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July 19, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-19

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Cooler; chance of

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Late World News
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND-Two policemen were injured by thrown objects
last night as violence broke out in Cleveland's predominantly
Negro Hough area, police said. Earlier reports had said the
officers were shot.
Police reported looting, fires, rock-throwing and shooting in
the area.
More policemen were ordered into the area as officers
reported more shooting had started,
* * * *
JACKSONVILLE, FLA.-Negroesand whites clashed in the
streets of Jacksonville last night and roaming bands of Negroes
hurled rocks through store windows.
The violence followed a march on City Hall by about 200
Negroes protesting alleged discrimination in hiring practices.
An elderly white woman received a gash on her leg when a
rock was thrown at her, officers reported. Police said a white
youth was dragged from a pay phone booth and struck by Negroes.
Another white youth and two Negroes fought near City Hall
but left as an officer approached, police said.
Officers said Warren H. Folks, 46, a white man, was
arrested when he tried to serve a "klan warrant" on Rutledge
Pearson, state president of the NAACP and organizer of the
THE MICHIGAN STATE Employes Union (AFL-CIO) will
picket the Pontiac State Hospital for three days starting at 6:30
a.m. tomorrow while it holds what it calls a representation
election inside the hospital, the Associated Press reported in
The state Civil Service Commission contends that the election
is meaningless. In February, the State Labor Mediation Board
denied a union petition asking exclusive bargaining elections in
10 state institutions and 5 agencies, including the Pontiac hospital.
The mediation board pointed out that state civil service
workers are not covered by tre Legislature's relaxing of penalty
and bargaining provisions of the Public-Employes Relations Act
(the Hutchinson Act).
velli, conductor, will present an outdoor concert "On the Diag"
at 8:30 p.m. Thursday (July 21).
The concert will be given in conjunction with the 18th annual
National Band Conductors Conference being held at the Univer-
sity School of Music July 18-22.
The first part of the program will be: "M Fanfare" arranged
by Bilik; "Grand March, The Pilgrim" by Lake; "Raymond
Overture" by Thomas; Prelude to Act I of "La Traviata" by Verdi;
"Scherzo" by Goldman, with David Blackinton, cornet soloist;
"March Golden Gate" by Goldman.
* * * *
A NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM to consider water quality stan-
dards will be held here starting today.
Some 300 to 500 experts are expected to attend the meeting,
which was prompted by provisions of the Federal Water Quality
Control Act of 1965 which demands that states set water quality
standards by mid-1967.
Those attending to explore the act's consequences will include
government, industry and municipal water officials, consulting
engineers, state water pollution control administrators and
government and private attorneys.
Among the key speakers at the symposium will be Sen.
Edmund S. Muskie (D-Maine), who directed the water quality
bill through the Congress. On Friday morning, the man respon-
sible for enforcement of its provisions, Federal Water Pollution
Control Administrator James M. Quigley, will discuss his agency's
policies and procedures.
GRANT JOHANNESEN, American pianist, will give the con-
cluding program in the Summer Concert Series of four piano
recitals at The University at 8:30 p.m. Monday (July 25) in
Rackham Auditorium, under the auspices of the University
Musical Society.
logical University has a new name today and its administrative
head has a new title.
Dr. Stanley W. Sundeen, chairman of the Michigan Tech
Board of Control, said that effective immediately the Soo branch
will be known as Lake Superior State College.








Half of 'U
Students in
Private Units
Report Shows Stable
Residence Patterns;
Increase Is Expected
More than 50 per cent of the
students at the University last fall
lived in private housing, as com-
pared to about 30 per cent living
in University housing, according to
a report recently released by the
Office of Student-Community Re-
The report, which compiles fig-
ures on the distribution by resi-
dence of students at the Ann Ar-
bor campus, reflects fairly stable
residence patterns, although the
percentage of students in off-cam-
pus housing has increased, said
Director of Student-Community
Relations William L. Steude yes-
Off-Campus Housing
The off-campus category in-
cludes fraternities and sororities,
cooperatives, and private dwellings
-rooms, apartments and houses.
Of these, fraternities and sorori-
ties account for nearly 10 per cent
of the total, a steadyvdecrease of
about five per cent over the past'
15 years.
Students living in private dwell-
ings, on the other hand, now con-
tribute 44.6 per cent to the total,
compared to about 38 per cent in
1950, an increase of more than
six per cent.
Peter Ostafin, assistant to the
director of student-community re-
lations, said yesterday that heex-
pects the next few years to show
a slight shift in favor of Univer-
sity housing. He expects this in-
crease because Cedar Bend I, the
new North Campus residence units,
will open in the fall and Cedar
Bend II and Bursley Hall will
open next fall. He added that, de-
spite these additions to University
housing, students in private hous-
ing will still outnumber those
housed by the University.
Drop in 'U' Housing
In the University housing sec-,
tor, residence halls accounted for
28.5 per cent, a drop of about five
per cent since 1952, and University
apartments accounted for 3.12 per.
cent, an increase of several per
cent over the past 15 years.
Of those who live in private
dwellings, over 9000 are men,
while only about 3000 are women.
However, there are nearly twice as
many men as women - including
graduate students-at the Univer-
This trend towardsp rivate hous-
ing has been growing steadily and
was given additional impetus by
the University ruling in '65 that
junior women could live in off-
campus housing. This partially ex-
plains the decrease in the num-
ber of students living in Universi-
ty housing.

-Associated Press
1-IlE GEMINI 10 SPACESHIP, launched yesterday, docked with the powerful Agena late last night after only six hours in space.


Drop Jesuit in Teaching Di spute

KALAMAZOO +' - A Jesuit
theologian is to be dropped from
the faculty of Western Michigan
University because, he said, he
insisted on teaching America's
multiple religions as systems of
moral values in which men earn-
estly believe.
Fr. John A. Hardon's year-to-
year contract as associate profes-
sor of religion expires in January
and will not be renewed, it was
revealed here following a testy
exchange of letters between the
priest-author and university of-
Fr. Hardon, one of America's
leading ecumenists and an expert
on Protestantisn, said he not only,
was forced to drop an extremely
Econ Ins
Currently in session at the Uni-
versity is a six week Institute for
Advanced Economic Education de- |

popular course in Catholic theol-
ogy, but has consistently been re-
buffed in his efforts to provide
Protestant students with instruc-
tion in the doctrines of their faith.
"My efforts on behalf of Juda-
ism have been greeted by remind-
ers that there are too few Jews
on campus to pay any attention
to them," he said in an interview
Fr. Hardon and WMU created a
stir in academic circles in July,
1962, when he became the first
Catholic priest hired as a full-
time professor paid out of tax
funds at a state university.
He said here, however, that
promises that he could teach re-
ligion "on my own terms" have
tures and small group discussions
in addition to numerous field trips
to industrial corporations in the
Van Dyke observed that these
trips differ from the usual sort of
field trip : "Our people listen to
staff economists," he noted, "rath-
er than looking for a lot of ma-
Follow-Up Study
He continued that the NDEA
grant designated funds for re-
search as well which will take the
form of a follow-up study to be
conducted this fall. Van Dyke said
that this summer's institute par-
ticipants-all but five of whom
are Michigan residents-will be
visited during the year to observe
how they are utilizing information
gained at the institute.

never been kept, and that the
freedom promised him has been
violated in an almost unbroken
series of incidents.I
"Although there was a clear3
agreement that I was to be free1
to teach as I saw fit," he said, "I
have been held strictly to their'
conditions that fail to solve the
problems filling our youth with1
inner anxieties and torments."
He said much of the turmoil on
American campuses can be traced
to a lack of a value system to
which students can cling. Educa-
tors, forcing on them their own
"philosophies of life," rather than
respecting the students' traditional
doctrines of faith, are feeding ten-
sions which they should be alle-
"The country was understand-
ably shocked by the announcement
that a group of college students
was circulating a petition for the
assassination of President John-
son," Fr. Hardon said.
"The students argued that since
the President was forcing young
men to die unwillingly in Viet
Nam, he should be removed from
office by an assassin's bullet.
"I do not think this episode, or
student protest demonstrations, or
draft card burnings and pacifist
agitations are signs of college stu-
dent rebellion against authority."
"They are symptomatic of a
spreading malaise that needs ser-
ious study and courageous action."
The great values which men of
faith have held for centuries lose
their meaning in the present uni-
versity atmosphere, he said. Stu-
dents are often incapable of lov-
ing their country.
He said such convictions must
be deepened and strengthened for
students "by hard-headed intel-
lectuality through an equally
hard-headed religion curriculum
of a university."

Fr. Hardon accused religion fac-
ulty heads of practicing what
theologians term "monastic phe-
nomenology," which means that
religious doctrine shall be limited
to what the professors believe, and
religion reduced to a phenomena1
of human experience.l
He produced a policy statement'
by the head of the department of
religion, Dr. E. Thomas Lawson,
which said:
"The academic discipline of re-
ligion has as its basic methodol-
ogical principles and presupositions1
those of the community of schol-
ars (the faculty) and not those of
the church, sect or cult."
"This means that the discipline
of religion involves inquiry and
the ordered presentation of the
fruits of that inquiry. In no sense
should this discipline be cate-
chetical, apologetic, evangelistic,
moralistic, pietistic, dogmatic or
"The above statement excludes
Catholic, Protestant and Jewish
doctrine from legitimate inclusion
as curriculum study at the univer-
sity," Fr. Hardon countered.
Contacted at his home Satur-.
day, Dr. Cornelius Loew, associate
dean of liberal arts, said the rea-
son for dropping Fr. Hardon's
contract involved personalities,
and that "we were not able to
communicate with him in a free
and meaningful way." Dr. Loew
also is chairman of the depart-
ment of religion.
"I think the feeling Fr. Hardon
had was that there had been a
change of policy and approach on
our part; that we had gone back
on an agreement," Loew said.
"He seems to feel that doctrine
-can be taught in a state univer-
sity in the same way as in a
Catholic or other religious school
where indoctrination is taken for
granted," he added.

.Plan To Fire,
Rocket on
Agena Craft
Accomplish Primary
Goal After Only Six
Hours of Flying Time
By The Associated Press
ni 10 astronauts soared to a
new altitude record of about
472 miles shortly after 1 a.mi
this morning, firing the pow-
erful engine of an Agena r-
cket to which they were linked.
CAPE KENNEDY - Astronaut
John Young, with his pilot Mich-
ael Collins, cautiously nudged the
nose of the Gemini 10 spaceship
to a link-up with a powerful Age-
na rocket late last night, and
prepared to propel their craft to
a world altitude record of 468
miles despite a great loss of fuel.
With the rendezvous, then dock-
ing, Young and Collins accom-
plished the primary goals of the
mission after only six hours, and
awaited a go-ahead on the firing
of the Agena rocket to propel
themselves farther from earth.
Mission officials were unable to
come up with an explanation as to,
why the craft was so short of
fuel after docking. The shortage
threatened to cancel several plan-
ned experiments.
The astronauts reported they
had to use the extra fel for the
They then consulted withms-
sion officials and decided to go
ahead with firing the Agena.
Second Ship
Gemini 10 became the second.
spaceship in history to latch on
to an orbiting satellite. This oper-
ation is a main link in the flight
plan to return men safely from a
landing on the moon. Gemini 8
was the first to do this, but had
to back away in less than half an
hour when a jet on the space-
craft went wild.
Important as the docking was,
it was only one of several of the
goals of the Gemini 10 mission.
The next goal, before two planned
spacewalks, was for the astro-
nauts to successfully fire the main
16,00-pound thrust Agena engine
to propel Gemini 10 farther from
earth than man has ever been.
Never before has an astronaut
attemptedtouse the engine of an
orbiting satellite to rocket his
own craft through space.
The docking proved costly to
the Gemini 10 mission in terms of
amount of fuel used by the space-
craft. There was no explanation
on why so much fuel-almost two
thirds- was used.
So far there has been one dis-
appointment on the flight. The
astronauts attempted for the first
time on a United States manned
space flight to depend on the
navigation capability of equipment
aboard the spacecraft, but the at-
tempt failed. They had to rely on
maneuvering aid from the earth.
Cautious because of the volatile
fuel contained in the Agena rocket,
the astronauts flew in formation
for about an hour before trying
the docking.

The Agena was about 38 miles
ahead of the pursuit ship as the
astronauts began the final phase
of the 17,500-mile-an-hour ren-
dezvous hunt that lasted four trips
around the world.
Firing small jets on the craft,
the astronauts increased their
spacecraft's speed 33 miles an
hour for a swoop up to the Agena,
glinting in the sun just ahead of
them. Though darting along at
dazzling speed, the pilots felt no
notable sensation of speed because
the two vehicle's rates virtually
The race began from separate
launch pads 6,000 feet apart at
Cape Kennedy with highly success-
ful launchings of the two vehicles

Board To Act on Huron High

There are indications that the
Ann Arbor Board of Education
will acept bids on the proposed
Huron High School at its meeting
Board president, Prof. Stephen
Withey of the psychology depart-
ment, issued a statement yester-
day describing in detail the
board's reasoning for, and the
facts involved in, the advocation
that the board accept bids for
construction of the school at twice
the original estimated cost.
Board member William C. God-
frey has advocated that the bids
not be accepted and that plans
for the school be redrawn to cut
Favor Acceptance
Yet the other board members
will appear to favor acceptance

Labor shortages and overtime
rates boosted bids way over esti-
mates. There were reports of 25
per tent higher labor costs for
overtime schedules."
Because of these and other fac-
tors, "Albion Senior High School
was bid 39 per cent over budget.
The University Events Building
came in 25 per cent or more over
the budget."
Rising Costs
Because of these rising costs, the
architect made new estimates in
February. He said at the time that
"if we could secure bids at his
previous planning figure of $17.50
a square foot, the building con-
struction cost alone would be
about $5 million."
Ann Arbor voters had approved
a $5.7 million bonding issue in
1965, of which $5.3 million was
marlked for construction. Withey

was at $30.4 a square foot, or $8,7
million for construction alone.
This bid, Withey said, followed
"dramatic increases in the wages
of construction workers. Ann Ar-
bor construction labor wages rose
25 per cent in the one year 1966-
Clear Pattern
Withey said by May the pattern
had become clear and new esti-
mates of $8.4 million for construc-
tion were made, although not pub-
lished for fear of inflating bids.
Withey concludes that, "It is
tragic the building was not bid
months ago but that is one of the
errors of the past and it can not
be remedied now on this school."
Withey said redesigning, as ad-
vocated by Godfrey and a number
of citizens, would at least leave
the project coming out even, and
saving nothing.

signed to improve leadership in
the teaching of economics.
Attended by 40 educators from
all levels-kindergarten through
college, the institute emphasizes
economic content and under-
standing and its translation into
the classroom.
Robert Van Dyke, assistant to
the director of the institute, ex-
plained yesterday that education
in economics has been seriously
lacking in the general curricula of
schools and colleges across the
country and that what education-
al attempts have been made, have
for the most part been limited in
"This year," Van Dyke said, 'the
National Defense Education Act
provided funds for five pilot pro-
grams in economics including the
one at the University which is
sponsored cooperatively by East-
ern Michigan University"
Seven Aspects
Constructed around a 1060 task
force report by the high powered
national Committee on Economic
Development, the institute con-
centrates on seven facets of eco-
nomic education:
-The importance and nature

Poll Indicates Romney Would
Loose State to Kennedy in '68

DETROIT U' - The Detroit
News said over the weekend it
conducted a poll in Michigan
which indicated Gov. George Rom-
ney would lose his home state if

individually a g a i n s t Johnson,
Humphrey and Kennedy.
The paper said Nixon "would
lose the state to any of the three
top Democrats, the poll indicated."
TPhe rnll id tatin a Dresi-

It said Romney would beat
Humhprey by 51 per cent to 26 per
cent, with 23 per cent undecided
or favoring neither man.
"In his home state," the News
said. "Romney outdlistances Nixon

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