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July 06, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-06

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Seventy-Sixth Year

July 6: 'Shooting's

Too Good for 'Im'

_. = - .

ere Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail 4 A.A B H

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Raise the Flag, But
Never Stop To Think

ONE OF THE interesting and
surprising things about Rich-
ard Cutler, vice-president for stu-
dent affairs, as an administrator
is that he fires people. Not in so
many words, of course, but he fires
them just the same.
It's surprising because no one
else around here does. And it's
interesting because it says some-
thing about the changing nature
of the University's administration.
There were several "traditional"
methods for University officials
to rid themselves of unwanted ad-
ministrative assistants, or to find
sinecures for long-time "friends
of the University."
ONE OF THE most popular,
although it was applicable only to
relatively low officials, was the
switch of jobs, better known as
the "Now you see him, now you
don't" approach. When someone
made a rather immense blunder,
or a series of them, or when
someone Up had a friend Down
whom he wanted kept around, it
was simple enough to make a fast
horizontal shuffle to do so.

Another technique is best de-
scribed as the "Now you see him,
now you see him better" approach.
The trick here is basically the old
one of kicking someone upstairs,
with this variation: when you kick,
give him an office with some
competent people in it. The ef-
fective work can then be done by
his assistants while he shuffles
papers. It's amazing how com-
forting the noise of paper shuffling
can be.
Third on the list is a wonderful
little invention which could prob-
ably be called simply "banzai" but
comes off better as the quarter-
back's "You go long" gambit. This
is really a camoflaged demotion.
What happens is that an admin-
istrator either doesn't like the
work of one of his subordinates
or doesn't like the sight of him. So
he appoints himself an assistant to
run interference between them
and, in effect, take over all but
the information-gathering func-
tion of the original subordinate.
sity must have had one of the
lowest administrative staff turn-
overs of any $200-million-a-year

corporation in the country. And
that is an approach to adminis-
tration which the University has
simply outgrown in many ways.
While just about everyone in the
ministration realizes that, it is still
true that habits change slower
than intellectual beliefs. Much
of the University's administrative
work thus suffers from a real
cultural lag and is carried on just
as it was when only 15,000 stu-
dents were here.
Cutler's firings-his entire ad-
ministrative career has been one
vast shakedown of his office-are
interesting because they are one
part of the creeping professional-
ization being carried on within the
administration. They are the ac-
ceptence of a cardinal fact of
university life which much of the
administration has still not accept-
ed: with as anarchic an operation-
al base as a university has in its
faculty, those segments of it
charged with keeping some kind
of order have to be all that more
functionally organized.
TO BE SURE Cutler's office
is far from the only place where
such a professional administrative

ethic reigns. The Office of Aca-
demic Affairs-though in many
ways it will continue to defy com-
plete professionalism in all its
administration simply because
such a major portion of that work
must be done with the faculty-is
coming around where possible.
But in general the Office of
Student Affairs has been the first
major University administrative
unit to be subjected to a thorough
overhaul in a long time. The re-
cent division of the Office of Busi-
ness and Finance was merely that,
a split down the middle.
Of course both the OSA's and
the OAA's reforms are special
cases in a way. Much of the im-
petus for the work within the OAA
is a carryover from efforts made
by Roger Heyns while he was
there. There have also been power-
ful forces on Cutler's side through-
out his reorganization: there were
few administrative vested interests
in his office when he took it over;
he took office, as it were, on a
reform ticket, and students, the
people who are the objects of his
work, are both progressive and

parative advantages, the fact still
remains that reforms are being
worked on within both these of-
fices whereas they are not in any
other major offices.
Besides the OSA and the OAA
the only real administrative
analysis-of which firings and per-
sonal shuffles are only one sign
-that has taken place at the
University since it outgrew per-
sonalized administration has gone
on at fairly low levels of authority.
The upshot of this is that many
lower administrative echelons,
strengthened by reorganization,
are better fitted for their tasks
than are higher ones.
What will be the effects of
these expanding reforms at the
top of the administration? It's
difficult to say precisely
IN ANY CASE it is a relief to
see some analysis taking place
that might help reverse what 'was
in danger of becoming an axiom
about this administration: that
importance within it, with a few
exceptions, runs in inverse pro-
portion to rank.

THE 4TH OF JULY means a lot of dif-
ferent things to different people. To
some it means a big flag on the front
porch, bands marching and people sing-
ing patriotic songs, "this is my country
(therefore the best in the world) and
down with anyone who dares to speak
against it."
This attitude and some of its impli-
cations were given classic expression Sun-
day evening in a television special called
"Sing Out, America!", described by em-
cee Pat Boone as a program of folk songs
which would pump new life into the
American Spirit.
AS THE PROGRAM began, it didn't
seem possible that anyone would have
paid to see it produced. The songs, rath-
er than being folk songs, were trite, easy-
rhyming tunes with all major chords that
might have been written by a high school
English class or an ad agency. The col-
lege-age performers were clean-cut: but-
ton-down collars, conservative ties, the
girls careful not to wear their hair too
long, etc. As for talent, the show was
comparable to a well-rehearsed high
school production.
But one of the songs was called "Up
with People;" which seemed like a nice
sentiment, so I kept watching (little sus-
pecting that what the song really meant
was "Up with People, as Long as They're
Just Like Me").
AS THE PROGRAM continued, its pur-
pose became apparent. A song called
"A New Tomorrow"' referred to the de-
fense of the American Way against those
who are trying to destroy it. Then the
chorus (yes, there was a large chorus
that danced while they sang - more like
Broadway than folk music) swung into a
tune about the Ride of Paul Revere and
the wonderful heroes who fought in the
Revolutionary War.
Putting the appearance of the perform-
ers (who looked more "Madison Avenue"
than Madison Avenue itself) together with
the presence of Pat Boone (who has been
quoted as saying that he would kill his
own daughters if they were captured by
Communists), I realized that I was lucky
enough to be seeing a demonstration of
an attitude I had, until now, only heard
about-the blind, rah-rah patriotism that
screams "My country, right or wrong"
and feels it is irrelevant to ask whether
the country is right or wrong.
performers dressed like beatniks were
shown sitting on a blanket, but were
chased away by the chorus as they enter-
ed, all dancing (marching?) in step. I
must admit I was sorry to see them go;
they provided a refreshing contrast to the
homogenized chorus. But I could see why
the choreographers must have insisted on
removing them-they didn't "fit in" with
the rest of the group, and they would
have upset the harmony of the carefully-
arranged dance patterns.
Near the end of the show, a soldier
was pictured writing a letter home, say-
ing that if we don't continue to "defend
democracy" all the boys who have died
Yet Anot
URING HIS FIRST televised press con-
ference since last August, President
Johnson yesterday spoke of "the other
war . . . as important as the military war"
which the United States is now waging
in Viet Nam.
Perhaps merely to allay the consciences
of the American people, Johnson read
statistics showing that "we are attacking
basic problems in Viet Nam, such as illit-

eracy and disease which cause wars." He
reviewed progress in the distribution of
land to landless peasants and refugees
and improvements in food production.
He noted that by 1968 school facilities will
be provided for 250,000 Vietnamese school
children. He said that more than 10,000
Vietnamese are currently receiving vo-
cational training. And in general the
President said he was pretty "optimistic"
about the situation in Viet Nam.
Now I don't really believe that Presi-
dent Johnson really believes that this
"other war" is truly as important as the
military war in Southeast Asia. I don't

will have fought in vain. "I am here be-
cause it is the will of God," the soldier
said. I was not surprised to hear, at the
end of the program, that the performers
were from the Conference on Moral Re-
armament which was held on Mackinaw
Island, and that they were working with-
out pay.
THE PROGRAM was unfortunate - not
just because it was produced and spon-
sored (by Schick Razor Blades)-but be-
cause it expresses such a popular atti-
tude. Actually, there is an alternative to
blind, intolerant chauvinism: sincere re-
spect for the men (not gods), who found-
ed this country on the principle of self-
determination and who fought against
foreign exploitation, both economic and
But this feeling is becoming hard to
find-after all, any consideration of the
ideals of national self-determination,
any condemnation of foreign exploitation,
must lead to thoughts of United States
policy in Southeast Asia. And that's a
subject that most of us would rather
avoid. It makes us feel a little uncom-
fortable, especially on the 4th of July.
Rational Dissent
SDS, THROUGH its Radical Education
Project, is in the process of giving pur-
pose and depth to the movement of the
new left. By combining knowledge with
placards, the dissenters may yet be heard.
The new left has often been categorized
as the critical element in contemporary
society; the minority who dissents with-
out alternatives; the dissident group
which can suggest no replacements for
the objects of their scorn. With the REP
replacements may be found, and may be
acceptable because they will be knowl-
edgeable alternatives based on education
rather than emotion.
THIS IS A RADICAL project, not only
in its objectives, but in its conception.
In an age of specialists the left is creat-
ing its own. These are specialists orient-
ed toward solving or giving alternatives to
specific problematic situations (like Viet
Nam) where they feel local or national
policy is in error. It is radical because it
promises to support rejection with reason
and give analysis to action.
It has been too easy in the past to
theorize without exploring the values and
assumptions which theory often masks.
In the future, "radical" theories should
prove not only "nice in theory," but nice
in practice as well.
The left has needed substance to be
meaningful rather than menacing; it has
been lacking both internal and external
education. Through REP both should be
supplied. It is overdue, but "better late
than never."
IDEALISM MAY BE sacrificed to ra-
tionality but meaningful dissent is
well worth the price.
her War
BUT HE DIDN'T SAY anything about
escalating forces to carry on the "oth-
er war."
He didn't say anything about allocat-
ing funds for more vocational training or
about strategy and personnel for the
"other war." And what's going to happen
to those 250,000 Vietnamese school chil-
dren between now and 1968 when the
classroom facilities are finally completed?

IF THIS IS TO BE a full-scale war-a
near-total commitment as important
as U.S. military involvement in South
Viet Nam-and we are to retain optimism
concerning its outcome, then we must
confront this "other war" with more than
haphazard efforts.
THE MAYOR of Omaha, Neb., has de-
nied that the riots in the center of

The Inst it utionalization of Science

the past were seldom institu-
tionalists. Descartes, Brahe, Co-
pernicus, Harvey, Bacon-the orig-
inators in the revolution of scien-
tific thought-did most of their
work free from institutional nar-
rowness and control.
Today all that is changed. The
individual scientist pursuing his
interests oblivious to society's de-
mand for useful results is gone;
the current breakthroughs in tech-
nology are more likely to come
from a team of scientists or a
single researcher under the spon-
sorship of some academic, indus-
trial or governmental institution.
PART OF the reason lies in
the present advanced state of
scientific knowledge which re-
quires financial resources and
depth of training beyond the ca-
pacity of the individual. Special-
ization forces men into pigeon-
holes; not since Liebniz has any
one man been able to claim all
knowledge for his province. Con-
trol of the direction of research
and scientific inquiry now often
rests outside scientists in special
administrative and policy-making
Scientific inquiry has not re-
mained "free," in the sense that
the scientists has the academic
freedom of "lehrfreheit"-the free-
dom to examine bodies of evidence
and to report his findings within
an atmosphere absent of outside
The Germanic concept of "lefr-
freheit" grew up in a university
system where the preparation of

students for research was equally
as important, if not more im-
portant, than the teaching func-
tion. This concept of research as
a prime function of the student
and professor, along with the de-
velopment of mass higher educa-
tion emphasizing service, has
created a tremendous and fast-
growing corps of scientists presid-
ing over the intellectual and tech-
nological advancement of knowl-
"scientists" usually refers to a
general category of professionals
within the physical and biological
scientific disciplines who, pre-
sumably by evidence of a doctorate
degree or (rarely alone) member-
ship in a scientific society, are
original contributors to the ad-
vancement of knowledge in their
discipline. Prof. Derek Price
theorizes that over 90 per cent of
the scientists who have ever lived
are now alive.
This can only mean that the
production of front-rank scientists
has accelerated tremendously in
recent years. The university sys-
tems has generally been the train-
ing ground for the new genera-
tion of scientists. Universities have
inherited this task from the na-
tional academies and, excepting
the medical profession, have only
in the last hundred and fifty years
allowed the scientific studies equal
status with the classical curricula.
In Germany, the idea that
science should further the intrests
of the state in return for its
money was established from the
start; specialization, published re-

search and academic freedom
flourished. The German spirit
caught on slowly in this country;
the B.S. was not invented until
1851 and the Ph.D. only ten years
later. In a snowballing trend,
reaching a crescendo just after
World War II, the public support
of scientific research and educa-
tion has eclipsed all other fields,
because of its utilitarian advan-
tages in terms of the scientists'
life-long contributions to society.
SOCIAL MOBILITY, fostered in
the higher education establish-
ment by a Jacksonian adherence
to "equal education for all," has
become easy in engineering and
the sciences. The annual produc-
tion of Ph.D.'s now standing near
4000 in the biological and physical
sciences, marks the increasing im-
portance of scientists in the
health, wealth, defense, policy con-
sultation and education of the
The complex of institutions from
which the larval scientists emerge
has apparently been changing
over the years. A study by Profes-
sors H. B. Goodrich, R. H. Knapp
and G. W. Boehm in 1951 revealed
that the largest proportions of
eventual scientists from the under-
graduate classes came from small
liberal arts colleges (39 of the top
However, the scientists studied
has received their undergraduate
education before the second world
war. The tremendous boost in
public image and governmental
support garnered by the atomic
scientists prompted another study,
by Knapp and J. J. Greenbaum.

"The Younger American Scholar:
His Collegiate Origins" used 1946
as a base year and revealed that
the higher-cost Eastern universi-
ties are now producing twice the
number of scientists as all the
OVER 160 of the more than
2000 academic institutions in the
country are qualified to grant the
Ph.D. But with about $2 billion
in government spending on re-
search annually going to universi-
ties and national laboratories, very
few institutions benefit from im-
proved research facilities and the
consequent ability to attract and
produce large numbers of doctoral
candidates. The recent American
Council on Education survey of
graduate schools seems to reveal a
pattern of superior science educa-
tion institutes being developed in
New England, the Midwest and
As for the posteducational aims
of scientists, a majority become
recruited into the ranks of the
universities. The number of Ph.D.s
produced annually is expected to
double to 9,000 by 1975. Yet it
appears unlikely that the aca-
demic faculties will increase pro-
Industry and government, being
the next-largest employers of full
time researchers and consultants,
will probably provide the new job
markets. The federal government
already allots 15 per cent of its
budget to research and develop-
ment (R&D). The space program
takes the largest chunk-one third
($5 billion), but public health, de-
fense and atomic energy make up

most of the remainder. While pri-
vate industry R&D spends only
about a third of the federal total,
it is able to benefit enormously
by the application of basic tech-
nics uncovered in the universities
and federal agencies.
THE CLOSE interrelation of
basic research and applied usage
is giving rise to a new type of
semi-integrated institution, the
industrial park-university-labora-
tory complex. San Francisco al-
ready has one, as do Boston, Los
Angeles, Washington and Dallas-
Fort Worth, which boasts 1500*
Ph.D.s and hopes to increase it to
2500 by 1970. The intellectual
climate and facility abundance of
these complexes should further the
trend toward crystallizing the
major centers of scientific educa-
tion and research in a few geo-
graphic locations.
The scientific revolution, tracing
its intellectual line unbroken from
the sixteenth century, has entered
a new phase of massive research
and systematic exploitation of
"pure" and "applied" scientific
studies. New technologies in com-
munications, automation, energy
demand a large 'corps of techni-
cians and engineers to establish
smooth integration into the pres-
ent social and technological struc-
ture it will eventually supercede.
The scientists have moved from
individuals like Galileo defying an
entrenched priesthood fearful of
losing its authority, into large-
scale bureaucratic structures of
increasing authority, to the extent
that atomic scientist Ralph E.
Lapp calls them "the new priest-

The Greek Theatre:

Where Others Failed


Special To The Daily
PSILANTI-To call it a jewel
in the midst of poverty would
be unfair to many very excellent
cultural offerings in this area, yet
Stanley Kauffmann does not be-
stow such a handsome epithet as
"majesty in Michigan" lightly.
And he goes on to say, "We must
feel that this is how an Athenian
tragedy should sound and look;
and, in this regard, the director
and the composer have succeeded
Alexis Solomos has built an
impressive cultural festival in
southeastern Michigan and, with
just a little more luck, the Ypsi-
lanti Greek Theatre will become a
permanent achievement. It is al-
most impossible to overstate the
dimensions of this victory or to
understate the odds against suc-
cess in such an undertaking.
THE ORESTEIA, presented
Tuesday evening in its initial per-
formance for the press, was an
artistic triumph, rich in drama
and tragedy, with the music and
choreography supplying brilliantly
wrought second and third dimen-
sions against a steady pattern of
death, sorrow, greed and ven-
geance, the components of eternal
human tragedy.
The initial artistic and financial
success of the Greek Theatre (in
the Never-Never Land of American
entertainment any undertaking
that isn't hopelessly bankrupt
shortly after launching is con-
sidered a success), and the theatre
shows every sign of being able to
stay above water, might well pre-
sage a long-needed break in New
York City's stranglehold on high-
brow culture in this country.
Soaring costs, fusty critics and
fickle audiences have provided a
ruinous formula there, destructive
of imagination, innovation, and
quality in this supposedly taste-

might exist for them elsewhere.
And a legion of ladies clubs
across the land would sooner pre-
sent a local horror of a production
of "My Fair Lady" than turn their
ample organizational talents to-
ward the initiation of more am-
bitious projects.
THE ORESTEIA, improbably
presented on a section of convert-
ed baseball field in a small factory
town, must surely confirm that it
can be done. This time the quality
was there, and so was a due share
of critical attention.
In addition to Kauffmann and
Al Hirschfeld of The New York
Times, such arbiters of either
popular or high-brow tastes as
The Christian Science Monitor,
Time, Newsweek, Life, The Satur-
day Review, Harpers and The Na-
tional Observer sent their review-
ers, while other publications in
Los Angeles, Philadelphia,tChicago
Toronto and Boston were repre-
The feasibility of a more de-
centralized and potentially far
more rewarding pattern of cul-
tural development than now exists
has been well demonstrated by
Ypsilanti's audacious Greek Thea-
tre. Such a pattern would be a
welcome relief to culture-hungry
audiences that must now go either
to New York, risking life, limb,
purse, bad productions and non-
availability of tickets, or be con-
tent with meagre home-town of-
ferings and warmed-over crumbs
from Broadway.
And the artists could be much
more flexible, able to choose more
freely where they will take their
talents, and would be much more
free to stage their version of qual-
ity rather than the financial pa-
riahs' version of acceptability.
Otherwise, American theatre in
New York will go the same way as
American films in Hollywood, and
the artists will leave for richer
ehnr 1--

and the Musical Society, the
Speech Department plays and a
steady stream of Music School
concerts and recitals) and such a
legion of less ambitious programs,
from Musket to Louis Armstrong.
Yet Ann Arbor's cultural es-
tablishment certainly can't take
any great amount of credit for
the Greek Theatre. Only six resi-
dents of this city are sitting on
its board of directors, compared to
15 from Ypsilanti.
Most students spend their en-
tertainment money on rather or-
dinary movies and popular, one-
night or weekend live attractions.
The cream of the culture market
has for years been skimmed off
by the Musical Society with gen-
erally high-quality but predictable
one night presentations.

And the only eminent "resident"
culture is the PTP's Association of
Producing Artists, but here a hefty
University subsidy is involved.
WHY MUST Ann Arbor go to
Ypsilanti for the most stimulating
and ambitious and artistically
successful, unsubsidized resident
culture in this area?
It isn't for lack of either "big"
or "little" money, for Ann Arbor
has more than its complement of
millionaires and one of the highest
average incomes in the country.
Hopefully it isn't for lack of
imagination. There should be
plenty of that in the University's
culture-oriented departments, and
if there isn't it should be brought
in and encouraged to flourish.
This University can't afford to
be more than an intellectual stim-

ulus to the arts, but it can at least
do a good job at that. (Prof. Mar-
vin Felheim, a Shakespearian in
the English department and Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher, an old
English teacher, were both in a-
tendance at the Wednesday per-
formance and no doubt appreciat-
ed' this infusion of classical
drama into the area's cultural
ONE WOULD like to think that
this area could become the first in
a new series of cultural centers
that might develop throughout the
country, centered not on marble
monuments to successful fund-
raising but on corps of mobile
artists, monuments to visionary
talent scouting.
The Ypsilanti Greek Theatre has
set a brilliant example.


The Umbrellas of Cherbourg'

FROM A PASTEL puddle of song
sentiment and puffy techni-
color, emerges "The Umbrellas of
Cherbourg" a pretty movie tinged
with a soap bubble fairly tale. Yet
there is something which prevents
the tale from becoming over
frothy; that is, the very pungent
and pervading sense of sadness
which seeps through the surface
Genevieve (Catherine Deneuve)
and Guy (Nino Castelnuovo) are
two pretty people who are young
and very much in love. She works
with her mother in a candy-
colored Umbrella shop; he works
with automobiles in a thick gray
gasoline station. Genevieve must
help her mother who is becoming
deluged with unpaid bills and

half of the movie celebrates the
puppy love of the two, who must
confine their meetings to after
hours and secrecy. But their ca-
nine capers are rudely jolted as
Guy is drafted and must leave for
two years. They promise to love
and wait for one another, then
sing a tearful and touching fare-
The pretty colors still remain
and the dialogue is still sung; but
there is a paradox in the subject
matter. which follows. Genevieve
finds herself pregnant with Guy's.
child; her mother is meanwhile
falling into deeper debt and Guy
has been heard from only inter-
mittently in the past two months.
A good godfather figure soon
appears in a black tuxedo and a
moustache. His name is Roland,
he is wealthy and very much in

too-brief and poorly developed
crumbling scene. One short flair
of a temper, three unshaven
mornings, one bottle of brandy
and one brief confession of lone-
liness to Madeline (the quiet,
saintly image who has been in love
with Guy since the beginning of
the film and has devoted the
prime of her lovely years to care
for his-godmother).
Elise (the godmother) sings her
final death tune, Madeline and
Guy marry and he continues work-
ing in a gas station.
The conclusion of the movie de-
fies every acceptable fairy tale and
typical cinematic conclusion. Gen-
evieve and Guy meet again after
seven years and have nothing left
to say to ont another, there is no
aura of fantasy around "love,"
and there is nothing magical about


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