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October 03, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-03

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al Actions Clear

Way Students Fleeing Viet Nam

or Adjouiling Congress

Foreign Aid Approval
Brings Loud Protests
House, Senate OK $3.5 Billion Bill
But Only $3.25 Billion in Funds

House Action.Blocked ,
A deadlocl in the Senate-House
conference on a bill raising social
security retirement payments by
$5 to $7 a month blocked House
action on a Senate 'amendment
calling for a system of health care
for the eldery under the Social
Security program.
The Senate conferees refused to
drop the rider, the House con-
ferees refused to accept it and the
resulting stalemate killed the
whole bill. Political recriminations
started immediately.
The Senate-approved program
for a massive rehabilitation effort
in theseconomically depressed, 11-
state Appalachia area never reach-
ed the House floor. The Democra-
tic leadership decided it could not
risk a' knock-down fight in the
face of heavy absenteeism and the
remaining members' anxiety to
plunge into the homefront politi-
cal battles in which all 'the 435
House seats must be filled.
The administration seized quick-
ly on the health care issue, with
Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn), one
of the conferees, telling newsmen:
"This means the President will
World News
By The Associated Press
-NEW YORK-The government
yesterday suddenly and surpris-
ingly dropped prosecution of a
Russian couple accused last year
of an espionage conspiracy-ndi-
cating it did not want to bare'
counterspy secrets in open court.
The defendants immediately;
were picked up by immigration
authorities, apparently to await
The development came during
the fifth day of the trial, shortly
after a jury of 12 had been sworn
in to try Alexandre Sokolov and
his wife..
United States Atty. Joseph P.
Hoey moved -for dismissal, act-
ing on instructions from the at-
torney general.
BANGKOK-Thailand and Ma-
laysia agreed yesterday to estab-
lish special coordinating commit-
tees in an effort to\wipe out Com-
munist guerrillas hiding out in
their border region.
Announcement of- the agreement
was made after delegations from
the two countries ended formal
border talks.
* * *
HONOLULU-The nation's last
state primary election this year
will be held in Hawaii today, when
candidates are nominated for the
Senate, two seats in Congress and
various legislative offices.
- * * *
DAMASCUS-A move to coun-
ter the Vatican Ecumenical Coun-
cil's trend toward absolving Jews
of guilt in Christ's crucifixion is
reportedly planned by Orthodox
Catholic bishops of the historic
Antioch See.

This brought prompt counterfire
from Sen. John J. Williams, (R-
Del), another conferee:
"This means that Congress is
going home after having voted
itself a $7500 annual salary in-
crease ... while at the same time
denying increases for those living
on social security.
"This action demonstrates the
political farce of this administra-
tion's claim to an interest in the
welfare of our elderly citizens."
Administration feelers about re-
cessing Congress until after the
election generated no apparent
support, and the day's develop-
ments seemed to assure that the
88th Congress is at the end of its
Johnson indicated he isn't espe-
cially unhappy at the prospect of
quick adjournment.
He said, "'I didn't know we had
as many majority leaders in Con-
gress as we have. They're all hop-
ing to ,go home this week. I hope
they go home too."
Another major closing-hour ac-
tion was Senate passage and dis-
patch to the White House of a
$1.8-billion bill extending the De-
fense Education Act until June 30,
1968, and broadening its scope to
cover aid for the teaching of non-
scientific subjects.;
This measure also extends for
a year the program of aid to
school districts where children of
federal personnel are enrolled.

pect of campaigning for the No-
vember election prodded Congress
into removing the last barrier to
adjournment yesterday as it sent
the foreign aid authorization and
money bills to the White House.
But the action immediately
brought loud protests from the
First the Senate and then the
House passed the $3.5-billion au-
thorization measure, which sets
overseas spending ceilings for the
fiscal year that started July 1.
Then the House passed by voice
vote the $3.25-billion measure
which provides the actual money
and is tile true aid ceiling; the
Senate had passed this Thursday.
Morse Protests
The chief protester in the Sen-
ate, Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore),
declared that the Senate had
"walked out on 40 Senate pro-_
visions while the House ,conceded
on only five in the Senate-House
conference committee on the au-
thorization bill.
In the House, before the money
bill passed, Rep. H. R. Gross (R-
Iowa) shouted "I'm still opposed'
to the foreign handout program."
Gross praised the conferees fori
providing a'bill $77 million below
the figure approved by the House
Reapportionment Rider
The authorization compromise
passed in the House by voice vote
-minus the controversial rider
stating it is the "sense of Con-
gress" that courts should go slow
-finest quality laundry-
cleaned and waterproofed
312 E. Huron
across from City Hall

in ordering state legislatures to
reapportionment both houses on
a population basis..
The Senate approved the au-'
thorization compromise 35 to 15.
Morse, who in recent years has
fought foreign aid vigorously, told
the Senate the authorization
would permit "corruption, ineffi-
ciency and waste" of hundreds of
more millions of dollars on foreign
Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark),
floor manager of the bill, replied
that the compromise was the best
that he and other Senate spokes-
men could get.
Too Weak, Tao Drastic
The reapportionment compro-
mise rider, which had passed the
Senate after a weeks-long filibus-
ter by opposition liberals, was
dropped by the conferees Thurs-
day night. House members had
said the rider was too weak, while'
Senate members said a House pro-
vision to hold up the Supreme
Court apportionment rule of one-
man, one-vote was too drastic.
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (D-NY)
described as "shameful and most
unfortunate" the agreement to
drop an amendment expressing
congressional condemnation of
persecution of Jews in the Soviet
Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R-SD)
had proposed an amendment put-
ting an immediate floor of 2.5 per
cent on interest rates for non-
revenue-producing foreign projects
and 3.8 per cent for commercial

Associated Press Staff Writer
SAIGON (M)-The biggest exo-
dus of young persons from South
Viet Nam since the French colon-
ial collapse of 1954 is now going
Airline officials report that
bookings of young Vietnamese to
Europe, especially France, are the
highest since Vietnamese inde-
pendence. Flights are booked out
weeks in advance and at least one
airline has' put on extra planes
nearly every day to carry the
The exodus is apparently a sign
of loss of confidence by certain
segments of the Vietnamese popu-
lation in the outcome of the war
against the Viet Cong and in cur-
rent political developments.
Each time a flight leaves for
Paris, Saigon airport is packed
Prelates View
Bible Research
VATICAN CITY (') - Modern
Bible research, based on archeol-
ogy and new scientific techniques,,
came under fire from some prel-
ates yesterday in the Vatican Ecu-
menical Council. Other prelates
I t is impossible that the Ro-
man Catholic Church is just now!
learning the literary forms of sa-1
cred' scripture," Ernesto Cardinal'
Ruffini of Palermo said. "It is
entirely out of order to hold that
these forms have not been fully
understood until now."
Abbot Christopher Butler of the
English Benedictines, said during
the Council debate, "There are
now many ways of seeing in
scriptures things that were not
seen before. We can discover in
sacred scripture many truths that
before remained hidden."
Bible research comes into the
current council debate on revela-I
tion because- God's revealed word
is seen by Catholiicism as com-
ing through scripture and tradi-

with Vietnamese coming to say
goodby to those departing.'
"There is no point in staying,"
one student said. "The situation
here goes from bad to worse each
week. I want to study, but for the
past few months here it has been
impossible. Either our student
groups are on strike or organizing
demonstrations or there is some
other reason why study is impos-
sible. Perhaps some time I shall
return, when life here is worth

Stabler Blasts
Romne for 1
School Claims
By The Associated Pressa
The biggest verbal salvo of the'
Michigan gubernatorial campaign
was fired Thursday when Demo-
cratic candidate Neil Staebler
charged that "Gov. (George) Rom-
gress are phony." I
Staebler said "The present Re- 9
publican governor has tried to'
turn a record of educational fail-'
ure into one of success.
"No matter how he tries tos
twist his record, the facts don't b
support him.'
"Although the present governor t
had more tax revenue to spend r
than any governor in'the history v
of the state, his own recommenda- t
tions were at least $30 million be- t
low requested operating funds in o
1963. They were only 'a quarter
of the requested building funds.
for 1963.
: Romney even ignored the re-
port of his own Blue Ribbon Com-
mittee on Education.
"He was $4 million below the
committee's absolute minimum in
operating funds and a full $16
million below the absolute. mini-:
mum for building funds."
ThedDemocratic candidate also
charged that state aid to locall
school districts had not kept up
with rising costs. He said the
actual increase in state aid
amounted to only 5.3 per cent of
the over-all budget, whereas costs!
went up six per cent.
, -----

r x1

Virtually none of the students
now leaving the country has
scholarships. Families are invest-
ing life savings in the expensive
airplane trip to Europe and on
subsequent living allowances for
their offspring.
The flood gates of emigration
recently were opened by a liberal-
ized government visa policy. Inj
the past, only a handful.,of stu-
dents was permitted to leave the.
country-after having been rigor-
ously screened by the government
for political reliability.
Exact figures on departures are
unavailable, but in the past several
weeks at least 400 students have
left. Approximately that many
more are booked to leave. Persons
seeking exit visas probably num-
ber in the thousands.
A young woman, now working as
an official in Saigon, compared
the new exodus with her own ear-
lier experiences.
"In 1952, thousands of us leftI
as students because we knew the
French regime was collapsing and
t looked as if Viet Nam was
going up in flames. Two years
later, the French did collapse,"
she said. "None of us had much
money at the time. Most of us
went by ship. We traveled in
steerage class like so many cattle,
because wounded French troops
were using the better acdommoda-
ions. Our families made huge sac-
rifices to get us out because they
wanted something of the family
to survive for better things. I think
the same kind of thing is going
on now."

1BI Chip
Warns o
"Polie S
tor J. Edgar Hoover ;
pressed deep concei
don't become hysteric
far" in setting safegu
President's safety, ti
ton Evening Star repo
The paper said he
Warren Commission a
cago by President Lyn
son. Hoover said the
ed in several people
to subversive organiz
placed "almost in h
by local authorities
operate with the secre
"The mere fact tI
disagrees with you on
doesn't mean he shot
ed," Hoover said. I
that absolute safegu
Presi ent are imposs
establishing a police
ing Gestapo tacticse.
Hoover was also s
revealed'to the comm
ence of a State Depar
ment indicating that
Oswald, the slain a:
sin of President John
was a thoroughly sa
had changed his mind
These points, alon
recommendations for
safeguards for the Pr
made to the Warren
by Hoover in his tes
14, the Star reportec
righted story.

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