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May 14, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-14

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'.4, 1963


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4,1963 -1a1 L' 1Allia - J UR D C4 .V ZLtA ZLU




uses July

Thant To Put
UNon Budget
Of Austerity
ed Nations source said last night.
Secretary-General U Thant wil.l
place the UN on an austerity bud-
get for 1964.
The source made the statement
in advance of a special session of
the UN General Assembly opening
today to deal with the generally
critical financial situation.
The informant said that by the
time the assembly convenes no
member country will be in danger
of losing its vo.te by being more
than two years behind in regular
The number of such countries
had been reduced to one yesterday
afternoon and the amount involv-
ed was described as "mere pea-
nuts." The country was understood
to be Haiti.
Since Jan. 1 the UN has collect-
ed between $15-$16 million in ar-
rears from about 40 member states,
leaving a so-called worrisome- bal-
ance of about $106 million due
mostly to unpaid assessments for
the UN Congo and Middle East
peacekeeping operations.
"-The assembly will be asked to
authorize Thant to spend $33 mil-
lion for the Congo and $9.5 mil-
lion for the UVN Emergency Force
in the Middle East through the
last six months of this year.
The informant estimated that
the current UN deficit will reach
around $100 million by the end of
June. and will continue to go
higher. He could not estimate by
how much.
Faced with that situation, Thant,
plans to follow a policy of strict
austerity in drawing up his 1964

E lections
Ninth Crisis
Within Year
Reaches End
Cabinet Shakeup
Favors Ongonia
BUENOS AIRES (P)-A new in-
terior minister was sworn in yes-
terday pledged to hold promised
elections in July as Argentine
President Jose Maria Guido's ninth
political crisis in a year in office
seemed near an end.
Sworn in was Gen. Osiris Ville-
gas, backed by the power behind
the president, Gen. Juan Carlos
Ongania, army commander in
Fraud, Irregularities
Villegas succeeds Gen. Enrique
Rauch, outspoken foe of Peron-
ists, who brought on the crisis
last week by demanding the res-
a ignation of most civilians in the
-AP Wirephoto cabinet. He charged them with re-
contingent of sponsibility for fraud and irregu-
g. shortly after larities.
rt of a small While Guido accepted Rauch's
resignation quickly, he refused to
ningham area. accept those of his three top mili-
tary advisers in the cabinet - the
secretaries of army, navy and air
force. All resignations of cabinet
ministers were submitted at the
height of the crisis last weekend.
Thus the cabinet shakeup rep-
resented a setback for those mili-
tary factions who fear new elec-
tions will permit followers of ex-
,m situation was dictator Juan D. Peron, now in
President and exile in Spain, to return to power.
latter said that N Proscription
"extremely sen-N
situation, he ex- It was a victory for the faction
esegregation ag- led by Ongania, who said in a
d. There were communique the "army does not
pments: favor the proscription of the
will meet with a (Peronist) political party if this
a newspapermen party complies with the laws and
ton in the latest requirements made of other poli-
heons for editors tical parties."
m various states. This does not mean, however,
Forces that the Ongania faction would
,rkman (D-Ala) allow the return of Peron. On-
LkmansD-Aylahgania insisted in his communique
i assured by the that Argentina cannot have pop-
oops would not ular elections if it means "arbi-
g as the local trarily throwing to one side mil-
erve order. lions of Argentines."

Syria, Iraq
Create New
Ba' ath Rule
DAMASCUS, Syria (P) - Ba'ath
Socialists formed governments in
Syria and Iraq yesterday, posing a
threat to United Arab Republic
President Gamal Abdel Nasser's
idea of a tight Arab federation.
Nasserites were dropped from
both governments. This raised the
possibility of renewed rioting in
Syria by pro-Nasser groups.
In Damascus, Salah Bitar, who
stepped out as premier three days
ago, returned to form the new 16-
man government. Sami Jundi,
named Saturday as premier-des-
ignate, wound up in charge of
three ministries in the new regime
-information, culture and nation-
al guidance.
Nasserites Ousted
Brig. Ahmed Hassan Bakr re-
mained on as premier in Iraq and
two Istiqlal Party followers of
Nasser were ousted as ministers
of finance and housing. Their de-
parture is believed to have erased
Nasser's stamp from the Iraqi gov-
Nasser is reported reconciled to
a Ba'ath-dominated Iraq but is
opposed by the party's domination
in Syria.
Syria, Iraq and Egypt agreed
in Cairo on April 17 to unite in
a new Arab federation. The Ba'-
athists favor union, but not on
Nasser's terms for a tight federa-
tion controlled by him from Cairo.
Plans call for the union to be
governed at the outset by a presi-
dential council on which each na-
tion will have equal representa-
tion. With Ba'athists in power in
Syria and Iraq, Nasser would be
outvoted 2-1 in council sessions.
Jundi had been trying without
success to form a government here
since Saturday. Lashing attacks on
him from Cairo chilled his chances
and Syrian political sources said
his efforts were slowed to await
outcome of a government overhaul
in neighboring Iraq...
The re-emergence of Bitar came
as a surprise. He resigned last
week after six Nasserites quit his
government, charging their voice
in government was muffled by the
Arrest Warrants
Shortly after the announcement
of the new Syrian government, ar-
rest warrants were issued for nine
runaway officials of the regime
overthrown in a bloodless coup
March 8. They included former
Premier Khaled El Azem, who has
taken refuge. in the Turkish Em-
bassy here, and former President
Nazem El Kudsi.
The military prosecutor of the
National Security Court announc-
ed the warrants charge the offi-
cials with usurping political power


preme Court suggested yesterday
that unions save themselves legal
headaches by working out cut-rate
dues plans for members who ob-
ject to their union money being
used for political purposes.
Specifically, Justice William O.
Brennan Jr., speaking for the tri-
bunal, singled out railroad broth-
erhoods, which operate under the
Railway Labor Act. Most of these
have union shops which require
workers to join the union after
being hired. But Brennan did not
exclude other unions from his ad-
Liu Urges Reds
To Exchange
Military Aid
HONG KONG-Liu Shao-chi,
chief of state of Communist China,
urged Sunday that Communist
countries "refrain from interfer-
ing in each others internal af-
In a speech at Hanoi, the North
Vietnamese capital, he said that
members of the Communist bloc
should "cooperate on the basis of
mutual benefit and help each oth-
er" militarily as well as politically.
Liu's statement held special sig-
nificance in view of the prospec-
tive meeting of Chinese Commu-
nist and Soviet delegates to iron
out their ideological differences in
Moscow next month.
The Chinese leader's reference
to mutual help recalled recent ac-
cusations by Communist China
that the Soviet Union had reneged
on numerous agreements for mili-
tary and economic assistance to
Moscow and Peking have dis-
agreed violently on policy toward
the West with the Chinese de-
manding that Communists every
where adhere to a "hard line."
Statements from Peking have
repeatedly castigated Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev for
conciliatory efforts with the West.
The Chinese have branded these,
efforts as a "cowardly reaction to
the threat of a mutually destruc-
tive nuclear war."
Copyright, 1963, The New York Times

The high court took the unusual
step of pointing the way when it
restated a 1961 decree that a rail-
way worker who objects to any of
his dues being used for political
purposes may obtain partial re-
fund of his payments.
National History
Brennan, making a sweeping
plea for more do-it-yourself solv-
ing of labor union problems, de-
clared, "it is a lesson of our na-
tional history of industrial rela-
tions that resort to litigation to
settle the hights of labor orga-
nizations and employes very often
prove unsatisfactory."
Also in the labor union field,
the court decided unanimously,
that it is an unfair labor practice
for an employer to grant "super-
seniority" to workers hired to re-
place strikers or to strikers who
return to work against their un-
ion's wishes.
Upholds WLRB
The ruling, which reversed the
United States Circuit Court in
Philadelphia, upheld a National
Labor Relations Board ruling
against a manufacturer of elec-
tronics components in Erie, Pa.

The firm gave 20 years' extra
seniority credit to some non-strik-
ing workers during a 1959 strike.
Some strikers never got their jobs
back or were laid off in a cutback
because those with super-seniority
had priority. The union lost many
of its members as a result.
Justice Byron R. White, deliver-
ing the court's views, said, "Super-
seniority by its very term operates
to discriminate between strikers
and non-strikers, both during and
after a strike, and its destructive
impact upon the strike and union
activity cannot be doubted."
The court agreed with the NLRB
that the workers who suffered
should not only get their jobs back
but should get back pey as well.
The court said the lower tribun-
als were correct in saying that
members' dues could not be used
for political purposes against their
Brennan set down two things
that the unions must establish:
1) What expenditures disclosed
by the record are political and 2)
To what percentage of total un-
ion expenditures are political ex-

Unions Receive Court Decision


ADVANCE PARTY--Three Army men, advance
federal troops, sit in a corridor of the Federal Bldg
arrival in Birmingham yesterday. They were pa
group of liaison troops for possible use in the Bir
allace Urges Ke:
To Bar Federal Tr

Dr. and Mrs. Hatcher
invite you to:
aiy 15, 4-6 P.M.


CA10 (013
t ;'
I ,vkCa
I Z.

(Continued from Page 1)
the end of the week, White House
Press Secretary Pierre Salinger
would not say whether Kennedy
expects the governor to be on
hand-normal protocol for a gov-
ernor when a President visits his
Birmingham remained calm
through Sunday night and yester-
day and Kennedy has conditioned
actual use of the troops on further
violence in Birmingham, beyond,
the limits of state and local con-
trol. Wallace and Birmingham of-
ficials insist they can maintain
order without outside help.
Expect To Endure
Despite the bombs and riots,
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy
said he expects the bi-racial ag-
reement worked out last week to

The Birmingha:
discussed by the
his brother. The
despite the city's
sitive and tense"
pects a biracial d
reement to stan
these other develo
The President %
group of Alabama
today in Washing
of a series of lunc
and publishers fro
Local F
Sen. John Spa
said he had been
President that tr
be used "as lon
forces could pres




., I


National Corporation Seeking Full-Time Summer Help




Students with telephone ser-
vice: help ease the year-end
rush by placing your order
NOW to have your service
discontinued later when you
leave town. It's one less detail
to think about. Why not do
it now? Just call the tele-
phone business office, 453-

Mayor Albert Boutwell urged the
President to remove the threatof
federal troops. He said he did not
question Kennedy's motive but
added, "I sharply question the in-
formation upon which he acted."
Martin Luther King, Jr., leader
of the Southern civil rights move-
ment, went on a mission to Ne-
groes with pleas for nonviolent
conduct-and he collected pocket
knives throughout the Negro com-
Vain Attempt
In Nashville, Tenn., an estimat-
ed 200 Negro students demonstrat-
ed in Nashville's business area last
night in a vain attempt to de-
segregate two of the city's leading
Several minor scuffles broke out,
one Negro was arrested and an
elderly white man collapsed and
was taken to the hospital after a
scuffle with a Negro in front of
one of the restaurants.
Around 50 city policemen strove
to maintain order in the one block
and made all pedestrians keep
Grand Jury Action
In Tchula, Miss., two Negro
leaders accused of burning a Ne-
groe's home and blaming it on
white nightriders were ordered
held for grand jury action yester-
Three other workers in the Del-
ta Negro voter registration drive,
also accused of provocative arson,
were freed.
Dist. Atty. P. H. Williams of
Holmes County said he didn't;
know anything about federal ac-
tion aimed at freeing all five men.;




By The Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Two
exiled Haitian political leaders an-
nounced Sunday that they had
formed a Haitian government in
evile to oppose the dictatorship
of President Francois Duvalier.
They said that they hoped to win
quick recognition from the United
States and other countries. They
also asserted that their parties
represented 80 per cent of the
Haitian electorate.
* *. 1
liam Fulbright (D-Ark) said yes-
terday the United States should
take military action if that course
is necessary to prevent a Commun-
ist takeover of the government of
Haiti. Fulbright, chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
imittee, also let loose a blast at
the Organization of American
States for what he called "a con-
siderable amount of apathy" about
taking action in the Haitian
* * *
NEW YORK - The New York
Stock Exchange saw little fluc-
tuation in prices yesterday with
the Dow Jones averages indicating
30 industrials up .29, 20 rails up
.05, 15 utilities up .55 and 65
stocks up .20.


World News

Good Haircut
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U-M Players

Jack G.

O'Brien's wild farce



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