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July 15, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-15

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Cooler and sunny;
continued fair

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
uskegee: Changes May Bring nstitute Ne


By CAROLE KAPLAN eral students and faculty members
Special To The Daily away from the institute make it
Last of a Four-Part Series
TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE, doubly difficult to effect any real
Tuskegee Institute currently oper- progress.
ates under a multitude of con- . Yet, there are pressures push-
flicting pressures-the pressures of ing Tuskegee the other way-the
tradition, of much of the com- pressures of a growing demand for
munity, of the older and long- qualified Negroes in all fields as
established faculty members and opportunities open up where none
administrators, of religious bod- were before; the pressures exerted
ies, and of conservative political by the civil rights movement and
groups. All work against changes all it stands for, and the pres-
in attitude and policy that would sures of automation, which make
do much to improve the college. education almost a prerequisite to
In addition, lack of money and economic survival.
equipment, the poor background Besides these social conditions,
and inadequate secondary educa- the students themselves are chang-
tion of many of the students, and ing, although slowly. More enter-
the demands of civil rights work ing freshmen have high hopes and
which take the attentions of lib- a will to accomplish something.

And, although many of them are
disillusioned, they continue to hit
out against the causes of their
These students are only a few,
however, and very often their sug-
gestions are ignored.
So the question is: which way
will Tuskegee go? Will it attempt
to preserve out-dated values and
traditions, at the expense of the
quality of its education? Or will it
change radically in the next few
years, and become one of the bet-
ter Negro colleges in the country
and one of the most powerful Ne-
gro organizations in the South?
One thing is certain-it cannot
remain as it is, and there are in-
dications that changes in educa-

tional philosophy as well as prove them. They have attempted
changes in the status of the Ne- to involve students in these ac-
gro in America are penetrating tivities, and as a result the stu-
the campus. dents now have some idea of the
Although the institute is losing kinds of things that can be said
some of its most liberal and pop- and done to influence the work-
ular professors and administrators, ings of a college.
their influence will not be forgot- Several faculty members also
ten. The dean of students, who held informal discussions at their
is referred to simply as "Dean," homes in a relaxed atmosphere
has been a good friend and coun- similar to that of a "free univer-
selor to the students over the past sity." At these discussions, any-
two years, and many of them thing from philosophy to civil
have realized that administrators rights to the institute to morals
do not necessarily have to be rig- and marijuana is an acceptable
id and aloof. topic, as long as it is relevant to
Some faculty members have the lives of the participants.
drawn up petitions and sugges- The discussions, for those who
tions for reform programs, to try are interested and not too sensi-
to evaluate school policies and im- tive about their own opinions, pro-

vide the intellectual stimulation'
generally missing in the class-
Politically, the institute has been
carefully neutral. It is the head-
quarters for the traditional politi-
cal organization which says, "Not
too fast, not too loud," and which,
after going out to register as many
voters as possible, recommends
white candidates over more quali-
fied Negroes in order not to alarm
the white community, and in or-
der to avoid the risk of a Negro
official doing a poor job.
Yet, even this political front was
cracked wide open last January
when Samuel Younge, Jr., a stu-
dent civil rights worker, native of
Tuskegee and a childhood friend

of many of the students was shot
and killed in a filling station in
Then even the die-hard conserv-
atives were demanding action, jus-
tice, and immediate danger. There
were marches into town, and at-
tempts to boycott the Tuskegee
merchants. For a while students
did their shopping in nearby Au-
By mid-semester, however, the
furor had quieted down, and in
the May primaries the Macon
County Democratic Club, headed
by a Tuskegee sociology profes-
sor, refused to endorse the Negro
candidate for sheriff.
Yet, the candidate won the1
election without the help of the

established Negro leadership, and
will in all likelihood be the next
sheriff of Macon County.
What does all of this mean? It
means that, as the atmosphere in
the South changes radically, Tus-
kegee cannot help but be influenc-
ed. Whether this influence will
be strong enough to cause major
changes within the college remains
to be seen, but the potential is
The new attitudes brought to
campus by teachers, exchange stu-
dents, and visitors, combined with
the political and social awareness
growing in the southern Negro,
may bring a new life to Tuskegee,
and help it to become the active,
exciting community it could be.

Air Strike
Far From
Other Airlines Run
Extra Flights; Losses
To Business Increase
to talk out the quarrel that has
grounded five airlines for a week
came to nothing yesterday and
machinists union and airline rep-
resentatives glumly agreed they
are far apart.
"We are as far apart as ever,"
said Joseph W. Ramsey, vice
president of the AFL-CIO Inter-
national Association of Machinists.-
M e a n w h 1e, business losses
mounted yesterday in the strike
which has sharply cut tourist
travel at the height of the va-
cation season.
The loss in spending by vaca-
tioners in New York City alone
was estimated at $500,000 a day by
Philip Schweidel, the city's direc-
tor of tourism.
"By next Monday, if the strike.
continues, this loss will be about
$750,000 a day," Schweilel said.
William J. Curtin, chief nego-
tiator for the airlines, concurred.
He advised reporters against look-I
ing for any early settlement, and
said it is entirely possible the
1 strike could go on for another
The two men commented sep-
arately after several hours of joint
discussions under the auspices of
Asst. Secretary of Labor James J.
The Labor Department official
said, "We have reached another
point of serious disagreement on
a number of items." He said he
was asking each side to make
another careful and detailed ap-
praisal of its position.
Reynolds said there had been
an extremely useful exchange of
views, and it was unfortunate that
the parties "have reached again a
position of serious impasse on a
number of issues."
Reynolds said no new issues
were raised, and that the impasse
still involved some of the eight
national issues before the two
These cover wages, working con-
ditions and fringe benefits.
The Defense Department said
the strike so far has had no ad-
verse effect on military operations.
The strike has delayed air mail
deliveries as much as 24 hours,
and the situation threatens to get
worse, the Post Office Department
said yesterday.j
Mail has been moving on air-
lines not affected by the strike
and most of them have put on
extra flights.
William J. Hartigan, assistant
postmaster general, reported how-
ever that the emergency sched-
uling cannot be maintained and
some of the extra flights will have
to be canceled.

y 1ES WiiganREail

Late World News
By Te Associated Press
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union denied yesterday that it was
informed in advance by the United States of U.S. air attacks on
petroleum depots in the suburbs of Hanoi and Haiphong in
North Viet Nam.
It said "certain American officials" circulated such reports
knowing that Communist Chinese officials would seize upon them
to assail the Soviet Union.-'
The denial was carried by Tass, the official news agency.
which said it was authorized to circulate it.
The U.S. State Department said after the bombings began
late in June that "key interested governments were informed in
advance about the raids."
FOUR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS have been awarded Ful-
bright Scholarships for study abroad next year.
They are William E. Hettrick III, Maumee, Ohio; John R.
Magel, New York City; Marvin R. Meinz. Altenburg, Mo.; and
Daniel J. Perlongo, Gaestra, Michigan.
Under the act initiated in 1946, Hettrick and Meinz will
study at the Universities of Munich and Hamburg, Germany,
respectively. Both will do graduate work, Hettrick musicology and
Meinz German.
Magel will travel to the University of Bergen, Norway, where
he will concentrate on the physiology of muscular exercise.
Perlongo, who will work in the area of music composition, will go
to the St. Cecilia Conservatory of Music, Rome, Italy.
They are among some 2,500 U.S. citizens who go abroad
under the act each year. Around 6,000 foreign nationals come
here each year. Since its establishment around 28,500 Americans
and 70,000 foreigners have participated in the program.
DANIEL PERLONGO, Grad, has been awarded the Joseph
H. Berns Prize of $1,500, awarded annually for a major musical
composition by Columbia University.
Perlongo, who received a bachelor of music degree in 1964,
and a master of music degree in 1966, both at the University, was
awarded the prize for his composition, "Seven Pieces for
Orchestra." The work was written in 1965 and first performed
in Ann Arbor April 19, 1966.
IN DETROIT'S MILD DRIZZLE yesterday, 25 members of the
Detroit Committee to End the War in Viet Nam picketed in front
of the Cadillac Tower Building, headquarters of Wayne County
local draft boards. The protest was against alleged use of the
draft as punishment for war and selective service protestors.
Protest leaders met with Lt. Col. Robert Lundquist who told
them to mail all grievances and questions pertaining to the draft
to their local draft boards.
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY yesterday appointed a special
commission to serve as "another weapon in our armory of
defenses" against a rising crime rate, the Associated Press
The 47 member special State Commission on Crime, De-
linquency, and Criminal Administration is being charged with
"the responsibility of studying the entire field of law enforce-
ment, court administration, and correction and rehabilitation !
programs," Romney said.
RICHARD P. McELROY has been named supervisor of
community relations for the University's Flint College, Vice-
President for University Relations Michael Radock announced
In this new post, McElroy will serve as a liaison between
Flint College and the community, working with official agencies
of the City of Flint and with voluntary groups, Radock said.

-Daily-Andy Sacks
The above construction site will accommodate a 26-story structure next fall. The building on the corner of Maynard and E. William
Streets, to be handled by Charter Realty, will provide commercial space on the ground floor and apartment space on the upper stories.
Intense Gunfire Erupts Between
Negroes and Police in Chicago

School Plans
Curriculum Changes
Part of Move Toward
Flexible Program
Curriculum changes planned for
this fall in the University's School
of Architecture will be part of an
overall academic re-structuring
and the transition to a totally
new six-year program.
Prof. Joseph Wehrer, chairman
of the school's educational pro-
gram committee, said yesterday
that the move toward a more
flexible program began a few years
ago, though it has been intensi-
fied during the past year. Plans
for re-organization, he said, are
not connected with student dis-
content expressed late last March.
At that time the faculty issued a
vote of "no confidence" in its de-
partment chairman, Jacques
Authorized by the faculty this
spring, the six-year program will
become effective with the fall se-
mester of 1967. The curriculum
committee is working this summer
on recommendations for material
and methods to be taught under
the new program and will present
its proposals to the faculty for
final approval this fall.
Wehrer said that the six-year
program will offer a wider choice
of courses and a more general ed-
ucation. "The architecture stu-
dent," Wehrer pointed out, "can
no longer rely on a narrow pro-
fessional education because of the
complexity of the society in which
he must operate."
He noted that the new appFoach
will provide for more diversity and
specialization among the students.
"Right now," said Wehrer, "each
architecture student is graduat-
ing with pretty much the same
scope of knowledge as evryne
else. The six-year program will
enable students to pursue in depth
areas of individual interest."
Beginning this fall, the archi-
tecture school will offer a thesis
program to its senior (fifth year)
students. During the first semester
a student will choose a problem
for intensive study and a profess-
or with whom to work. Under the
tutorial guidance of the chosen
professor and others acting in sim-
ilar advisory positions, the stu-
dent will complete his project dur-
ing his final semester.
"Such 'semi-directed' studies,%
said Wehrer, "will be an impor-
tant part of the new curriculum."
Also this fall University architec-
ture students will have access to
laboratory facilities where they
can try out materials and view
direct effects of ideas evolved on
paper in the studio.
Wehrer said that the institution
of the six-year program will re-
quire only selective faculty in-
creases and no acute professor
shortages are foreseen."
When questioned about the con-
troversial course, Arch. 412, which
was the cause of much student
criticism this spring, Wehrer said
that the course would be absorbed
into the six-year program in a
somewhat different form. He in-
dicated that modifications will be
made in most of the existing
course structures under the new
Wehrer said that he felt the new
program will "greatly strengthen"
the University's School of Archi-
tecture. "The changes," he said,
"are all positive and areas of dis

CHICAGO (UP) - Negro gangs
and policemen exchanged gunfire,
more than 50 were injured and
more than 50 were arrested last
night as violence flared for the
third straight night on Chicago's
West Side.
Among the injured was Police
Capt. Francis Nolan, watch com-
mander of the Deering District,
who was reported in good condi-
tion in Mt. Sinai Hospital with
a bullet in his back. He was shot
by a sniper from the roof of a
Police said more than 50 Ne-
groes were arrested on charges of
discharging firearms and disorder-
ly conduct.
Armored vehicles and tear gas
units were called to Lake and

Up to 5,000 Negroes jarnned
the streets as more than 900 po-
licemen attempted to restore or-
der in the predominantly Negro
Negroes fired at policemen from
rooftops as officers hid behind
squad cars and darted from door-
way to doorway, firing as they
Windows of most businesses op-,
erated by white persons were
smashed. Armed guards stood out-
side a neighborhood bank.
Motorists were pelted with rocks
as they drove through the area.
Many car windows were broken.
Residents threw glass from up-
per windows onto the darting po-
A group of policemen firing pis-
tols from each hand chased a
marauding gang of Negroes down
a street.

Other policemen aimed their
shots at rooftops.
One gang overturned a car as
it ran down the street.

Wood streets, where police
ifunications said a pitched
was in progress,


Negroes smsahed through the
plate glass window of a cleaning
shop at the intersection of Doug-
las and Kedzie.
Newsmen driving through the
area were pelted with rocks and
bricks, but none was injured.
Hundreds of persons hurled ob-
jects from windows and roofs.
Police communications said of-
ficers in the area had called for
more ammunition.
The streets and sidewalks were
strewn with glass.
The violence erupted for the
third consecutive night on the
city's West Side-near the area
where several persons were in-
jured in two nights of rioting last
summer-as policemen and clergy-
men attempted to calm the strick-
en area.
Disturbances had been kept to
a minimum until mid-evening,
when swarms of Negro gangs
roamed along a strip on Roosevelt
Road from Pulaski Road to Cali-
fornia Avenue, about 16 blocks
from the edge of downtown Chi-
The windows of a currency ex-
change were shattered.
Rocks were thrown through the
window of a car carrying three
white girls. A rock smashed the
window of a squad car.
Two squad cars blocked off

to the aid of the people of Chi-
cago. I want you to know that
despite what has happened, I still
feel that nonviolent resistance is
the most potent weapon open to
suppressed peoples."
Meanwhile, in Grenada, Miss.,
about 200 Negroes marched to
the courthouse square yesterday
and rallied in front of the Con-
federate statue-and found it
guarded by eight Negroes.
The march came after a federal
judge wiped out the town's parade
ordinance as being unconstitution-
al. U.S. Dist. Judge Claude Clay-
ton said it gave the police chief
discretion as to who could get a
parade permit.
The Negro guards at the mon-
ument shoved back anyone who
approached. Though in civilian
clothes, the guards were under the
command of a uniformed deputy.
Constable Grady Carroll identi-
fied the guards as prisoners un-
der life sentences.
"The only reason I am not go-
ing on that statue today is that
you will beat these black boys
when they are back in jail," shout-
ed Hosea Williams, who led the
Williams stood on a stone bench
for a 20-minute talk in the fierce
sun. He said the marchers had
come to ask city officials to "prove
themselves men of integrity rather
than men of lies."
The Southern Christian Leader-
ship Conference, heading the civil
rights drive here, contends the city
reneged on voter registration ar-

Huron High School Construction Bids Postponed

By MICHAEL HEFFER several economizing measures, to have the project redesigned and
Action on construction bids for looked feasible as late as last new bids taken on it.
a proposed Huron High School fall. Other members of the board,
has been put off by the Board Final Estimate including Withey, claim such a de-
of Education, to give it time to At that time a final estimate lay will only lead to higher costs.
better inform the public on the was made and bids were taken. Two Other Proposals
reasons for a doubling of esti- Withey said the discrepancy At Wednesday's meeting two
mated costs. between the original estimate and other proposals were brought for-
The board has been meeting this the construction bids is due to sev- ward. Ann Arbor High School
week in public and closed sessions eral factors. Principal Nicholas Schreiber made

Withey distributed sheets compar-
ing the costs of other schools. He
said one of them, Ann Arbor (Pi-
oneer) High School was built with
the same specifications as the
planned Huron High school, but
if it were re-bid now, the bids
would be about,$12 million.
Another comparison he made in-

Godfrey also presented a peti-
tion asking that the proposed,
school be redesigned and rebuilt.
The board presented at its meet-
ing a sheet of estimates of school
construction costs during various
stages of planning for the new.
school designed to show the rise
in costs.

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