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May 06, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-06

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Debate Medical Program


a governor and AFL-CIO Presi-
dent George Meany yesterday'
joined the controversy over the
administration's plan to help old
folks pay their medical bills.
Meany said it was worse than
no plan at all.
Meany made his comment after
the AFL-CIO Executive Council
adopted a resolution saying the
administration plan "has evident-
ly been shaped to meet the polit-
ical demands of an election year
rather than the urgent needs of
the aged."
Calls For Program
The Council called for a pro-
gram built on the principle of

social security insurance, "under
which a worker by regular pay-
ments based on earnings during
his working years, insures his
health benefits when he retired."
On the House side of the Capi-
tol, Secretary of Welfare Arthur
S. Flemming went before the
Ways and Means Committee for
the second straight day to try to
sell the plan to the Congressmen.
The discussion was behind
closed doors. Later, Flemming told
newsmen he wasn't surprised New
York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller
had spoken against the admin-
istration proposal at an Albana,
N. Y., news conference Wednes-

Flemming disclosed that he had
talked with Rockefeller by tele-
phone yesterday about the medi-
cal care plan and added that
Rockefeller had always preferred
the social security approach.
The administration proposes
hospital, medical, dental and sim-
ilar services for low-income per-
sons over 65 years of age at a fee
of $24 a person a year. The re-
cipient would have to pay the
first $250 of cost and 20 per cent
of the remainder. Those on public
welfare would get the services
without cost.
To Pay Half

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States would have to pay half
the cost, with each state's share
ranging from one-third to two-
thirds, depending on a formula
to be worked out.
The administration has esti-
mated the plan would cost $1,2
A rival plan by Rep. Aime J.
Forand (D - RI, supported by
Democrats, would cost an esti-
mated $1.6 billion to $2 billion.
It would be financed by raising
the social security tax.
Geneva Said
UN Charter
tary General Dag Hammarskjold
spoke out vigorously yesterday
against recent discussion of an
international police force at the
10 - nation Geneva disarmament
Hammarskjold said this issue
is closely linked with the United
Nation structure and any attempt
to deal with it outside the United
Nations would be unsound and a
"If the question of an interna-
tional force as part of the general
disarmament pattern is to be
studied," he said, "it should be
studied by the United Nations."
Hammarskjold spoke at a news
conference. He said he had been
surprised to see the Geneva arms
talks developing as if there was
nothing in the charter on an in-
ternational force. He addd he
felt it would not only weaken the
charter but confuse the issue to
permit the discussions to continue
as if the charter provision were
not there.
Hammarsk old did not refer
specifically to the May 16 summit
conference but one newsman told
him his statements about bypas-
sing had special interest because{
of the forthcoming meeting.
Hammarskjold said so far there
had been no cases of bypassing'
the United Nations that should be
taken seriously. He insisted, how-
ever, that "if a question which is:
basically a question of interpre-f
tation, implementation, or perhaps
revision of part of the charter,
comes up, it would be bypassing if
that matter were studied outside
the United Nations."
On the question of an interna-
tional force, Hammarskold said,7
he had reached two conclusions:
A rejection of the idea that this
problem should be treated outside1
the United Nations as long as the1
United Nations charter provision
on such a force remains valid.
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Turks Defy
Army Law
ANKARA (P)--Premier Adnan
Menderes yesterday was booed,
heckled and jostled by student
demonstrators demanding he re-
The demonstrations, staged in
defiance of martial law, were the
latest in a series that began last
Thursday to protest Menderes'
strongarm political tactics, espec-
ially the muzzling of the political
opposition and the press.
Others Demonstrate
S t u d e n t demonstrations also
have broken out at Istanbul and
Izmir. About 3,000 students and
youths have been sent to deten-
tion camps. A few score were
hauled away during today's dem-
The government has managed
to keep the students in check for
the niost part through the use of
tough Turkish troops,
An indication of some military
uneasiness over the current role
of the army came from Lt. Gen.
Cemal Gursel, commander of army
ground forces. He resigned with
this statement to his troops:
"At this moment when a polit-
ical storm is blowing over the
country, know how to protect
yourselves from this nefarious at-
mosphere. Keep out of politics at
any cost."
Leave Forced
Gursel had been on forced leave
for an undisclosed reason when
he resigned. Last month several
army officers also resigned after
the army blocked ex-president
Ismet Inonu, leader of the oppo-
sition Republican party, from
making a speaking trip in the
Menderes has generally taken
direct charge of even small prob-
lems during his 10 years as pre-
mier, and his reaction to the day's
demonstrations was typical.
To Drop Tax
MOSCOW ()-Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev announced yester-
day the Soviet Union will abolish
almost all income taxes by the
end of 1965, thus boosting Soviet
workers' take-home pay by 74
billion rubles.
He also announced a revalua-
tion of the ruble, effective Jan. 1,
1961, to put it on par with the
United States dollar.
He told a joint session of the,
Supreme Soviet, the parliament
of the USSR, that workers would
be progressively exempted from
income tax over the coming five
years until the tax is abolished
for all factory and office workers
earning up to 2,000 rubles a
Workers making more will also
have their income taxes abolished,
but their pay will be cut accord-
ingly. Income taxes also will be
wiped out for single persons and
those with small families, regard-
less of the amount of their pay,
Khrushchev added.
He outlined the results of his
tax abolition program as follows:
the cash wages of 59,400,000 per-
sons will be increased by the full
amount of their present income'
tax; the wages of several million
more will increase by an average
of half their present tax and only
the wages of "an insignificant
number . . . will remain un-
,The income tax brings in less

than 10 per cent of the govern-
ment's income.

Calls Flight
Report Plane Missing
Near Turkish Border
By The Associated Press
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khru-
shchev has declared an American
plane, in an aggressive action,
penetrated Soviet territory Sun-
day and was shot down on orders
of the Soviet Defense Department.
The United States says an un-
armed, weather research plane is
missing near the Turkish-Soviet
border and may have been shot
down after its lone -rewman was
rendered unconscious by failure
of oxygen equipment.
Members of Congress, angry
over the incident, suggested it
threw into doubt the prospects of
the summit meeting opening in
Paris May 16, as well as President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's planned
trip to the Soviet Union in June.
Khrushchev said Soviet rockets
are ready to retaliate against fu-
ture incidents.
The Soviet Premier and Com-
munist Party chief unlimbered a
wide-ranging attack on the West-
ern allies. He criticizen President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and scoffed
at Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on as a man hardly interested in
ending the cold war.
Khrushchev told the Soviet Par-
liament that the presence of the
American plane over Soviet terri-
tory was an "aggressive act" in-
tended to frighten the Russians in
advance of the summit.
"One must conclude that ag-
gressive forces in the U n i t e d
States are taking action to inter-
fere with the summit," Khrush-
chev said. He contended the
West's attitude "dims chances of
success at the talks" starting May
Chrushchev warned United
States allies - such as Turkey,
Iran and Pakistan - that nations
with United States bases must re-
alize they are playing with fire
and can receive retaliatory blows.
Khrushchev blasted Eisenhow-
er's suggestion that Nixon might
sit in for him at the summit if
the President has to return to
Washington. Khrushchev, saying
Nixon could hardly be thought of
as a man interested in ending the
cold war, commented: "I am
afraid that if Nixon becomes en-
titled to carry on negotiations at
the summit, it would be, as we
sag in Russia, like sending a goat
to take care of the cabbage."
He assailed the United States
State Department's Christian Her-
ter and Douglas Dillon for recent
speeches "far from giving hope of
favorable results at the summit."
To 'Cooperate'
With President
Democratic Leader John W. Mc-
Cormack (D-Mass.) and Sen. Al-
bert Gore (D-Tenn), said yester-
day there is no need for President
Dwight D. Eisenhower to cut short

his stay at the summit conference
to veto Congressional acts.
Gore, a member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, said
"the Democratic Congress will co-
operate and give the President an
opportunity to veto a bill after
he returns from the summit. That
meeting, Gore said, is of far
more importance than a two-day
visit to Portugal or signing a
And McCormack said three
times in the past year, Eisenhower
has vetoed bills while out of the

Down I
E o Russian

U.S. Plane

WASHINGTON W-)-Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev's blast at
the United States chilled official
hopes here for summit accords
which would improve East-West
Khrushchev appeared to be try-
ing to whip up war fears as a
means of bringing pressure on
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
F r e n c h President Charles de
Gaulle and Prime Minister Harold
MacMillan of Britain to make
concessions to him when the Big
Four meet in Paris 10 days hence.
Significance Seen
That was the significance seen
here in the manner in which
Khrushchev built up and drama-
tized his report to the Soviet
Parliament that Red forces had
shot down a United States aircraft
and coupled this with a threat to
retaliate with rockets if United
States bombers flew over Soviet
For weeks now, Western leaders
in a series of meetings have been
trying to bring pressure on Khru-
shchev to make summit conces-
The most recent of the meet-
ings was that between de Gaulle
and Eisenhower during which the
French leader repeatedly empha-
sized that Khrushchev's demands
as to Germany and West Berlin
were utterly unacceptable to the
West and that Khrushchev should
drop all such talk in the hope of
summit progress in relaxing ten-
sion and breaking the disarma-
ment deadlock.
At a news conference last week

Hopes for Summit Accord Lessened

Second front Page
Friday, May 6, 1960

Page 2

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Eisenhower took the same line.
He said the Western powers would
never give up their West Berlin
rights and warned that if Khru-
shchev reimposed his "ultimatum"
of last year there wouldn't even;
be a summit conference.

Khrushchev has not reimpose
his ultimatum-at least he hi
not put a time limit on his thref
to try to force the Western alli
out of West Berlin unless the
agree to get out peacefully.


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