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March 02, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-02

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Supreme Court Strikes Reot Bia i-Frin i
IJ QVIL ~iove Ce'isoslip By WV. B. RAGSDALE, JR. jworkers, the report said, there is technical assistance given to Ne-

Debe iet NamR Policy

WASHINGTON (P-Praise for
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
"'restraint and perseverance" min-
gled with blunter calls for strong-
er actouasCongress debated the
The President is "trying to keep
the lid on a highly dangerous vol-
cano" in Southeast Asia, asserted
Deocratic MjrtynLeadereadine
off aniother round of Senate de-
His policy is "to try and prevent
a great war in Asia'" and to keep
a commitment to the South Viet-
namese government, Mansfield
'Cat and Mouse'
But the United States is play-
ing a "cat and mouse game" when
"we've got the strength and the
power' to conclude" the war, ar-
gued Sen. Milward Simpson (R-
Sou th Viet Nam's will to fight,
a United States willing to take on
any and all Communist aggressors
there, and the calls for a nego-
tiated settlement in all were top-
ics as the President's policy and
actions in South Viet Nam were
reviewed, argued and scored.
In the House, Rep. Melvin R.
Laird (R-Wis) said he looks for
the Johnson administration to
seek some sort of negotiated set-
tlement to get out of what he
called an "impossible situation" in
Viet Nam.
"There is, in my mind, little
doubt that the conflict in Viet
Nam will end in the near future in
some sort of compromised 1settle-
an eventual Communist takeover,"
he asserted.
Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La),
the Senate Democratic whip, dis-
agreed with this view on NBC's
'Meet the Press"' radio-television
program Sunday night, saying in
his judgment-:
We will do whatever is neces-
sary to win" in South *Viet Nam
"and if Communist China comes

Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON (P)-The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that mo- WAHNTN -Nal w
vies may be censored before public showing only if provision is made decadsH If effot to end discrim-
for speedier court review of bans imposed by the censors. ination in federal programs are
The tribunal did so in unanimously striking down a Maryland law only just beginning to take effect
it said permitted the state censorship board to force distributors into in the Africulture Department, ac-
expensive, time-consuming appeals with no limit on delays. Justice cording to the Civil Rights Coin-
William 0. Douglas, jioined by Justice Hugo L. Black, agreed with mission.
- - -~ knocking down the Maryland law In running its programs in the
as a violation of freedom of speech South-where 98 per cent of Negro
but wanted to ban all movie cen- farmers live-the department has
sorship.followed "local patterns of racial
No Cnsorhipdiscrimination," the commission
"I ot Censsipv ny om said in a report on four major
censorship-no matter how speedyfrmrgrm.
or prolonged it may be-is permis- 'Service to Negroes tend to be
CARO(R-at ema re-sible," Douglas said. limited by the preconception ex-
ident Walter Ulbricht cappedu his Among major rulings yesterday county extenion e ricesofficials,
visi totheUnied rabRepbli th cort:that Negroes as a class cannot
yesterday by signing over to Presi- -Unanimously decided that a succeed in agriculture or in pro-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser's gov- defendant's constitutional right to ductive ways of living," the re-
emnent $100 million worth of trial by jury does not include the port said.
credits. Nasser, Ulbricht said, is right to demand a trial without' As a result, the commission add-
"heading straight for socialism." jury in a criminal case when eith- ed, Negro farmers have been "rele-
The East German credits will go er the prosecution or the judge gated to a separate, inferior and
int Eypm t' psecond five-yea de- does not agree, outdated agricultural economy."
was reported ready to throw in.-LtsadaU.crutcut mergrs
$190 million to the plan before ruling upholding a pupil assign- The commission said some prog-
Ulbricht's visit, but Bonn has said ment system by the Kansas City, ress has been made in the past
it is sticking by its threat to cutt Kan.. school board based on neigh- few months, and more will come
off all aid to Cairo. borhoods even though racial im- as a result of Title VI of the 1964
The West Germans felt Ul- balance in classes results. Civil Rights Law, which provides
bricht's visit conflicts with their .. for cutting off federal funds where
stand that only Bonn represents there is discrimination in a fed-
all Germans and the East Ger- eral program.
man's trip here may imply rec- But it urged President Lyndon
ognition of the Communist regime. B. Johnson to order Secretary of
Praising what he called Nasser's Agriculture Orville L. Freeman to
socialist achievements, Ulbricht take firm steps to end the dis-
said: .cirimination w hich the commission
"Nasser is on thae right path said resulted in inferior service to
heading straight for socialism. Negroes, blocked Negroes from
"We watch your progress with taking part in key policy decisions,
great interest," Ulbricht said inadrsuedna ckfopr-
a speech, "and we will be happy to tunity for Negroes working in
learn from your experiences." farm programs.
,Nasser has said he is building a iThe report added that agricul-
state based on what he calls tural officials "recognized that the
Arab Socialism and has denounc- .operation of the services would be
ed Communism as a form of gov- more efficient if white and Negro
ernent. personnel were located together,"
The government-controlled news- btunti h regulaions were is-
paper AK Ahram reported, mean- sued to enforce Title VI of the
while, that the Egyptian govern- 1964 Civil Rights Law "There were
ment is contemplating opening a no federal or state policies pro-
consulate in East Berlin. hibiting the maintenance of ra-

no program for Negro f armers. groes is limited by preconceptions
Negro extension workers, the re- held by county personnel of the
port said, usually have separate, FHA that Negroes cannot success-
inferior offices and are denied ac- fully change the pattern of their
cess to training given their white farming operations.
co-workers. The report also said, Negroes
Negroes Nt Aisded, geynerallyo areexcluded from h
thousands of Negro yruth are not W FHA progamsv~r or~ ar nfined tri

served by extension service in
counties where white youth are
served, are denied access to na-
tional programs of the extension
services through 4-H clubs, and
are denied the opportunity to com-
pete with white youth for nation-
al and state awards of the 4-H
Home Administration, thearerst
said, Negroes tend to receive small-
er loans than whites in the same
economic class and less help in
upgrading their farms.
"There is reason to believe that
the type of loans made and the

-Associated Press
policy, guerrilla warfare continued. The biggest helicopter lift
of the Viet Nam war-137 helicopters-took two battalions to
the Delta area 150 miles southeast of Saigon. Government
forces with U.S. helicopter support continued ground-sea-air
in we will take them on and if to continue to try and help South
Russia wants to deal herself a Viet Nam win this war, even if
hand, we will go ahead, but there there should be a "stalemate" for
will be no sanctuary." 5, 10, or 15 years, Proxmire de-

Johnson Praised
Johnson's "restraint and perse-
verance" in the war against Com-
munist Viet Cong guerrillas in
South Viet Nam was praised by
Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis).
He chided Senate colleagues who
have advocated U.S. withdrawal
in South Viet Nam or called for
negotiated peace.
"We cannot take part in a con-
ference that merely ratifies the
fruits of aggression," Proxinire as-
serted. '
It is better for the United States

clared, because the Red Chinese
doctrine calls for them "to stop
at nothing until they have taken
the whole world." -
"If Red China stays out (of the
South Vietnamese fighting) it will
be because they know they will
confront the United States if they
get in," added Long.
SDisagreeing with the President's
policy in South Viet Nam, Sen.
Wayne Morse (D-Ore) termed the
State Department's white paper is-
sued Saturday "a Swiss cheese"
because it was full of holes.,

a category of special alternate
membership when they are named.
The report found the Soil Con-
servation Service generally pro-
vided less service for Negroes than
whites, except where Negroes were
employed as staff members. It
added that opportunities for Negro
staff members were severely limit-
A noted publisher in Chicago
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WorldNews eek To Alter -Declared unconstitutional, 7
t1, a Texas law that bars any
member of the armed forces who
11 oundup overty Bil moves to Texas from voting in any
Oun upof that state's elections "so long
WASHNGTO (~-he Huseas he or she is a member of the
WASHNGTO UP)The ousearmed forces."'
By The Associated Press Republican Policy Committee vot- .
ed yesterday to back a substi- Qualification
LONDON - Foreign Secretary tute for President Lyndon B. The court noted that while many
Michael Stewart said yesterday Johnson's $1.1 billion bill to aid states have special rules of voter
he will consider a special confer- economically depressed Appala- qualification for service personnel
ence of the world's atomic powers chia. none completely forecloses voting
including Red China-to seek an Rep. William C. Cramer (R- except Texas-.
end of the arms race. iFla) said this version would cost Justice Potter Stewart, deliver-
Stewart's statement in the $995 million, about $100 million Iing the court's ruling in the Texas
House of Commons came as Brit- less than the administration plan, case, said, "We stress . . . that
amn's Labor government actively and would avoid wasteful spend- Texas has the right to reQuire that

Because of this dual operation,
the report said, often the Negro
farmers would be suffering from a
problem which the white agent in
the same county could solve, but
neither knew this.
In Alabama, the commission
said, "the separation of white and
Negro agents was so clear that
Negro agents even had stencils cut
at the Negro state extension head-
quarters at Tuskegee, although the
white staff had a full complement
of stenographic workers available
to do the work in the same coun-
In the many counties where
there arie no Negro extension


pondered ways of bringing Red
China into East-West disarma-
ment negotiations taking place
under United Nations auspices.

The outnumbered Republicans
made no victory claims, but policy
committee chairman John J.

* Rhodes (R-Ariz) said he expects
WASHINGTON - The Umted the great majority of Republicans
States yesterday denounced as to back the substitute.
"most outrageous" the invasion Cramer said the Republican
of the United States embassy in Iversion would be offered both as
Indonesia by a "mob of students." a series of amendments and a
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - thr couldsubs aol call vote.h
Prime Minister Tunku Abdel Rah-!
man ordered yesterday indefinite
postponement of forthcoming vil-
lage elections in a crackdown
against what he called pro-Indo-
nesion activity.
e fosai tf~hatr ithe elections
outlawed Communists who sup- I
port Indonesia would penetrate
political parties to cause chaos.

military personnel enrolled to vote
are bona fide residents, with the
intention of making Texas their
home indefinitely. They, as all
other qualified residents, have a
right to an equal opportunity for
political representation."
Justic John M Harln in' .a
sharply worded dissent, protested
"at this further extension of fed-
tial affirsof the states."tepoi

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