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Showers and windy;
cooler in evening
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
ississipiarc Encouraged VoterRegis
EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily editorial
director Harvey Wasserman par-
ticipated in the recent civil rights
march from Hernando to Jackson,
Editorial Director
Special To The Daily
First of a Two-Part Series
GRENADA, Miss.-"This march
is not at -all what I planned it to
be. The leaders are using in for
their own political purposes,"
James Meredith said of the "Mere-
dith march" 10 days after his
The first statement was not
quite accurate. Meredith had orig-
inally said the purpose of his
march was to dramatize to Mis-
sissippi Negroes that they need
not fear registering to vote. His
Bible-in-hand march from Mem-
phis, on Mississippi's northern
border, to the capitol at Jackson
was to be the "lone wolf's" way of
saying, to Mississippi's prospective
Negro voters "have faith, broth-
ers, and register without fear."
Aptly enough, Meredith's march
was cut off by a white Mississip-
pian's gun-when that happened,
Negro rights leaders had no choice
but to continue the march lest it,
in fact, be a perfect demonstration
of why Mississippi Negroes are
wary about registering to vote.
So they flocked to Memphis-
CORE, SNCC, SCLC, and the
NAACP which was to drop from
the march. The walking was re-
sumed from Hernando and Cold-
water, the point between where
Meredith fell, towards Jackson,
while comedian Dick Gregory hur-
ried a small group of marchers
through the rain back to Mem-
phis. And the march's main pur-
pose rapidly solidified into exactly
what Meredith had wanted - to
encourage Negroes to vote.
Grenada left no doubt of that.
A town of 13,000 some 80 miles
south of Memphis, there had been
no long-range advance work done
there to prepare local Negroes for
what was coming. The town Ne-
groes had never been organized on
any level by any of the rights or-
ganizations. The town also had a
reputation for being one of the
toughest in the state on its own
Negroes and on sympathetic
whites. One rights worker with
whom I talked refused to venture
away from the march to go across
the street for ice cream-he was
afraid we would be beaten up de-
spite the more than two dozen
patrolmen in the immediate area.
But Grenada proved to be a
pushover, and the high point of
the march. Gov. Paul Johnson
had spread the word to his law
enforcement officers and to the
citizens of the state - no more
And while the whites just
watched in an almost startling
calm, the marchers made the very
best of the situation. Approaching
from the north, we walked direct-
ly into the Negro section of town.
Once we were in town spirit grad-
ually began to pick up among the
marchers-it had been hot and
we'd been walking for three hours,
but now the effort would mean
something besides a show.
One by one Negroes came off
the sidewalks and away from their
houses to join the march. Some
were waiting to join the march,
others had to be convinced, many
refused. One man nervously stay-
ed on the sidewalk. "I want to
keep my job," he said. "My boss
see me and I gonna be outa work."
A lady in a light blue dress scowl-
ed at "your damn marchin'. I just
better get no damn brick through
my window tonight."
But they joined, at least 300 of
them. Colored girls dressed in
white uniforms came out of the
stores yhere they were working.
Many laboring men dressed in
overalls joined in. One car full
of them drove quickly down the
highway to catch up to the
march, screeched to a halt while
four men jumped out to quickly
blend into the march. Then the
driver just as quickly sped off.
Afraid of losing their jobs if
seen, they pulled off the entire
operation in five seconds.
By the time the day was over,
the courthouse johns had been de-
segregated and almost 200 Ne-
groes had registered. That night
Floyd McKissick announced that
Grenada officials had agreed to
hire the town's first four Negro
registrars and to keep the polls
open past the normal noon clos-
ing until any hour of the evening
that Negroes stopped coming.
The marchers devoted that day
mostly to canvassing.
Now the procedure was to let 50
to 100 of the marchers carry on
down the road to keep the actual
march to Jackson on time, while
the rest of the group visited the
various small towns surrounding
the route. A large group stayed
back that day in Grenada, walk-
ing from door to door, encourag-
ing, often high-pressuring, Ne-
groes to register, arranging rides
for those who needed them.
Everywhere the Grenadians were
friendly, responsive. Nearly all said
they would register and would
drag their friends to register.
There was a very real, but at the
same time almost a fairy-tale feel-
ing in the knowledge of a change
that was going to come at last.
One girl told me "It just didn't
feel like Mississippi."
The Negroes there, however, re-
membered it was still Mississippi.
The presence of the charismatic
Martin Luther King and of so
many energetic helpers lifted the
spirits of the town's black com-
munity. Some who hadn't register-
ed, like blues singer Mississippi
John Hurt whose registration was
delayed because he had only 10
months' residence in Grenada,
would complete their registration
But there was more being
thought than said. "Sure I'll reg-
ister," one lady told me, "but
what's gonna happen to us all
when you march outa here? How'
about my Job and my house?"
"Grenada," one boy told me,
"was a nice day." It was nice
having 13 friendly state patrol
cars along, and not being yelled
at or threatened by the Klan or
local rednecks, and registering 1,-
200 Negroes and desegregating.
some toilets. But "KKK" was
written in paint along the high-
way and the whites along the way
still hated the marchers as much
as they did three years ago. The
blacks still lived nine to a three-
room shack and still worked for
whites, while a few rural Ne-
groes were afraid even to wave
from their cottonfields.
There is a labor shortage in Mis-
sissippi and the Negro teenagers
I heard talking on the fence
about their plans did not sound
hopeful. They talked only of the
fact that when you want to buy a
farm, "the whites own all the
horses and all the land and you
gotta work for them whites'wheth-
er you like it or not and whether
they pay you enough or not."
"Grenada will never be the
same again after that march pass-
ed through it," said King. To
make sure of as big a change as
possible a small core of workers
would return after the march
reached Jackson to follow up on
the registration and to attempt
to organize Negroes for political
But there was little doubt that
white Grenada had lied about its
true feelings in its few' days of
passivity, and that the organizers
who stayed behind would have a
hard, even dangerous time of it
-perhaps for nothing if there
were no federal registrars to count
At any rate, further on into
the delta few were lying.
Slight Rise
In Teaching
Fellow Total
Department Needs
Approximately the
Same This Year
Additions to the number of
teching fellows in various Univer-
sity departments will be slight this
fall, according to estimates made
yesterday by literary college de-
partment administrative assist-
While some increases will occur
-as in the history department, for
example, where the number of
teaching fellows will rise by five
to bring the total to 31-no sig-
nificant changes will take place.
Some departments, such as po-
litical science, are still waiting to
hear from applicants, and others,
such as English, will make some
last minute appointments during!
registration in the fall.
Variations in the number of
graduate student instructors seem
to be congruent only with enroll-
ment increases and do not indi-
cate a trend toward turning over
classes to teaching fellows.
The University's Center for Re-
search on Learning and Teaching
last September reported that ap-
proximately "33 per cent of all
undergraduate credit hours in the
literary college are being earned
in classes conducted by teaching
fellows." Obviously no longer an
ad hoc, emergency measure, grad-
uate students represent a perma-
nent and significant means by
which the educational program of
the University is carried out."
The CRLT at that time conduct-
ed an informal survey of ten
L.S. & A. departments that em-
ploy more than 400 teaching fel-
lows and found that most of the
departments provide programs for
the orientation and instruction of
new graduate instructors.
All of the departments sampled
held weekly meetings of teaching
fellows in an effort to coordinat-
ing the activities of the different
sections of large introductory
In general, the CRLT survey
found, department-based training
programs tended to concentrate
on information about the admin-
istrative rules of the department
and the method and skills which
are peculiar to the subject matter.,
PROF. JAMES B. SLEDD of the English department at the
University of Texas will speak today at 4 p.m. in 4ngell Hall,
Auditorium C. His lecture, "Lost in Space; or, Gunsmoke from the
New Grammars," is the second in a series of six meetings spon-
sored by the University as part of its 16th Annual Conference
Series. This summer's series is entitled "Toward the Better
Teaching of High School English."
PROF. RALPH A. SAWYER, retired University vice-president
and dean-emeritus of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies
has been elected as acting director of the American Institute of
Taking over the position for the second time, Sawyer, an
internationally known physicist, who directed U.S. Bikini Atomic
Bomb tests, will also continue as chairman of the institute's
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS this week will be asked to answer
the burgeoning need for teachers and land settlement officers in
K -enya.
Two former Peace Corps Volunteers will make a special visit
Thursday and Friday (July 7 and 8) to the University to seek
applicants for two separate Kenya programs which go into
training in September and October.
The two recruiters, Peter Morrissey, Western Regional
Director of Campus Recruiting and a former volunteer in
Indonesia, and Eloise Miller, who served in Turkey, will be located
at an information booth on the Diag in front of the General
Applicants can take the 30-minute Modern Language Aptitude
Test all day Friday in Room 3-B in the Union. Volunteers going
to Kenya will receive training in Swahili.
THE UNIVERSITY'S department of speech will sponsor a
one-day summer speech conference July 14. Attending the con-
ference, to be held in the Rackham building, will be some 300
instructors of speech from throughout the state.
Meetings concerning various speech aspects will be held in
the morning and afternoon, discussing such problems as speech
education, oral interpretation, audiology, public address, theater,
speech pathology.
STAFF MEMBERS of the University will receive improve-
ments in disability benefits; Vice-President for Business Affairs
Gilbert L. Lee, Jr. announced last week.
Essential features of the new disability plan are that the
maximum benefit is increased to $400 per month, but not to
exceed 50 per cent of gross salary, and a provision for combining
benefits from the disability plan and Social Security disability to
a maximum of 75 per cent of the staff member's gross earnings.
Another improvement is that staff members who have five
years of continuous service with the University are eligible, with
no restriction as to age.
-Daily-Andy Sacks
BY TIlE END OF AUG'ST, THIS TRENCH will be part of a central-campus sprinkling system. Workers have been laying the sys-
tem's plastic pipe for several weeks. When completed the system will automatically water the central campus area in four alternating
zones every evening.
Determine Crttera for Choosing
Omaha Riots
Negro Leader Sees
Causes Similar to
Those of Watts Riots
By The Associated Press
National Guardsmen reinforced
police in Omaha, Neb., early yes-
terday after violence occurred for
the third night. Officers said
about 10 businesses were targets
of looters.
A Negro leader blamed Omaha's
racial disorders on the same
things he said caused the bloody
Watts riots in Los Angeles-the
frustration and despair of young
Mayor A. V. Sorensen took a
similar view and said he would
meet with representatives of the
young Negro element blamed for
disturbances on Omaha's North
Side over the Fourth of July
Mayor Sorensen disclosed. he
had taken part in a shouting,
boistrous meeting Monday night
with 100 young Negroes at a
North Side YMCA. He said those
who took part in the 11&-hour
meeting were represented to him
as having been taken part in the
Immediately after the meeting,
he said, violence flared for a third
time in three hot, sultry holiday
weekend nights. National Guards-
men joined helmeted police and
highway patrolmen in restoring
Police reported 78 arrests anad
two policemen slightly injured.
Elsewhere, civil rights leaders -
failed yesterday in their attempt
to persuade the Lawton City Coun-
cil in Oklahoma to adopt an ordi-
nance aimed at forcing integration
of a privately owned amusement
The council rejected the pro-
posed ordinance, followinga rec-
ommendation by the council's or-
dinance committee. The proposed
public accommodations measure
was submitted by civil rights lead-
ers June 18 at the end of a 100-
mile march from Oklahoma City
to Doe Doe Park in Lawton. The
marchers, mostly Negroes, wound
up riding much of the way to
A Des Moines civil rights leader
yesterday termed a disturbance by
more than 200 Negroes there
Monday night an "isolated" inci-
dent but said he "wouldn't want
to predict it couldn't happen
The incident began after offi-
cers were called to Good Park to
investigate a report that, fire-
works-illegal in Iowa-were be-
ing shot off.
At Cordele, Ga., a curfew which
had been in strict force since last
Wednesday was relaxed slightly
and city officials said it may be
lifted altogether later. It was or-
dered into effect after violence
last week, touched off by a fight
between whites and Negroes at a
swimming pool about seven miles
out of town.
Meanwhile, the National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People, at its 57th annual
convention, voted "strenuous op-
position" yesterday to proposed
antiriot legislation pending in the
California Legislature.
"The proposed legislation is not
....a..a 01-,, - __ rnn ox w cn
The faculty planning commit-
tee for the residential college
has informally adopted criteria for
choosing those freshmen who will
enter the college in 1967 and in
later years, according to Prof.
Theodore Newcomb of the psychol-
ogy department. Newcomb is act-
ing chairman of the committee
while chairman Burton Thuma,
associate dean of the literary col-
lege, is on vacation.
Newcomb said that for a stu-
dent to gain admittance to the
residential college he must first
be accepted by the literary college
and must express his desire to en-
ter the residential college.
The committee hopes to re-
ceive more applications than it
can accept, enabling it to choose
its classes with the following prin-
ciples in mind:
-It does not want an "elite"
group of honor students;
-It wants the same proportion
of honor students to non-honor
students that the literary college
-It wants the same proportion
of men to women, and
-It wants the same proportion
of out-of-state to in-tate stu-
The purpose of these guidelines,
said Newcomb, is to test whether
the residential college system can
be successful with the same type
of student selection the other
schools have. Therefore its suc-
cess could not be attributed to
special selection.
A second major selection job
the committee faces is that of
ol0 lege
faculty. Newcomb said many peo-
ple, including some outside the
University, have indicated their
interest in teaching at the college.
Newcomb stressed that the com-
mittee expects that, although there
will be some full-time residential
college faculty members, many
will be working there on a part-
time basis, and will be encouraged
to keep up their graduate teach-
ing and research work on the cen-
tral campus.
Newcomb added that it would
be permissible for a professor to
teach only one course at the resi-
dential college. He commented
that some faculty members are
apprehensive lest they find them-
selves too involved in the affairs
of the residential college and lose
contact with the rest of the Uni-
Newcomb said graduate teach-
ing fellows would be encouraged
to work at the college. He said it
has been informally adopted that
those who teach at the college will
have two titles--one will corres-
pond to their position in the lit-
erary college, and the other will be
that of "fellow" in the residential'
college. For example, an associate
professor in the literary college
will have the titles of both "asso-
ciate professor" and "fellow" in
the residential college.
The faculty's criteria for stu-
dents is similar to that discussed
at the Regents meeting last week,
when the Regents expressed the
desire that residential college stu-
dents should not be an honor
Radical Education Project: Giving Depth to Dissent
Students for a Democratic So-
ciety, a liberal student organiza-
tion, is in the process of both
internal and external education
through the Radical Education
Project. The project is being or-
ganized at the national office in
Ann Arbor and should begin oper-
ation in the fall.
REP, as the project is known, is
a return to the type of program
envisioned when SDS first be-
came organized. Then, as now, the
idea was one of radical education,
"dedicating itself to the cause of
democratic radicalism, and aspir-
. ...,... 4- I-- --- 4 _ f o .Ma y of
SDS members themselves, accord-
ing to Barry Bluestone, Grad, na-
tional staff member. Members and
non-members alike called for an-
alysis rather than action and
change initiated through educa-
In December, 1965, REP was
proposed at the SDS national
meeting in New York. The pro-
posal recognized that any move-
ment requires more than ideal-
ism. The proposal stated that "the
left must have roots and rele-
vance to every major section of
the American community; and it
must catalyze and encompass in-
-,raann,, i vprV in+it1tifn nor
settled by a simple institutional or
economic remedy, such as the civil
rights act or Social Security. They
require new, more complex an-
REP's task, as outlined in its
prospectus, is to focus on long-
range rather than exclusively
short-term goals. It must "create,
or coalesce anew, a generation of
democrats - people, not only
youth, who will maintain a radi-
cal value commitment and ident-
ity and who will extend the move-
ment into new areas. It must
bring about opportunities for com-
munication which allow us to
huildo n nne another's thought. to
time members and ten part-time
workers. In addition a full-time
fund-raiser, Jon Frappier, will
soon be hired as a permanent REP
staff member.
-The REP work list, composed
of 50 SDS members throughout
the country has begun to compile
chapter inventories and publish
bibliography and speaker lists, film
catalogues and program instruc-
tions for SDS chapters. The na-
tional staff is coordinating this
-The national staff has sent
out 10,000 copies of the REP
prospectus to people who are not
nresently members of SDS and
fessionals willing to work with
At present, the primary func-
tion of the national staff is public
relations. Thousands of prospec-
tive supporters and contributors
must be reached; the nature of
the program must be explained to
SDS members and non-members
Funds must be raised to carry
the project through the initial or-
ganizational phases and to aid its
permanent establishment. T h e
largest source of income is the
advance on "Papers of the New
Left"-to be published in the fall
fers to them as "task forces of
In that capacity they will de-
velop and promote intellectually
responsible programs which will
contribute to the education of
democratic radicals and comple-
ment the action of the movement
with a base of intellectual and ed-
ucational resources.
Ideally, the results of this re-
search will be published for public
understanding of the new left. It
is hoped that public knowledge of
radical proceedings will facilitate
the change that the movement is
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