "bias clause": a constitutional
striction of membership to members of one
ligion or race."
This is in a sense unfortunate, for there are.
mly three chapters here which have clauses.
hese three-Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu and Alpha
au Omega--have borne the brunt of anti-
iscrimination feeling, while many other houses
ave proceeded to choose their own members,
rery bit as arbitrarily.
But it is true that bias clauses represent the
ost serious check to autonomy of local chap-
rs, for no group can hope to pledge whomever
aey want when to do so would mean violation
a provision of the national constitution.

THE UNIVERSITY'S position on bias clauses
will be to wait and see what various study
groups come up with. Vice-president for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis said his office will
concentrate on coordinating the efforts of these
groups, the Interfraternity Council's Selectivity
Committee, for example, and Student Govern-
ment Council's Restrictive Practices Committee.
The interesting question here is what would
Lewis' attitude be if one or more of these groups
were to decide that a time limit by which all
bias clauses must be eliminated was the best
course of action.
President Harlan Hatcher spoke of time
limits as "coercive," saying more progress has
been made toward elimination of bias here than
at schools with time limits.
Lewis referred to time limits as "time bombs,"
and ,said there is wide difference of opinion
as to their effectiveness among those well-in-
The National Student Association doesn't
fav.or "time bombs," Lewis said in illustration.
As a matter of fact, the National Student
Congress last August defeated a motion to do
away with its backing of time limits by a mar-
gin of at least two to one.
NSA's MODEL Education Practices Standard
statement on clauses reads in part:
"The USNSA recognizes the procedures as
effectively, initiated on several campuses by
which student bodies establish a specific time
limit for elimination of restrictive clauses and
withdraw recognition from an organization
which fails to meet the time limit unless it is
convinced that conscientious effort toward re-
moving these clauses justifies an extension of
It is to be-hoped the administration's con-
sistent desire to be inoffensive wouldn't obscure
the merits of such an approach were it sug-
gested here.
As to eliminating discrimination in a broader
sense, "education" is of course necessary, as
President Hatcher says.
But "education" has been the phrase cus-
tomarily thrown up by those opposing any more
direct approach to discrinination, and unless
a dynamic program is instituted, "education"
can be a euphemism for inaction.

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
WASHINGTON =- The nation's
new labor reform law swung
into high gear recently with the
federal government towering like
a giant watching over the labor-
management field.
The controversial statute, which
may have widespread repercus-
sions in the 1960 elections, affects
literally millions of workers and
thousands of employers.
Designed to blast hoodlums,
crooks and racketeers out of cor-
ruption-ridden labor unions-and
simultaneously curb anti-union
activities by some employers -
the new law in effect sounds this
warning: "Uncle Sam is watching
Like the 1932 Lindbergh Law
which threw the power of the fed-
eral government into the fight
against kidnapping, the new law
mobilizes the same formidable
weapons into a nationwide clean-
up drive on the labor-manage-
ment front.
EXPERTS say the injection of
federal law-enforcement authori-
ty into the situation is perhaps
the most important phase of the
labor-reform enforcement.
Under the new law, the goons,"
extortionists and crooked union
officials will fSguratively have FBI,
agents br e a t h in g down their
For the first time, the. statute
makes it a federal crime to em-
bezzle union funds.
And for the first time it sets up
severe federal criminal penalties
-ranging up to a maximum $10,-

000 fine and 20 years in prison-
for extortion, violence, terrorism
and other offenses which have
blackened the labor-management
picture in the last decade.
* * *
TOP LABOR leaders have as-
sailed the law as "union-busting"
legislation which they say will
cripple labor's legitimate func-
tions - they particularly dislike
the new curbs on picketing - and
open the door to 'further legisla-
tive assaults on the trade union
movement's hard-won gains.
The first major challenge to the
new law - probably the first of
many - was raised by Harry
Bridges, left-wing San Francisco
labor leader, who rejected Secl-e-
tary of Labor James P. Mitchell's
request for a report on Commu-
nists and ex-convicts in Bridges'
International Longshoreman's
The law bars convicted felons
and Communists from holding
union office within five years aft-
er they left prison or quit the Red
BRIDGES said the law violates
the first and fifth amendments to
the United States Constitution.
Bridges also challenged Mitch-
ell's power to make . him comb
United States criminal records to
find out, whether the union has
any ex-convicts among its officers.
Business leaders, while grumbl-
ing over some aspects of the new
law, say its union-curbing restric-
tion are long overdue.
Amid the hubbub, Secretary
Mitchell says:
"No honest trade union or em-
ployer has cause to fear this legis-
lation.J t will not be used to bust
It will be used only to help labor
and management clean their
ranks of corrupt elements."
THREATS of retaliation at the
polls in the nationwide 1960 elec-
tions have. already been fired by
some top-ranking union chief-
AFL-CIO vice-president James
B. Carey, head of the Internation-
al Union of Electrical Workers,
has called publicly for ballot-box
revenge against congressmen who
supported the so-called "tough"
Landrum - Griffin bill w hi c h
formed the backbone of the new

Herblock is away due to illness co "SL Lmt tD ak ca

Student Government Council Revisited


Guest Writer
RECENT student articles seem
to indicate that SGC is doomed
to failure because of the relative-
ly small vote count in the recent
election. What many fail to con-
sider is that 3,500 voters is not
really an insignificant number if
it represents even 2,500 students
who are interested in what a stu-
dent government can and should
do. Higher quality in the student
votes cast and concern for ideas
instead of faces were the underly-
ing philosophies behind the fall
elections procedures.
Perhaps this has resulted in less
vivid publicity and a smaller num-
ber of voters, but does that neces-
sarily mean that the quality of
the election was poor? Those "se-
lect" students who did vote in'the
fall election were probably, on.
the whole, better informed on the
IDEAS of the candidates than the
voters in most of the previous
Council elections. This was be-
cause only the platforms of the
candidates were plated in all of
the frequent habitats of Univer-
sity students in order to lessen
the "popularity" aspect of the
election and to stress the idea
that candidates should be able ot

think, and who were willing to
devote this thinking to the prob-
lems which confront SGC.
* . *
any other organization concerned
with the campus as a whole is
the problem of size. It is impos-
sible to attempt to contact 23,000
students and interest them, in
something which may be as re-
mote from their immediate core
of existence as SGC is to the av-
,erage married, student or medical
student. However, because it can-
not immediately reach 23,000- stu-
dents, this does not seem suffi-
cient reason to interpret the or-
ganization as a failure.
Most important'of all those who
did take the time to read the
platforms in the past election now
have some small idea of what the
Council is all about and what it
will at least be trying to do in
the coming year.
* * *
AN INFORMED student body is
an interested one. This is what
the present Student Government
,Council should try to attain. This
is desirable for SGC because in
order to attempt to intelligently
represent student opinion, the
students must first be correctly

informed in those areas about
which they should have an opin-
The new SGC with six newly,
elected members, having views.
not necessarily parallel to then old
Council is actively concerned with
the problem of communication be-
cause it is worried about the sup-
posed "all-time low" campus in-
terest in SGC.
One motion was passed on the
Council floor this past Wednesday
night which attempts' to begin to
solve this problem. Questionnaires
which attempt to gather student
opinion on areas of student con-
cern will be sent to a sample of
5,000 students in the various liv-
ing units.
* * *
A PLAN will be presented to the
Council at the next meeting to
try to give students a better op-
portunity to express their ideas
about or for improving SGC to
the members of the Council.
It seems that, contrary to a re-
cent "Daily" article, SGC is try-
ing to do away with the "Club"
concept. Council members have
set up office hours to make them-
selves more available to interested
constituents. Students who are in-
terested in the work of the Coun-

To, 1h6 Edor

,cil, are Invited-to join the Council
in carrying out these projects by
work on the Administrative Wing
The best people to consult about
the work that is being accom-
plished by the Council are the in-
dividual members.' This is an open
invitation issued by one Council
member, and I'm sure echoed by
many, to come visit the "Ivory
Tower" in the SAB and be your
own judge.

Who Is Nehru ?

EW DELHI-Who is Nehru, now turned sey-
'enty, and easily one of the four or five
olitical leaders now alive whose names will
ave a meaning a century from now? (I count
hurchill, Khrushchev, DeGaulle, perhaps Mao
se-Tung with him.)
His profile is familiar enough-the slight fig-
re, the precise and delicate features, the
chkan long-coat and the gaiters, the khaki
ap, the scarlet rose in his buttonhole.
His has been the talent for combining what
eem to be contraries: West and East, socialism
nd Gandhi, intellectual distinction and mass
ppeal, the gullible and tfie subtle, moral earn-
stness and political skill, the lion and the fox.
It is this talent for the fusion of opposites
'hich has allowed him to survive in the suc-
ession of roles into which his life cast him--
budent at Harrow and Cambridge, young law-
er and dilettante, nationalist, Congress Party
rganizer and leader of its Left wing, agitator,
risoner, middle-ground arbitrator between the
'arring Congress Party. factions, head of the
aterim Government, first (and thus far the
rily) Prime Minister of independent India,
andung Conference leader, creator of the non-
ligned bloc of nations, Cold War mediator,
riend and rival of Communist China, and now
ngaged in a life-and-death struggle for the
irvival of India in the looming shadow of a
ommunist empire.
S WE LOOK BACK at his life we must ask
two questions. What men and events have
ifiuenced him most strongly? To what extent
as he learned from the blunders and sue-
esses of his career?
There are two people whose influence stands
ut in his life-his father and Gandhi. T'here
re others who have been close to him, and
ho have influenced him. But it was Motilal
ehru, his father, who first brought Nehru
Editorial Staff
UStorial Director City Editor
)AN KAATZ ....................Magazine Editor
HARLES KOZOLL ......... ..... Personnel Director
ARTON HUTHWAITE. .......Features Editor
M BENAGH .. ..................... Sports Editor
MLMA SAWAYA ...... Associate Personnel Director
MMES BOw ........o.. PAssociate City Editor
JSAN HOLTZE i.......Associate Editorial Director
TER DAWSON ................Contributing Editor
AXELYO ............Asocia.te -SnrtsEitor

into the Indian Nationalist movement and was
then pushed farther and farther toward an un-
compromising position by his son's ardor.
And it was Gandhi who became Nehru's
second father. He brought him into touch with
the Indian villager, and gave him for the first
time a glimpse into the mystique of the masses
and the flow of strength that sets up a circuit
between leader and followers. He taught him
by example, the art and uses of self-criticism.
He gave him some lessons, which have not
always endured, about means and ends, and
how the urgency of the ends must not twist
the means. And he left in his mind abidingly
the idea that the, most powerful weapon a man
in public life can use is the weapon of moral
force. "When I am gone," Gandhi once said
about Nehru in a moment of clairvoyance, "he
will speak my language." Largely he does.
EVERY MAN has a number of turning-points
in his life. In Nehru's life my guess would
be the following: The tragic massacre at Am-
ritsar, in 1919, when General Dyer gave the
order to shoot which killed hundreds and
wounded thousands in a peaceful crowd of
Indians. Two events in 1927-his role in the
Anti-Imperialist Congress at Brussels, which
pushed him far to the Left; and his visit to
Moscow, at a time whn he was impressionable
and still naive. His first experience as a street
demonstrator in Kucknow, in 1928, with a rain
of blows from the lathis of the police.
His succession of prison terms through the
1930's, which hardened and deepened him. His
recoil from the .Hindu-Moslem religious ter-
rorism of the 1940's, which led to his accept-
ance of Mountbatten's plan for Partition, but
also made him determined that India should
become a secular state. His visit to China in
1954. His leading role at the Bandung Confer-
ence in 1955. Finally, the current Chinese ag-
gressions which have made him a sadder man,
more bowed down with burdens-and I hope
a wiser one.
AS NEHRU looks back, at 70, through the
crowded corridors of his memory, what are
his failures and successes? His greatest failure,
which. he now recognizes, was to have been
adamant toward Jinna's Moslem League when
compromise was still possible, and then to have
panicked and accepted Partition when a more
iron nerve might have waited out the crisis.
But this is the wisdom of hindsight. I should
hate to have been in his shoes, and have had to
make the decision.
His other great failure can still be salvaged--
the failure to understand the nature of the
ene~my in theform Aof (Commuinist- China. the~


The Senior Column
BY Charles Kozoll

Generosity. .
To The Editor:
WHILE HOLDING a bucket and
collecting money for the Fresh
Air Fund this morning, I observed;
a trend in action. Where generos-
ity once was lauded and one tried
to show his neighbor how generous
he was, now the opposite seems to
be the case.
One tries to show how unmoved
he can be. He does not want to
have his neighbor see him give
money to charity for fear he will
be labeled a "sucker."
* * *
STUDENTS walking by them-
selves, on the off-hours, were will-
ing to give to the drive. Students
in groups hardly ever donated and
so little money was made at the
busiest. hour-noon.
Had it not been for the off-
hours when students could secretly
slip their coins into a bucket, and
also for the many older men and
younger children, who are oblivious
to what others think about them,
the buckets might have gone
Judith Reinhardt, '61
Equal Time ...
To The Editor:
]'R A NUMBER of years, own-
ers and representatives of
broadcasting facilities have at-*
tempted to get Congress to amend

T E EXISTENCE of voids, be
they the tangible manhole type
which people can unknowingly
into or the intangible variety, has
bothered people since man's mind
progressed up from the ape stage.
Most people will allow the lack
of one quantity or one conven-
ience to bother them slightly, but.
usually not enough to induce any
positive action. A few will become
irritated enough to do something
-a list of the more productive
and perhaps more volatile indi-
viduals would include inventors,
artists and political thinkers.
Last summer a group of young
artists at the University became
annoyed because they felt that an
"artistic void existed in Ann Ar-
bor." With the creation of GAP,
Georgeanne Pearce and her asso-
ciates hoped "to have a place to
show new work and new ideas be-
cause other people who show old
work are afraid of us."
* * *
THE ARTISTS who would have
been presented to the public didn't
have the names which draw
pseudo-esthetes to the plush gal-
leries. The initial collection didn't
represent any one school of
thought in painting but was
aimed toward experimentation,
diversity and originality.
Efforts of the 20 relatively un-
known artists weren't the types
that fit into neat categories of de-
scription. Rugs woven from mink,
paintings made from bits of glass
f*lrP t'n nrraf'k a. an a 'nriA a ,+.that

their removal from the apartment
on Washington St. could easily be
one of those who doesn't see the
reasoning behind Miss Pearce's
It would be useless to discuss
the building owner and also the
man involved, William G. Skin-
ner, who sublets the building.
Other stories and other papers
have adequately dealt with the
political controversy around the
converted apartment above a lo-
cal tavern.
Numbers of Ann Arbor artists
have pointed out that the gallery
definitely fills a cultural gap. This

point is debatable; the unfortu-
nate short life of the effort elim-
inates any long-term evaluation
which would have produced the
most credible answer.
* * *
THE POINT to be made for
Miss Pearce and her friends is
that they were bothered and made
the effort to correct a situation
that they considered deplorable.
At a stage in our society and
in a University climate that is
dominated by passive conform-
ists, it is extremely refreshing to
find people who do care enough
to take action.

the Federal CommunicatioIs Act
so that radio and television sta-
tions 'would not be required to
provide equal time to the candi-
dates of all political parties. Such
exemptions would 1) give a mono-
poly of broadcast time to the can-
didates of the major parties and
2) make available for sale valu-
able broadcast time which other-
wise might have to be given to
candidates who were entitled un-
der the law to equal time.
In arguing for exemptions from
the equal time provisions of the
Federal Communications Act, cer-
tainl offigials of broadcasting sta-
tions and networks assured mem-
bers of Congress that' they were
capable of distributing broadcast
time to political candidates in a
fair manner without compulsion
of law. In other words, the of-
ficials of broadcasting companies
portrayed themselves as honorable
and impartial in their manage-
ment of such facilities.
NOW, AT LEAST one official of
a' radio and television network has
admitted during the recent in-
vestigation of television chicanery
that the network permitted cheat-
ing, canned laughter and canned
applause, and misrepresentation
of the spontaneous character of
such interview shows as Edward
R. Murrow's "Person to Person."
Congress did amend the Fed-
eral Communications Act as it
affects political broadcasts. The
exemptions are so written that
a wide variety of interpretations
is possible. On the basis of honesty
and good judgment recently dis-
played by the broadcasting in-
dustry, Americans can expect to
hear very little or see very little
of the candidates of minor parties
in the 1960 election campaign.
--Ralph W. Muncy, Chairman,
State Central Committee.
Socialist Labor Party
of Michigan
Brave? . .
To The Editor:
THE radio reports that a man
has been refused Canadian
citizenship, for he will not swear
to fight against his native Italy,
if need"be. This is hard to under-

13rita in Protects Trade Inets

Associated Press News Analyst
BRITAIN, France and Germany
are making a determined effort
to ease their differences in an at-
mosphere which suggests their
troubles may be more deepseated
than has been apparent.
British Foreign Minister Selwyn
Lloyd has just visited Paris and
German Chancellor Adenauer is
now visiting London. In both
places there has been an air of re-
Macmillan is trying to convince
Adenauer that Britain stands just
as firmly as the United States
na 'ninflt* anv flflflflaenlf PAMPlA$

but it doesn't seem to be enough
to be causing all the smoke.
What really underlies this
whole business is something not
yet clearly defined, something
which all of the parties are in-
clined to deny exists. They would
all like to wish it away as an is-
sue, but cannot ignore the pres-
sures which are driving them
along divergent courses.
* * *
ADENAUER now holds the un-
disputed leadership, once shared
by such Frenchmen as Schuman
and Jean Monnet, and Spaak of
Belgium, of the European unity

feeling that the continent must
never be permitted to organize in
any \fashion which might endan-
ger her interests, and this feeling
is 'beginning to show through.
Britain has therefore organized
the "Outer Seven" countries in an
effort to maintain a balance of
trade relations.
.* * *
BOTH SIDES deny that this
represents conflict, and claim to
be erecting machinery which can
be mutually profitable. Trade con-
cessions already have been made
by the six nations of the commu-


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