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July 19, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-19

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2je EicIPiau ud


Seventy-Sixth Year

Tu Oir re Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This most be noted in all reprints.

JESDAY, JULY 19, 1966


Cavanagh and Williams:
It's How You Play the Game

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THE DEMOCRATIC primary campaign
for Senate is rapidly deteriorating to
the level of sound and fury, probably to
the advantage of G. Mennen Williams and
the Democratic Party, but to the detri-
ment of Michigan voters who are faced
with a serious choice on August 2. What
pegan as a campaign centered on United
States participation in the Viet Nam war
has become an internecine dispute over
Williams' refusal to debate his opponent,
Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh.
WHILE WILLIAMS' shunning of public
debate is hardly commendable, at
this point, it seems to be sound politics.
Cavanagh himself is on thin ice with his
attacks on his opponent's refusal: as Wil-
liams supporters have pointed out, Cav-
anagh last year refused repeatedly to de-
bate Walter Shamie, his opponent for
the mayoralty.
Any politician must be allowed, to an
extent, the luxury of inconsistency. For
Cavanagh, however, to make almost a
moral issue of debate puts him in a posi-
tion of great vulnerability to charges of
crass hypocrisy.
Debate between candidates for public
office first caught the voters' fancy dur-
ing the 190 presidential campaign al-
though, of course, the method dates back
at least as far as the Lincoln-Douglas de-
bates of 1858. Many observers, however,
credit the televised "Great Debates" be-
tween Richard Nixon and John Kennedy
as a major factor in the vice-president's
defeat. Most pollsters had given Nixon a
slight lead before the debates, but the
image he presented in the debates, prob-,
ably due more to his physical appearance
than to anything he said, apparently won
many voters over to the more attractive
IT HAS BECOME a cardinal rule of
American politics that the stronger
candidate in any campaign does not meet
his weaker rival in direct debate. Wil-
liams, backed by the endorsements of vir-
tually all important labor groups and
Democratic Party organizations in the
state and by polls which show him well
ahead of Cavanagh, obviously thinks him-
self to be by far the stronger candidate.
He thus feels no obligation or inclina-
tion to face Cavanagh in debate. If there
are no drastic changes in the mood of the
electorate in the less than three weeks
remaining in the campaign, Williams'

non-issue, non-statement strategy should
pay off with a victory August 2.
doubtedly an asset to the Democratic
Party. The Democrats picked up severtl
marginal congressional seats in the 1964
Johnson landslide which they will be
hard pressed to keep in this off-year elec-
tion. Party unity is required to hold such
seats as that of Rep. Weston Vivian of
Ann Arbor. The Michigan Democratic
Party, ever since its reorganization in
1948, has been beset by occasionally se-
vere friction between its labor and non-
labor wings. The party can ill afford a ma-
jor split over the Senate nomination.
Despite the moral implications of Wil-
liams' refusal to ge beyond hand-shaking
and meaningless "soap suds" statements,
the issueless campaign will make it easy
for the party to unite behind the Senate
nominee and congressional candidates.
THE SENATE PRIMARY illustrates the
sorry fact that good politicians need
not make for responsible government. A
basic change will have to take place in
the attitude of the American voter to-
wards the electoral process before cam-
paigns become more relevant to govern-
ment. Such a change does not seem likely
in the foreseeable future.
A Reversal
Of Justice
THE WORLD COURT yesterday threw
out a suit that would have forced the.
Union of South Africa to give -up its
diseased control of Southwest Africa.
The ruling was quite procedural, never
pretending to deal with the matters ac-
tually at issue. The majority simply ruled
that the nations bringing the suit had no
right to sue South Africa for misuse of
powers granted under the defunct League
of Nations. "Rights cannot be presumed
to exist merely because it might seem de-
sirable that they should," said the justice
to cast the deciding vote.
TRUE. It's a shame the justices couldn't
see their way to applying the same
quote to the government of South Africa.

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The ightt rvacy or 'tp Bugging, Me'

YOU'RE SITTING in your living
room one night having an in-
timate conversation with a friend
or business partner. Somewhere
in a room across town, or maybe
across the country, a hand reaches
for a telephone receiver, picks it
up and begins dialing a series of
numbers, your phone number.
Just before the first ring, the
caller brings a harmonica to his
lips and sounds middle C; nothing
Or so you think since your
phone didn't ring and you go on
conversing; but you are being
had. Your phone has been made
into a "bug." a listening device
picking up every sound in its
vicinity and transmitting to the
room across town or across coun-
fiction; it is made and marketed
by electronics expert Emanual
Mittleman. The wave of minituri-
zation, sophistication and laser
and TV technology has reduced
the tape - recorder - in - brief-case
and microphone-in-martini-olive
to such a low status that only a
schmoe like James Bond would
use them.
And there is a big market for
surveillance instruments of the

wire-tapping and evesdropping
kind. Government enforcement
security agents are probably the
biggest users of bugging devices
and the ones over which legal
controls would bring the biggest
headache. A case before the Su-
preme Court in next fall's session
will concern the case of one Fred
B. Black, Jr., a Washington lobby-
ist formerly connected with Bobby
Baker. It seems that Mr. Black
was being investigated in 1963 by
a federal grand jury on tax
charges, of which he was later
convicted and then refused a re-
view by the Supreme Court on
May 2 this year. On May 24, Soli-
citor General Thurgood Marshall
disclosed that FBI agents had
eavesdropped (not intercepted
phone conversations, which was
outlawed in 1934) on Black's hotel
in Las Vegas.
In June, the President issued a
directive to all departments and
agencies, banning eavesdropping
except in national security cases
with the permission of the At-
torney General. The Justice De-
partment, on July 13, revealed
that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover
had approved the bugging of
Black's room without consulting
Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach.
The outcome of the Supreme
Court's reconsideration of the

bugging case is likely to be an
extension of illegal invasion of
privacy beyond mere physical
ONE OF THE knottiest prob-
lems with bugging is its twilight
status in the moral, legal and en-
forcement realms. Sacredness of
the right of privacy seems natural
under the respect Western law has
always striven to accord the in-
dividual. But privacy comes into
conflict in the nforcement of other
rights of other individuals, namely
dectection and prevention of
According to Een. Edward V.
Long (D-Mo), "Where to draw the
line is one of the first problems
we run into, for the reason that
many listening gadgets have per-
fectly legitimate uses outside the
field of eavesdropping. For a
single example, wireless micro-
phones allow entertainers to per-
form more freely without trailing
a mike cord behinl them."
The proliferation and sophisti-
cation of bugging aparatus-in-
dustrial spying, in the words of
the N.Y. Times, "is now a stan-
dard part of the strategy of busi-
ness"-conjures up horrors of Big
Brother invasion of privacy. The
issue should be a major concern
for law makers, for 'it is constitu-

tionally open-ended at present.
The Constitution dispenses some
safeguards about self-incrimina-
tion, use of patents, libel laws and
physical invasion of the home,
but, as Sen. Long notes, "The
Founding Fathers could hardly
have conceived of contact mikes
and shotgun mikes."
to the tough job of drafting an ef-
fective control of bugging bill, they
must deal with the potential mis-
use of eavesdropping, even among
law officers.
A recent example of chickens
coming home to roost occurred in
a foreign country, Yugoslavia, but
serves to illuminate the problem
by magnification. President Tito
dropped Alexander Rankovic, sec-
ond Yugoslav power, after twenty
years as head of the secret police.
Rankovic, in the socialist move-
ment since partisan days, had
been discovered using wiretapping
and bugging devices to further his
own political ambitions, including
the bugging of Tito's villa!
Closer to home was the un-
covering of a five-year plot by
Czech diplomats to bug the State
Department, a plot averted be-
cause of infiltration by a State
Department counter spy.
Undoubtedly such cases of ex-

posed high-level eavesdropping are
the exception; successful bugging
of unsuspecting parties is probably
the rule.
NOBODY CAN be sure how
many bugs go undetected, but the
problem is growing worse. Even
directional radio transmitter find-
ers are powerless against narrow
band radar microphones which
bounce beams off window panes
and pick up conversation from
miles away.
Or consider the 110-volt trans-
mitter that does not broadcast
through the air, but sends signals
through a building's electrical wir-
ing to be picked up by plugging
into any outlet. The self-monitor-
ing voice-stimulated tape recorder
allows rank amateurs willing to
pay the exhorbitant costs to be-
come blackmailers, sleuths or what
have you.
SEN. LONG talks about the
difficulty in getting inventors and
manufacturers of new devices to
give information candidly to his
subcommittee on administrative
practice and procedure. Licensing
systems always leave problems of
enforcement, but the biggest
stumbling. blocks remain public
apathy and the lack of a clearly
defined right of privacy.


Compromise Is Needed To Save NATO

The Plum Street Project:
Colorful Urban Renewal

'HARLIE COBB, 19, did most the paint-
ing on Detroit's new artists' market,
Plum Street. He's back home this sum-
mer from California where he studies
commercial art.
He and his entrepreneur brother Bob,
a Detroit high school teacher, are prime
movers of a small, humble, but important
project in positive urban renewal.
With plenty of city money and coopera-
tion from business and utilities, they have
revitalized a block slated to be balled by
the wrecker.
There is a bar on Plum Street. It has
been serving watermelon, not beer. There
is an arts and crafts store pandering
beads and African figurines. There is an
apartment building sparsely occupied,
decorated with Tiffany glass windows.
A stall called The Wee Folk sells can-
Editorial Staff
LEONARD PRATT.......... ..............co-Editor
CHARLoT'rE WOLTER...,...............Co-Editor
BUD WILKINSON ........................Sports Editor
BE"SY COHN .................. Supplement Manager
NIGHT EDITORS: Meredith Eiker, Michael Heifer,
Shirley Rosick, Pat O'Donohue, Carole Kaplan.
Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT............... Business Manager
JEANNE ROSINSKI .. . . ........ .Advertising Manager
STEVEN ENSLEY . . . . . ....... . .. Circulation Manager
RANDY RISSMAN ......,... Supplement Manager

dy. Of Cabbages and Kings sells used
PLUM STREET itself runs one way the
wrong way. It runs into the city's
Southbound Freeway. It is hard to find
and far from Wayne State University
where the real local artists live.
Plum Street Project, in fact, will suffer
from handicaps. It may be doomed before
the month ends.
But it is a block that was reborn, though
perhaps deformed in conception. There
are gas lights and plum seedlings on the
street. The buildings have been strength-
ened, even several that were condemned.
All are artfully decked out with a few
coats of Charlie Cobb's artwork.
fancy or not, it is a nice piece of work
and a victory for intelligent urban re-
The One Who
Is Chosen
Omaha shortly after the bombing of
Hanoi and Haiphong said that while there
are "many, many, many who recommend
and advise; while sometimes a few of
them consent" nevertheless, "there is only
one that has been chosen by the American
people to decide."
President Johnson apparently regards
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IN THE PUBLIC record of the
dispute between France and
NATO there is nothing to say that
a workable and face-saving com-
promise cannot be patched up.
This assumes that the principals
involved, Germany B r it a i n,
France and the United Sates,
really want such a compromise.
If they do not-if, as some be-
lieve, Gen. Charles de Gaulle is
bent on wrecking the Western
alliance in order to dominate it,
or if, as others say, the United
States is bent on wrecking Gen.
de Gaulle in order to preserve
our leadership of Western Europe
-there is in the making a very
great crisis in the Western world.
FOR IF NATO is allowed to
break up in anger, the future in
Europe could become as unstable
as is the future in Asia. The
United States has an overriding
interest in promoting a Franco-
German arrangement about the
presence of the French troops in
Germany. It has an overriding in-
terest in arrangements between
France and the NATO powers to
provide for joint planning and ef-
fective liaison in place of the in-
tegrated general staffs.
The essential fact about a

patched-up compromise is that
without it there will be the great-
est danger that the Western alli-
ance will break up. The criterion
of an acceptable compromise is
not whether joint planning can be
made as effective as integrated
planning, whether in time of peace
the liaison staff officers can do
approximately as well as integrat-
ed staff officers.
Virtually nobody thinks that the
defense of Western Europe against
the Red army is a sufficient pur-
pose for NATO today. There is
virtually no one who does not be-
lieve that if Western Europe needs
to be defended by arms the prin-
cipal weapon will be the uninte-
grated American Strategic Air
Command force.
now political. That is to say, the
NATO forces give weight and au-
thority to the diplomatic posture
of the Western nations. They
would have little influence on
East-West relations and on the
future of Germany if they became
sharply divided.
They would become sharply di-
vided if an isolated France lay
between NATO in the North and
NATO in Italy and the Mediter-

ranean. For this reason let us
hope that the administration will
resist the temptations of anger
and frustration in dealing with
the general and that it will turn
its face against a catastrophic
A patched-up arrangement will,
however, be a dusty answer to the
real problem of NATO's future.
The real problem is that the orig-
inal purpose of NATO no longer
provides a mainspring for the al-
THE ORIGINAL purpose is no
longer relevant as it was 15 years
ago. NATO was then a necessary
and proper response to a grave
danger which was that, by infil-
tration backed up by invasion, the

Soviet Union would overwhelm
the continent. The fear that this
would happen has been the main-
spring of NATO, and because this
fear has now dwindled, European
support of NATO has declined.
Patching up the dispute with
Gen. de Gaulle is better than slid-
ing into a crisis which will bring
down not only the French posi-
tion, but the whole alliance. But
to preserve the alliance as a vig-
orous influence in the affairs of
the European continent, -it needs
a new purpose. Whereas its pur-
pose has been the defense of the
West, its purpose now should be
the healing of the division between
Western Europe and Eastern Eu-
rope and a settlement of the Euro-
pean cold war.
ONCE THIS IS accepted as the
central purpose of the Western
alliance and of the NATO organi-
zation, it will cease to be merely
something left over from another
age, merely a relic of the past. If
its central purpose is declared to
be the ending of the cold war in
Europe, it will reflect a future

that Europeans desire: the reu*i-
fication of Germany, the recon-
ciliation of Eastern and Western
Europe and the prospect that co-
existence with the Soviet Union
would evolve into convergence of
policy on the maintenance of world
The NATO controversy today
presents President Johnson with
the wind of historic opportunity
which comes only now and then
to the head of a great state. It is
an opportunity like that which
President Kennedy seized in his
speech on the nuclear test ban
at American University in June,
1963. It is an 'opportunity like that
which President Truman seized
when he proposed the Marshall
Plan and the NATO alliances.
now has a great opportunity. It is
to make clear to the world that
we are at a turning point in the
history of the Western alliance
and to use the influence of the
United States, to give the alliance
a new direction.
(c), 1966, The Washington Post Co.

The Built-In Bomb

Living with the Heat Wave
By PHIL SUTIN and are still booming-if you can mercury lights of downtown St.
(EDITOR'S NOTE'Phil Sutin, find one. These machines have Louis were visible as a string of
'66 Grad, is a Journalism de- taxed Union Electric's power sys- pearls against the darkened sky;
partment intern with the St. tem. Some lights went out Mon-
Louis Post-Dispatch.) day and some may still go out. -On the west-bound express-
ST LOUIS-It's been 90 degrees Some 2 million of the 2.4 mil- sufficient way, the power, lights, acdark
or more everyday except July lion people served by Union Elec- sufficiet o e, glowed a dark
7 since June 24; 100 or more since tric and its affiliates have been sea blue, but shed little light on
Sudy 0 rmr ic o~ affected by the power cut offs. the highway;
Sunday; 104 or ore sice M--"'''''--'"
day . . . and there's no relief in This demand varies with the ALMOST ALL non-priority areas,
sight. outdoor temperature, humidity, that is everything except hospi-
I'm a native Michigander, used sun glare and length of days and tals, airports, communications fa-
to mild summers and chilly win- nights. Thusone cloudy day in cilities and fire risks without elect-
ters. I hoped when I moved to St. the heat wave would ease the tricity, suffered 15 minutes to two
Louis that I would escape the cold pressure on the utility, hours of blackout -Monday and
Michigan winters and survive the Tuesday. In a few isolated.cases,
hot St. Louis summers. I'm surviv- BUT AT ABOUT 11 a.m. Mon- thesdarkness was longer. Police
ing, but I didn't expect anything day, the system overloaded and radios were out and government
like this, power went out, in some places rdicoseout and govhern
involuntarily, but mostly .because Mon ayn ight a d Tue day, hrs
I FIRST became concerned Union Electric shut down lines wasnot one recorded crime, in St.
about the weather June 30, when in residential areas to have the Louis.
the Post-Dispatch's city desk as- entire system.

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