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July 15, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-15

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Seventy-Sixth Year

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POWER The......F{Edirrtor.n.. Talks About. The.r ... s Michigan. . ......Daily..
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POETRY...".... ...,"by ..t 5"MARK. J R. .. . f. ,KIL l.,NGSW.O. R TH.r2.K . , . .: ".

ere Opinions Are Free, 4
Truth Will Prevail 4 AYNARD T.,ANN ARBOR, Mjcm.

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors.- This must be noted in all reprints.

How John Hannah Got
MSU A Medical School

TO JOHN HANNAH, president of

veloping a more intensive me

- MSU. He's the toughest educator gram.
around. Eleven departments were esto
He thought that MSU should have a the institute: anatomy, pha
four-year medical school, and, despite pathology, microbiology an
some significant opposition, he'll get it. health, physiology, biophysics
He's been independent-possibly arro- biochemistry, anthropology, soc
gant-enough to assemble components for psychology. These departments
a medical school against the wishes of department of medicine will for
state and nation academic authority. He lege of Human Medicine openi
has artfully combined expanding facili- tember.
ties with resources that he has accumu- MSU planners say students w
late.i tate from the two-year MSU me
He has used publicity to advantage, ob- will transfer to either Wayne
scuring his dealings by keeping any long- gan medical schools for the
range plans for the inevitable third four- years of their graduate studies
year medical school in Michigan out of can transfer to schools outside
ublicitygan. Or, they can stay at MS1
pulcy their first two years, MSU has
He has done it all with a good sense of four-year program.
BUTEVNIHEnvrhdacnp- gan is undeniable. A Unive
acy with other MSU officials, Tuesday showed last year that although
plans for the medical school were pub- ranked seventh in the nation
licly confirmed by the chairman of the tion, it ranked 23rd in total1
school's board of trustees, Warren Huff, Thus, a third state school is r
of Plymouth. needed, as well as conditions e
Huff admitted that Hannah had recent- physicians to practice in Michi
ly communicated a request for an inves- And; the preparations mad
tigation of establishment of the full med- show that a quality instituti
ical school to Ira Polley, state superin- expected, with proper direction
tendent of public instruction. Although they have not sho
All but forgotten in the evolving con- thority in directing medical ed
troversy is the state Master Plan for MSU, the state board of educ
Higher Education, scheduled for release the Association of America
in October. This is the document that Schools still may take a hand
should provide organized directions to mining when, where and how
where higher education in all disciplines state medical school should be
should be going and how various programs ed.
should intermesh. They may even have to detai
The MSU medical program, moving ac- pears to be the academic empi
cording to MSU plans, tactitly denies the at MSU.
existence of the coming document. It is interesting to note
MSU does not admit any plans for site, Sen. Raymond Dzendzel (D-De
facilities or curricula. "What we are ask- proposed a part-time law schoc
ing is that the state board give approval
for such planning," Huff said. "We are EVEN BEFORE the quality o
not trying to deceive anyone, or take a year medical school at M
route around state authority, and we will assessed, President Hannah,
not proceed with a degree-granting medi- tees, and other university adm
cal school until we get full state board and have gained a major hold on
legislative approval." demic affairs.
And with their intentions
B UT INTENTION or deception does not with good timing, it appears
matter. And it would appear that the will realize that achievement
state board and Legislature do not matter more: the imminent four-year
either, for the four-year medical school lege of Human Medicine.
is nearly a reality. -NEA
Last September, MSU announced that
It wMould open a two-year medical school
bSeteber, 1966. This was in opposi- Doing Thir
.ion to the recommendations of Governor
George Romney's Blue Ribbon Commis-U
sion on Higher Education and the Asso-UpaBage
body which accredits medical schools. PRESIDENT JOHNSON says
The commission had suggested earlier news media releasing thef
that MSU delay preparations until en- description of what he and L
roilments had increased at Wayne State will wear at her wedding Aug
and Michigan medical schools. However, could be the biggest bomb tha
facing a shortage of doctors in the state, seen since Hiroshima, 21 year
the Michigan Medical Society praised uni- will be barred from the ceremor
versity administrators as early as 1964 This sounds a good deal like
for foresight in making preparations for a son administration's other ne
medical school. policies. You really have to giv
credit. He certainly doesn't do
BUT MSU WAS building a medical school half-heartedly.
even earlier than that. In 1961, its Or maybe it's just hard to
trustees established the Institute of Biol- habit.
ogy and Medicine, with the intent of de-
Te Legislature's Pay Hike.
It's only money

'dical pro-
ablished in
d public
s, zoology,
iology and
and a new
m the col-
ng in Sep-
vho gradu-
lical school
or Michi-
But, they
of Michi-
U, if, after
gained its
in Michi-
rsity study
n Michigan
in popula-
e at MSU
on can be
vn any au-
lucation at
cation and
n Medical
l in deter-
the third
n what ap-
that state
etroit) has
l for MSU.
f the two-
SU can be
the trus-
state aca-
that they
with one
MSU Col-
that anyI
uci Baines
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s earlier-
the John-
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e that man
shake the

THE EDITOR of The Daily
must, of course, implement its
philosophy. But this deceptively
simple responsibility requires di-
verse abilities and efforts-in ef-
fect, many other responsibilities.
The vision of The Daily's editor
must necessarily encompass the
University-but his vision must
also range beyond it. He must have
a sophisticated grasp of the
complex political and social con-
text of the state and the nation
and its interaction with the Uni-
versity. He must be diplomatic
and astute. He must, in short, un-
derstand the world of men and
events and be accustomed to work-
ing in it.
IF HE IS to implement the
philosophy of The Daily, the edi-
tor must, above all, be a leader-
one who is intellectually accom-
plished; one who will exert the
moral leadership and influence of
The Daily in important questions
of policy which are relevant to its
readers; one who can enlist the
interest, support and action of his*
collegues and those in and beyond
the Univeristy community. He
must have considerable organiza-
tional talent and possess initia-
tive and enterprise-and possess
a capacity for sustained intellec-
tual and physical effort.
These are the responsibilities of
a senior editor as I construe them;
I welcome them. I believe that

participation in the great affairs
of the University and the Repub-
lic is not only a great honor, but
a moral obligation, and for that
reason I petitioned for editor of
The Daily.
The Greeks defined happiness
as the exercise of one's powers
along the lines of excellence. In
that sense, I hope to enjoy my-
self as editor of The Daily, be-
cause I believe it will be an ex-
icting and challenging exper-
I WOULD FIRST seek to en-
sure that The Daily's news report-
ing will conform to consistently
high standards of objectivity and
accuracy. I hope to center the
important aspects of the training
process on the managing desk to
focus on examples in The Daily
such as those I have mentioned
and, at least in some degree, to
participate in the process myself.
A reporter's training must include
daily crit sheets, and the editor
should have several discussions
with him as well, for there is no
substitute for the editor's influ-
ence and physical presence.
I also hope to work with the
editorial director to ensure that
The Daily's editorials constantly
strive not to inspire acrimony, but
to inspire ideas-and effect policy.
I would encourage him to have
his writers direct specific pro-
posals towards a definite aud-

ience; and I would work with all
the senior editors to increase the
number and to expand the scope
of Daily senior editorials.
IN GENERAL I intend to leave
both the managing editor and
the editorial director free to di-
rect their own operations. The
editor has his own job; he does
not need theirs as well. I do, how-
ever, hope to work with both to
make sure that fairness, accuracy
and. completeness are hallmarks,
not afterthoughts, of Daily writ-
ing. And I would work with great
care and concern to coordinate
the front and editorial pages.
I expect to seek advice and
opinion on The Daily and its role
from a wide range of parties, in-
cluding the Board in Control. of
Student Publications most par-
ticularly. And I Intend through
continuous discussion, investiga-
tion and reflection, drawing on
the insights of my colleagues and
of members in the University com-
munity and beyond, to act as a
catalyst and a major source of
ideas and inspiration for the
paper I am editing.
THE FOREGOING, of course, is
simply good journalism. Nothing
good is easy; I expect that such
considerations would command an
important part of my time as edi-
tor. But the circumstances in
which the University and the na-

tion presently find themselves do
not require simply good journal-
ism but a far greater effort. The
Daily has spoken of foreign and
domestic concerns of the Republic
rarely and inconsistently. We all
face these issues as citizens; I be-
lieve The Daily must deal with
The difficulties of the Univer-.
sity, while they have received more
attention, demand a more sophis-
ticated approach. For the prob-
lems the University faces are num-
erous and inter-related; its fre-
quent academic mediocrity; its al-
most exclusively middle class cli-
entele, the apathy of its students
and faculty, the confusion and
mistakes and difficulties of its ad-
ministrators, and, most important
of all, the selection of its next
THESE VAGUE issues crystal-
lize in terms of specifics: the fate
of the residential college; the
struggle over autonomy, including
the laws and activities of the
legislature and its members; the
Opportunity Awards Program, the
bookstore report, the housing pro-
posals; the Honors and Pilot pro-
grams; the departure of Roger
Heyns; heartening student parti-
cipation in University affairs co-
existent with general student in-
difference; the indirection or dis-
interest of many faculty in the
affairs of the University; and, fin-

ally, the processes now being set
in motion for the selection of the
next president of the University.
All these questions will be cri-
tical byh1967;utheyare becoming
so now. In short, this is a univer-
sity in crisis; silent, in general,
and fairly placid on the surface
for the present, but a challeng-
ing and exceedingly difficult set
of knotty problems which must
be resolved shortly or not at all.
I BELIEVE. that The Daily
must play a major role in all these
matters. Much as another news-
paper reported on the numerous
and complex issues its city in
crisis faces, The' Daily must ex-
plore the University in crisis and
must provide significant and con-
structive leadership for change
and renewal.
All this will be difficult. It will
require a great deal of wisdom,
work and coordination-and a rare
degree of courage. Pericles once
said that the truly brave man is
"he who knows best what is sweet
in life and what is terrible, and
then goes out undeterred to meet
what is to come."
In that spirit, I would hope to
lead The Daily in an exciting and
arduous year in which our aspira-
tions need be limited only by our
exertions, in which the righteous-
ness of our quest is the ultimate
source of our strength.
January 24, 1966
unity of Western Europe or to
separate Europe from America.
"It is inevitable and beneficial to
all," said M. Couve de Murville
on April 14, "that Europe reassume
its independence with respect to
America. It is inevitable that the
latter conduct its policy through-
out the world and that this policy,
more and more, be outside the
European countries.
"It is inevitable that relations
between East and West not remain
frozen in the situation, they were
in 15 years ago and that, as a
result, the Russian-American ri-
valry decrease at the same time
as distant prospects for a peaceful
and lasting European settlement
come into view.
"FINALLY, it is inevitable that,
in international policy, the new
factors that have appeared in the
past 15 years-that is, first the
mass of newly independent coun-
tries and second the enormous
Chinese power-make their impact
increasingly felt and that the At-
lantic alliance be changed by this."
This is a view of the world with
which we can live.
(c), 1966, The Washington Post Co.

Looking at the

World the Frenci

IF OUR OBJECT is to preserve
the Western alliance, a rein
shoull be put on the zealots in the
State Department who are in-
dulging in an all-out quarrel with
Gen. Charles de Gaulle. Until re-
cently the President has kept the
zealots in check. But recently
probably because the President is
so preoccupied elsewhere, they
have taken charge of our Euro-
pean policy.
They cry out that Gen. De
Gaulle's views on NATO are non-
sense, that they are a declaration
that France is an undependable
ally and in general that the future
of the alliance depends on the de-
feat, if possible the disappearance,
of Gen. De Gaulle.
FOR THE preservation of the
alliance the willing adherence of
France is indispensible, and the
adherence of France will not
amount to much if the Gaullists,
who are the most high-spirited,
martial element in France, are
defeated, humiliated and alienated.
The State Department should
remember that the main opposi-
tion to Gen. De Gaulle does not
consist of the followers of M.

Jean Monnet and M. Lecanuet,
The main opposition is from the
left which includes the large Com-
munist bloc.
The coalition of leftist parties is
not one bit fonder of the NATO
organization than is Gen. De
Gaulle, and unlike him the leftist
coalition has no great liking for
the Western alliance itself. Gen.
De Gaulle may make some of us
as uncomfortable as if we were in
a frying pan, but the popular
front which might come after him
would be the fire itself.
IF WHAT THE French prime
minister, M. Pompidou, and the
French foreign minister, M. Couve
de Murville, have been saying in
the past few weeks is French pol-
icy, the issue raised by Gen. De
Gaulle is quite negotiable.
France, they say, wants to pre-
serve the Atlantic alliance and
takes with entire seriousness the
obligation under'the alliance to
come to the defense of the other
members. France does not intend,
they assert repeatedly, to reverse
its alliances by making an allience
with the Soviet Union.
France will not keep French
forces under the integrated general

staffs set up by NATO. But, said
M. Pompidou on April 13, "We
are prepared to debate with them
(i.e. the other 14 NATO partners),
and particularly with the United
States and Germany, the terms
of application, whether on the
transfer of the general staffs, the
evacuation of the American bases
or the presence of French troops
in Germany.
"We are prepared to negotiate
agreements on the facilities that
could be granted to the allies
and aimed at providing for par-
ticipation by the French armed
forces in Joint action in the
event of conflict in the frame-
work of the alliance."
THE FRENCH may be mistaken,
even wrong-headed, in objecting
to integrated general staffs in
time of peace. There is room here,

as M. Pompidou's remarks show,
for careful negotiation as to just
how military planning can be con-
ducted and just how joint plan-
ning among the general staffs can
be made effective. But there is not
room for going into tantrums of
We must never forget that the
main military arm of the alliance
is U.S. strategic air power and
that it is not, and probably never
will be, placed under an integrated
general staff. The passion of the
State Department for the inte-
gration of the general staffs does
not extend to the integration of
IF WE STUDY the French view
of the allience, not only in the
rather Delphic pronouncements of
Gen. De Gaulle, but in the
speeches and interviews of his
principal ministers, we shall, I
believe, see in a new Perspective
the dispute about the integrated
general staffs of the NATO or-
There is no evidence to support
the allegation that the issue of
integrated command has been
raised in order to disrupt the
alliance, to destroy the evolving



Mark Twain 'Brought Down to Date

" . IN A SPEECH which he
made more than five
hundred years ago, and which has
come down to us intact, he said:
WE, FREE citizens of the Great
Republic, feel an honest pride in
her greatness, her strength, her
just and gentle government, her
wide liberties, her honored name,
her stainless history, her un-
smirched flag, her hands clean
from oppression of the weak and
from malicious conquest, her hos-
pitable door that stands open to
the hunted and the persecuted of
all nations.
We are proud of the judicious
respect in which she is held by
the monarchies which hem her in
on every side, and proudest of all
of that lofty patriotism which we
inherited from our fathers, which
we have kept pure, and which won
our liberties in the beginning and
preserved them unto this day.
While that patriotism endures
the Republic is safe, her greatness
is secure, and against them the
powers of the earth cannot pre-
I PRAY YOU pause to consider.
Against our traditions we are now
entering upon an unjust and tri-
vial war, a war against a helpless
people, and for a base object-
robbery. At first our citizens spoke

out against this thing by an im-
pulse natural to their training.
Today they have turned, and
their voice is the other way. What
caused this change? Merely a poli-
tician's trick-a high-sounding
phrase, a blood-stirring phrase
which turned their uncritical,
heads: Our Country, right or
wrong! An empty phrase, a silly
It was shouted by every news-
paper, it was thundered from the
pulpit, the Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction placarded it in
every schoolhouse in the land, the
War Department inscribed it upon
the flag. And every man who fail-
ed to shout it or who was silent,
was proclaimed a traitor--none
but those others were patriots. To'
be a patriot one had to say, and
keep on saying, "Our Country,
right or wrong," and urge the
little war. Have you nt perceived
that the phrase is an insult to
the nation?
FOR IN A republic, who is "the
Country?" Is it the Government
which is for the moment in the
saddle? Why, the Government is
merely a servant-merely a team-
porary servant; it cannot be its
preorgative to determine what is
right and what is wrong, and de-
cide who is a patriot and who isn't.
Its function is to obey orders, not

originate them.
Who, then, is "the Country?"
Is it the newspaper? Is it the
pulpit? Is it the school superin-
tendent? Why, these are mere
parts of the country, not the whole
of it; they have not command,
they have only their little share
in the command. They are but one
in the thousand; it is in the
thousand that command is lodged;
they must determine what is right
and what is wrong; they must de-
cide who is a patriot and who
WHO ARE THE thousand-that
is to say, who are "the Country?"
In a monarchy, the king and his
family are the country; in a re-
public it is the common voice of
self, by himself and on his own
the people. Each of you, for him-
responsibility, must speak. And it
is a solemn and weighty respon-
sibility, and not lightly to be
flung aside at the bullying of

pulpit, press, government, or the
empty catchphrases of politicians.
You cannot shirk this and be
a man. To decide it against your
convictions is to be an unqualified
and an inexcusable traitor, both
to yourself and to your country,
let men label you as they may. If
you alone of all the nation shall
decide one way, and that way be
the right way according to your
convictions of the right, you have
done your duty by yourself and by
your country-ohld up your head!
You have nothing to be ashamed
ONLY WHEN a republic's life
is in danger should a man uphold
his government when it is in the
wrong. There is no other time.
This Republic's life is not in
peril. The nation has sold its
honor for a phrase. It has swung
itself loose from its safe anchorage
and is drifting, its helm is in pi-
rate hands. The stupid phrase

neeled help, and it got another
one: "Even if the war be wrong
we are in it and must fight it
out: we cannot retire from it
without dishonor." Why, not even
a burglar could have said it bet-
We cannot withdraw from this
sordid raid because to grant peace
to those little people upon their
terms-independence-would dis-
honor us. You have flung away
Adam's phrase-you should take
it up and examine it again. He
said, "An inglorious peace is better
than a dishonorable war."
YOU HAVE planted a seed, and
it will grow."
-Mark Twain, Letters from
the Earth,
New York, 1962, p. 107-9
(Speaking specifically of
the occupation of the
-Robert O. Roth




THE DEBATE over the legislative pay
raise has come and gone, the legisla-
tors voted a pay raise of $2500 for them-
selves. The interesting fact behind this
financial legislation is its history, and the
part played by Governor George Romney.
Originally, the governor established a
committee to study his recommendation
that the Legislature receive a $5000 pay
raise. In the interim between his estab-
lishment of the committee and its recom-
mendation, Romney disapproved of his
own suggestion-a legislative pay hike.
But then, the governor has always known

his own mind, especially when it comes
to low-sounding budgets.
BUT, THE DAY was saved by the Legis-
lature's adept cutting of the budget in
less important areas, such as the appro-
priation for the University. Thus, after a
long, heroic session in the capital, the leg-
islators were able to give Romney a $10,-
000 salary increase (he now earns $40,-
000); a $5000 increase for the lieutenant
governor and an increase for themselves.
The poor devils came out with the short
straw, but their fearless leader will live
in luxury,
Evidently, Lonesome George is being
well paid for leaving his parking space
in the capital vacant with extreme reg-
ularity. This may be a good thing for the

Pirandello 's EnricoV'

Young Pianists Grace
Summer. Concerts

IV" is a fascinating exploration
into, the depths of the psychotic
mind, and Dr. William Halstead's
production brings this strange
work to the stage in an absorbing
and powerful performance. It is
interesting to note that this play,
first produced in 1922, retains its
meaning and relevance to the
modern audience.
The work itself concerns the
conflict between sanity and in-
sanity in modern man. The prin-
cipal character is caught between

plunges back into his nightmares
of lunacy.
organization does not equal his
invention: there are faults in the
dramatic construction which dis-
tract from the work itself. For
example, the secondary characters
are underdeveloped and usually
serve expository or contrastable
functions. Whenever Henry is on
stage, the other characters become
foils to his long speeches, and even
when Henry is off-stage, their per-
sonalities are limited. In the last
scene, ten characters stand per-

catures instead of real people.
John Bixby as Dr. Genoni, for ex-
ample, plays a prototype psychia-
trist instead of an individual
character. In the second act, how-
ever, the characters become more
grim and real. Countless Matilda
(Evelyn ten Pas) and Landolf
(Ten St. Charles) make satisfac-
tory transitions at this point.
Eric Brown (the Baron) is al-
ways convincing, though he plays
the intellectual cynic rather than
Pirandello's buffoon. Peter Lem-
pert (the Marquis) and Beth Ran-
kin (Frida) remain true to the
m_- -vi+ n c nhmiiz el


of musical idleness, with four
unique pianists featured on the
University Musical Society's third
annual air-conditioned summer

is as beautiful as the music she
plays, will perform works by Bach,
Mozart, Schubert, and Schoen-
berg-a great composer from each
of the last four large musical eras:
Baroque, Classic, Romantic, and
Connemnmnrov--on Wed .Julv .A


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