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November 01, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-01

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Asks Red

the United States Senate Foreign
t", ons Committee recommended.
last night that the United States
recognize there are two Chinas,
Communist China and the Na-
tionalist Republic.
It said this should be part of a
gradual process.' He recommended
a first stage of exploretion and
negotiation to ,be followed, if the
first stage goes well, by abandon-
ment of diplomatic sanctions and'
trade restrictions against Red
China. /

private research firm, Conlon As-
sociates, Ltd., of San Francisco,
under contract with the Foreign
Relations Committee.
The politically explosive report
recommended discussions with
United States allies and neutral
nations on aprogram to:
1) Admit, Red China to the
United Nations.
2). Recognize the Nationalist
government on Formosa as a sep-
arate "Republic of Taiwan"
3) Seat Chiang Kai-shek's For-
mosa regime in the United Nations
General Assembly instead of on
the Security Council.

4) Enlarge the Security Council,
which now has five peimanent
members-Nationalist China, Rus-
sia, Great Britain, France and
the United States. Besides admit-
ting Red China rather than the
Nationalists, permanent member-
ship would be given to India and
Committee Chairman J. William
Fulbright (D-Ark.), in making the
study public, called it provocative
and worthy of careful study. He
said in an accompanying state-

"While I do not believe that the
United States should recognize
Communist China at the present
time, I do not believe it is wise to
continue to ignore the over 6001
million people on the China main-
land in the naive belief that they
will somehow go away."
The study itself said Red China
has "the strongest, most unified
government that modern China
has ever had . . it is extremely
unlikely that the present regime
will be seriously challenged by in-
ternal dissidence in the near fu-
ture . . . Communist China is very

likely to emerge as one of
major world powers of the
20th century,"


Recogn ition

Methods, Theoriei
Of Acting Variabl

In the initial phase of the
change in United States policy
toward Peiping, the study sug-
gested mutual exchange of news-
men by the two nations, to be
followed by exchanges of scholars
and commercial representatives,
and by discussions with United
States allies on ways to test Red
China's interest in improving rela-
tions with the United States.
"If the results of these actions
show promise," the report said,
the stage calling for recognition

should be undertaken. It recom-
mended continuance of this coun-
try's treaty pledges to defend For-
mosa, South Korea and other
The authors of the study con-;
ceded "it is obviously unrealistic
to consider the above proposals as
more than general suggestions of
the directions in which we should
move and the positions that we
should hold."
They said that at present either
the Nationalists on Formosa or'
the Communists on the mainland
night refuse to sit In the United
Nations with the other.

The study was prepared by a


We stern

'our During

Scheduled Dcme

We hear much of acting theoryI
today, notably the "method" psy-
chology lionized and publicized by,
the exponents of Lee Strasberg'sf
Actor's Studio:l
But theories vary in the realmi
of theatre, just as criteria of ex-.
cellence in the other arts have!
adapted themselves to changing,
As attractively reassuring as the
belief in a fixed system with ob-
jective a priori standards may be,a
one is almost forced to admit that;
the artists in question take a moreI
pragmatic or empirical view. And,,
since artists and not aestheticians;
determifie the various cults, their
opinions might take precedence.
In the history of aesthetics, act-;
ing seems to have been cheated:
the other arts have been analyzed
and dissected thoroughly since the
time of Aristotle.,
Controversy Emerges
But the first serious attempt to
analyze the art of acting came in
the 18th century with the emerg-
ence fo a controversy which pro-
duced "Diderot's Paradox."
This, according to Prof. Wil-
liam B. Halstead of the speech de-
partment, is the thesis 'that an
actor most moves an audience.
when he is least moved himself.
Interest in the paradox was re-
newed atthe end of the 19th cen-
tury when ConstantinCoquelin, a
French comedian supporting Di-
derot, argued with Henry Irving
who held that although the ac-
tor might guide his expression in-
tellectually, he nevertheless, must
be emotionally involved in his




Powers Seek Unity
For Summit Talks
Heads of Government To Prepare
For Meeting with Russia in Spring

To teach the playing of farce
Prof. Halstead said the speech de
partment must return to the olde
plays, and cited an especiall
fruitful source in 19th centur
France which produced Labich
(author of last week's speech de
partment production "Horse Eat
Hat") and Feydeau (who took th
vaudeville-farce type of play to
point of perfection).
Not Complete Analysis
His theories of farce acting an
not intended to be a complel
analysis, Prof. Halstead explailed
but are held "more in the interes
df arousing controversy than i
formulating rules."
First, he pointed to the shoe
element in farce: the amuse
spectator finds himself empathe1
ically doing things which "I
would not ,dare to de in real lif
because of the social pressure o
conformity;" in farce, he share
the actors' shocks, surprises an
"comic tribulations."
"We are amused when example
of authority are hit in the fac
with custard pies," he illustrate
and said that to produce shock':
farce, theyactor's ability -to inci
audience belief is even more im
portant than in the more serio
dramatic forms.
Must Believe
"Spectators get a certain amou
of pleasure in watching, for e'
ample, a tragedy by Shakespea
or Sophocles in which they do n
believe, but if they view the a
tion of farce with complete obje
tivity it is ridiculous and usual
boring. And, the more absurd t
action, the more important it
that the actors seem to believe
it. There is no.halfway ground
farce; . it is wonderful or it
dreadful," Prof. Halstead co
For amateur actors, the easie
way to induce belief is to belie
himself in what he is doi
"Somehow or other, and at t
sametime, he must also help t
spectator, to maintain a balari
of aesthetic distance." This,
, said, is achieved through the d
vices of extravagance and theat
cal elements.
Farce acting and directing lh
special techniques, of which cc
rtrast 'is probably the most in
; portant. "We must alternate b
etween harsh' and soft voic(
"bright and' dumb characters, th
and fat actors," Prof. Halstead
, plained. "Theoretically, we show
- contrast bright and dull colk
- bright and dull lighting and p1
. colors and tints. Should we?
e Every time I direct a farce
become more convinced that o
servable pattern is an importa
t element in keeping objectivi
. w i th o 41 t destroying empath
Repetition is one aspect of thi


WASHINGTON (P)-President'
Dwight D. Eisenhower and the
leaders of Britain, France and
West Germany were reported
agreed yesterday to meet in Paris
Dec. 19. There they will seek to
unify their policies for a summit
conference next spring with Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev.
The formal agreement for the
Western summnitconference will
be announced today in Washing-
ton and the three European capi-
tals. This was disclosed yesterday
by White House Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty.
Hagerty made his announcement
after a long morning conference
Sees Thaw
MOSCOW ) - Nikita S.
Khrushchev said yesterday the
cold war has cracked and peaceful
co-existence must emerge "unless
we want the madness. of a world
nuclear missile war."
To exploit the cold war thaw,
the Soviet Premier said he, Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower and
Prime Minister Harold Macmil-
ian of Britain are agreed that a
summit conference should be held
--and "the sooner the better."
Wide Range
In a relatively moderate speech
to Parliament, Khrushchev ranged
widely over the foreign policy field
-from world disarmament to his
talks with Eisenhower in the
United States.
His most belligerent utterance
was a reference to what he called
United States interference in Red
China's affairs in guarding Chi-
nese Nationalist Formosa from in-
vasion. Red China has sworn tc
seize Formosa. He was applaudec
when he predicted Formosa will be
united with the mainland.
"The United States blocks the
admission of Red China to th<
U n i t e d Nations;" Khrushchev
said. "The Soviet Union has the
friendliest relations with China.
Expressed Regret
But in his role of peace advo-
cate, Khrushchev expressed regret
at border clashes between Red
China and India, adding: "We
would be glad if the incident
were not repeated and the prob-
lem solved by negotiation."
The 1,335 deputies of Parlia
ment - the Supreme Soviet -
applauded every statemen
Khrushchev made about efforts tc
promote peace. They redoubles
their applause when he declares
that the Soviet Union was no
talking from weakness in propos
ing general disarmament.
"The situation has changed,'
the premier said. "We were weal
before. Now we are strong. We ar
favoring disarmament for human
itarian reasons."

yesterday between Eisenhower and
Secretary of State Christian A.
Fill Key Post.
This meetigg also produced an
announcement that Deputy Under-
secretary of State Livingston ;T.
Merchant has .been chosen to suc-.
ceed Robert D. Murphy as Under-
secretary for' Political Affairs.
Herterand Eisenhower moveo-
with 'unexpected speed to fill this
key State Department post, pre-
sumably because, the pressure of
work is building tup.sadily as
summit diplomacy takes shape{
Prior- to, the December meeting
of -the, heads of government, the
foreign ministers of the Western
powers intend tomeet in Paris for
a session of the North Atlantic
Treaty Council. Herter and his
British, French and German col-
leagues are expected to use this
time to pi.t policy recommenda-
tions in final shape for their

SUMMIT-The four leaders of the Western powers have decided to meet in Paris in the middle of December.' The four, left to right,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, President Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer hope'
to cement Western relations before the summit conferenceto be .held with Russia, in the spring. Although the information vas released
by Washington yesterdaythe official announcement will be made today in the capitals of the Big Four of the Western allies. I
Supreme Court May Consider Expulsion

This stand, of course, led to
Stanislavsky's attempt to teach
belief in the role to the actor who
could then transmit his belief to
the audience., Stanislavsky real-
ized the necessity of technical
perfection, but thought it should
be transcended in performance by
inner belief.
"Some of the 'method' actors
have only read 'An Actor Pre-
pares' and think Stanislavsky
meant that. personal emotion in
feeling a part was the be-all and
end-all of acting, and so they give
performances inhibited by their
personal emotional involvement
lu~ny are -lost when they move
outside:the realistic manner,'
Prof. Halstead commented.
Adapting this to farce acting
he thought that it required a "dis-
tinctly not real"- and more self-
'conscious - method of playing
Farce, extremely popular in the
past, Uas produced masterpieces-
nota y works by Aristophanes
Oscar Wilde 'and Sheridan. Bu
few 'good modern farces are pro
duced or written today. .


Victory for de' Gaullex
The summit schedule, beginningt
Dec. 1b, marks a victory forI
French President 'Charles d'e
Gaulle and his ' insistence on aT
gradual approach to negotiations
with Khrushchev. The over-all,
schedule will allow time beforel
that for:c
1) Extensive policy ,planning byI
the Western governments on thec
whole range of East-West issues
which may come up at a summit,
but particularly the future o'Westt
Berlin and the outlook- for dis-
2) A visit to the United States
by de Gaulle, who .wants to come
here prior. to' the big East-West '
3)A visit to France by Khrush-
chev, which will not only, provide
a' new opportunity for East-West
discussions, but also add prestige.
to-de Gaulle's. standing as an in-'!
'fluential leader on 'the Western
Johnny Harberd Men'-of Note
Dick Tilkin Bob Elliott
Andy Anderson Al Blaser
Vic Vroom Earle'Pearson.
The Kingsmen,' Dale Seebeck
plus many others
1103 S. Univ. NO 2-6362

"y By. University Press Service I
1process and equal protection under
BETHLEHEM, Pa.-The United the law.
States Supreme Court may soon Presenting his own brief, Steier
be 'called upon to consider admin- broughtsut against the New Yrk
istration-student relationships, ap- State Education commission, the
plication of the 14th amendment City's Board of Higher Education
to college expulsion procedures and and Brooklyn College. After having
the -problem of political action. on been denied reinstatement by all
campus, according to the Lehigh three defendants, Steier instituted
University Brown and White. ' a suit in Brooklyn Federal court in
A former Brooklyn college stu- December of 1957. Following dis-
dent plans to file before the Su- missal of the action, Steier ap-
preme Court an appeal from a de- pealed to the Circuit court.
cision handed down last month The court noted that Steier, who
by the United States Circuit Court entered Brooklyn College in 1952,
of Appeals denying the ex-student had assumed the-yrole of "reform-
reinstatement of a school. ist" after becoming convinced that
Arthur Steier, 23 years old, certain student organizations were
charges that he had been arbi- dominated by the college adminis-
trarily dlismissed from Brooklyn1tration. Steier contends that it was
College in 1957 and contends that his anti-administration statements
this abridged his constitutional and practices that produced his
rights under the 14th amendment expulsion.
by depriving him of liberty, dueI The majority, opinion was writ'

ten by Judge Earnest Gibson who
held that if a federal court ac-1
cepted the case it would be ar-3
rogating a state function.j
In a concurring opinion, Judge'
Leonard P. Moore said: "Although
I agree with Judge Gibson that
the order appealed from should be
affirmed, I do not believe that the
district court lacked that jurisdic-
He held that the record indicated
that Brooklyn administrators had
not discriminated against- Steier.
"One of the primary; functions of
a liberal education to prepare the
student to enter a society based
upon the principles of law and
order may well be the teaching of
good manners and morals."
Steier said it would be at least
five months until the Supreme
Court decides whether it will con-
sider the case.

Steier told the Brown and White"
he had discussed the case with.
National Student Association pres-
ident Don Hoffman. Hoffman de-.
clined comment at that time; stat-'
ing that USNSA would not reach
any decision on whether or not to
back Steier's brief for at least sev-
eral weeks.

C1 P



Second Fronpt Pa'ge

November 1, 1959

Page 3







9.30 )



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s White


q* Camel



* oxford



Tti 1 -

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unexpected callers.



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