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August 27, 1963 - Image 51

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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j~ Ai P it~au lt auI1

.records campus life for cherished
memories of student days.

... publishes works of many media,
from music to literature.


... finding no sacred cows, satirizes
the University and the world.

. covers University community news
and interprets its meaning.

... is an easy guide for locating
the address and phone of any student.


Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom



c+IX I'A rI r




<< #

Student Pub
Business Staff Aids Paper







The unique position that The
Daily enjoys as one of the few col-
lege newspapers not controlled by
the administration is the major'
benefit which the Daily business
staff provides to the paper and to
the campus; for The Daily stays
ediorially free as long as it is
business manager
i ?.
ress ree
The Daily enjoys the advantage
o com plete financial independ-
ence from the University. as '73
years of Daily and Michiganensian
profits have built up assets of
more than $415,000.
It operates completely from ad-
vertising and subscription in-
comes This lack of necessary f I-
nancial support from- the Univer-
sity enables The Daily editorial
and business staffs to have rela-
tively wide freedom to experiment
with new ideas, Business Man-
ager Andrew Crawford, '64E, ex-
plained recently.
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publication o wns al Dal
uses most of its space and equip-
ment, valued at more than $200,-
000. This includes the printing
sho with its five linotype ma-
cines, two monotype machines,
a ludlow hand-set headline ma-
chine and a 12-page press. This
equipment makes The* Daily one
of the best equipped papers of
its size in the world, he noted.
The busines staff controls most
of the paer's finances. It raises
000 inhe192-3school yer
f Fifty-thousand dollars come from
snhierintion sales. $90.000 from

solvent, and it is through the ef-
forts of the business staff that the
Daily remains solvent.
As a member of the Daily busi-
ness staff, you will find a pleasant
home. away from the quad or-the
dorm between the walls of the
lovable old building at 420 May-
nard. You will gain knowledge of
many skills known only Lo a pre-
cious few, such as proofreading,
laying out newspaper pages, form-
ulating display advertising, and
inserting free personal classified-
Under the newly devised for-
malized training program, you will
oin the staff as a trainee in any
one of the following departments:
layout and proofreading, display
accounts, subscription accounts,
circulation, national advertising,
classified advertising, display ad-
vertising and promotions. Judging
on how competently you grasp the
fundamentals of .i department,
you may spend at least one month
in each division to gain a working
knowledge of each one.
Check for Typos
As a ,member of the layout and
proofreading department, you will
be responsible for arranging the
ads into the pages, as well as
making sure that no typographical
errors find their way into the ads
in the morning paper. Laying out
the page takes creative ingenuity;
catching the typos requires only
that the person be sadistic enough
to relish correcting other people's
The display accounts depart-
ment handles the financial aspects
of display advertising, including
checking ads that ran, billing, and
contacting local merchants. In
getting to know the merchants
personally, members of the busi-
ness staff have the opportunity to
give the Ann Arbor community a
better impression of students.
Working with subscription ac-
counts, you handle the financial
aspects of circulation. Most of
the work is done the first few
weeks of the semester, but stu-'
dents are still needed for billing
and crediting during the rest of,
the term.
Unenviable Task
The circulation departmen, has
the unenviable task of making sure
that almost 7000 Dailies get to
their appointed destinations. Stu-
dents who begin their training
period in this area should plan to
have their afternoons free and to
spend the first few weeks of the

semester in particular on the tele-
If you prefer national advertis-
ing, you will experience indirect
See DAILY, Page 4
Snap Poto
For Dail
Photographers are an integral
part of The Daily staff.
With an increased emphasis on
photographs in The Daily, the
photographer will be playing an
increasingly important role in its
operation. Most "art"-as pictures
are called in journalistic lingo-
will be taken by staff photograph-
The photographer will shoot a
wide variety of pictures. These
range from single-column, head-
and-shoulder shots of lecturers, to
action-packed sports and disaster
Two Shifts
A photographer works one or
two afternoon or evening shifts a
week. He gets his assignment
about 3:30 p.m., if he works aft-
ernoons, or 7 p.m., if he works
evenings, then journeys to various
parts of campus to take the pic-
ture., An hour or so later, he re-
turns with the film and the dark-
room technician develops the pic-
tures the night editor or assistant
night editor chooses to run.
Photographers get paid for the;
pictures they take. They have a
choice of three payment plans.
Either they receive 65 cents for
each picture used, or 45 cents for
the first picture assigned, used or,
not, and 65 cents for the second.
picture printed; or 65 cents for
each photography assignment. ,
The Daily has equipment for
use by photographers. It owns a,
35 mm Cannon camera and strobe
for lighting. Many photographers
use it rather than their own equip-
ment. The Daily will supply it to
any interested photographer who
wants to work on the staff, but
does not have his own camera.
AP Circulation
As The .Daily is a member of,
the Associated Press, pictures
: taken' by staff photographers may
be supplied to it. These special in-
terest photographs may be circu-
lated by wirephoto across the
state, nation or world. Usually, the;
AP will pay a small commission
for the picture.

Daily Reporters
Staff Join To Practice Journalisn
Extend Education, Make Friends
Every September, a diverse collection of students from a
walks of campus life gathers at the Student Publicatior
Bldg-the people who will put out the new year's Michiga
They have come for many reasons.
Some - though a surprisingly small percentage - a
future journalists, seeking practical experience in the new
paper field. Most veterans of this route assert that the
Daily experience was.far more valuable to their careers tha
the best classroom instruction.
Others come in search of a meaningful activity, seeki
to understand and participate in University life beyond t
narrow path between dormi-" Y .. . ...>___ }
tory and lecture hall.
Still others are looking for a
"home," a place where they will
=have identity as individuals, where ,.:
they can find friendships and se
curity on an often impersonal
campus. ; ,'
Contributors All ,1.1. , , ,.

-Daily--James Keson
NERVE-CENTER-The city room is the heart of The Daily. In it the paper is put out each night at
the night desk. The sports staff also functions here. During the day, the business staff collects its
classified advertisements and makes .up its display ads. The Daily library and the Board in Control of
Student Publications office are also located within its confines..
Info rmal 'nsian Pictures ~U

The new kind of Michiganensian
presented in 1963 was a tremen-
dous success, and editor Ronald
Kramer, '64, promises that "we in-
tend to enlarge following the same
format for this year.
"Last year's 'Ensian was differ-
ent from previous issues in sev-
eral important ways. It' was less
formal, more unified, smaller and
completely editorialized.
"The formality of a yearbook
can be seen in its posed group pic-
tures, which will again be com-
pletely omitted from the 'Ensian
this year. "We will try to capture
what the University is, rather than
who it is," explained Kramer.
'Unified B6ok'
"We will again strive for a uni-
fied book by eliminating distinct
separations between sections,"
Kramer said. The latest edition of
the 'Ensian had one general divi-
sion leading into the next. For
example, the last page of the arts
section was a picture of the band
in formation at a football game,
which naturally led into the sports
section which followed.

j"We will continue this .kind of
organization," he promised, "how-
ever, we will try to expand it
somewhat." The 1964 'Ensian will
be 224 pages, or 48 more than the
previous one. "This will allow more
depth coverages where needed,
such as in the living section, while
still permitting easier deadlines
and time to retake pictures and
rewrite copy.
"The completely editorialized
style will be retained," Kramer ex-
plained. "This adds to the infor-
Basic Elements
The informal format merges the
basic elements of the yearbook
into a continuous whole. The first
in color is the photographic sum-
mary of the University.-Its pic-
tures run the whole gamut of
campus life from traditional scenes
to scientific laboratories. It in-
cludes sports and living unit
The second deals with the aca-
demic units of the University. In
the past, formal pictures pre-
dominated, but last year and this,
the section has been replaced with
more candid shots, designed to
more deeply reflect the unit.
The living unit section. the
third element, has been largely
replaced with generalized infor-
mal .pictures. Trhe stock group
shots of quadrangie and dormi-
tor * houses and of affiliate Groups

Because of the radically differ-
ent format of last year, only 2500
copies were printed, but they were
all sold. "The 'Ensian was a com-
plete financial success," he said.
This year, however, they will only
order 100 additional copies, pend-
ing the anticipated increased de-
One of the reasons that the
Michiganensian has traditionally
been a quality yearbook is the
photography, Kramer asserted.
Most of the photographs in last1
year's book were done by Richard
McLeary, '63, first prize winner
in the Michigan Union's Creative
Arts Festival. Several photographs
by Edward Langs, '65L, appearing
in the 1963 'Ensian, also won
'Ensian Staff
Work on the 'Ensian goes on
on the first floor of the Student
Publications Building. The senior
staff, appointed by the Board in
Control of Student Publications for
1964 are, besides Kramer, Robert
Shenkin, '64, business manager;
Diane Pierson, '64, layout editor;
Mort Weldy, '65, copy editor; and
Carol Pantalone, '64, personnel
Many positions are open on the
'Ensian staff. Working on the
yearbook, a student gets a broader
scope of .campus life, and also
comes in contact with important

But they (or so the editors like
to think) remain because of the
opportunity to make a suibstantial
contribution to the nation's top
college newspaper.
Daily staffers continually assert
that their paper is indeed the lead-
er in its field-and the record
bears out their boast. Once tagged
"the New York Times of college
newspapers" by the Collegiate
PressaService, The Daily has
walked off with top honors in
every college-press competition it
has entered, and has won many
awards in competition with pro-
fessional papers of-its size.
The Daily's 7000 subscribers'
receive their paper early in the
morning, six days a week, through-
out the regular school year.
Educational Slant
As a University newspaper, The
Daily stresses campus news and
looks for the University slant in
dealing with state and national
events. But in addition, its nation-
al Associated Press teletype pro-
vides The Daily with the top state,
national and world news-and Thee
Daily's 2 a.m. deadline, latest in
the state, enables it to scoop the
bigger papers on many late-break-
ing stories.
In both AP and local news, The
Daily attempts to fill its news
pages with the important and sig-
nificant rather than the passing
and sensational. Thus Laos and
the Regents take precedence over
Jackie.'Kennedy and campus
dances, while plane crashes and
sex crimes are confined to the

T rainees
The Daily editorial, business
sports and photography staff
are entirely staffed by studen
volunteers who cooperate it
putting out the paper six day
a week.
Thekeditorial staff offers sta
dents- an opportunity to keel
up with University, local, na
tional and international affairs
Trainees participate in. stor;
writing as well as workin
shifts on night desk while th
actual paper is being producec
The Daily business staff give
invaluable practical experiene
which will give advertising an
business experience.Staff mem
hers themselves solicit all ad
versiting and manage account;
f-or Daiy operations.
Students at all levels are en
couraged to try out for then

Reviewers Pass Judgement on Area Art


The editorial page of The Daily


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