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August 27, 1963 - Image 52

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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(Continued from Page 1)

As a result, The Daily is free
to report the Universities prob-
lems and controversies as well as
its more innocuous aspects-and
the editorial page .regularly car-
ries stinging criticism, as well as
praise, of University policies and
Though scarcely an administra-
tor has not occasionally had cause
to regret The Daily's freedom,
most feel that in the long run
their faith in students has been
vindicated by the high quality of
the publication that has resulted.
The Daily Career
The diverse individual. of the
Daily staffs share many experi-
ences throughout their "career"
on the paper.
The newcomer to the organiza-
tion first becomes a trainee, during
which he gets his first taste of
work on the night desk-the fraz-
zled-nerve center from whiich the
next morning's gaper is put out.
The common reaction to this first
experience is amazement-amaze-
ment that from this incredibleE
tangle of scattered copy, coke bot-
tles, textbooks, coats, telephones,

broken typewriters, assignment
sheets, old newspapers, and dis-
organized-looking, screaming and'
often cursing people a coherent
newspaper could emerge by 2 a.m.
Trainees usually share other ex-
periences : the trauma of writing
headlines that have to FIT, the
challenge of the first story, and
getting to know the kooky people
who will be their associates for the
next few years.
A Little More Sense
As the first-year staffer moves
up to reporter and then rewrite,
the whole thing begins to .make. a
little more sense. And more ex-
periences follow--the first by-line,
the first page-one story, the first
lead story, the first editorial, the
first angry reply to his editorial-
and so on.
During this period, he is first
assigned to a beat. In attempting
to completely cover all aspects of
the sprawling University, the staff
is divided into these small groups,
each with responsibility for* a cer-
tain area. The attempt, of course,
is not totally successful-people
in almost any area of University
life will tell you that The Daily
grossly underplays and misunder-
stands the news from their corner,
while wasting valuable space on
trivia from others' corners.
Somewhere around the onset of
his sophomore year, the Daily
staffer finds himself promoted to
assistant night editor, responsible

for putting out pages two, five and
eight one night a week. "
For the first time, the paper is
really dependent upon him-and
his first experience as an assist-
ant night editor often proves a
trial by fire. Forced to concentrate.
on a half-dozen things at once,
pursued by a clock running at
least twice as fast as it should, he
bemoans his ignorance of all the
things he did not learn during his
first year.
Even More Sense
But after a few nights on desk,
he begins to sense the underlying
organization that insures that to-
morrow's paper will be born from
the madhouse that is tonight's
night desk.
In the sophomore's writing, too,
the scope broadens. He learns to
handle controversial issues, begins
to assemble seemingly unrelated
ideas in his editorials, and starts.
to achieve a larger view of just
what this university is all about.
His work swings into high gear
as he becomes a junuior and a
night editor. Now, one night a
week, the full responsibility for
the next day's paper is his. He
puts out pages one and three (an
exclusively state, national and
world news page) himself and
supervises the work of the assist-
ant night editor. By now, he must
fully understand the underlying
organization that brings an ord-
ered newspaper from a chaotic


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The process goes something like
The night editor and assistant
night editor begin work about the
middle of the afternoon. They
confer with the senior editors an.
buttonhole other staffers, attempt-
ing to find enough copy to fill the
next day's paper.
Meanwhile, the Daily business
staff, working in a chaotic world
of its own, is laying out the adver-
tisement for the next day's paper.
At about 4 p.m., their work done,
the business staffers indicate the
ad layout on the page dummies,
hand them to the night editor, and
go home.
Attacks Page Make-Up
Now the operation begins to
move. The assistant night editor,
who already has most of his copy,
begins making up his pages-de-
ciding what must rutn tonight,
pondering which are mst import-
ant, and trying to fit the recalci-
trant things into decent-looking
Meanwhile, the night editor has
a little more time, and may indulge
in a little speculation. He lays
out a tentative version of page one,
which will likely be trn to shreds
by a late-breaking story or one
which doesn't come through, but
which provides a certain feeling of
security as he turns to putting out
page three.
At about 5 p.m., he attacks the
long ribbon of copy which the AP
machine has been grinding out
since about noon, and begins the
page three routine: read through
it, eliminate the rapes, hurricanes
and Nixon's dog, decide how much
AF should be saved for page one
and put stories that are likely to
have late developments in that
pile, rank what's left in order of
importance, and lay out the page,
Attacks Copy
At 6 p.m., their pages laid out,
the night editor and his assist-
ant begin editing copy, passing out
headlines for the trainees to write,
and sending copy from the second
floor night desk to the shop on the
ground floor of the publications
The shop, manned by profes-
sionals, is one of the most complete
in collegiate pressdom. Built, as
was the entire Student Publica-
tions Bldg., from 'The Daily's prof-
its during the roaring twenties,
the shop includes five linotypes, a
Ludlow (headline - setting) ma-
chine, an electric and a hand-op-
erated proof press, and assorted
other paraphernalia which still
baffles most staff members.
Upstairs, the editing and head-
line-writing continues. Around the
night desk, people.guzzle Cokes,
argue.politics, throw a fotball
around, and pester the editors.
Assorted senior editors come by to
confound the night editor by veto-
ing his page layout or ordering
him to run a certain story. Head-
lines come back up from the shop
-they didn't fit, rewrite them.
Khrushchev threatens war at 7:43
page three has to be remodeled to
include this late development. The
photographer missed an afternoon
lecture, and the assistant night
editor is without any photos for
his page. And the clock keeps mov-
Attacks Page One
But despite these and innumer-
able other crises, the assistant
night editor has his copy and his
page dummuies down in the shop bay
8 p.m.; the night editor gets page
See VARIED, Page 4






-Daly-James gescrn
RAW NEWS-The Associated Press through its almost endlessly
clicking teletype wire sends dispatches of world events. The na-
tional concerns editor and the night editor evaluate it and place
it in its proper place in the paper.
Atempt to Relate News
O 'U', Nat ion, World

--al are great traditions of

a great

More than dust reporting the
University and the campus com-
munity, The Dtaily attempts to re-
late them to this. increasingly com-.
plex world.
The Daily has been a member of
the Associated Press since 1916
and still relies heavily on its dis-
patches for news of events in the
world, nation and state. It has re-
corded war and peace, depression
and prosperity as told by the AP.
Reporters talk to campus experts.
in political science, economics, law
and business administration for
their interpretation of events.
Many have significant contacts in
Washington and elsewhere and

their remarks shed new light on
many a situation.
Emphasizing The Daily's need to
relate the University and .world,
last year's senior editor created a
new senior position-the national
concerns editor. This editor's
main function is to correlate na-
tional and world news with Uri-
versity news and help assign each
a proper place in the paper.
He works specifically with the
night editor in preparing page
three-The Daily's non-local news
page. This page, created four years
ago, is taking on new meaning as
more interpretive writing is ap-
pearing on it.


tradition, too.


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