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July 19, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-19

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PAt.F °fi'NR F12

TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1966



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Riots Highlight


Associated Press News Analysis
CHICAGO - The crackle of
flames and gunfire had subsided
on Chicago's heavily Negro West
Side. But a somber Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. was listening to
rumblings of racial storms building
"I hate to make this prediction,"
said King, rubbing his face, fag-
gard from lack of sleep. "But we
have to be honest, Every major
city is sitting on a powder keg."
King was not alone in his as-
sessment that violence might erupt
in the hot summer nights in any
one of a dozen or more cities.
"Because no matter what they
tell you, everything is not okay in
colored town," said a Negro at-
torney in another city.

The remark was made by Alcee
Hasting who doesn't live in Chi-
cago or New York or Los Angeles.
He lives in Pompano Beach, Fla.,
where rioting bands of Negroes
battled police less than one month
Similar fears were expressed by
many Negroes in other areas, As-
sociated Press interviewers found.
Giving weight to such fears were
recent outbreaks of violence in
such widely separated places as
Omaha, Neb., Cleveland, Ohio, and
Cordele, Ga.
Hundreds of Negro teen-agers
rioted the night of April 11 at a
park in Glen Echo, Md., only 10
miles from the White House, and
left a trail of property damage
and terrified residents on a march

Summer arrived officially June
21. The night of June 22, looting
and vandalism broke out in an
East Cleveland area where Negro
and white neighborhoods meet.
Bands of Negro youths stoned cars
occupied by whites.
A 10-year-old Negro boy was
wounded when a white man open-
ed fire with a pistol from a pass-
ing car.
Whites and Negroes staged a
gunbattle the night of June 28 in
Cordele, Ga. The July 4 weekend,
brought violent disorders for three
nights in Omaha's predominantly
Negro near North Side; it ended
with National Guardsmen clear-
ing the streets.
In Des Moines, Iowa, about 200
young Negroes hurled stones and
bottles at policemen answering a

call at a park July 4. Three days
later, a hundred helmeted police-
men in Paterson, N.J., quelled a
missile-throwing outbreak that
followed a "black power" speech
by a Negro leader.
Last Saturday a brief, fiery out-
burst resulted in San Francisco
when an off-duty Negro policeman
shot and wounded a Negro charged
with armed robbery. Negroes set
seven fires with gasoline bombs
and a white ambulance driver was
attacked but not hurt seriously.
Why the violence?
In a realm where answers are
not easy, factors cited range from
simple things like hot weather,
vandalism, resentment of police,
idleness and malicious mischief
to more sophisticated explanations

of frustration, repressed hopes, in-
security, racial discrimination and
But even before Chicago's out-
break, civil rights figures warned
of the unrest and tensions.
"We cannot ignore that we have
new human tensions. A great deal
of bitterness has developed," Dr.
J. H. Jackson of Chicago, presi-
dent of the predominantly Negro
National Baptist Association, has
A view widely held by civil
rights leaders is that the federal
government's antipoverty program
offered hopes it has failed to de-
This "aborted promise" threat-
ens the nation with unrest, said
Dr. Robert W. Spike, a University

of Chicago theologian, in a speech
at St. Louis.
James Farmer, former national
director of the Congress of Racial
Equality, assessed it this way:
"Another broken promise to the
millions outside the mainstream."
Mayor A. V. Sorenson of Omaha
talked with a hundred Negro
youths after the disorders in his
city. He blamed "frustration, ten-
sion, discontent, a desire to be
recognized, a desire to have all of
the nice things all affluent Ameri-
cans have. These kids are sick,
disgusted and frustrated."
Solutions do not come easy,
Negro spokesmen agree. But most
say any concrete, immediate ac-
tion-new swimming pools for

Chicago's West Side. or jobs for
200 Negro youths in Omaha-
will significantly aid in soothing
King has been grappling with
the problem of how to channel
Negro youth gangs into construc-
tive, nonviolent work.
"We've got to find something
they specifically can do." he said.
William Booth, chairman of the
New York City Commission on
Human Rights, warned that a
"Watts syndrome" exists in the
United States. He said federal,
state and local authorities have
not yet hit the reality of the

"They should
community and
has to be done,"

go out into the
find out what
he said.

British Pound Hit By
'Black Monday' Slide,'

Stock Falls
For 13th
Straight Day
Wilson Returns from

Radical Leader of Extremists
On Trial for Illegal Assembly'

Moscow To Combat BELFAST, Northern Ireland W)
New Economic Crisis -The leader of the Protestant ex-
tremists in Northern Ireland went
LONDON GA - It was Black on trial yesterday as hundreds
Monday yesterday in London's fi- of his followers outside the court-
nancial district. The pound came house shouted "Paisley for prime
under renewed selling pressure in minister!"
the foreign exchange market and The Rev. Ian Paisley announced
the stock exchange slumped for he had summoned 80 witnesses-
the 13th consecutive day. including Prime Minister Capt.
Millions of pounds were wiped Terence O'Neill-in combating
w. from share values. charges that he took part in an
The pound sterling continued "unlawful assembly" last June.
weak at $2.7867.
News that Prime Minister Har- But the court ruled Capt. O'Neill
old Wilson's Labor government is and a number of other prospective
hurrying to trim the nation's eco- witnesses would not have to attend
nomic stils to meet the growing because their evidence would not
storm had little or no effect. Wil- be material.
son was reported planning to fly g W
back from his Moscow visit at
dawn today to go over the plansA
with his cabinet. riA lII l

The trial is being watched as follow Paisley, Paisley the great-
the first attempt of the govern- est."

ment to crack down on the 40-
year-old firebrand preacher who
has charged there is a plot afoot
to sell out to the Roman Catholics..
Paisley, who set up his own
Ulster Free Presbyterian Church,
has a flock of only about 3,000
but claims support of half a mil-
lion of Northern Ireland's 900,000
Protestants. The Roman Catholic
population numbers 500,000.
More than 1,000 persons seeking
admission to the courthouse were
turned back and waited outside
singing "follow, follow, we will

Hundreds of police patrolled the
area in the heart of Belfast and
guards were on duty in the court-
house corridors. Traffic was tied
up in the heart of Belfast as
Paisley marched to the courthouse
at the head of a parade of 2,000
The charges against Paisley
stemmed from a demonstration he
led Jne 6 outside the Presbyterian
General Assembly. His own group
is not a member. He was protesting
what he called a trend toward
Roman Catholicism by the Presby-


U.S. Warns
Hanoi Not To
Try Pilots
Goldberg Threatens
'Dire Consequences'
To North Viet Namn
GENEVA (I)-The United States
informed the International Red
Cross yesterday that trials of
American airmen capturedin
North Viet Nam could lead to
"disastrous consequences."
The warning was delivered by
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg to the all-Swiss International
Red Cross Committee based in
Geneva, which administers the
Geneva conventions for protection
of war prisoners. Goldberg, U.S.
chief delegate to the United Na-
tions, is here for a UN space con-
"I informed the Red Cross that
in the view of the U.S. govern-
ment there can be no doubt that
the Geneva conventions on the
treatment of prisoners of war
fully apply to the Viet Nam con-
flict," he told reporters.
The North Vietnamese govern-
ment has threatened to bring the
airmen to trial as war criminals.
In Moscow, Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin rejected a request by
Prime Minister Harold Wilson of
Britain to intercede at Hanoi on
behalf of the prisoners.
In New Delhi, India, North Viet
Nam's consul-General, Nguyen
Hoa, told Indian newsmen Hanoi
has the legal right to bring the
Americans to trial under what he
called the "Nuernberg Charter,"
apparently referring to the post-
World War II trials in which the
United States and her Allies tried
and executed Nazis convicted of
war crimes.
He said that under Article 8 of
that charter the captives are sub-
ject to North Viet Nam's laws and
could be brought to trial. He told
the Indian newsmen, however'
that any American who confessed
to being a war criminal will be
given humanitarian treatment.
Hanoi has reported "confessions"
by some of the Americans held
Official Concern
He declined to reveal to news-
men the contents of the note but
said it expressed particular con-
cern "at the disastrous conse-
quenrces which could flow if North
Viet Nam officials should proceed
with any trials of these prisoners,
in contradiction of the Geneva
Informed sources said the com-
mittee's executive director, Roger
Gallopin, who received Goldberg
in the absence of the committee
president, Samual Gonard, took
note of the message without spe-
cific comment. Goldberg is sched-
uled to meet with Gonard at the
Red Cross headquarters today.
DIAL 2-6264
TripleThreat Hero!
Three-In-One Lover!

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (P-
By an 8-7 vote, the world court
dismissed yesterday a costly six-
year suit by black African nations
to break white-ruled South Af-
rica's control of diamond-rich
South-West Africa.
The verdict by the International
Court of Justice, delivered in a
courtroom packed with a select
audience of diplomats and lawyers
from many nations, came as a sur-
prise to both sides.
In effect, the court ruled that
the suing nations-Liberia and
Ethopia-had no legal right to
bring the suit. Thus the case was
thrown out without an actual de-
cision on charges of South African.
misrule in the territory which itl
has controlled since 1920 under a
League of Nations mandate.

Apartheid:Government Retains
Control of South-West Africa

World News Roundup

Government Measures
Wilson will announce the gov-
ernment's measures in Parliament
tomorrow - a week earlier than
4 originally planned. That evening
he is to make a television broad-
cast to the nation on the gravity
of its economic position.
James Callaghan, chancellor of
the exchequer, who is due in
Bonn, Germany, tomorrow for
talks on Britain's defense expen-
diture in West Germany, will de-
lay his departure until after Wil-
son has spoken in the House of
The price of gold -- a hedge in
times of economic trouble-rose on
the London bullion market yester-
day to 252 shillings 53/4 pence
dollar parity rate: $35.1825 per
fine ounce, the highest since Jan.
30, 1961.
In the foreign exchange market,
the dollar price of sterling open-
ed slightly above Friday's clos-
ing level but it soon fell away.
The volume of selling pounds was
not heavy but in the prevailing,
' crisis atmosphere the sale of even
$1.4 million was enough to bring
the rate down fractionally.
The Bank of England was sup-
porting sterling by raiding gold
and dollar reserves to buy pounds
for future delivery-which could
make the reserves look very sick
if this month's total is revealed
in full when the treasury reports'
in two weeks.
Index Drops
The Financial Times index of 30
leading industrial stocks tumbled
6.7 points during the morning to
331.1-a new low for the year. Be-
T' fore the long slide began June 3,
the index had reached 372.2. The
index at yesterday's closing was
332.3, down 5.5 for the day.
Within 72 hours, the Labor gov-
ernment may know whether its
efforts to raise taxes, slow down
industry and divert it to exports,
to boost employment and cut gov-
ernment spending at home and
overseas have restored sufficient
international confidence to steady
the pound on the world's money


The majority-with the court,
president, Sir Percy Spender of
Australia, casting the deciding'
vote-ruled that Liberia and Ethi-
opia had no right to bring this suit
against the mandate power merely
as individual members of the for-
mer League of Nations. Such ac-
tion could only be brought by the
League of Nations Council-which
no longer exists.
"Rights cannot be presumed to
exist merely because it might seem
desirable that they should," said
Sir Percy who took two hours to
read the majority opinion.
U.S. Dissent
Ones of the seven dissenting
judges was the court's United
States member, Philip C. Jessup.
Another dissenter was Nationalist
China's Dr. Wellington Koo.

The Dially Official Bulletin is an
oitictal pubilcatin of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan ilally assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TVIPIWatTl'I1IN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; ay
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publicatinn..
MAy Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"How to Train Job Instructors":
Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
National Band Conductors Conference
Wind 'nstrument Recital - Recital
Hall, School of Music, 9 a.m.
National Band Conductors Conference
Concert-National Music Camp High
School Band: Rehearsal Hall, School of
Music, 10:15 a.m.
National Band Conductors Conference
Concert-University Summer Session
Band: Rehearsal Hall, School of Music,
1:30 p.m.
Audio-VisualaEducationdCenter Film
Preview -' Oscar W. Underwood (Pro-
files in Courage)": Multipurpose Room,
Undergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m.
National Band Conductors Conference
Concert-Ann Arbor High School Band:
Rehearsal Hall, School of Music, 2:45
National Band Conductors Conference
Concert-Robert Nagel, trumpet, New
York Brass Quintet: Recital Hall, School
of Music, 4 p.m.
Dept. of English Reading - James
Dickey, poet and critic, "A Reading of
His Own oPetry: Aud. A, Angell Hall,
4 p.m.
National Band Conductors Conference
Concert-Ann Arbor High School Band,
Victor Bordo, conductor: Hill Aud., 8:30
Poetry Reading: James Dickey, poet
and critic, will present a "Reading of
His oPetry' in Aud. A, Angell Hall, at
4 p.m., on Tues., July 19. All interested
persons are invited to attend.
Office of Religious Affairs Book Dis-
cussion-N. aPtrick Murray, education-
al director, Office of Religious Affairs,

discussion of "Radical Theology and
the Death of God" (Altizer and Hamil-
ton): Michigan Union, 12 m.
37th Annual Summer Education Con-
ference: Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch, of Haw-
thorne Center, Northville, Mich., speak-
ing on "Today's Students," 10 a.m.,
Schorling Aud., University High School.
Goneral Nonices
August Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: All of the requirements for the
teacher's certificate must be completed
by Aug. 5, These requirements include
the teacher's oath, the health state-
ment, the social security number, and
the Bureau of Appointments material.
The oath should be taken as soon as
possible in Room 1431 UES. The office
is open from 8-12 and 1-5, Monday
through Friday.
Attention Degree Candidates for
Spring, Summer and Spring-Summer,
1966: This office will provide you with
a diploma and transcript of your aca-
demic record showing your latest de-
gree about Sept. 15, 1966.
Those who expect to be graduated
pending completion of courses in any
one of the foregoing periods, should
turn in a diploma application to this
office now, if one has not been pre-
viously submitted.
YWCA Program for Youth of the
Jackson, Mich. Area-Youth Program
Director. Planning program and train-
ing and supervising the adult leaders.
BA, major in related field, ed., reli-
gion, soc. sci., soc. work, recreation,
humanities, behavioral sci. Group lead-
ership experience, paid or volunteer,
camp counselor, playground leader, Y-
Teen club advisor, teacher.
Wood Conversion Co., Technical Cen-
ter, St. Paul, Minn., Cloquet, Minn. -
Project Manager, technical degree, adv.
trng. national and synth. fiber proc-
essing. Project leader, technical degree,
pref. adv. trng. demonstrate ingen-
uity and creativity, and economic analy-
sis of product worth.
Management Consultants and Execu-
tive Searchers, Los Angeles, Calif. -
Four postion. 1. Industrial Relations

Mgr., labor rel., contract negotiations,
under 35 .yrs. of age, job evaluation ex-
per'ence, Southern Calif. Company with
very high general standards. 2. Recruit-
er for technical recruiting, on the
road 50 per cent of the time, up to 45
yrs. of age. 3. General Personnel Rep-
resentative, exper. in employment, up
to 30 yrs of age. 4. Employment Mgr.,
in NYC area. All non-defense indus-
tiies. contact Bureau for application
State of Michigan, Dept. of Social
Welfare County Positions-Most coun-
ties throughout the state. Welfare Ad-
mninistrators II-S-IV-S levels. Special
recruiting announcement to merge
county social welfare positions into
state government. Applications received
no later than Aug. 8, 1966. BA required,
addit. credit for MA in Soc. Work,
Bus. Ad., Public Admin., 2-3 yrs. as
case worker or welfare admin.
State of Michigan, Ingham County -
Urban Planners I and II. 51 yrs. old or
more, BA with major in city, urban or
regional planning. No exper. and one
year respectivcly in urban planning
For further information please con-
tact Bureau of Appointments. Call
764-7460, or come to 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Hunt Foods and Industries, Toledo,
Ohio-Looking for students to work in
food processing plant. Apply now, start
work first of August. Good wages and
overtime paid. Details at SPS, 212 SAB,
Lower Level.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
nizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
* 4 +Y

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John-
son signed a pay raise yesterday
for 1.8 million civilian government
workers-by 3.2 per cent, includ-
ing fringe benefits--but express-
ed concern because Congress made
the, increase effective July 1 in-
stead of next Jan. 1.
The increases in money average
2.9 per cent or a total of $540
million on an annual basis.
The civilian pay bill controls
the effective date of the higher
military pay Johnson signed last
week. Together the extra cost will
be almost $500 million in military
and civilian pay between now and
next Jan. 1.
LONDON-Red China has offer-
ed territorial sanctuary to North
Vietnamese forces fighting the
Americans, according to reports
reaching British authorities yes-
As understood here, Peking's of-
fer would allow North Vietnamese
air units to use Chinese terri-
tory as a base area from which
presumably they could attack
American raiders. Ground units
also would be permitted to estab-
lish a logistics base free from at-
tacks by American bombers.
WASHINGTON - Vice-Presi-
dent Hubert H. Humphrey called
yesterday for full integration of
the nation's schools as part of
overhauling the country's educa-
tional programs.
"The national goal," he said,
must be "both quality and equal-
ity in our schools."
Humphrey made his remarks in
a speech at the conference on ed-
ucation of the disadvantaged.

He noted that, particularly in
the large cities, economic factors
and the movement of families to
suburbs "are creating serious ra-
cial imbalance in the inner city
The vice-president said seven
millionbdeprived children already
have been reached with special
programs under the 1965 Elemen-
tary and Secondary Education Act.
But he said much room for im-
provement remains.
* ' *
BRASILIA, Brazil - President
Zalman Shazar of Israel propos-
ed last night a good neighbor
policy for his country and the
Arab states. He suggested they
sit down at the negotiating table
to settle their differences with
"We are always ready to share
with our near and distant neigh-
bors the fruits of good neighbor-
liness," Shazar told a Brazilian
dinner audience.

Some South Africans in the
courtroom, joyous at the verdict,
said they had expected to lose the
American lawyer Ernest Gross,
who led the plaintiffs' legal bat-
tery, expressed disappointment at
the decision.
He told newsmen: "The attitude
of the United Nations will not be
affected by today's decision. The
United Nations shows year after
year that it is opposed to what is
happening in South-West Africa
while it is under South Africa's
control. And' this issue will be
brought up again and again in
the United Nations."
They declared that South Afri-
ca must account to the United
Nations as successor to the old
League of Nations. They also
charged that South Africa, by im-
posing its domestic policy of racial
segregation on South-West Africa
was violating its mandate obliga-
tions and human rights.
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