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May 06, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-06

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Seventieth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Wiu Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y. MAY 6. 1960


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SGC Non-Bias Ruling
Augments 'U' Reputation

QVER A SEMESTER of conscious, conscien-
tious work to set up machinery for com-
batting discrimination within a context of
increasingly anti-bias student opinion has
borne fruit for SOC.
Among the largest problems involved has
been a lack of sureness about exactly what the
task of representation involves. Certainly SGC
has had no help from the student body in -
defining its charge-not only do University
students show a tendency to sit back and dare
SGC to represent their opinions, but an inertia-
like anti-SGC feeling seems to have settled on
students here.
AREA of bias clauses and restrictive
membership practices has concerned student
government for over a decade: only in recent
years has faculty, administrative and regental
feeling been so much in accord with that of
the students. The changing climate of opinion
on discriminatory practices from tolerance to
inability to condone is indicated by the unani-
mity of all SGC members but one--who was
not present vote.
The Council has worked almost too long in
preparing a motion with cooperation ,invited
from all interested parties connected with the
University-the last few amendements have
too obviously been aimed at polishing what was
already a good, sound plan. But the importance
of observing "due process" and waiting a
decent interval for all opinion to be made
available was often-and wisely-stressed.
THE NEW regulation, which covers all recog-
nized organizations, unlike the 1949 ruling
which covered only, those seeking recognition,
is admirable implementation of the November
Regents' Bylaw, which unequivocally sets forth
University policy as actively opposed to dis-
crimination in student organizations and off-
campus housing, as well as the University's
intention to work to eliminate discrimination.
But while the regulation incorporates stated
Regental policy, the spirit of it will be main-
tained and the letter enforced by the committee
established to arbitrate future cases of dis-
The committee is empowered to recommend

disciplinary measures in case of violation which
could presumably mean setting time limits on
bias clauses and withdrawal of recognition in
cases where the violation warrants it in terms
of evidence.
FURTHERMORE, the committee can supple-
ment its evidence by demanding secret in-
formation-constitutions, rituals-from organi-
zations where pertinent to its investigations.
Good faith is considered violated if such in-
formation is withheld upon request.
These implementation procedures constitute
the "teeth" of the regulation. And what ap-
pears to be a compromise between the inade-
quate 1949 regulation and the force of an arbi-
trary time limit may be more comprehensive
and Judicial than either.
The membership of the committee - four
students and three faculty and administration
people-is clearly of vital importance to the
success of the plan. The corpmittee's members
will be approved by the Council, and if the
Council trusts and respects its judgment the
committee's recommendations will be sup-
NITY OF AIM between the Council and its
committee is essential.
The passing of the non-discrimination mo-
tion has fulfilled a personal objective for SGC
President John Feldkamp. Months ago, in dis-
cussing measures instituted by other schools to
combat bias, he expressed dissatisfaction with
standard plans, which he felt were either too
weak or too strong.
The University, as one of the few state uni-
versities whose reputation ranks it with pri-
vately endowed Eastern schools, has a re-
sponsibility to come up with a regulation that
is different and better, he asserted.
THE UNIVERSITY -- students, faculty and
administration in cooperation-has com-
mitted itself to action and achieved this end.
The process and product of the last half-
year's exhaustive consideration is a good ex-
ample of one of the bases for the University's
high reputation-ability of its various groups to
unite to attain a common goal.

cow; but thanks to "Masters of
the Congo Jungle" I have seen
practically everything else that
could have been in the Ark. From
aardvark to zebra, animal life
runs, leaps swims, swoops, gam-
bols, and flies in front of the
"Masters" is just not another
travelogue or documentary about
the "Dark Continent." It may very
well be the definitive photographic
study of two mysterious and in-
triguing places-the rain forest
and the plains or savanah of the
Belgian Congo.
This film was made under the
patronage of King Leopold of Bel-
gium as a record of a primitive
and primeval way of life that may
be lost forever in the onrushing
tide of Europeanization that A-
rica is undergoing currently.
* * *
WE HAVE ALL seen movies of
lions roaring, elephants charging,
and baboons jumping about. They
have become exotic cliches. But
directors Heinz Sielmann and
Henry Brandt have made them
fresh and exciting due to their
new approaches and flawless sense
of pictorial composition.
It would be perhaps equally in-
teresting to make another movie
showing how they got shots prac-
tically looking up the nostrils of
a fearsome, five hundred pound,
six-foot gorilla.
How could they have possibly
taken the shots of the female
hornbill and her single offspring
who were walled into a hollow tree
trunk by her mate? Another in-
teresting sequence is when shifty-
looking night heron goes out' to
steal and devour some other bird's
offspring. Newly discovered species
like the congo peacock make what
must be their screen debut in this
* * *
THERE ARE TWO narrators
for this film - a restrained but
nevertheless excellent Orson Wel-
les and a dignified, expressive
William Warfield. Both men beau-
tifully interpret the intelligent,
literate script, which is refresh-
ingly free from the cloying senti-
mentality so prevalent in the films
of the Czar of Disneyland.
-Patrick Chester
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1960
VOL. LXX, No. 160
To All Users of the D.O..: Because of
the increasing length of the Daily Of-
ficial Bulletin, we are compelled to in-
stitute a policy of printing notices of
lectures, colloquia, concerts, doctoral
examinations, etc., one time only. These
notices will be printed each day under
the heading "Events Today."
-Editor, D.O..
3519 Admin. Bldg.
General Notices
May Festival Program Books with
notes on all six programs by Prof.
Glenn McGeoch, are now on sale at
75 cents. They may be purchased dur-
ing the day at either the University
Musical society offices in Burton
Tower or the Hill Aud. box office; and

preceding each concert, in the lobby
of Hill Aud.
May Fetival Tickets will be on sale
at the Hill Aud. Box Office throughout
the Festival, May 5 through May 8,
from 9:00 am. until 8:30 p.m. A limited
numbher of tickets tare still available for
several of the concerts.
Summary Action'Taken by Student
Government Council at its Meeting May
4. 1969
In accordance with provisions of the
St dent Government operating plan.
this action becomes effective on the
fifth day from this publication.
Approved minutes previous meeting.
Approved interim action: May 8, ISA,
fisraeli Students. Program, Independ-
ence Day, University High School Aud-
itorium, 7:30 p.m.
Approved appointments to Human
Relations Board as follows: ?'s year
terms, Richard Baron, Richard Bau-
man, Mary Wheeler; 1 year terms. Ruth
Bers, Richard Bremer, Jeff Karasick,
Jeroad Lax. James Seder.
The following motion was adopted in
Executive Sesion and announced upon
return to regular secasion :
"In the light of facts of the case as
compared to those presented to the
Joint Judiciary Council. Student Gov-
ermnent Council expresses its opinion
that the su spension of Mark Hall and
Stan Lubin was an unduly severe ac-
tion. Therefore, this body recommends
that this action he rescinded and the
cae he reconsidered.
This recommendation does not imply
that Student Government Council fav-
ors panty raids, food rioting, or rioting
in any form; nor does this recommen-
dation imply that the Council con-
dones the actions of individuals in-
volved in the demonstration under
consideration. Mr. Hall and Mr. Lubin
shouald he disciplined butt not so sev-
erely as they have been. The Council
c~osirs that fair and just action be
taken to discourage such demonstra-
tiOnsF as they tend to put the Univer-
sity in a bad light. However, the Coun-
cil does believe that the students in
nn..~inn hIavp . ..n .,,.nto nirnronnr

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Pressure groups
are currently pressing election-
minded political parties for some
kind of federal solution to high
medical costs for the country's aged.
In response, each party has formu-
lated a proposal. This article will
consider the Democrats' Forand
Bill, while the Republicans' coun-
terproposal will be discussed to-
Daily Staff Writer
THE ATTENTION that usually
is focused on the scope and
structure of the Social Security
program in election years is cur-
rently manifested in the nation-
wide controversy over the Forand
The Forand Bill, also known as
HR 4700, was introduced to the
86th Congress Feb. 18, 1959 by
Rep. Aime J. Forand (D-RI) to
provide inexpensive medical bene-
fits through the Social Security
program for people over 65.
The first bill of this kind ap-
peared in 1952 and with minor"
variations has confronted every

Forand Bill Offers Limited Benefits

Congress since then. Forand pre-
sented the original version of his
proposal in 1957-58, but no action
was taken.
* * *
MEDICAL expenses are con-
stantly rising, but the price of
care for the aged is experiencing
the most drastic change. It rose
74 per cent in, a five-year period
ending in 1958, as co1rpared to
42 per cent for the general popu-
lation. This is largely due to the
increasing proportion of aged to
the total population.
A 1957 study by the Social
Security administration shows that
two out of five of its old-age bene-
ficiaries have some type of. health
Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare Arthur S. Flemiag
has predicted that this figure will
increase to 70 per cent by 1965,
and that Forand's Bill, which
would add health insurance to the
benefits offered by Social Security,
"would bring to a virtual halt the

voluntary efforts that are moving
forward in such an encouraging
* * *.
HOWEVER, Rep. Forand says
that existing medical policies for
the aged provide for "very limited
benefits." He also point out that
voluntary prepayment plans es-
tablished by hospitals and medical
societies such as Blue Cross and
Blue Shield compete with com-
mercial insurance companies, who
can balance losses with other
profitable business, and can select
groups for coverage that have the
least need, thus allowing for re-
duced rates. For these reasons
such voluntary prepayment plans
are obliged to continually raise
their rates.
What exactly would the Forand
Bill do?
It would insure Social Security
pensioners against hospital, sur-
gical and nursing care costs, pay-
ing for up to 60 days of hospital
care, 60 days of nursing-home
care, and minor surgery.

"Now Would You Also Care To Sign Up for Optional
Social Security, Optional Police and Fire
Departmients, Optional Armed Forces .."

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It would not cover.elective sur-
gery or fees to attending physi-
cians beyond the one treating the
patient. Choice of doctors and
hospitals would be left to the
s -*
tial cost will be one billion dollars,
although several opponents to the
bill have said that it is likely to
prove to be twice that amount.
The cost would rise as the pro-
gram gained momentum.
The program would be financed
by an increase in the Social Se-
curity tax of one-fourth of one
per cent on each $4,800 of wages
and salaries per year. The present
tax rate is three per cent on the
same amount.
Finally, about 15 million pen-
sioners and potential pensioners
would be covered. Coverage would
be compulsory.
* * *
THE BIGGEST object to the
Forand Bill is a basic one: that a
compulsory government - backed
insurance plan is socialistic and
would, as Flemming said, "fore-
close the opportunity for private
groups . . . to demonstrate their
capacity to deal with the prob-
lem . . ." This seems to be the
major fear of the American Medi-
cal Association, which has con-
stantly opposed the bill.
Dr. Frederick C. Swartz, chair-
man of the AMA committee on
the aging, argued before the Sen-
ate Subcommittee on Problems of
the Aged and Aging that the
passage of the Forand legislation
would result in poorer, not better,
health care. Most of his state-
ments appear to be only different
ways of saying the AMA fears
"socialized medicine" in any form,
to any degree.
* * *
FOR INSTANCE: "Medical care
is not susceptible to productiorg
line techniques"; or, "flexibility of
medical technique . . . would un-
questionably vanish the moment
government establishes a health
program from a blueprint calling
for mass treatment."
More concrete criticism made
by Dr. Swartz are that community
experiments would be discouraged,
that choice of doctors and hos-
pitals would be restricted, and
that the Federal government would
audit and control records of hos-
pitals, nursing homes and pa-
tients. These last two do not seem'
to be supported by the nature of
the bill.
Another interesting objection to
the Forand Bill voiced by Dr.
Swartz is that more easily avail-
able facilities would quickly be
taken advantage of by people who
may have no real need for them,
and a hospital and doctor short-
age would result, with no provision
made for relieving it.
THE CAUSE of the AMA's tre-
pidation can probably be summed
up in this final quotation from
Dr. Swartz's testimony: "When
the government at any level guar-
antees services it cannot provide,
it invariably tends to control the
purveyor of these services."
The addition to the Social Se-
curity tax is also unpopular, but
probably the most well-founded
objection to the plan is that it
provides for no protection for the
four million who do not have
Social Security, and who are
among those most in need of as-
* * *
THE AVERAGE person over 65
stays twice as long' in the hospital
as the average patient. Therefore
the Forand Bill, which only pro-
vides for a stay of 60 days every
12-month period, is likely not to
be of great help in the case of
the long illnesses to which age
is susceptible.
The Forand Bill is encountering
stiff opposition within the govern-
ment itself. Republican members

of the Ways and Means Com-
mittee call it underfinanced and
object to its being compulsory,
some Sduthern Democrats, includ-
ing Wilbur D. Mills, a member of
hte committee, also oppose it. The
present administration is irrevoc-
ably against it. For these reasons
It is not likely to have any suc-

si Need New Berli*n- Status

XHEN THE HEADS of government
Paris, each in his own way and fo
easons will be greatly preoccupied w
ems that lie outside of Europe and an
ig strictly, outside the competence of1
it meeting.
On the strictly European questio
rises out of the partition of Germa
, as I have pointed out in preceding
very large degree of tacit agreement.
xermanys are not to be reunited. 1
hat both sides are seeking is a d
Erope, a relaxation of tension, whic
n substance, though not in all the f
ails, the status quo.
This search for a detente is ins
ourse, by the realization that there is
ean question which can now, wi
isting balance of power, be settled b
y the threat of war. But the search
ente in Europe is inspired also, and i
neasure, by the need to conserve en
ttention and resources for the mount
ems outside of Europe-in Asia, Afric
his hemisphere. None of the greatf
reat enough, is strong enough, an
lrough, to continue an intensified str
he mastery of Europe and also tod
uately with its own interests outside o
K. and his colleagues may hope,t
ven believe, that all of Germany wi
ommunist. But they know also that'
ot use force to impose Communismt
rn Germany or on West Berlin with
ipitating the war which they, justs
he West, must avoid.
On the other hand, the Russians k
hey cannot take China for granted, a
re to protect their interests and thei
n Asia they must not use up theiri
1 a race of armaments. They must
o face towards Asia with a free han
deans without being tied down by t
ility of war in Europe.
This is the central reason, In my v
hey want a ban on nuclear testing. Su
Editorial Staff
ditorial Director City
IM BENAGH.........................Sp

meet in will not only promote a detente in Europe but
r his own it will also provide them with a decisive reason
ith prob- why they cannot supply China with the means
e, speak- to become a nuclear power. They have every
the sum- reason in the world, far more reason than we
have, to wish that China should not become a
n, which nuclear power.
ny, there This is the reason why the proposed treaty
g articles, is so important. It is not that cheating is im-
The two possible if the perfect crime is committed by
oreover, the Russians. It is important because the pri-
etente in mary interest of the Russians will be to main-
h accepts tain the ban in the treaty.
ormal de-
IT IS EVIDENT that the main preoccupation
pired, of of France today lies across the Mediterra-
ino Erdo nean in Algeria and in French Africa. That is
thin the why a detente in Europe is a French necessity.
by war or The French army is not in Europe but in
for a de- Africa, and French interests in Africa make it
n growing impossible for France to regard the NATO mili-
nergyand tary establishment as of vital importance to
ergy and French security. What is more, if the French
ing prob- presence in Africa is to be maintained, metro-
a, and in politan France will have to draw heavily on
dowersics its capital resources. Therefore, in spite of the
d is for two nuclear explosions in the Sahara Desert,
deal ade- France cannot afford to run in the race of
)f Europe.
i r HE COMMONWEALTH conference now be-
nion. Mr. ing held in London defines the question
they may which is becoming the prime preoccupation of
11 become British foreign policy. It is the question of how
they can- the older nations of the Commonwealth, which
on West- are predominantly white in population and
hout pre- Western in their culture, are to live and to
as we in work with the new nations of South Asia and
now that If the British Commonwealth can find the
nd if they road to inter-racial amity, it will be at least
r security as great a contribution as any of the great
resources contributions which Britain has made to good
t be able government and. human liberty, But if there
id, which is to be a race:of armaments in Europe, and
he possi- if the cold war is to become increasingly dead-
ly, there will not be the time, the energy, the
view, why wisdom, the patience, or the resources to find
uch a ban the path of conciliation.
WE, TOO, had our reasons for seeking a
detente in Europe. We cannot any longer
turn our attention away from this hemisphere.
More over, to keep up in the race of arma-
ments we must spend at least as much as the
President asks for, and to be safe we probably
T JUNKER ought to spend more. In order to do this we
Editor have been faced with a choice. Shall we meet
orts Editor the public needs of our growing population

Serkin Shows Good Form

RUDOLF SERKIN gave a mag-
nificent performance of Bee-
thoven's "Emperor" concerto last
night on the first May Festival
concert of the season. The fifth
concerto of Beethoven is a bril-
liant, virtuoso work and Serkin
was in good form for the occasion.
The work opens with a strong
chord in the orchestra, followed
by an arpeggio passage in the
piano. From the very first note,
the Philadelphia orchestra, con-
ducted by Eugene Ormandy, and
pianist, Rudolf Serkin worked to-
gether producing a fine balance of
sound in an exciting performance.
One of the most outstanding fea-
tures of Serkin's playing is his fine
sense of rhythm and timing.
* * *
ONE CAN always feel the beat
or pulse of the music, yet this
pulse never destroys the line or
interrupts the flow of sound. The
passage work was clear and bright
with amazing control of dynamics
and sound. The orchestra achieved
a beautiful singing sound in the
lyric passages and there was sensi-
tivity between orchestra and solo-
The third movement of the Con-
certo-Rondo: allegro-is a lively
dance-like movement and the per-
formers played with the appropri-
ate abandon and liveliness bring-
ing an enthusiastic response from
the audience for the closing work
of the evening.
Beethoven's Overture to Leon-
ore, No. 3 was the opening work
on the program. The performance
New Books at Library
Moorehead, Alan - No Room in
the Ark; N.Y., Harper & Bros.,
Morton, Frederic -The Witch-

was precise and accurate, al-
though to this reviewer it lacked
power and vigor in the climactic
sections, especially towards the
end of the work.
* * *
THE WORK itself is the dra-
matic overture to Beethoven's only
opera, Fidelio, yet it stands in-
dependently as an exciting, well
balanced piece of music.
The second work performed on
the all - Beethoven concert, the
Symphony No. 7 in A major, is
full of beautiful melodies and
many lively dance-like sections.
The first movement, although
played with a great deal of clarity
and precision, seemed a little re-
strained, especially the opening
chords for full orchestra. The
string section of the orchestra al-
ways had a beautiful sound and

the balance was good. The second
movement is centered around a
rhythmic idea which pulsates
throughout the work. Again, the
orchestra was accurate but didn't
seem to reach a high enough level
of sound.
* * *
IN THE THIRD movement -
Presto - the orchestra broke loose
with a lively brilliant sound cap-
turing the spirit of the music. The
interpretation of this work varies
a great deal with personal taste;
some prefer a grandiose reading
such as the Philadelphia gave last
night while for others the work
requires a more subtle interpreta-
tion. In any event the performance
was very exciting and May Festival
was opened with an enjoyable pro-
-Charlotte Davis

Judic Need Not be a Tool'

To the Editor:
AS A FORMER member of Joint
Judiciary Council, I have been
deeply distressed over some of the
remarks made against the Council
these past few days. I am not
presently concerned with whether
their decision to suspend students
Hall and Lubin was a correct one.
As a student, however, I feel
that it was in full accord with the
facts of the case, facts which, un-
fortunately, too few students sign-
ing petitions or voting for resolu-
tions have taken note of. I am
more troubled about the innuen-
dos inferring that the Council
acted as a "tool" of the Adminis-
tration and would have been un-
able to take independent action

no instances could I truthfully
state that the Council was
"forced" by Dean Rea or anyone
else to give up that which we
cherish the most-our right as a
student body to arrive at a deci-
sion independent of outside, in-
fluencing opinions.
* s
TOO MANY students, I am
afraid, have a distorted view of
Joint Judiciary Council. Many
think it to be some kind of august
body which would love to throw
out as many students as possible
were it given the chance. This
kind of thinking is preposterous.
Suspension from school is the most
severe punishment possible, and it
can never be taken lightly.

of each Council member. No seri-
ous student, I suppose, could do
otherwise and still retain a clear
conscience. Regardless of what
others may say, this is no different
than what has gone on in Coun-
cil deliberations for the past num-
ber of years.
That Dean Rea's and the Coun-
cil's opinion of "justice" coincided
is no reason to conclude that a
causal relation existed. The history
of the Council and the seriousness
of the decision point against this.
In fact, had the Council decided
that Dean Rea was in error, let-
ters would come pouring into The
Daily praising Joint Judiciary
Council to the sky.
It would do well to remember
that the members on Joint Judi-

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