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May 14, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-14

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See Editorial Page


5k igan

44 &br
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Little change
in temperature

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Wallace Reassured b Kennedy on FederalI











Assembly Committee Completes




BIRMINGHA14 RIOTS--Police and firemen' stand powerless to stop a roaring blaze that razed
several Negro houses in Birmingham early Sunday morning.
T Move Only Trouble Starts

WASHINGTON (P)-President
John F. Kennedy told Alabama
Gov. George Wallace yesterday
that federal troops in Alabama
will not be sent into Birmingham
unless uncontrolled violence erupts
In response, Wallace hinted that
he may seek court action to keep
troops from being used in the
racially tense industrial metropolis
at all.
Assembled Troops
Asked by newsmen whether he
is considering steps to get newly
assembled troops removed from
bases at Anniston and Montgom-
ery, Ala., Wallace said, "We have
plans in that regard. We believe
they are here unlawfully, and that
matter may be adjudicated in the
courts. "We intend to make all

efforts to see that the rights of
the people are safeguarded."
The Democratic Governor sent
a second telegram to Kennedy yes-
terday, challenging the President's
authority to move troops into Ala-
bama so long as state and local
officers can and do put down
In response to an earlier tele-
gram; from Wallace, Kennedy
made it clear he expects Alabama's
chief executive to insure that "an
atmosphere of law. and order"
prevails in Birmingham.
Recent Agreement
This atmosphere, said the Pres-
ident, would allow Negroes and
whites to fulfill their recent agree-
ment leading to some integration
in downtown Birmingham.

Federal Troops Stand By
To Enforce Racial Peace
BIRMINGHAM ()-About 3000 combat-ready federal troops
stood yesterday within quick striking distance of this industrial city
but President John F. Kennedy reiterated his hope that troops
would not be needed to keep an uneasy racial peace.
Two army generals set up headquarters here and justice depart-
ment officials began renewed efforts to prevent a biracial desegrega-
'tion pact from collapsing. Uncer-

"I would be derelict in my duty,"
Kennedy said, "if I did not take
the preliminary steps announced
last night that will enable the
government, if required, to meet
its obligations without delay."
In a double action Sunday night,
Kennedy dispatched 3000 federal
troops, including paratroopers and
riot-control infantrymen, to Ala-
bama and prepared a proclama-
tion federalizing the Alabama Na-
tional Guard. The proclamation,
however, was not signed.
Five Hour Riot
The President acted after Ne-
groes, in retaliation for the bomb-
ing, of a motel and a minister's'
home, rioted in Birmingham for'
five hours before dawn Sunday.
Kennedy sent his telegram to
Wallace after the White House
kept open the way for a dramatic
meeting between the two men in
Alabama Saturday.
The White House announced
that Kennedy will go through with
long-hejd plans to visit North-
western Alabama Saturday to at-
tend ceremonies marking the 30th
anniversary of the Tennessee Val-
ley authority.
Not Made Up Mind
But no one here knew whether
the governor would show up. In
Montgomery, the capital of Ala-
bama, it was indicated that Wal-
lace has not made up his mind to
attend the ceremonies.
Kennedy sent his telegram to
Wallace in reply to a telegram
sent by the governor Sunday. This
denounced Kennedy's sending of
troops into Alabama and chal-
lenged his legal right to do so.
Kennedy told Wallace the troops
were sent to Alabama under the
President's - powers to suppress
domestic violence and cited sta-
tutes to support his assertion.
But, Kennedy added, he has not
yet ordered the troops into Birm-
ingham because he continues to
hope "that the citizens of Birm-
ingham themselves will maintain
standards' of responsible conduct
that will make outside interven-
tion unnecessary."
Some Integration
The agreement, which ended
weeks of rioting by, Negroes in
Birmingham, provided for some
integration of downtown business
facilities and some hiring of Ne-
gro employes in downtown stores.
While announcing the Presi-
dent's plans tp visit Alabama at
See WALLACE, Page 3

Power Says
College Ills
Hit Students
DALLAS (R) - Financial pains
currently plaguing many colleges
and universities create an injus-
tice to students of average intel-
ligence, Regent Eugene B. Power
said Sunday.
Speaking at the opening session
of the Association of Governing
Boards of State Universities and
Allied Institutions, Regent Power
said, "We are concentrating now
on the high academic student but
I think it is a mistake."
Regent Power said that the
University now accepts only the
highest 10 per cent from out of
state and the top 25 per cent in
the state.
Financial Limits
"The one who suffers is. the
student of average intelligence
who can do college work but is
being eliminated because of the
financial limits of the University,"
he said. He explained that he
thought high academic rating was
an unfair yardstick of. the capa-
bilities of a student.
Regent Po w e r recommended
either more appropriation by the
state legislature or federal aid. He
called the argument that federal
aid means federal control, "hog-
At yesterday's session, Harry
Ransom, chancellor of the Uni-
versity of Texas, said that edu-
cators are winning out over the
nation's educational problems.
Help of Russians
"Our victory will be owed in
small part to the backhanded help
of the Russians-who scare us-
and to the tremendous strength
that comes from popular accep-
tance of new opportunity and ob-
ligation,' he said.,
The chancellor said trustees
were once the moving force of a
college, but now numerous com-
mittees and other bodies have a
hand in educational matters both
inside and outside the institution.
"There is no formula for suc-
cess in these difficult combina-
tions," he said.
Personal Dedications
"In the long run, it comes down
to fuzzy principles like the 'pur-
suit of truth' and personal dedi-
cations like 'giving the students a
chance to get an education."
Arthur S. Adams of Washing-
ton said Congress must take emer-
gency action if it is to help Ameri-
can colleges avoid being swamped
by an enrollment tidal wave dur-
ing the next two years.
Adams, a consultant to the asso-
ciation, declared, "I've been say-
ing for the past two years that
emergency measures are neces-
sary. Now all our lead time has
been eaten up and the enrollment
boom is really upon us."
He said experts estimate that
enrollment applications' in the
next two years will equal half the
number of students presently
attending college.


IN PACIFIC (P)-Navy weather-
men said yesterday "we are rec-
ommending a 'go' situation" for
the launching of Astronaut Gor-
don Cooper today.
The weather in the planned im-j
pact area about 100 miles south-
east of Midway Island should be
satisfactory for recovery of Coop-

Navy Weathermen OK Launch

er's Faith 7 spacecraft 34 hours
after launching, said Lt. Cmdr.
William Mallinger, Navy meteor-
ologist aboard this prime recovery
A low pressure area several hun-
dred miles east of Midway prob-
ably will bring some scattered
showers in the recovery area to-

Astronomy Faces11
Money Problemss
(Second in a series)
Astronomy is called the oldest science. And it is now faced
with one of man's oldest problems-money.
One astronomer says that optical telescopes are facing
mechanical obsolescence and observing site deterioration along
with increasing competition from radio astronomy for funds.
Another astronomer says that there is a big discrepancy
between what the two big national observatories in optical
and radio astronomy get, and what universities get._
"In spite of a great increase in over-all astronomical ac-
tivity, very little has been done to provide the optical astrono-
mer with adequate modern instruments," says Prof. Lawrence
H. Aller, now at the University of California at Los Angeles,
who left the University's astronomy department last spring
after being here since 1948.
Technological Developments
"The postwar development of radio astronomy impressively
demonstrates what can be done with adequate support and
modern technological developments," he said in a January
issue of Science, the weekly journal of the American Associa-s
tion for the Advancement of Science.
Prof. Fred T. Haddock, director of radio astronomy, says
. that the money pinch is being felt in the universities.
"There is an imbalance here. In the last decade, tens ofiis
millions of dollars. have been spent by the National Science
Foundation on the two national observatories while the uni-
versities have received little."
Kitt Peak, Greenbank
The Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona is a base for optical
astronomy while the national observatory at Greenbank, W. Va.,
is for radio astronomy.
"The national observatories receive about 30 times as much
money from the government as the universities," Prof. Haddock'
There is a fragmentation of facilities in the United States
which hampers things and keeps work at a 'static level'," he
points out.e AN Y
l.: iS {3}s"".}::t"}5}i

EMU Officials
To Convene.
With State Unit
Representatives of a North Cen-
tral Association study team will
tell the State Board of Education
tomorrow the results of its in-
vestigation of low faculty morale
at Eastern Michigan University.
The study team visited the Ypsi-
lanti campus for four days late in
January after being appointed by
the NCA at request of the state
board, which oversees EMU.
The six-man committee, headed
by Robert W. MacVicar, vice- pres-
ident of academic affairs at Okla-
homa StateUniversity, completed
its report about two weeks ago.
Its contents have not been releas-
ed to the public.
Hard To Pin Down
Chris H. Magnsson, president of
the state board, explained that'
the unrest at EMU came from
various campus groups on an as-
sortment of topics "hard to pin
"Last year there was discontent
about buildings, athletics and the
failure of EMU to renew one pro-
fessor's terminal contract," he
In addition, alumni had charged
. that faculty morale was low and
that administrative policies pre-
vented an effective expression of
views by faculty members.'
Call in NCA
So in order to get rid of the.
"unspecific rumors-EMU Presi-.
dent Eugene Elliot said.he "never
could find out what any specific
charges were"-the state board
decided to call in the NCA, an
accrediting agency for midwestern
schools, to make a complete in-
0ptir.0 ionV

tainty and apprehension hung in
the air as riot squads patrolled the
quiet streets.
Law. and Order
The President said community
leaders who worked out an agree-
ment "deserve to see it imple-
mented in an atmosphere of law
and order."
Kennedy said he had taken
,preliminary steps. to mobilize the
guard in addition to' alerting reg-
ular army soldiers..
Mayor Arthur Hanes said only
the presence of state troopers had
saved the city Sunday.
Sacked and Burned
"The mob of yelling Negroes
would have sacked and burned
Birmingham without the help of
the state highway patrol," Hanes
The chairman of a white nego-
tiating group said the rioting Sun-
day had not affected the biracial
desegregation agreement. T h e
businessman, Sidney W. Smyer,
said, "The community in general
is behind the agreement."
Arriving to join the desegrega-
tion campaign were Jackie Robin-
son, former baseball star, and
Floyd Patterson, former heavy-
weight boxing champion. Both are
City and County
"We hope the situation can be
handled by city and county au-
thorities," said Edwin Guthman,
special assistant to United States,
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy..
Guthman arrived with six other
justice department officials and
ranking military officers as the
Pentagon disclosed that 3000 com-
bat ready army troops had moved
into bases.
CPasses BUdget,

morrow but they will not be seri-
ous, Mallinger said.
At Cape Canaveral, Cooper, calm
as ever, was ready to climb into,
his ship at around 5:40 a.m.
Faith 7, in which he will ride
at 17,500 miles an hour, was
Scientists and technicians were
ready with their vast and mysti-
fying statistical data.
Space Flight
All around the world 19,000 men
were stationed, anxiously waiting
to fish Cooper from the water
should he land in their area, there-
by ending what would be by far
the most lengthy space flight ever
tried by an American.
Ironically, this was a beautiful
day at the cape, without a cloud
in the sky and with an exhilarat-
ing seabreeze.
In this pleasant environment the
announcement began, "The ex-
tended period of clear skies over
Florida is coming to an end."
No Way
Later a weather forecaster, Er-
nie Amans, explained at a news
conference that there simply is no
way to predit whether conditions
will or will not permit a flight to-
Pressure areas have developed
to the north, Amans said, which
will, bring clouds here. Space ex-
perts need clear weather, to track
the shoot by camera as Cooper
heads for outer space.
"We have had eight consecutive
days of clear weather," Amans
said, and his voice sounded as if
he feared he personally would be
blamed because it is now coming
to an end.
Hendel Reports
June Move
For Physics
The physics department is plan-
ning to move into the new Physics-
Astronomy Bldg. at the beginning
of June, Prof. Alfred Z. Hendel
of the physics department said.
Physics facilities will occupy
the first seven floors of the 10-
floor building and will be used
for lecture rooms, laboratories and
a few offices, Prof. Hendel ex-
To Turn Over
West Physics will not be used
any longer by the physics depart-
ment, and will be turned over to
the literary college.
West Physics "will temporarily
provide us with a few more class-
rooms," Acting Dean- Burton D.
Thuma of the literary college says.
"We will put in things that can
easily be moved out again," since
the building probably will be torn
down within a few years, he
A psychology research project
and teaching fellows of the zoo-
logy, psychology and history de-
partments probably will be located
there: remaining space will be
used for general classroom 'space.
Still Used
Randall Hall, however, will still
be used by the physics depart-
ment, he explains.
Present plans for the occupa-
tion of the new building by the
astronomy department are not
certain yet. Astronomy will get
the top three floors, in addition
to their present offices in the
Observatory Bldg. They are still
awaiting notification of when
they can move into their new
TT C r p a c

AHC, Lewis
Must Grant
Loomis Directs
Group of Five
For 10 Weeks
- Culminating ten weeks of study,
a five-woman committee has pro-
duced the first Definition of Au-
thority of theAssembly Association.
Maxine Loomis, '65N, chairman
of the committee, read the report
at yesterday's Assembly - House
Council meeting. When the AHC
approves it, it will go to Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis for approval and,
if approved, will be incorporated
into the Assembly constitution or
According to the Definition,
power is delegated from the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, to Assem-
bly Association, to the houses, to
the individual independent women.
Maximum Efficiency
"Through this functional struc-
ture it is possible to attain maxi-
mum efficiency within the now
ambiguous realm of authority and
maintain completely effective rep-
resentation for the individual resi-
dent or house," the report says.
Under the document, the vice-
president for student affairs has
the right to veto any legislation or
decision of Assembly within two
weeks. The time limit is one of the
major policy changes in the paper.
AC President Charlene Hager,
'64, says that the two-week time
limit "would better define the re-
lationship between the vice-presi-
dent and Assembly and would fa-
cilitate implementing any legisla-
tion passed."
House Councils
Independent women are repre-
sented by and responsible to their
individual house councils, and
these councils are represented by
and responsible to the Assembly
Association, the Definition states.
The Definition gives houses the
power to legislate all rules neces-
sary for their own governing, to
mediate disputes between house
members, to establish their own
judicial body and to determine
their own dress regulations, sub-
ject to AHC approval.
The AHC is authorized to ex-
press the opinion of and recom-
mend regulations for, the women
in the residence halls on any is-
sue and may serve in an advisory
House Governments
Assembly is also granted the
power to aid in the establishment
of new house governments.
In formulating recommenda-
tions for the policies concerning
all University women, the Defi-
nition of Authority provides that
Assembly work together with the
Panhellenic Association.
Norton Dies
From Stroke


Students' Rights .Bills
Pass Regional Assembly
Two student rights' resolutions passed the plenary body of the
Michigan Region of the United States National Students Association
The resolutions do not mandate action and thus become simply
policy statements of the regional. The student rights resolution in
the form of a declaration outlined four student responsibilities and
T14 rights, enumerating his "obli-

SGC Discussion Attacks Film


Observers at the Student Government Council-sponsored showing'
of two films, "Communist Encirclement" and "The Price Is Youth,"
last night watched Red Communist arrows encircle the world and
heard that "Communists constitute a clear and present danger to our
freedom and lives" which can be combatted only by a re-awakening'
of nationalism on the part of American citizens.
The two films, describing the theory and practices of communism,
have been shown in Hamtramck public schools at the request of Rep.
Richard A. Guzowski (D-Detroit) as part of an anti-Communist

gations to himself, the school, the
community and humanity."
These obligations include "the
responsibility of every student to
make himself cogizant of the
regulations that govern his uni-
Deleted by the plenary body was-
a phrase in the originally submit-
ted motion stating the student's
obligation to comply with these
Expressing education as a right,
the declaration lists the specific
student rights. to have: clear reg-
ulation definitions, full due pro-
cess in expuslion cases and free
speaker policies. The right to hear
any speaker is "limited only by the


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