U.S., Russi
For Sciern
Pact Forms Study
To Conquer Disease
betodFr-ont Page
ber 22, 1959 Page
IE xclianges Hnrecond Pae
U.S. Asks Debate of Hungarian Questioi
Could Prove Start of Cooperation
On Space Studies, Atomic Research
WASHINGTON (P)-The United States and Russia signed a
trail-blazing agreement yesterday to organize join scientific studies
in the conquest of disease and to explore the desirability of joint
projects in the peaceful uses of atomic energy.
The accord reached in these fields of science could prove a fore-
runner of an agreement already discussed by scientists of the two
nations for joint endeavors in space exploration.
The scientific programs are part of a new, over-all exchange pact
covering also a wide variety of other subjects ranging from industry
?and agriculture to education and
T1TAgrees the arts.
M A . ees t"--tsMake Agreement
This is the second broad ex-
"achange agreement arrived at be-
To Postpone tween Washington and Moscow as
a means of progressively reducing
the barriers which have blocked
A N is T es 1 tsthe flow. of travelers and of in-
Ae .formation for many years.
The first agreement was signed
By The Associated Press in Jan. 1958 and runs through the
The United Nations General end of this year. The new agree-
Assembly yesterday passed two ment, signed in Moscow yester-
resolutions to hold ' up nuclear day, covers the years 1960 and
weapons tests and a third to keep 1961. a
the 82-nation Disarmament Com- Say Projects Important
mission going. They said that even more im-
One resolution appealed to all portant is the decision to under-
countries to desist from such tests take new types of projects pri-
during the three-power Geneva marily in three fields of activity.
talks to stop all experiments of the The result of these new projects
sort under international controls. will be to expand greatly con-
Only France voted against a 24- acts between United States and
na ion Asian - African resolution Soviet scientists and educators
nationAsin -Afrcanresluton With respect to the peaceful.
for this purpose as .the proposal
sailed through on a 60-1 roll call, uses of atomic energy, the agree-!
She plans to test her first atomic ment specifies that both govern-
bomb in the Sahara early next ments "will provide for recipro-
cal exchanges of information and
United States Abstains visits of scientists, and will ex-
ritainanteUnited States ,plore the desirability of joint pro-
Britamn and the United States, jects" .
involved in the current Geneva LeavesOutSpace Travel
talks, were among 20 countries Space exploration, which United
that abstained from votng. States and Soviet scientists have
The Soviet Union, the third recently discussed for possible co-
party to the negotiations, voted for operative work, was not specifi-
the resolution. So did all the rest cally covered in the new agree-
of the nine-nation Soviet bloc, ment but United States officials
nearly all the 29-nation Asian- said the pact is broad enough to
African group and most of the 20- provide for some eventualnar-
rangement if it seems desirable.
Discontinue Voluntarily With respect to cooperation in
Another resolution, pushed by medical science Russia and the
,Austria, Sweden and Japan, urged United States pledged to develop
the three negotiating countries contacts and cooperation between
"to continue their present volun- several specified institutions.
tary discontinuance of the testing In the field of education, apart
of nuclear weapons." from detailed arrangements for
This was adopted 78-0 on a show visits of students and teachers to
of hands. Afghanistan and France study in the two countries, the
abstained. Uiited States agreed to invite
Both resolutions expressed hope Soviet teachers to teach the Rus-
for an early agreement in the sian language in United States
Geneva negotiations and asked the universities in 1960-61 and Russia
Big Three to report the results promised to make similar arrange-
to the United Nations. ments to invite United States
Both referred to the need for teachers of English
effective international control. The - ....-
Asian - African resolution alone o o o omomo
mentioned "increasing hazards"
from nuclear tests and "the pro-
found concern evinced by the peo-
pie of all countries" over' such
The third resolution, sponsored
by India and Yugoslavia, had the .
assembly deciding that the Dis- h nk g v
armament Commission "shall con- -'
tinue to be composed of all mem-
bers of the United Nations."
The resolution also asked Secre-
tary General Dag Hammarskjold With a
to provide "such facilities as may
be required" by the 10 - nation
East-West Disarmament Commit-
tee that will convene early next -'
year in Geneva. That committee
has been formed outside the UN 307 Sot
as an outgrowth of last summer's
Geneva Foreign Ministers' Con- f-
By The Associated Press
The United States came out
yesterday with a request that the
United Nations General Assembly
debate the question of Hungary.
It supported, a similar and
earlier request from Sir Leslie
Munro of New Zealand, United
Nations special representative on
This support seemed designed
to rob the Soviet Union of an argu-
ment when the Assembly's 21-na-
tion steering committee meets to-
morrow morning to take up the
But Sobolev said Munro was noth- of independence and human rights
ing of the sort. in Hungary.
Lodge Sends Letter Lodge wrote that Munro had
The United States move was announcedhis intention of sub-
made in a letter from Ambassador mitting a report to the Assembly.
Henry-Cabot Lodge to United Na- "The United States government
tions Secretary General Dag Ham- believes the General Assembly will
marskjold dated Friday and pub- wish to hear and consider Sir Les-
lished yesterday. lie Munro's report," he went on.-
Lodge noted that Munro, in a "In these circumstances, the Unit-
letter dated Monday and pub- ed States supports the proposal to
lished Wednesday, had asked that place 'the question of Hungary'
the Hungarian question go on the on the agenda of this session, and
agenda of the Assembly's current I have accordingly been instructed
14th session as an "important and to address to you this further com-
urgent" item. y munication requesting inscrip-
The Assembly named Munro last tion."
year to report on "significant de- He repeated Munro's contention
velopments" having to do with the that the subject was of "important
carrying out of its past resolutions urgent character."
on Hungary. United States sources expressed
.Call for Withdrawal belief both the steering committee
These resolutions call for the Monday and the 82-nation Assem-
withdrawal of the Soviet forces bly later woula give the majority SIR LESLIE MUNR
that put down the 1956 Hungarian votes necessary to put the question d b U
uprising, and for the restoration on the agenda.
EXCHANGE PACT-The United States and Russia have agreed
to exchanges of information on the peaceful uses of atomic
energy. The University's Phoenix Memorial Project does research
in this field with equipment such as these instruments for the
handling of radioactive substances by remote control.-Russia and
the United States have also agreed to explore the desirability of
joint scientific projects.
Cuban Law,,, Demands
Oil 'Firms Use Claims
Issue Statement
The Soviet delegation issued a
statement here six hours after the
United States action was made
public. The statement said:
"Such a step on the part of the
United States delegation, char-
acteristic of the worst times of the
cold war, cannot be, regarded
otherwise than as contradicting
and undermining the spirit of co-
operation which began to take
shape in the relations between
states under -the impact of the
recent relaxation of international
tension;.. .
"On the one hand, the United
States representatives declare their
desire for the normalization of
international relations and, on the
other hand, (they) undertake ac-
tions designed to aggravate the
international atmosphere."
Discuss Munro
The Soviet delegation spoke
slightingly of Munro as a man
whd "calls himself" a United Na-
tions special representative. It
said "the so - called Hungarian
question . . . is far-fetched and
provocative" and any discussion
of it would only help "advocates of
the continuation of the cold war."
Soviet delegate Arkady A. So-
bolev had told a newsman Friday
his delegation would object be-
cause Munro had no legal author-
ity to ask the Assembly to put
anything on its agenda.
Munro has argued privately that
he has that right because he is a
subsidiary organ of the Assembly.
HAVANA (P)--The government
adopted legislation ,yesterday re-
quiring oil exploration and ex-
ploitation firms to 'ork their
Cuban claims or lose them.
Petroleum executives said the
new law appears meant to force
suspension of operations by most
large companies.
The measure requires conces-
sionaires to turn over operational
information to the newly created
Cuban Petroleum Institute and
cancels all requests for new ex-
ploration and exploitation rights.
An exception is made for requests
to transfer existing concessions
from exploration to exploitation
Royalty Levied
If firms cannot prove that drill-
ing is in progress, they lose their
The law also imposes a 60 per
cent royalty on production, based
on commercial rates; establishes
refinery production quotas, and
limits exploration concessions to
about 19,000 acres, far below acre-
ages held by some firms.
The oil measure follows up a
strict new minerals law. It pri-
marily affects three foreign opera-
tions-the United States owned
Esso Standard Oil and Texaco
Companies and the British-owned
Shell, Ltd.
Wants State Refineries
The government wants to install
state-owned refineries, and has
complained it loses millions in for-
eign exchange for gasoline pur-
chases. It recently put a heavy
license plate tax and surcharge
on imported cars to reduce oil
l*i ~~i7t .
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And so would YOU if you wore this
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The top is velvet
The full swirl skirt is of matching and
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Put it all together with the wide
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Soft little moldings of creamy wool... to cast a glow
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