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May 14, 1963 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-14

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Brusilow Attacks
Dismissal Rumor

Truck' Happens on Street


The rumor that the members of
e Philadelphia Orchestra want-
: to fire their conductor, Eu-
ene Ormandy, was a gross mis-
arriage of the facts, Concertmas-
r Anshel Brusilow said recently.

Brusilow noted that concert-
goers and members of the orches-
tra alike were amazed to read in
newspapers three weeks ago an
article stating that the players'
wished to insert in their contract
the proviso that they could bring
about the dismissal of their con-
ductor if 75 per cent of them so
This stipulation was not the
wish of the players but was in
fact the brainchild of one man, a
labor lawyer whom the men of
the orchestra had hired and who
had gained them a few fringe
benefits in the past, Brusilow ex-
plained. The lawyer has since been
fired by the players.
Officials Misled
"The union officials were mis-
led into believing the men of the
orchestra had voted to insert this
clause into their contract and that
they were genuinely, in favor of
such a plan, when in fact the play-
ers neither knew about nor cared
for such a suggestion," Brusilow
Brusilow explained further that
the clause mentioned no names
and referred only to the conductor
in a general sense; so that the
idea that the players disliked Or-
mandy in particular was not true.
"An orchestra does not work un-
der such principles as the lawyer
wished to insert in the contract.
The conductor has to be a boss
and has to do certain things for
the betterment of the organiza-
Standing Ovoation
Yet the fact remains that where
the; Philadelphia Orchestra is
concerped, the members and the
conductor get along amicably, as
was evidenced by the six-minute
standing ovation accorded Or-
mandy by the audience and the or-
chestra upon his appearance at
the podium upon the next eve-
ning's concert.

-Daily-Gerald Ahronheim
HAPPENING ON NORTH UNIVERSITY-Once friends and members of the Dramatic Arts Center
staged a happening-scenes from everyday life-called "Truck" Saturday night at State St. and
North University. The happening included a young lady setting her long, dark hair; a moustachioed
gentleman showing slides on the sidewalk; a man painting a flag on the inside of a car window and
other odd but normal scenes.
Study Examines Newspaper Failure

... . conductor has to be a boss'
New Tower
To Transcribe
Weather Data
A weather tower to be operated{
by the University under contract
with the United States Weather
Bureau will soon be erected in
The 105-foot tower will make{
recordings of weather data, trans-
mitting its records by electric
cables to shore.
The tower is the property of,
the United States Weather Bureau,
the Lake Survey and the Public
Health Service. It was constructed
at the United States Engineers
Boatyard at Fort Wayne in De-
To be in operation in two
months, the tower will give in-,
formation about lake weather ele-
ments. It will record wind velocity
and direction, humidity and air
temperature, rainfall, solar radia-
tion, wave height, and water cur-
rents and levels. Anchored to the,
lake bottom by- 8000-pound con-1
crete blocks, it will be removedl
before the first freeze.

"White-collar status is not a
guarantee of immediate and con-
tinued employment following job
displacement," Louis A. Ferman of
the Institute of Labor and Indus-
trial Relations reported recently
in a study concerned with the No-
vember, 1960 shutdown of the De-
troit Times.
The study, "Death of a Newspa-
per: the Story of the Detroit
Times," deals with job dislocation
of newspaper workers in a de-
pressed labor market.
Ferman found that few workers
used employment agencies to lo-
cate new jobs, but many collected
unemployment compensation.
Union Aid


Eighty-five per cent of the em-
ployes had found jobs six months
after the Times stopped operations.
The majority received wages which
were lower or equal to those they
were paid in their jobs on the
Times. Most workers were re-em-
ployed in the same type of job.
Circulation War
Fermon noted that because of
the circulation war between the
two remaining Detroit papers, The
Detroit News and The Detroit Free
Press, circulation personnel found
little difficulty in finding jobs on
these papers.
Skill level in general "was a
more important factor than age
or education in finding a job."
Younger workers on the edi-
torial and commercial staffs in
many cases had an easier time
finding re-employment, Ferman
The Newspaper Guild of Detroit
organized an employment cam-
paign for those on the editorial

' Scholars
Win Awards
Three graduate students and a
counselor are among the 114
American and foreign women
scholars who have received fellow-
ships for research and advanced
study from the American Associa-
tion of University Women Edu-
cational Foundation.
The winners are: Mrs. Rodman
E. Doll, Grad; Elizabeth J. Mac-
key, Grad; Mrs. P. C. Rajam,
Grad; and Vera J. Schlesinger.

Skilled craftsmen depended on
union aid in finding jobs. Workers
in editorial, commercial and cir-
culation positions "relied on di-
rect application to the employer
and contact with their employed
friends and relatives."

and commercial staffs of the
Times. The campaign was largely
unsuccessful due to the depressed
labor market and the lack of jobs.
The suddenness of the shutdown
hindered effective organization,
Ferman noted.
Peek To Lead
AAUP Panel
The University chapter of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors will hold its final
meeting of the academic year at A
p.m. today in Rackham East Con-
ference Rm.
Prof. George Peek of the politi-
cal science department will mod-
erate a panel discussion on "Can
the Faculty be Effective in De-
termining Educational Policy at
the University Level?"
Participating in the discussion
will be professors Ferrel Heady of
the political science department,
Wilbert J. McKeachie of the psy-
chology department and John S.
Brubacher of the education school.
A short business meeting will
precede the discussion. AAUP
members and other interested fac-
ulty are invited to attend.
Williams To Talk
On African PVolicy
Assistant Secretary of State for
African Affairs G. Mennen Wil-
liams will speak at 7:15 p.m. to-
morrow at Tappan Junior High
School on United States foreign
policy and Africa.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.-Golf--U-M
vs. Mich. State Univ.: Univ. Golf
3:30 p.m.--Baseball--U-M vs. Univ. of
Detroit: Ferry Field.
4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Botany Seminar
(in conjunction with the NSF Academic
Year Institute) --Dr. Henrik Kacser,
Dept. of Animal Genteics, Edinburgh
Univ., "Genetic Control of Phenotype":
Room 1400, Chemistry Bldg.
8:00 p.m.-German Club Lecture-Re-
cital-Ingo Seidler, Prof. of German;
the "Renaissance Chor" and recorder
group, "Renaissance Music at the Court
of Munich": Aud. A, Angell Hall.
8:00 p.m.-U-M Chapter of the Ameri-
can Asoc. of Univ. Prof. Panel Discus-
sion -. George Peek, Prof. of Political
Science, moderator; participants, Prof.
Heady (Political Science), McKeachie
(Psychology), and Brubacher (Higher
Education), "Can the Faculty be Ef-
fective in Determining Educational
Policy at the Univ. Level?": E. Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Bldg.
8:30 p.m. - School of Music Degree
Recital-Linda Greenwa=t, cellist: Lane
Hall Aud.
Doctoral Examination for Hadley
Pratt Schaefer, Business Administration;
thesis: "Post Completion Analysis of
Projects to Appraise Capital Expendi-
ture Decisions," today, 5th flood Con-
ference Room, School of Bus. Ad. at
3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. L. Brummet.
Doctoral Examination for Arthur
Byron Hunkins, °Music: Composition;
thesis: "Te Deum (for tenior and bari-
tone solo, male chorus, and orchestra),"
today, W. Council Room, Rackhani Bldg.
at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, R. L. Finney.
Doctoral Examination for Miller How-
ard Rienstra, History; thesis: "Giovan-
ni Battista Della Porta and' Renais-
sance Science," today, 3609 haven Hall
at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, P. A. Throop.
Doctoral Examination for Thomas
Sidney Vernon, Philosophy; thesis, "The
Metaphysical Role of Ideas in the Phil-
osophy of Descartes," today, 2200 An-
gell Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, R. A.
In English & Russian
Technical Books
Currently on Exhibition
At Cobo Hall-Detroit
May be ordered through
Global Books
4829 Woodward, Suite 201
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Doctoral Examination for Stanley
Mamoru Tsuzaki, Lnguistics; Thesis:
"English Influences in the Phonology
and Morphology of the Spanish Spoken
in the Mexican Colony in Detroit, Mich-
igan," tonight, 2061 Haven Hall, at
7:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Harold
Scholl Johnson, Political Science; the-
sis: "The Plebiscite as an International
Means for Self-Determination," today,
4609 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,
1. L. Claude.


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Co-Starring ROSALIND RUSSELL as Rosemary

Doctoral Examination for Miller How-
ard Rienstra, History; thesis: 'Giovan-
ni Battista Della Ports and Renaissance
Science," today, 3609 Haven Hall, at
1:30 p.m. Chairman, P. A. Throop.
Doctoral Examination for Jan Walde-
mar Kuzma, Biostatistics; thesis: " A
Statistical Study of Various Aspects of
a Battery of Clinical Neurologic Tests,"
today 3008 School of Public Health, at
8:00 a.m. Chairman, R. D. Remington.
Doctoral Examination for George Ilyas
Haddad, Electrical Engin.; thesis: "Ef-
ficiency and start ascillation conditions
in nonuniform backward-wave oscil-
lators," today, 3072, E. Engin. Bldg. at
3:30 p.m. Chairman, J. E. Rowe.
General Notices
Student Tea at the home of Presi-
dent and Mrs. Hatcher will be held
Wed., May 15 from 4 to 6:00 p.m. !
Applications for Fuibright Awards for
Grad Study during the 1964-65 academic
year are now available. Countries in
which study grants are offered are!
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Brazil, Ceylon, Chile, Republic of China,!
Colombia, Denmark. Finland, France,
Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala,
Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Ja-I

pan, Korea. Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru,
Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Turkey, United Arab Republic and the
United Kingdom. Grants arranged joint-
ly with the U.S. Government and the
following countries are also available:
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Po-
land, Rumania and Venezuela. The
grants are made for one academic year
and include round-trip transportation,
tuition, a living allowance and a small
stipend for books and equipment. All
grants are made in foreign currencies.
Interested students who are U.S. citi-
zens and hold an A.B. degree, or who
will receive such a degree by June,
1963, and who are presently enrolled in
the University of Michigan, should re-
quest application forms for a Fulbright
award at the Fellowship Office, Room
110, Graduate School. The closing date
for receipt of applications is October
21, 1963.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
Runiversity should direct inquiries and
requests for applications to the Insti-
tute of International Education, U.S.
Student Program, 800 Second Ave., New
York 17, N.Y. The last date on which
applications will be issued by the Insti-
tute is Oct. 15, 1963.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitor#
programmed through the International
Center who will be on campus this
week on the dates indicated. Program
arrangements are being made by Mrs.
Clifford R. Miller, Ext. 3358, Interna-
tional Center.
Raul Acosto, Counselor of Students,
LatinuAmerican Regional Office, Insti-
tute of International Education, Lima,
Peru, May 11-15.
(Continued on Page 8)

Bolle Announces IFC Plan
To Board Foreign Students



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A program to provide foreign
students with room, board, and
social activities in fraternities was
announced recently by Interfra-
ternity Council Alumni Committee
Chairman Robert Bolle, '65.
Twenty-eight foreign students
will live in fraternities next fall
and will participate in all frater-
nity activities. Other foreign stu-
dents will live in apartments but
still receive full fraternity social
privileges and board, Bolle said.
The program was first begun
last fall when nine houses offer-
ed boarding arrangements for for-
eign students. Because of its suc-
cess the program was expanded
to provide living arrangements for
the 28 students next fall, and will
expand further to allow more for-
eign students to live in fraternities
next spring.
Students Choose
The foreign students w e r e
matched with specific fraternities
by allowing each students to visit
four or five houses and choose the
one he wanted, Bolle said.
"We are trying to keep the idea
of 'rush' out of the program as
much as possible. It is up to the
foreign student to choose a house
he likes and the fraternity will
try to accommodate him," Bolle
The program is designed to ac-
quaint foreign students with a
facet of college life practically un-
known to them until now, he said.
"Foreign students tend to iso-
late themselves in apartments, and
even though they often want to
get out of isolation they don't
know how to start. Fraternities
can provide the way for them to
take anaactive part in campus life,"
Bolle said..
In a connected program, six fra-
ternities will participate in a spe-
cial orientation program for for-
eign students next fall. Approxi-
mately 150 foreign students will
visit the houses in small groups.

Another facet of the program
will be concerned with an increase
in exchange programs between
fraternities and the various inter-
national clubs. These will include
dinners, parties and projects such
as Michigras. There. will also be
more foreign speakers invited to
speak and take part in informal
discussions in fraternities, Bolle


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Edward R. Annis, M.D.





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