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October 03, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-03

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Work on

Cures for Cancer, Mental Illness


Of Educ


F ndingS
, organ, organism, group
institution have a com-
'acteristic wh'ich makes
resting to the mental
earcher-they are all be-
es G. Miller, director cif
al Health Research In-
id others interested in
ealth at the University
iat the study of these
systems will produce in-
which will be useful in
ding and treating men-
erdisciplinary approach
I healthnresearch on
h a study is based is
it the University, rep-
es from the mass media
yesterday. They were
the second annual Men-
i Press Day, sponsored
rsity and state groups
with mental health.
health research and
methods at the Uni-
d in other parts of the
discussed in a program
Michigan's $90 mil-
al health program.
ie Cell in Society
inted out that research-
MHRI are working to-
ntegrative theory of be-
lating facts that are
ected from many dif-
iplines. He cited studies
ormation-processing ac-
systems as diverse as
id the social group.
. Luby, chief of adult'
services at the Lafa-
Lc in Detroit described
cinogenic drugs like LSD
used to study schizo-
t the Lafayette clinic.
under the influence of
s avoid being in groups.
rmal persons, they hal-
ss when there are few
rrounding them.
ment in schizophrenic
as obtained when they
ito such an environment
h social and sensory ex-

THE UNIVERSITY'S ROLE in .medical research was highlighted
by the awarding of a research professorship to Dr. G. Barry
Pierce (right) of the medical school for his work in cancer and
by recent publicity of the advances made by the Mental Health
Research Institute. Dr. James Miller (left) of the MHRI, believes
that integration of new findings will produce noticable advances

in the cure of mental illness.
periences were limited. The dis-
covery that a schizophrenic-like
state produced by a drug could
be controlled by limiting the pa-
tient's experiences thus led to a
new way of treating mental ill-
ness, Luby pointed out.
An Oasis
Dr. Robert A. Kimmich, director
of the Michigan State Depart-
ment of Mental Health discussed
problems encountered in mental
health programs throughout the
state. He termed the programs
"islands of excellence in a sea of
He described the need for more
trained personnel, more research
in mental institutions and in-
creased flow of information from
research labs to treatment cen-
Contending that existing re-
sources shoudl be used more ef-
ficiently, Kimmich said that as
out-patient treatment rather than
hospitalization becomes preferred
in many cases, many different
ways of treating mental illness will
be available.
Research like that being done
at the MHRI is very important,
Kimmich said, because it clarifies

some of the basic issues.
Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner,
chairman of the psychiatry de-
partment at the University also
suggested that resources in com-
munities, rather than just mentalI
hospitals, could be used effectively
for the treatment of mental and
emotional disorders.
Work with children at the Uni-
versity's Children's Psychiatric
Hospital is taking such a com-
munity - oriented approach. Dr.
Clyde Simson, chief of children's
services at the Lafayette Clinic
said the ideal situation would be
to reach pre-school children so
that emotional problems could be
discovered and treated early.
Family Cooperation
Dr. Stuart M. Finch, director
of the Children's Psychiatric Hos-
pital pointed out that parents of
children undergoing psychiatric
treatment should learn that they,
as parents, must cooperate with
the staff in treating the child. He
also noted that family planning
information given to parents in
lower socio-economic groups could
help prevent the birth of unwant-
ed children-frequently the ones
who become mentally ill.

Pierce Gains
Cancer Funds
A University cancer researcher.
was awarded the highest honor of
the American Cancer Society
Thursday-a research professor-
ship and a lifetime grant for any
cancer research he may carry out.
Dr. G. Barry Pierce, patholigist
in the Medical School, will be sup-
ported by the grant until he re-
tires "or until the problem of can-
cer itself is solved," the society
Canadian-born Dr. Pierce was
recognized for his research on a
form of cancer that appears in
male testes.
sA 'U' First
A society spokesman described
the grant as the first of its kind
from the American Cancer So-
ciety to a member of the Univer-
sity medical faculty.
The society said Dr. Pierce has
been using a form of cancer known
as teratocarcinoma, which ap-
pears in male testes, in investigat-
ing the "basic nature of cancer.,,
Dr. Pierce's work suggests a
"promising biological approach to
the control of cancer cells," the
society said.
Cancerous or Normal?
Dr. William N. Hubbard Jr.,
Medical School dean, said that
Dr. Pierce's work involves "the
fundamental differences between
a cancerous and a normal cell. His
development of an experimental
model for this study and his early
findings give promise of a lifetime
of productive effort in solving this
terrible problems."
Teratocarcinomas often contain
well formed teeth, hair or other
structures such as would be found
normally in other locations in a
developing embryo. Concer inves-
tigators are especially interested,
in this because this embryonal
carcinoma-the highly malignant
cells of teratocarcinomas is cap-
able of transformation into ap-
parently normal tissues.
Use Mice Tissue.
Dr. Pierce and his associates
have been studying teratocarcino-
mas by isolating single cells from
mouse embryonic material and
studying their growth potential by
grafting the cells, under the skin
of other mice. They have succeed-
ed 43 times with this technique in
developing teratocarcinomas from
single cell grafts.

APA Set To Present',The Hostage'

The second semi-annual tapping
and initiation of 1964 for South
Quadrangle Quadrants was held
recently. Selection of new mem-
bers is, based on outstanding serv-
ice and participation in the resi-
dence hall.
This semester's new members,
James E. Sheridan, '66, Richard
W. Ehnis, '66, Robert N. Shew-
maker, '66, Richard L. Ramsdell,
'67E, Paul R. Rentenbach, '67,
Timothy A. Hiltz, '66, Paula B.
Schneider, '67, Margaret R. Bur-
ton, '66, and Mrs. Virginia Har-
riman, honorary member.
Prof. James B. Bush of the
dental school attended the 7th and
Southern District meeting of the
Kansas Dental Society Sept. 21-
22 in Wichita, Kansas. Bush, who
joined the faculty July 1, present-
,d papers on "Obtaining and Sus-
taining Dental Auxiliary Person-
nel" and "Examination, Diagnos-
is and Treatment Planning." He
was previously on the staff of the
I University of Iowa dental school.
^* * *
What happened, who was born.
who died 100, 500, and 2400 years
ago? The current exhibit in the
corridor of the General Library
is designed to answer these ques-
tions. Entitled "Centennials -
1964," the exhibit, made up of
books, photographs, and prints,
will remain through October.
* * *
The Chad Mitchell Trio will ap-
pear at Hill Aud. on Saturday, Oct.
24 for Homecoming this fall.
-* * *
Student Government Council
President Thomas L. Smithson,
'65 will attend a special reception
at the White House Saturday,
Smithson and other college stu-
dent leaders from throughout the

nation will discuss mutual prob-
lems with President and Mrs. Lyn-
don B. Johnson.
* * *
5-6:30 p.m.-There will be an
open house at the new School of
Music on North Campus.
5'p.m., 6 p.m., and 7 p.m.--Prof.
Marilyn Mason of the music school
will present a program of organ
music in Studio 2110 of the music
5 p.m. and 9 O.m.-The APA
will present "The Hostage" b3
Brendan Behan in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
This late afternoon matinee was
scheduled to enable students to
see the football game, have a

short snack and then attend the
* * 0
8:30 p.m. - Joseph Schuster,
guest cellist and Barbara Holm-
quest, pianist, will give a concert
in the recital hall of the new
music school.
3 p.m. and 8 p.m.-The APA
Repertory Company will present
Brendan Behan's "The Hostage in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
8:30 p.m. - Professors Eugene
Bossart and Charles Fisher of the
music department will give a duc
piano recital with a Chamber Or-
chestra under the direction of
Prof. Gilbert Ross of the music
school inRackham Aud.

In other cases, well formed tis-
sues derived from the embryonic
carcinomas were grown for months
in situations isolated from other
cancer cells. Since they exhibited
no cancerous growth potential
during this period, they were as-
sumed to be benign or normal.
This suggests that the offspring
of cancer cells can differentiate
and become normal. Embryonic
carcinoma cells can give rise either

to malignant cells or to cells which
develop normally as embryonic
Reversible Growth Process
From this it appears that the
malignant process is reversible for
this type of cancer.
It has often been observed that
when cells grow rapidly, they do
not fully mature into usual adult
forms. Dr. Pierce, for example,

grew tumors from single mela-
noma cancer cells of the hamster
and artifically increased their
growth rates. The tumors lost their
adult qualities, appeared more
malignant and did not produce
their usual melanin pigment.
This suggests that a promising
biological approach to the control
of cancer cells would be an at-
tempt to make them change into
normal tissues.

In Race Issue
LANSING (A'-"It is time we
stopped thinking that education
is simply a way of transmitting
white middle-class culture from
one generation to the next," a
New York educator said here
Meeting the needs of minority
groups, especially the Negro, is
one of the greatest educational
problems of today, Prof. Harold
Taylor, former president of Sarah
Lawrence College of Bronxville,
Taylor spoke at the opening ses-
sion of a two-day Michigan Edu-
cation Association conference be-
fore more than 5000 Central Mich-
igan teachers.
"The American system of public
education has now become pri-
marily an instrum'ent of social
mobility," he said. "The dominant
American goals of material se-
curity and economic expansion
have become the goals of the
educational system. Educational
reform has come to consist of
devising instruments to achieve
these aims."
Taylor criticized the spending
of large sums for space programs
while great moral problems re-
main unsolved in the nation.
He called on teachers to take
intellectual leadership and not
hesitate to organize as a political
force to initiate changes.


DIAL 2-6264

"aIT/' A
--NY. Journal American




DIAL 8-6416
T E "The weirdest,
'wooziest, wackiest
comedy of 1963."
H ILLS Time Magazine

Agreement Quells Berkeley Protests


I m



*tinued from Page I)
proul Hall. Students va-
building Thursday night
ilea from a faculty mem-'
oontinued'occupation of
ing would be harmful to
,e car, In which the non-
who had violated thenban
held, was surrounded by
Thursday in the square
if Sproul Hall and became
r of the demonstration.
han 24 hours later, the
still surrounded. Jack
,still under arrest in the
t, and the leader of the
ation set up sound equip-
d took over the car roof
eaker's platform. Since
constant stream of
has flowed from the
ushed car roof.
ACLU Statement
is received additional
esterday when the Ameri-
Liberties Union backed
,nd, although Gov. Ed-
own issued a statement
condemning the stu-
asking the university to
y Chancellor Edward W.
sued a statement Thurs-
condemning the demon-
i going "far beyond the
f discussion" and con-
the university's position
,n and the students' sus-
background, there has
e question of whether the
notivations for the ban
ve, been Proposition Two,
ths Jailed
cal youths are in jail as
)f separate beatings...
ear-old Ann Arbor boy
k a local man in the face
was refused a pack off
in the Union was placed
y Jail Thursday by the

a $380 million capital outlay bond
issue for construction of Cali-
fornia's junior college and higher
education complex scheduled for
the Nov. 3 ballot.
Voice Backs
In Ann Arbor, the executive
committee of Voice, the Univer-
sity's chapter of Students for a
Democratic Society, issued a state-
ment yesterday 'supporting the
Berkeley student demonstrators.
The Voice statement called the
University of California's policies
"at best an unconstitutional in-
fringement of the political rights
of its students" and "at worst a
groundless, tyrannical extension of
administrative authority into an
area where it has no right."

Voice here urged the eight sus-
pended students be reinstated and
"full political freedom" restored
to the Berkeley campus.
Voice will circulate a petition
Monday and Tuesday in the Fish-
bowl supporting the Berkeley stu-
dents, chairman Richard Magi-
doff, Grad, said yesterday.
The original position of the uni-
versity was based on the "Kerr
Directives," a report issued several
years ago which portrayed the
university as a strictly educational
A California state law forbids
soliciting funds or members for
political groups on state property.
The University of California is a
state-owned university.



Shows at

Spenseful Sex Mystery.
The University Musical Society


MAT. TODAY at 5; TON IGHT at 9
SUN. MAT. at 3; SUN. EVE. at 8
by Brendan Behan
~ Dfrected by Stephen Porter
"Mad & Mirthprovoking!"... N.Y. Times
"Freewheeling, Bawdy, Poignant"... New Yorker
Settings end Lighting designed by Kim Swados
Costumes designed by Judith Ilaugen




her case, _a, Ypsilanti AR
charged with assaultUE A A ERGAPEST
in the beating lastI TEIĀ°TO FP U GR
a University student
he Union.
mamm m mum. mm m mm mm mu WWmm mm mm mm m mmmmm mmmmm m mm imm mmmm4mmm mm mmmmm
w S






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