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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Sunny and cool today;
partly cloudy tomorrow
Indict T
BILOXI, Miss. (P)-The federal
grand jury investigating the mur-
der of three civil rights workers
near Philadelphia, Miss., returned
two indictments yesterday.
The indictments insure there
will be a trial in the near future.
PlanTo'0 ct
Against Ber
of House Democrats served notice
yesterday it will try to strip par-
ty privileges from any Democrat-
ic members who oppose President
Lyndon B. Johnson's election.
Ten members, acting through
Rep. John A. Blatnik (D-Minn),
said they will contest the seat-
ing as a Democrat next January
of anyone who "supported, cam-
paigned for or* otherwise advo-
cated" the election of any presi-
dential candidate except Johnson.
The action would appear to be
aimed principally at Mississippi
and Alabama members-all Dem-
ocrats. In Mississippi, top state
Democratic leaders are openly
supporting Repblican Sen. Bar-
ry Goldwater (R-Ariz), while in
Alabama a slate of unpledged elec-
tors represents the only alterna-.
tive to the slate pledged to the
Republican nominee.
Blatnik's group intends to check
press. clippings and monitor ra-
dio speeches in the districts of'
suspected defectors to gather evi-
dence to lay before the Demo
cratic caucus next January when
it votes on committee assignments.
Blatnik, said in a House speech
that Democrats have every right,
as individuals, to support and
work for any presidential candi-
date they favor.
"We do not feel, however," he
added, "that such members should
be welcomed back into the Demo-
cratic fold and be entitled to com-
mittee assignments and other priv-
ileges on an equal basis with those
members who supported our na-
tional candidates "and platform."
The group is an informal or-
ganization of liberal Democrats
and has 125 dues-paying mem-
Rights CommI
Detals GaInS
"The progress and constructiv
rights movement far outweigh the r
of the forces of segregation," Arth
the state Civil Rights Commission, s
Tracing the history of the civ
to the Protestant Foundation for
v t:
accommodations are far more sub
Rights Act. Michigan, he added, lea
stitutional safeguards for civil rights
Backlash a Mi
Touching on the concept of "wI
"largely a misconception, if not a,
merely the emergence of formerly h
'movement. ,
"The successful implementation
now on the will of Negroes to act of
vides," Johnson declared.
He then answered questions pu
students from Nigeria, Lebanon and I
Responding to a query on the
struggle has damaged the world ima
said the superficial treatment given
often resulted in only the brutal and
. es ' ence
wo . 0 .Race Murders
By JEFFREY GOODMAN and form "an in
United States District Judge Another involves persons "act- LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM forged by com
Sidney Mize ordered the indict- ing under color of law" (indicat- the close tie
ments to be filed with the court ing law enforcement officers) and The realization of a self-con- and non-acad
and kept secret until the men were provides a one-year sentence and haved residential college may Thuma said
placed under arrest. a fine of up to $1000. after the constructon of it s structing the
The 23-member jury heard ings.clahesiis
about 85 witnesses in its secret classes on t
sessions over the past two weeks. This prospec was raised yes- since class, ol
D oukysB g in terday by the units future ad- cilities could
Presumably, the sessions were lime ministrative head, Associate Dean along with th
ited to civil rights violations, sinceButnT maothlieryc-
the murders are properly a state / Burton Thuma of the literary col- At
offense. o F n ce.o At the same
ffe O RRC I~ lere. nseHe explained that the Univer- A h ae
The judge instructed the 21 ,si'H immediate need for residence college studen
white men and 2 women-one of NEW YORK -A slow-motion facilities may force the residence in the colle
them a Negro housewife-not to ending unfolded yesterday to a cllege to share some of its build- keep them op
discuss the case or reveal the short-lived strike of dock workers ings with non-college students un- since the op
names of those indicted, from Maine to Texas as the work- til the 1200-student capacity is with ortly abo
At Philadelphia, Neshoba Coun- ers' union called the strike off reached. Once the r
ty Sheriff Lawrence Rainey said, under a federal court injunction. dent body gro
"I haven't heard about anybody Tentative Start four class le(
being picked up ' Taking a day's time to get car- The college is tentatively sched- residents wou
A Neshoba 'County grand jury goes moving again, the longshore- uled to admit freshmen for the fall mitted.
that considered the case at Phila- men went back to work last night. of 1966, hence a full student body Thuma and
deha djoudred lhast edneday Pier operations generally remain would not be participating untilco m a
delphia adjourned last Wednesday ed at a standstill through the third 1969 committee ha
without issuing any indictments. dat a tanstill t that the effe
It complained that federal officers day of the strike. As originally conceived, the could be ha
were not cooperative with state However, picket lines were with- unique small liberal arts college growth of the
officials in investigating the kill- drawn. Thomas Gleason, president near North Campus is to have its Ju
ings. of the International Longshore- own residence and classroom While the
The three civil rights workers men's Association, said the 60,000 facilities. accepted as
disappeared June 21 shortly after strikers at East and Gulf Coast In them, the students would sharing faci
they were released from the Nes- ports had been directed to report
hoba County jail, where they had for shapeups-where needed-at 7
been held five hours on a speeding p.m.
charge. . Gleason said he could not es-
They were James Chaney, 22, a timate how many longshoremen
Meridian, Miss.,rNegro and two would work last night and over
wthe weekend, since such work re-
and Michael Schwerner, 24, both quires time-and-a-half pay and a
of New York. City. 'gurt-ant d-inmumlf fourhours
In his public charge to the jury guaranteed minimum of four hours
at the start of the grand jury ses- work.
sions, Mize said it would be asked This was nearly 24 hours after
to consider violations of federal a federal judge, acting on a na-
conspiracy statutes under the 1948 tional emergency declaration by
civil rights code. President Lyndon B. Johnson, en-
One of the statutes contains a joined .the strike for at least 10
maximum penalty of 10 years in days. It began Wednesday at mid-
prison and a $5000 fine. night.
Stockwell Women Adoptg
Voluntary Plan Sign-out}
Stockwell Hall resolved its recent controversy over sign-outs last
night by voting 271-95 to adopt a voluntary system.
The choice between voluntary or mandatory sign-outs was givenf
to the individual houses late last spring. At that time, the houseso
were given a deadline by which to reach their decisions.
The Stockwell House Council soon after that voted to retain
the mandatory system. Within several days, a petition, in accordance
with the initiative clause of Stockwell's constitution, was presented }'=n
to the council. It asked that the matter be put to a house, vote k
and favored the voluntary system..
me tx's. u Stockwell received an extension
iss1on utiai of the deadline in order to hold -
the house election. The results of$
the referendum vote were again in t
favor of mandatory sign-outs, withh
of ovem ent the provision that the system be
reorganized to make it enforce-
EL DEAN abbe
This fall, Stockwell President h
e change resulting from the civil Christine Wellner, '66, appointed
ecklessness and destructive action a committee to re-organize the
system as provided by the spring x*
ur L. Johnson, deputy director of referendum.
aid last night. Under the mandatory system, a
u rights movement in an address girl must sign out for the hour
International Students, Johnson she expects to be in. If she does
described the 1954 Supreme Court not call or otherwise notify the
decision banning segregation in residence hall that she will be
the schools as the turning point late, the dormitory will begin look- RESTRICTIONS ON POLITICAL ACTIVITY a
in the struggle. ing for her if she is not in. by Trapping a police car (left) in front of Sproul
For the Negro, he said, this de- one-half hour after the time she their dissatisfaction with a ban on student poli
cision was another Emancipation specified ae'Thursday, they were bodily dragged out of the
Proclamation. From that date, a thAt girs cannt pu the temnis the dispute and to review the university's sta
new period in the civil rights slips when they come in. This isE
movement, the "period of the handled by an older girl who per- CLOSER TO NOVEMBER:
tNegro -Revolution," can be dis- forms the task for everyone. ______________________
cerned, he said. Under the impression that John
New spirit Bingley, director of student ac-
The resut f this new spirit tvties and oe~rganizatis, d t a if r e
was evident in the increase in approve changes in the system.
demonstrations and the growth of Miss Wellner and Associate Presi-
dent Jill Slingerland, '66, recently By The Associated Press try," Humphr
militant leadership in the move- took the committee's recommen- fving them a s
ment, he added. dation to him. He suggested that HOUSTON -The rule among the, mi
Johnson characterized the Civil the girls try the system for four November candidates yesterday Nais-yes, th
Rights Act of 1964 as the most weeks and then vote on it. was name-calling as campaign Humphrey s
important action on the federal Miss Wellner promised to see speeches aroused the emotions of plyingthat
level in 100 years. He also praised Bingley again about getting an listeners in various cities across pynthat,
the state constitution, saying its immediate house vote, after strong the nation, wanted by a
safeguards in the field of public opposition to mandatory sign-outs GOP candidate Rep. William E. But, he added
stantial than those in the Civil at a house meeting Wednesday Miller of New York said "two of
ds the states in all kinds of con- Bingley said recently he was history of the republic involved M SU
I. cnacting only in an advisory capacity friends of President Lyndon B.
sconception and had no power to force any- Johnson." He referred to Billie
hite backlash," Johnson said it is thing on the girls. Sol Estes and Bobby Baker. Top 31
misnomer." Backlash, he said, is This clarification of his position "While Billie Sol was cleaning
idden enemies of the civil rights in the matter opened the way for up at the taxpayer's expense and EAST LANE
last night's vote. Voting took place bragging about his friendship with State Univers
of the civil rights bill will depend at dinner, with absentee ballots Johnson, this administration's De- Thursday wit
n the basis of what that bill pro- provided. About 90 per cent of the partment of Agriculture looked the students on ca
residents voted. other way," Miller said. more than last
The new voluntary system is ef- Earlier in the day, he charged
Lhe Philip p n fective beginning today, that Johnson and his running enrollment at
the Philippines.mate, Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D- 36,235, up fron
degree to which the civil rights Quad ArSon? Minn) were pursuing policies that Th Upifro
ge of the United States, Johnson Incidents of attempted arson left them open to charges of be- total enrolli
the movement by the press has were reported last night in Easts cluding studen
I harsh aspects being emphasized. Quadrangle. The 'Defilers' Flint and Dea
Is Real Aeeordins to a resiient. a Humphrey, campaigning in Los increase of 1,7
rollege Faces Hurdle
.tellectual cohesion"
mon experiences and
* between academic
demic life.J
d the timing in con-
buildings may force
students to attend
,he central campus,
ffice and library fa-
not be completed
e residences in 1966.
time, non-residence
ts might be accepted
ge's dormitories to
Aerating at capacity,
eration would open
ut 350 students.
esidence college stu-
iws to encompass all
vets, the non-college
ld be no longer ad-
his faculty planning
ve expressed concern
cts of a "bad start"
rmful to the vital
need for space is
a justification for
lities, Thuma also
stressed that the tentative timing
for construction creates further
Planners for the college face
several alternatives:
1) If the residence units alone
open in 1966, the facilities would
have to be shared and the class
situation would be difficult.
Thuma said the committee is
dissatisfied with this prospect "be-
cause it would provide a mixture
of all sorts of students, which
could militate somewhat against
the operation of the college."
If students did not travel to the
Central Campus for classes, they
would have to take them in un-
used living units on the residence
college campus.
2) If, however, the construction'
of the residential units can be
delayed until 1967, the college
might open with itz full array of
clustered buildings. However, a
substantial portion of non-resi-
dential college students would still
reside and perhaps attend classes
They would be phased out as
the residential student body swell-
ed to four class levels.
3) The college could be con-
structed in piece-meal fashion, so
that the buildings would grow
with the expanding population. Al-
though the academic and resi-
dence units will form a cluster,
their small size permits this flex-
ibility, Thuma said.
But if this would bar outsiders,
it poses new problems. "It is very
difficult educating students amidst
the distradtions of new construc-
tion," he said. '
Stil Tentative
Both Thuma and a spokesman
from the business office empha-
sized that building plans are high-
ly tentative. The spokesman said
the completion of' the residence
units by a 1966 fall opening, for
instance, would be difficult.
There have been reports that'
the administrative officers are
pressuring the faculty group to,
finish planning the housing to in-
sure completion by this date.
The business spokesman denied
the speculation. "If it's possible to
finish by 1966 then let's do it. It
is not an impediment to the col-
lege if the group develops a pro-
gramland then we build that pro-
gram. But we will take time to
to Uni
construct the residence units t
suit the college's purpose."
Strong Upperclassmen
The concern of the planner
over sharing facilities is an ex
tension of their reported interes
in forming a strong upperclas
population in the college.
The possibile mishandling o
freshmen is viewed as a stron
deterrent to their staying in th
college without being dissatisfie
or dropping-out from the college
Students will be admitted an
continue voluntarily.
'But administrators in recent
weeks have acknowledged grow-
ing concern over the length o
time the faculty has taken to plan
the college.
The idea for the college cam
from the literary college curricu
lum committee in May of 1962. I
went through several more com-
mittees and numerous faculty dis
cussions until the faculty vote
final approval last March.
The Regents then directed th
planning to begin formally, in-
structing Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns
form a faculty committee for this
To Review
Crowds Disperse
After Announcement;
Release Weinberg
Special To The Daily
BERKELEY - Student lead-
ers protesting ani administrativc
ban on campus political activities
and University of' California of
ficials reached an agreement last
night after three days of intense
In the concord, anmunced a
9:30 p.m. yesterday, the universit
To drop charge s against
nonstudent, Jack Weinberg, fo
violating that ban;
-To review Its policies on stu
dent political activity;
-To discuss the possibility o
deeding the diptdarai fron
administration buildinig-to elthe
the Assocated Students of t
University of California (ASUC
or the city of Berkeley;
--To submit a suspenision rulin
against eight university student
to a standing faculty committee.
Crowd Dispersed'
aedeeaes, agreen
ces deontrton, pes
the crowd after the announcement
The agreement will be consider
ed o atific'tationbnd ayby t
nivers eiy and stud t eaders t
The agreement could pave th
way for student use of a "Hyd
Park" forum area.r.
This forum, located besida
Sproul Hall, has been the site o
political speech-making and pam
Off- Became On-campus.
When the Berkeley campus ex
panded (a few years ago, the off
campus forum moved on-campu
Students were protesting a recen
administration decision to en
foe as came us nt ulatiaons a
he forum.
bah aginstnectingmoney fo
political penrposeo"campus o
advocating drect actio oth
than a yes or no vote and th
suspension of eight students fo
violating that ban
Earlie yesterday students lead
ers had announced they woul
continue the protest through to
adayinierso ity ofCaliorna
"amy, Day,"during which par
ents visit the campus and wat
a football game.
TYesterday afternoon, Universit
of California President Clark Ker
-Associated Press
--Associated Press-
t the University of California's Berkeley campus brought students out in force yesterday.
d Hall, the administration building, students used the vehicle as a platform for airing
tical groups. When 17 policemen tried to remove hundreds of demonstrators from the hall
building (right). A tentative agreement to lift charges against a non-student arrested in
nd on student political rights was announced last night.
s Turn to Name-Calling
ey eclared, identi-
s "the Ku Kluxers,
sts, the fascists, the
t John Birchers."
aid he was not im-
these groups were
ny standard-bearer.
, "for the first time'
SING MP)-Michigan
ity started classes
h a record 31,459,
ampus-nearly 4000
orace C. King said
all MSU centers is
n31,538 last year.
sity earlier reported
lment of 29,103, in-
mts at Ann Arbor,
rborn. This was an
15 over last year.
in the history of this republic, they til after the presidential election.
have been able to gain a respect- Only then can you look at the
able platform, and these people fine print. Only then can you
must be defeated." find out where Johnson and his
Rebuke Them curious crew want to take you
He said he felt it was import-
ant in this election "to rebuke
those who would defile this coun-
try, to rebuke those who would
raise their voices in hatred and
bitterness and to rebuke them in
such a way that never again will
that vile force have a standard or
a platform in American public
In Illinois, Sen.a Barry Goldwa-
ter, GOP standard-bearer, charg-
ed the American people "are be-
ing asked to buy a disaster in
a poke" in the form of a reported
secret nuclear treaty between
Great Britain and the United
States and Red China.
He referred to a news dispatch
from England which he said dis-
closed that the new treaty has
been drafted and is ready for
"immediate execution."
on the primrose red path to
ognition of Red China."
Math Review
To Move Here.
The American Mathematical
Society Journal, Mathematical Re-
views, has accepted an invitation
from University President Harlan,
Hatcher tb relocate its offices in
Ann Arbor.
Prof. William LeVeque of the
math department, who will serve
as executive editor of the journal
starting June 1, 1965, expects the
move to be completed early next
The offices will be located at
4th St. and William in the old