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April 28, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-28

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Themes Displa Terseness

Fraternities Spark National Controversy

(Continued from Page 1)

In each expansion he increases
the enrichment of line. Then, in
later works, he tries to condense
the increased enrichment of the
previous expansion. \After many
repetitions of this process the
power and dramatic intensity of
the music has grown to such
heights that only "performing
supermen" can expiress its full
meaning and project its total im-
pact to the listener.
"Beethoven was a man of violent
contrasts in mood. He embraced,
in a positive fashion, the goodness
of sorrow as well as that of joy.
His tendency of exhausting all
possible solutions of a musical
problem to the point where he is
left free for a kind of giddy ex-
plosiveness and optimism is a
characteristic of his . progression
within a composition," Prof. Oliver
Edel of the.music school notes.
How have Beethoven's quartets
affected musical composition?
They began to stimulate a trend
toward the enrichment of each
voice and the creation of a com-
plexity of inter-relationships be-
tween them.
Perhaps their greatest contribu-
tion to musical composition, how-
ever, is the way the major premise
of a movement -or. work seems to
infect everything that comes after
Because this premise is the basis
for all- following material, and
each bit of material is dependent
upon all the other material, the
work gains a great feeling of unity
and -continuity.-

Greeks want to go further and
find their childhood"-a German
exchange student at Michigan
State University.
... Or indifference:
"An alumnus owes loyalty first
to his college, then to his class
ahd lastly to his fraternity-if he
can remember the name of it"-a
Dartmouth College graduate.
Fires Out
If the ancient Greeks invented
democracy, some say their latter
day fraternal namesakes have let
the flame go out. "I do not see
how fraternities can be truly dem-
ocratic. They are selective by na-
ture, by history, by tradition and
by necessity," President J. Earl
Moreland of Randolph-Macon Col-
lege at Ashland, Va., says.
Mrs. Joseph Davis, executive
secretary of alumni of the Muni-
cipal University of Omaha, sums
up succinctly for the contrary
minded: "The Greek system is a
democratic process under the Con-
stitution. Voluntary association is
a right."
This argument is as old as fra-
ternities (Phi Beta Kappa, the
first, was founded in 1776 at Wil-
liam and Mary College at Wil-
liamsburg) and still unsettled. But
while the fraternities still Insist
on their right to pick and choose
their brethren, the AP survey
shows a definite trend to more lib-
eral values in selection.
Bias Clauses
A Duquesne official was rather
surprised recently to see a Chinese
student wearing the jacket of a
predominantly Polish fraternity.
Restrictive fraternity clauses were
outlawed at Rutgers University in
1958. Many houses there are now
integrated. In 1952 the University
of Wisconsin had 13 chapters with
discriminatory clauses. None does
now. At Dartmouth undergradu-
ates at their own initiative voted
to do away with restrictive char-
That's a striking recurrence in
the AP survey: much of the lead-
ership in liberalizing fraternity
membership comes from the stu-
dents themselves.
At Stanford University the local
Sigma Nu chapter quit the nation-
al parent-organization last- fall be-
cause of its discriminatory clauses.
Stanford Chapter President Thom-
as Grey explained "it is becoming
increasingly difficult to find a
good pledge class which is willing,
to accept membership in an orga-
nization which denies admittance
on purely racial grounds."
Protest Pledging
Five University of Virginia stu-
dents chartered a plane to fly to
Yale University to protest the im-
minent pledging of a Negro to the
Delta Psi chapter there. They were
,iven A hearing. But the Negro was
Such independence.. occasionally
' brings a parental rebuke from na-
tional headquarters. A sorority at
Beloit College was suspended by
its national because it pledged a
Negro. A fraternity at Willamette
University at Salem reportedly
wanted to.- pledge a Negro but
didn't, feeling it was foregone the
national would not agree.
Yet as fraternities are opening
their doors more widely, so too

are the nationals. The few that
have discriminatory clauses have
reworded- them ambiguously. Sev-
eral states, including California
and Oregon, have outlawed frater-
nity discrimination at state cam-
No Bias
But what of fraternity selectiv-
ity per se, based not on any ra-
cial or religious basis but just
on whether or not the brothers
like your looks?
On a large Big Ten campus,
where rarely more than 30 per
cent of the undergraduates are
Greeks, the non-Greek can have
four- pleasant, productive years
uncaring whatever Hellenic pleas-
ures may have been denied him.
But on a small campus, with a
high percentage of Greeks, rejec-
tion can wound deeply.
'U' Position
The University's attitude to-
wards fraternities is exemplified
by a recent speech of President
Harlan Hatcher, who termed
them "an important and signi-
ficant part of the life and tra-
dition of the University."
He told Interfraternity Coun-
cil officials at a conference last
February that the system must
continue to move away from
"the impregnable quadrilateral
-booze, women, athletics and
bias-" and concentrate on im-
provements in four areas:
1) Remodeling and expanding
house facilities, with the oppor-
tunity for new construction on
North Campus property set
aside by the University espe-
cially for fraternities;
2) Establishing a better study
atmosphere, with house libraries
and study rooms suggested by
President Hatcher as possibili-
3) Using housemothers and
faculty members to a greater
extent to strengthen the af-
filiates' social and intellectual
4) "Getting out of the bias
controversy-the day and age
for this kind of thing has pass-
Membership in the 43 campus
fraternities has remained con-
stant through recent yeas-
about one third of the under-
graduate male population at the
"The hurt hits too many peo-
ple. It isn't worth it," John Stein-
brunner, a Stanford fraternity
man, says.
"Sure its hard on the guys who
1ose,' . David Beim a classmate
and Rhodes scholar,°nswers, "but
we can't all be winners."
Long Process
Adult life, fraternity supporters
say, is one long process of rejec-
tion and acceptance-in promotion
on the job, joining a country club,
picking one's friends. Why not be-
gin adjusting to the bitter truth
in college?
Because it's wasteful. It distracts
the real purpose of a college-to
educate. And, anti-Greeks argue,
the fraternities by selectivity too
often overlook the more retiring

blossom, the very one their cama-'
raderie could best nurture.
Aware of these imperfections in
varying degrees, a significant
number of colleges, fraternities
and undergraduates have tried re-
forms of the system. On some cam-
puses rushing has been postponed,
to sophomore year so as not to add
to the freshman's burden of aca-
demic adjustment. Bowdoin Col-
lege at Brunswick, on the other
hand,.rushes freshmen before fall
classes begin so students can
buckle down to class without con-
cerning themselves with the-"de-
ceptive courtship" of prolonged
Raise Grade Requirements
University of Maine fraternities
have raised the grade requirement
for pledges twice in the last eight
years. Many other colleges insist
students have a certain scholastic
average before they may pledge.
Fraternities hold their own study
hours for backsliding brothers. Na-
tionals offer prizes and scholar-
ships for excellence. The National
Interfraternity Conference eager-
ly cites studies that show:
1) Fifty per cent of all frater-
nities are above the over-all aver-
age of their campuses. (Ten years
ago only 40 per cent were.)
2) The rate of dropout - an
alarming development in contem-
porary higher education-is more
than twice as high among men at
a non-fraternity campus as among
members of national fraternities.
Better Marks
While the Greeks are getting
better marks on their report cards,
their behaviour, too, appears to
be improving. There is fierce com-
petition today to get into college,
to stay in and to get high enough
marks for graduate school.
At Williams, for instance, where
up to 80 per cent of the seniors
go on to graduate school, the aver-
age of the entire college would
have qualified for the dean's' list
10 years ago. Such academic pres-
sures have had their sobering ef-
fect on the Olympian highjinks of
-Greek row.
"The Mickey Mouse stuff is dy-
ing out," campus editor Jeff
Greenfield of Wisconsin comments
on the decline of fraternity ritual
and hazing. "Help weeks" have
replaced most of the barbarities
of the old initiation "hell weeks."
At Southern Methodist University
fraternity initiates helped catalog
a small town library. At Beloit
they polished firetrucks. Some Uni-
versity of Kentucky pledges
splashed paint on a prominent
part of an equestrian statue on the
courthouse lawn, but others paint-
ed an orphanage instead;
Incidents Persist
Some incidents persist. At Texas
Christian University an electric
"hotshot" used to prod cattle at
stockyards was turned on- pledges
during initiation. The president of
the:, University of Oregon inter
fraternity council quit in protest
of initiation abuses. At the Uni-

versity of Hawaii officials clamped
down after some boys were found
unclothed on campus one night
during initiation and now the se-
verest hazing penalty is to force
pledges to wear jackets and ties to
class, hardly a burden elsewhere
but onerous midst South Seas in-
Indeed things have quieted down
so much at Louisiana State Uni-
versity that a bored chaperon
who ducked out of a dance with
his wife for a quick nip was de-
nied re-entrance by the students.
They smelled liquor on his breath.-
Yet some oases still hold out
the pleasure of forbidden fruit. Al-
pha Tau Omega beckons prospec-
tive brothers in the Stanford fra-
nity handbook with the lure of a
"full and varied social program
highlighted by the winter sewer
party and the spring hog wallow."
And at an Eastern college the cus-
tomary climax of recent house par-
ties has been the 11 p.m. appear-
ance of a chap who ran 'mongst
his brethren and their dates as
naked as Hermes, another Greek.
Intellectual Circles
If it is fashionable in intellec-
tual circles to knock fraternities,
perhaps the most fashionable thing
of all to say against them is that
"They are an extension of the
family," a bearded student at Rut-
gers said. "They tell you how to
dress, what to eat, whom to asso-
ciate with."
"By living with your brothers,"
the fraternity handbook at the
University of Cincinnati says, "you
will learn to express your own
opinion and when to subordinate
yourself to the will of others."
There are those who feel such
control of the individual by the
group is tragically unfortunate,
coming as it does at a time when
the student is as free as he will
ever be to explore and to learn,
to be himself. They could recite

the case of a Greek at the Uni-
versity of Illinois who was forbid-
den by his brothers to date a girl
who not only didn't belong to a
sorority with sufficient status, she
didn't belong to one at all. By
some backstage diplomacy, she
was pledged to an acceptable
isorority, and the romance re-
Best Plaudit
Yet their group-centered way
of life brings the Greeks their
best deserved laurel-campus lead-
"They exert a very important
influence because of the very na-
ture of the people who seek mem-
bership," Dean Glen Nygreen of
Kent State University said. "They
are the most active."
At Ohio State University 20 per
cent of the students are Greeks,
yet of 200 leaders of extracurric-
ular organizations, only five or so
are non-Greeks. This dispropor-
tion is repeated on campus after
They are joiners. "They want
involvement," one educator said.
In some colleges, however, they are
also prodded by fraternity rules
that require members to go out
for campus organizations and
award points for doing so. The
houseywith the most points gets a
This appalls the bearded noncon-
formist, but there are serious edu-
cators who think it may be benefi-
"You might say the fraternity
is the training ground in college
U Opens Parking
For Student Use
The Thompson St. parking lot
is temporarily being used for stu-
dent parking by those students
who have E stickers.



Prof. Stanford C. Ericksen, di-
rector of the Center for Research
on Learning and Teaching, will
discuss - "Possible Applications of
Research and Theory of Human
Learning to the Special Problems
of Teaching in a Medical School"
at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the sev-
enth-level amphitheatre, Medical
Science Bldg.
Japan Lecture.. .
Prof. Ezra F. Vogel of Harvard
University will speak on "Japan's
New Middle Class" at 8 p.m. -to-
morrow in Rackham West Con-
ference Rm.
Dessert Party . .
The Women's, League and the
Recent Graduates Group of the
American Association' of Unive-
sity Women invite all senior wom-
en to:a, dessert party to be held
in their honor at the League
fron ':30-10 nP.M. Tuesday. The
event : will serve to introduce sen-
ior women to the AAUW, a nation-
wide association of college gradu-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
3:00 p.m.-School of Music Concert-
Univ. Symphony Band, William D. Re-
velli, conductor: Hill Aud.
4:15 p.m.-School of Music Degree Re-
cital-David Smalley. baritone: Lane
Hall Aud.
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild-
Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayworth, and Kim
Novak in "Pal Joey"; short, "Trumpit":
Architecture Aud.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Degree Re-
cital-Janice Hupp, violist: Lane Hall
General Notices
On Fri. Evening, May 3, the Grad
School of Bus. Admin.'s annual Awards
Program will be held at 8:00 p.m. In
Aud. A, - Angell Hall. The Business
Leadership Award will be presented to
Lynn A. Townsend, Pres, of Chrysler
Corp. and a 1941 grad of the Bus.
The -Award is provided by the Student
Council of the Bus. School. It is made
annually to an outstanding businessman
who has shown an understanding of
the responsibilities of business to so-
ciety and an interest in business educa-
During -the program, awards to three
outstanding students in the School will
(Continued on Page 3)

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Human Relations Board (9)........5 full year terms
4 hdlf year terms
Cinema Guild (Manager and 4 members). .........full year terms
SBX (Manager and 3 members)..........full year terms
International Coordinator (1) ....... .... .. full year term
Student Relations Board (1).... ............. ..full year term
Committee on Membership (5).............. full year terms
Committee on Student Concerns (5)...............full year terms
Committee on Student Activities (5).................full year terms
Committee on University (5)................. full year terms
Health Insurance Coordinator (1)............. ..full year term
Reading and Discussion Committee (4)........... ..full year terms
Public Discussion Committee (6 nominees) .......... . . full year terms
Elections Director (1)......... .....................full year term
SACUA Educational Policies Committee (2)...........full year terms


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SACUA Campus Planning and Development
Committee (2).........................

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'a r llK7 A A

SACUA Public Relati6ns ommittee5(2) ..... ...... full year terms
SACUA Student Relations Committee (2).............full year terms
SACUA Research Policy Committee (2)........... full year terms

SACUA University Freedom and Responsibility
Committee (2) . ................ .......
SACUA Professionalism in Inter-Collegiate Athletics
Committee (2) ....... ..................


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Change Committee (2)..................

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