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May 10, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-10

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TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1966


"AtIv mmys"Wir

TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1966L aTa a, as a \" f1 Balts PL~ F( a U.


; ;







.Raise Doubts!'

about Type,
Of Explosioll
Peking Test Attempt
To Block U.S.-Soviet
Weapons Monopoly
T'OKYO (A")-Communist China
set off a' nuclear blast yesterday
s containing "thermonuclear mater-
ial," Radio Peking announced yes-
terday. Without saying so, the Chi-
nese seemed to be suggesting they
had exploded their first hydrogenp
But the Japanese Meteorological
Agency reported no abnormal at-
mospheric pressure following the
blast and a spokesman said:
"Therefore, we don't believe that
hydrogen bomb of a megaton
Await Evaluation
In Washington, State Depart-
4 ment press officer Marshall Wright SECRETARY OF STATE DEAN
said the device was "in the same
general range" as the two prev tions Committee hearing in Was
ous Chinese atomic bomb explo-
sions set off over the past two
years. 11
"Further evaluation must await
the collection and analysis of the
k debris in the atmosphere," Wright;
Wright made no mention of aI V ietn
thermonuclear device, although
Washington has said previously
the next Chinese blast might be a WASHINGTON W) - SecretaryI
hydrogen bomb. of State Dean Rusk said yester-
Tested in Air day he is confident there will be
4 A broadcast in English said the elections in South Viet Nam next
device was shot off over western September in a first step toward
areas of China. But a Chinese constitutional government.
language domestic broadcast de- Rusk added he does not believe;
Glared the test was made in the the government's ruling generalsx
air, leaving the implication a plane will stand in the way of eventual
dropped the bomb. civilian rule. And he expressed
Said a statement in English belief the country's rulers are not
broadcast by the New China News trying to postpone elections.
Agency: "At 4 p.m. Peking time on Ky Misinterpreted
May 9, 1966, China successfully He said reports that Premier
conducted ocer its western areas Nguyen Cao Ky has declared he
a nuclear explosion which contai- will remain In power for at leasti
ed thermonuclear material." another year have been misin-
Washington said the test site terpreted to mean that the top
was remote Sinkiang Province of man in the governing council of
' China's northweste, an area next generals is going back on promises
to the Soviet Union rich in uran- to hold elections this year.
ium. This is where the first two . .r ,n n c ,f

Kosygin Set'.
To Reach
Egypt Today
Russian Leader Due
In Cairo To Attempt
To Seek Alignment
CAIRO ()-Premier Alexei N
Kosygin arrives in Egypt today
on a mission apparently aimed at
drawing the United Arab Repub-
lic's hard-pressed president, Gam-,
al Abdel Nasser, closer to the So-
viet camp.
In his quiet way, Kosygin is ex-
pected to try to woo Nasser away
from nonalignment - an effort
that could lead to an important
realignment of East-West force
in the Middle East.
This normally would be a tough
proposition. Nasser considers him-
self one of the leaders of the non-
aligned camp and even Nikita.
Khrushchev, with all his bluster-
ing powers of persuasion when he
was premier, could not budge Nas-
But the timing could not be
better for such a mission now.
The nonaligned camp in the
Middle East, Africa, and around
the world has been split by dis-
sension and clashing ambitions.
Themnonaligned nations, who
first met with a fanfare at Ban-
dung 11 years ago, are so splinter-
ed today they have trouble rally-
ing for a quorum for the confer-
ences that were their favorite exer-
cises in the past. And Nasser has
been left, in effect, with no effec-
tive camp to lead.
Nasser also has practically no
place to turn for the economic as-
Gistance he needs. U.S. aid now f°
limited to short-term surplus food
programs and obviously pegged on
his good behavior.
Nasser would jeopardize his po-
sition in the nonaligned camp If
he were -to make peace with the
Western "colonialism and imper-
ialism" he and other nonaligned
leaders traditionally denounce.
The Russians, too, have thei
problems of unity. The Moscow-
Peking split has increased pressure
on the Kremlin to forge new poli-
tical line-ups.
President Tito of Yugoslavia
who visited Cairo last week, ap-
pears to support the new Krem-
lin line that is shaping up. While
professing firm adherence to a
policy of nonalignment, he appear-
ed, in fact, to be paving the way
for Kosygin.
In a parting news conference
statement Saturday, Tito said he
and Nasser "studied how nonalign-
ed countries could play a more ef-
fective role in the international
field through constant contacts
and bilateral consultations."
In diplomatic jargon, that is the
closest he could come to admit-
ting that the theory and princi-
ples of nonalignment had proved
ineffective, and closer tie-ups
among like-minded nations were
the only answer.

NEW DELHI (P)-India report-
ed yesterday ominous signs of
Communist Chinese troop move-
ments near its northern border and
said that on the Pakistan front
there had been 14 "incidents" and
some firing.
Defense Minister Y. B. Chavan
told Parliament that China had
concentrated troops in Chinese-
controlled Tibet near the border
with Bhutan and Sikkim, two
small Himalayan mountain states
now under Indian protection.
Chavan said the Chinese had
built roads leading to Bhutan and
have sent out patrols. He did not
mention any border infractions.
But on the Pakistan-India fron-
tier, there had been 14 intrusions,
air space violations or firing in-
cidents since March 15, he said.
The minister said six of the al-
leged infractions occurred in Kash-
mir, the Himalayan state where
the 18-year-old India-Pakistan

India Warns Chinese May Be
Massing Troops on Border

conflict escalated into a three-
week war last September.
Accuses China
Four violations took place in the
desert-like Rajasthan State, a sec-
ond major combat zone last fall
and others occurred in eastern
sectors of Tripura, Assam and West
Bengal, Chavan said. He did not
mention any Indian casualties.
Chavan said protests had been
lodged with Pakistan.
It was the first time in months
that India has charged China and
Pakistan with border provocations
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi';
government charged that China
had "obsessive hostility" toward
India and was suppressing the
people of Tibet.
Desire China Membership
But the government reiterated
its desire for China to be admitted
to the United Nations.
Foreign Minister Swaran Singh
told Parliament that UN member-
ship for China in the long run

Order Halt in Shipments
Of Explosives to Saigon

would have a "sobering" effect oin
its leaders.
Turning to Indian-U.S. relations
about reports that Washington
plans to resume-military aid to
The United States helped arm
Pakistan, but halted all but "non-
lethal" assistance after the India-
Pakistan war last September.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON- United States
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
arrived late yesterday for con-
sultations with President John-
son and top state and defense au-
thorities on the political-military
situation in Viet Nam.
Flying in after a one-week stop.,
over in Boston, the. ambassador
waved aside newsmen at National
Airport. He said he would let the
State Department be his spokes-
Officials estimated Lodge would
remain here four to five days be-
fore heading back to Saigon.
* * *
SAN'A, Yemen-Secret elections
to pick a rebel national assembly
in the South Arabia Federation
have been underway since April
15, a spokesman for the South
Arabia Liberation Front says.
He said in the Yemen capital of
San'a that the rebel parliament,
including military leaders, labor-
ers, farmers and tribal chiefs,
would meet in Yemen during late
The elections are being held
"away from the eyes of the British
authorities in the federation," it
was added.
The liberation front has vowed
to force the British out of Aden
and the South Arabia Federation,
a British protectorate made up of
about 17 small Arabian states.

-Associated Press
RUSK is shown awaiting questions during a Senate Foreign Rela-
ices Conf i dence
a-mese Election1s

step. Rusk argued that Ky's state-I
ment referred to elections for aj
National Assembly. He contended
Ky was saying merely that that
balloting would not come until
next year after a constitution and
election laws are adopted.
September rlection
"Some interpretations may have
been overdrawn," he said of re-
ports on the Ky statement.
"I think there will be an elec-
tion for a Constituent Assembly
in September.
Rusk said the Ky regime is
moving toward these elections now
"I don't know of anyoue out there
who has indicated that the govern-
ment is not proceeding," he said.
But Rusk offered no forecast of
the ,timetable for a shift of civil-
ian government in the Southeast
Asia war theater.
Debate Continuesj

He came armed with a legal
brief arguing that there is ample
ground within international law
for the American stand in the As-
ian war.
Demands Inquiry
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) fired
back a demand that the committee
hold a public inquiry into the le-
gality of the American position.
Morse, a persistent foe of Amer-
ican involvement in the Vietna-
mese struggle, insisted the U.S. is
"acting outside the law."
For 3% hours, the debate swirl-
ed around the roots of American
involvement, the treaties, resolu-
tions and diplomatic decisions that
led to the commitment of more
than 250,000 American fighting
Ky's weekend remarks about the
government of South Viet Nam
added a new ingredient.
U.S. Confident

WASHINGTON (A') - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk has personally
ordered a halt in United States
aid shipments of a highly explo-
sive rubber chemical compound
when his investigators reported
the shipments may have been di-
verted to the Viet Cong for terror
The incident was reported by
official sources yesterday as Rusk
and Foreign Aid Administrator
David E. Bell were questioned by
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee on misuses of Ameri-
can assistance.
The chemical compound im-
ported by Saigon businessmen un-
der the commercial import pro-
gram of the Agency for Interna-
tional Development first attracted
the attention of investigators last
It was noted that only about
half a million rubber-soled tennis
shoes had been turned out from
imports of Unicel-100 manufactur-
ed by the Dupont de Nemours Co.,
but the quantity ordered was
enough for between eight million
and nine million tennis shoes.
In March the chemical was test-
ed by the U.S. Naval Ordnance
Laboratory and found to be highly
explosive on impact. On April 3,
Deputy Inspector General Howard
E. Haugerud in Saigon cabled a
recommendation that further ship-
ments of Unicel be suspended and
the following day recommenda-
tions were made to the aid agency
that further shipments be halted.
On April 20, Rusk took a rarely
used action 'and exercised his

authoriay to order the suspension
of the suspect item. Within three
hours orders were sent to all points
involved that no more deliveries
of the material were to be made.
Unicel was found to have about
the same explosive qualities as
The investigation by the inspec-
tor general's staff was part of a
general effort under way to tight-
en up on the black market opera-
tions, illicit currency operations
and outright diversions of U.S. aid
material to the Viet Cong. Aid
invesigators reported a turret
lathe was seized by Viet Nam
police on intelligence information
when a sampan was captured
near Saigon with suspected Viet
Cong aboard. The lathe was ^ap-
able of being used to machine
bore rifle barrels.

Every Student
Who Asks


tests were conducted.
The first device was exploded
Oct. 16, 1964, and the second May
14, 1965. The first was believed set
off atop a tower while the second
may have been dropped from a
plane. The first was described by
the United States as a primitive
device with an explosive force of
about 20,000 tons of TNT. The sec-
ond was slightly more powerful.
Doubt Affect
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
told the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee in Washington he
doubted the third blast would af-
fect the international situation any
more than did the other two.
But Peking made propaganda of
the newest blast, asserting China
was conducting "limited nuclear
tests and developing nuclear weap-
ons to oppose the nuclear black-
mail and threats by U.S. imper-
ialism and its collaborators."
Oppose U.S.
Peking declared the Chinese
tests were designed "to oppose the
U.S.-Soviet collusion for maintain-
ing nuclear monopoly and sabotag-'
ing the revolutionary struggles of
all oppressed peoples and nations."
"The Chinese people's possession
of nuclear weapons," Peking said
"is a great encouragement to the
peoples who are fighting heroical-
ly for their own liberation as well
as a new contribution to the de-
fense of world peace."
Premier Chou En-lai declared
the U.S. will not be able to pull
out of China if a war, conven-
tional or nuclear, broke out on
the mainland between the two
In a four-point policy statement
on the U.S., Chou also said if the
U.S.-China war broke out, "it will
have no boundaries."
Two other points made by Chou
were: "China will not take the ini-
tiative to provoke a war with the
U.S." and "the Chinese mean what
they say."
Chou said "should the U.S. im-
pose a war on China, it can be
said with certainty that, once in
China, the U.S. will not be able to
pull out, however many men it
may send over and whatever weap-
ons it may use, nuclear weapons
"Since the 14 million people of
Southern Viet Nam can cope with
over 200,000 U.S. troops, the 650
million people of China can un-
doubtedly cope with 10 million
of them."

nus, ,,giaricing aL a i rnscr pL U
Ky's press conference - which he
acknowledged could be incomplete
-said Ky had not declared elec-
tions for a National Assembly
would be postponed.
Constituent Assembly
"The most immediate election
is an election for a Constituent
Assembly," Rusk said. He said that
would choose a constitution-draft-
ing body,
A National Assembly, with leg-
islating power, would be a future

Is Invited to a Planning Meeting
3:30 P.M.1
1429 HIl1 5-66

Rusk said Viet Nam is in a Rusk told Fulbright that the
situation like that which faced the United States does not seek to dic-
infant American Republic before tate the shape of a future civilian
the United States Constitution was government. Fulbright said Rusk
written, has declared such a government
Rusk testified in the glare of could not be Communist.
television lights at an explosive "I didn't say they couldn't be,"
renewal of the Senate Foreign Re- Rusk said. He said he is confident
lations Committee's internal de- South Viet Nam would not choose
bate about U.S. policy in Asia. a Communist regime.

Terrorists Wound 6 in Saigon

SAIGON (P)-A roaring terrorist
blast believed to have been from a
Claymore mine ripped through a
downtown intersection early today
in front of a United States mili-
tary billet. A gun battle followed
First reports said five Vietna-
mese and one American were
wounded either in the explosion or
in the gun fight.
The street shooting was still go-
ing on nearly an hour after the
Follows U.S. Attack
U.S. and Vietnamese troops and
police, some armed with machine
guns and automatic weapons, con-
verged on the scene and moved
along one of the main boulevards
apparently in the direction in
which the terrorists fled and per-
haps were holed up.
The explosion followed yester-
day's U.S. warplane attack close to
Hanoi and Haiphong which met
unusually heavy challenges from
Soviet-built antiaircraft missiles
and a weak thrust from two Com-
munist fighter planes 35 miles
from Red China's frontier.
Blast Viet Sites
Throughout the day, the Air
Force Thunderchiefs and F-100
Super Sabres, along with the Navy
Skyhawks from the carrier Ranger
flew 51 missions against missile
sites, bridges, and key highways
in North Viet Nam.
Thunderchief pilots blasted the
Thai Nguyen railroad yard 35
miles north of Hanoi, reporting de-
struction of 12 rail cars, crater-
ing the yard and cutting the rails
in eight places.
Destroy Bases
The U.S. command reported the
missile bases were destroyed Sun-
day 12 miles north-northwest of
Haiphong, North Viet Nam's chief

port, by U.S. Navy A4 Skyhawks;
and 30 miles north-noreast of Ha-
noi, the capital, by U.S. Air Force
U.S. pilots reported the Commu-
nists sent up 11 surface-to-air
missiles-a comparatively high
number-but said none scored.
The U.S. command reported one
Air Force jet was downed, pre-
sumably by conventional ground
Express Surprise
The pilots expressed surprise at
the Communists' expenditure of sc
many missiles in one day. This
coupled with the appearance for
the first time since April 30 of
MIG fighters, raised speculation
in Saigon that the Communists
may be mounting a new MIG and
missile challenge to U.S. air strike:
to coincide with a possible ground
offensive in the South during the
monsoons that run into August.
The MIG-17's, badly beaten in
clashes in the last week of April
made their appearance 70 miles
north-northeast of Hanoi and 3.
miles from China's border in an
area now dubbed "Dodge City" by
U.S. airmen, because of the air-
fights in that same area last
MIG's Flee
Four U.S. Thunderchiefs swung
around to attack the MIG's but
they fled before the Americans
could engage them.
The Communists' record foi
knocking down U.S. planes with

their Soviet-supplied missiles sc
far has been poor, despite .their
radar control.
Since the United States began
aerial attacks against North Viet
Nam Feb. 7, 1965, the North Viet-
namese are estimated to have fir-
ed 250 missiles. These have brought
down 14 American planes.
'Working Trouble'
"They must be having trouble
getting them to work," one military
expert commented. "Our planes
have been getting above the effec-
tive range of their antiaircraft ar-
tillery and that is why they are
firing their missiles, I guess. I
think they don't realize that they
are not hitting us."
Another reason for the missile
misses, this expert said, is the
"exotic" electronic equipment on
RB-66 planes which escort strike
missions. These are equipped with
special, still-secret equipment tc
jam enemy radar and deflect the

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