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May 14, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-14

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Experiment Works To Unite Class, Qua

AY, MAY 14, 1963


Joint ludic Action
Sticks to the Point

ALTHOUGH the tapping practices of honor-
aries need an intensive investigation, Joint
Judiciary Council wisely did not conduct one in
resolving the Sphinx honorary case last week.
The charges against Sphinx-drinking and
disturbing the peace-were disgustingly peri-
pheral. But for Judic to have investigated and
condemned Sphinx beyond these charges would
have been a strict violation of the innocent-
until-proven-guilty tone of the new Judic con-
PRESIDENT John F. Kennedy's decision° to
send government troops to Alabama on
Sunday was unjustified. It is true some mode
of federal intervention was necessary to quell
the violence that broke out anew in Birming-
ham; unfortunately, the President's decision
to create a military garrison within the state
was an unwise choice.
Technically the action has no legal justifi-
cation since the rioting did not violate any
federal laws. Furthermore, the Administration's
claim that stationing of troops was necessary
to prevent the outbreak of any new violence is
also without sound basis: none of the military
units have been sent to the city of Birming-
ham; they have been quartered in various
federal forts in the state. It is questionable
how effective these troops will be since the
closest unit is 50 miles away.
IF PRESIDENT KENNEDY were going to send
a military garrison, he should have sent it
to Birmingham so it could serve some practical
purpose by policing the city's streets.
As wiser alternatives, the President could
have either chosen to file a federal suit against
Birmingham city officials for possible viola-
tions of civil rights legislation or threatened
to cut off certain federal payments to that
city. These actions would have compelled the
Birmingham. police to crack down on the
rioters, both white and black, and to enforce
the peace strictly.
As things stand, President Kennedy has done
little to lessen the threat of further violence
in Birmingham. To do so he must either move
the troops into the city, or, preferably, take
certain legal steps to pressure the municipal
government into greater vigilance over the

This tone is what shaped the provision ap-
plicable to this case. It states that Judic shall
conduct its inquiry only "as may be necessary
under the circumstances to reveal the rele-
vant facts."
It is unfortunate that the "relevant facts"
in this case could only be those which would
establish or reject the validity of the two
TEMPTING JUDIC was a set of recommenda-
tions by the plaintiff (East Quadrangle's
Greene House). These "strongly urged" the
Council to consider the whole question of
honorary hazing and tapping practices, par-
ticularly the "indecencies" committed.
But these were recommendations and not
charges; hence not discussable. By its own
admission, Greene House was in no position
to make these recommendations into specific
charges; the alleged hazing practices had oc-
curred outside the residence hall.
Joint Judic also had to take into account
the specific differences between this case and
the normal tapping procedures. These arose
from the simple fact that the quaddies had
been looking for a chance to pin specific
violations on the honoraries, and Sphinx had
been cognizant of quaddie intentions on the
night of the tapping.
Sphinx arrived without their traditional keg
in the back of the tapping truck. And the
Greene House charges of intoxication, rather
than being based on specific violations, sprang
simply from the general assumption that the
tappers had been drinking as per tradition.
In this specific case, Judic rightfully found
Sphinx not-guilty.
THE SECOND CHARGE of disturbing the
peace was also bogus in the sense that the
question of who disturbed the peace was very
unclear. In the tapping raid, Greene House
members were guilty of a certain amount of
noise themselves.
Joint Judic under these conditions found
Sphinx guilty but suspended the fine.
Reduced to two peripheral and somewhat
bogus charges, the case left Judic an option
to rule on them or to investigate and rule
on the numerous atrocities which "everybody
knows" honoraries conduct.
Regardless of the fact that the inadequate
charges did not stick, Joint Judic took the
proper and constitutionally mandated move
to stick to the charges.

IN THE Greene and Hinsdale
House pilot project, the literary
college has taken the initiative in
trying to link the student's aca-
demic experiences to his residence
hall experiences.
At the same time, the literary
college executive committee is con-
sidering a residential college sys-
tem for expanding or subdividing
the literary college The number
of residential colleges to be formed
has not yet been determined. The
literary college may begin with
one residential college and then
organize the whole literary college
into such divisions:. The residential
college proposal may incorporate
features of the pilot project.
* * *
EVEN IF the residential college
organization is not instituted, the
pilot project may be so successful
that its features will be extended
to the residence halls on a per-
manent basis.
The literary college supported-
the pilot project after a few in-
terested people in both the lit-
erary college and the men's resi-
dence halls initiated it. The pro-
ject organizers believe that the
present quadrangle system fails to
fulfill the potential of a residence
hall system. Many of the plans
have as their foundation the work
of Prof. Theodore Newcomb of
the psychology and sociology de-
partments, who is also one of the
organizers of the project.
Prof. Newcomb concluded that
the student life in the quadrangles
was at variance with the academic
life of the classroom.
To combat this divorcement, the
project includes a plan of 'de-
divorcement." The method has
students both go to the same
classes together and live in the
same units. By having classes in
common, students will theoreti-
cally carry their classroom ex-

... dedivorcer
periences into the quadrangles.
The staff also includes an altered
staff system to improve chances
for integration of academic and
residence hall life.
s - *
THE PILOT project's first year
began in Greene House with in-
coming freshmen randomly chosen
from the literary college. The stu-
dents had the same academic ad-
viser. If they planned to take any
of the basic freshmen courses, the
adviser put them in reserved sec-
tions with other house members.
The house continually invited
faculty members to eat dinner
with the residents. The project at-
tempted to hold some classes in
the quadrangles, but the facilities
were insufficient. Qualifications
and pay for the staff under the
project differ fromsthe, set stan-.
dards in other houses.
A resident fellow-the quad-
rangle counterpart of a half-time

To The Editor

teaching fellow-replaces the resi-
dent adviser. Understaff become
quarter-time teaching fellows. The
objective in this reorganization is
to get rid of the hierarchical or-
ganization within each house staff,
which would then become more
democratic in operation. This
coming year, the project adds a
group therapist to the staff who
would be readily avaidable to help
any incoming freshmen.
* * *
THE EXPANSION of the pilot
project into Hinsdale House was
necessary if the project was to be
carried out under more workable
conditions. During the first year,
lack of classroom and discussion
space hampered operations within
the house. Hinsdale has facilities,
such as its recreation and study
rooms, which the project can
easily adapt to its purposes.
Also, not enough freshmen were
in Greene to fill complete sections
of classes. By putting the fresh-
men of Hinsdale into the program,
the project ,could form whole
classes of pilot project students.
The pilot project attempts to
achieve an academic atmosphere
superimposed upon the existing
house atmosphere. Having stu-
dents belong to the same classes
and housing units will increase
house competition and unity.
project may cause its academic at-
mosphere to replace the present
house loyalty, especially if classes
are not well coordinated with liv-
ing units. The project's first year
in Greene House has shown that
the freshmen from one house
cannot completely fill sections of
classes. So students from neigh-
boring houses would be used in
the same sections to make con-
tact between the teachers and
their students easier. House divi-
sions would then be purely physi-
Also, in the guise of replacing
an executive staff system with a
democratic one, the pilot project
is forwarding paternalism. Project
developers intend the staffmen to
act as an important influence on
the lives of house members. By
having a closer connection with
students, the staffmen would be
able to spot and refer students
with personal problems to the
group therapist. The staff could
report directly to faculty mem-
bers if a student's personal prob-
lems were affecting his academic
performance. If staff members are
especially Well qualified-as is the
intention of the project directors
-then this form of paternalism
could be beneficial. But other-
THE "SIX" in "My Six Loves,"
Debbie Reynolds' new movie at
the State Theatre, refers to six
urchins she finds camping on the
grounds of her Connecticut coun-
try home. Miss Reynolds plays a
Broadway actress, seeking six
weeks of rest and recuperation;
they, homeless children who have
left a drunken father and mother.
of course, they present certain
problems to her, as they do to her
producer Marty (David Janssen),
a caricature of the fast talking,
cigar-smoking agent. He wants her
back in New York for The Show;
she needs rest and wants to tend
the kids; and the local preacher
(Cliff Robertson) also wants her
to stay, at first for purely human-
itarian reasons-"These kids need
you"-and later others-"Minis-,
ters fall in love and get married
and have children."
What will our blase actress do?

Will she go back to New York?
Will she stay there, marry the
preacher, adopt the kids?
Who cares, anyway? Gower
Champion directed this sacharrine
epic and he should stick to danc-
ing. The camera work was inept,
the acting worse than that and
even the color-usually the saving
grace of such films-was bad.
-Steven Hendel

TGE hoesA ON
Gloria Bowles, Acting Magazine Editor

wise the coffeeshop advice would
be unwanted.
* * *
THE SUCCESS or failure of the
basic features of the pilot project
depend on the availability of qual-
ified staff. And this staff may not
be forthcoming. Although at pres-
ent such staff members exist, they
are working on the project be-
cause of personal concern for the
future of the University and. the
increased pay. Staff under the pi-
lot project receive approximately
twice as much as their counter-
parts under the regular system.
The position of resident fellow will
compete with teaching fellowships
and research assistantships for
qualified graduate students. Since

most graduates would prefer
career-oriented jobs, and since the
residence halls would depend on
the interest of graduates in work-
ing, there may eventually be prob-
lems; the interest of sufficient
numbers of graduate students is
an unreliable factor.
* * *
THE PILOT project residence
hall system faces adverse factors,
such as the lack of qualified staff
or the breakdown of house divi-
sions, which cannot be measured
quantitatively. If the project is
successful, the Office of Student
Affairs should adopt the literary
college's project and adapt it for
the other colleges and schools of
the University.

THE CONSERVATIVE rumblings are becom-
ing louder.
Since October of 1960, when campus liberals
joined to organize Voice political party and
then a series of highly successful campaigns,
conservative and moderate forces have toyed
with the idea of a second party to counter the
effort on the left.
The rumblings and stirrings are coming from
several directions. The most obvious is the
formal organization of a new party, which
labels itself "moderate" in ideology and has
chosen a name usually associated with liberal
The party went to Student Government
Council last Wednesday in a request for rec-
ognition and was temporarily squelched by
"other" conservatives who asked that Action's
purported list be subject to investigation be-
fore final approval. Action members contend
they are being put down upon by a second
more powerful, but at this moment, undeclared,
conservative group.;
The private meetings of the Tom Brown-
Russell Epker-Sherry Miller-Robert Finke
clique are devoted to a discussion of the best
ways to consolidate conservative power on
The Action group is diverse, ranging from
members of Young Americans for Freedom to
disillusioned ex-Voice members.
ANOTHER GROUP on the right side of the
political fence-the Young Republicans-
have been primarily concerned with state-wide
political campaigns. However the YR's new
chairman Doug Brook foresees increased in-
volvement by the YR's in campus politics. Some
Action members assert that Epker's election
to the YR Executive Committee came in ex-
change for a pledge for v the proposed new
party's support of Brook's SGC candidacy in
the fall. The "power group" and Brook deny
the "deal," and Brook denies any aspirations
for a seat on SGC.
At the same time, Daily City Editor Michael
Harrah is personally waging a campaign for
a second party.
Hopefully, conservative leaders will bring
the confused Action group, and the Harrah
forces which are further right, into their

be successful, needs support of the most power-
ful conservative force on campus, the fraternity
Without a party, conservatives have profited
from an anti-Voice sentiment which has voters
criticizing the existence of a single political
party on campus.
The anti-Voice votes are not decisive, how-
ever, liberals who have been pushing for the
formation of a second party should also fear
the eventuality. Conservatives have a broad
base of support on a campus which votes for
Romney and Nixon in mock elections, and
which takes the majority of its student popu-
lation from the middle to upper middle class
social sphere.
CONSIDERING the political orientation of
the campus, Voice has done amazingly well,
electing two to three candidates in every SGC
election. Organization has been the keyword,
with the other side-primarily IFC- depending
on the last minute blitz technique and not
mustering the strength it should relative to its
large constituency.
A consolidation of conservative power on the
campus might very well provide formidable op-
position for the liberals. Student who fence-
sit and currently call themselves independents
would for the most part support a conservative
party. The field of independent candidates,
who lean either left or right but not clearly
one way or the other, might be forced to
declare party affiliation. Council members such
as Tom Smithson, even with Quad support,
could find their political lives in jeopardy. At
the same time, a conservative political party
would probably be able to draft better qualified
and more intelligent conservative candidates,
and aid in informing them on issues. Voice
candidates for SGC have almost without ex-
ception been far more articulate, far better
informed and qualified than their conservative
Also, a conservative political party might
help to bring Student Government Council out
of its apolitical lethargy. A reaction to the
Stockmeyer-Ross bipolarization has set in,
and its members are afraid of a group split
along ideological lines. The result is a Council
with little sense of direction, and members

To the Editor:
MISS SANDRA Zisman's piece
in The Michigan Daily Maga-
zine for Mother's Day was regret-
table, although not so regrettable
as the current exhibit about
which it was written, since Miss
Zisman's pied won't cost anyone
"the $5000 per picture limit." The
show is an unmitigated disaster.
Miss Zisman wrote: "It would be
difficult to point to any one paint-
ing and say, 'this is typically ab-
stract expressionist, this is sur-
realistic;, this is typically purist.'"
She is absolutely correct and the
reason is that Prof. Miesel and
Prof. Barrows selected a show that
is utterly and completely academ-
ic--in the pejorative exercise of
that adjective. One wishes Napol-
eon III were still alive. The show
is academic because no item in it
is exceptional, because all share
a paucity of draughtsmanship
(remember drawing?), because all
rely on pigment for content, be-
cause, in short, they are all typ-
ical of what has been modern
since D-Day. Like it or nog, these
pieces were made for the Ameri-
PROFITS DO WELL in a slug-
gish economy because a major
sector of American industry is able
to fix prices so it can break even
at much less than full capacity
and full employment. But in the
current controversy over the tax
program only Walter Reuther has
had the nerve to attack this prob-
lem of "administered prices." He
told the Joint Economic Commit-
tee that the major companies in
autos and steel price their prod-
ucts to break even "well below 50
per cent" of capacity.
In their eyes a goodly margin
of unemployment is "healthy,"
helps keep labor in line and wages
down. They plan price and output
to do quite well for themselves in
a sluggish economy.
-I. F. Stone's Bi-Weekly

can beachhead and-at a maxi-
mum of $5,000 each-that's a lot
of revenge for the liberation of
S* * *
THIS MORIBUND exhibit is at
least a decade behind "the present
directions of European art" --.
though the exhibited painters and
the exhibiting professors appear
unaware of it. (The first Karel
Appel, privately owned, came to
Ann Arbor 12 or 13 years ago. The
p a i n t i n g was characteristic,
though the cocktails served to
celebrate its arrival were said to
have been good.) Speaking deco-
ratively, and it is impossible to
do else, Appel hasn't changed any-
thing since except tubes of paint:
he couldn't draw then, he can't
draw now.
Both professors agree that it
takes several hours to appreciate
and evaluate any work fully, ac-
cording to Miss Zisman. No one
would argue with so nice a dic-
tum; as a matter of fact, appre-
ciation and evaluation are the vir-
tues of the academic mind, paint-
erly or professorly. Painters pos-
sessed of "potential for much
greater work and far wider repu-
tations" are always in full flight
from the academy, whatever its
ism: the history of painting is a
history of heresies - and there
isn't a heretical piece in this ex-
* * *
EVEN THE editors of Better
Homes & Garden are competent
to select a decorating scheme for
such items, after approximately
three minutes of appreciation and
evaluation. (Pick up main colors
in rug, drapes, and upholstery,
minor colors in decorative accents,
say floor pillows, to scatter about
the room.) The Barrows-Miesel
show is modern, international,
minor, exquisite, and nice. In fact,
very nice. They are nice profes-
sors. The University was nice to
ask them to select this show. They
should be nice and give Miss Zis-
man an A-after all, what she
knows is what she sees. She's nice,
-Kenneth 3. Mika, '63A&D

Series Reaches End
In Truly Great Finale
THIS YEAR'S May Festival was brought to a conclusion Sunday
night with a concert that provided everything one could ask for-
great music, a great orchestra, great soloists and a great conductor,
all combined in magnificent performances.
The Lucien Cailliet "Passacaglio," a richly orchestrated work
based upon a Buxtehude "Passacaglia," opened the concert and was
given a dignified performance. Aside from some unattractive coupling
of unison flutes and clarinets, it is a successful romantic work.
My reservations concerning Eugene Ormandy's interpretations
of Mozart were completely swept aside in the splendid performance
of "Symphony No. 35."
The strings were especially lovely in the gorgeous second move-
ment, but this was just one example of the many beauties in this
well-conceived performance.
* * * *-
THE FIRST PART of the concert closed with an excellent per-
formance of Mozart's delightful "Concerto for Two Pianos." Rudolf
Serkin and his son Peter were the featured soloists.
The elder Serkin played with his usual mastery. Interest naturally
centered on the performance of Peter Serkin, making his Ann Arbor
debut. It is pleasant to report that he is a young musician to be
reckoned with. He has a superior technique and a mature musicality
that certainly belies his youth.
* * * *
AFTER THE INTERMISSION, we were treated to a rare, exalted
musical experience. The "Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4" is a great
work (it is my candidate for the best piano concerto written in the
19th century) and everyone concerned in the performance rose to
its greatness.
Serkin gave us a stunning display of virtuosity that far transcend-
ed technical facility. He played wth absolute command, bringing
forth every aspect of the music in a magnificent way. His tone was
rich and firm. His power in the loud passages was tremendous and
not one strident sound intruded.
Ormandy, always a sympathetic and helpful partner in concertos,
led an inspired orchestra which met Serkin every note of the way.
It was a thrilling performance which, I believe, Beethoven would
have cheered. I did,
-Robert Jobe
The Creation Revived
H AYDN'S MAGNIFICENT oratorio, "The Creation," was the featured
work in the fifth concert of the current May Festival. Thor John-
son led the Choral Union, the Philadelphia Orchestra and three
soloists in the Sunday afternoon performance.
Until rather recently, The Creation was regularly performed as
one of the most popular of oratorios. Its recent neglect-unfortunate
as that is-made this revival all the more pleasant.
As did Mozart in "The Magic Flute," Haydn has given us in this
oratorio a work of charm, which delights us with the beauty of its
melodies and the surface naivete of the musical underlining of text.
Yet, again as in the case of "The Magic Flute," underlying the surface
charm "The Creation" is a work of profound strength and greatness.
.* * * *
THE PERFORMANCE on Sunday was a good one, the star of which
was Haydn's music. Johnson's direction did not bring out many of
the felicities of the work, it was rather pedestrian and heavy-handed,
but he did not distort the music in any way.
The Choral Union sang very well within its innate limitations,
which can be summed up by saying that sheer quantity is never a
substitute for quality.
However, the choral portions of "The Creation" are not so
demanding technically as those in "Messiah" (especially when the
final chorus is omitted as it was in this performance), and the Choral
Union brought off its parts very nicely.
THE ORCHESTRA played well, as should be expected, but it
tended to overbalance or actually drown out the soloists and chorus in
too many places.
Since I have long admired the beautiful voice and artistry of
Adele Addison, the soprano soloist, I prefer to pass by her performance
on this occasion. She was not at her best.
John McCollum sang the tenor solos with his accustomed refine-
ment and taste. His lovely voice was well used most of the tine.
Donald Bell, a newcomer to Ann Arbor concerts, sang his recita-
tives with conviction-he has the best ones-and, when not over-
powered by the orchestra, his arias were fine.
-Robert Jobe


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