[ nxrj iLinir1r,
Soviets Assure
U.S*. ofSupport
For. LaosPeace
MOSCOW (M)-Undersecretary of State W. Averell Harriman de-
clared yesterday that Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev had as-
sured the United States of full support in restoring peace and neutral-
ity to Laos.
Moreover, Harriman said he felt he had "laid at rest" some of the
rumors that might have reached Khrushchev that the United States
was responsible for the new outbreak of fighting in the Southeast Asia
country. Harrimantalked at a
Laos Chiefs
Hold Parley
mier Prince Souvanna Phou
flew to t h i s pro-Commun
Pathet Lao headquarters on
peac.e mission yesterday -and w
handed a new demand thata
peared to broaden the cr
threatening his neutralist gover
Souvanna flew to Khang Kh
on the edge of the tense Pla
des Jarres in another attempt
end a month-long dispute t
tween his own neutralist for
and the Pathet Lao.
He met with his leftist ha
brother, Prince Souphanouvo
the Pathet Lao leader, who
sisted that any future talks mi
include the issues he claimss
dividing Laos' rightist-neutrali
leftist coalition government.
This would embroil the rig
wing faction of Gen. Phoumi N
avan, who like Souphanouvong
a deputy premier.
United States and other We
ern leaders have expressed conc
that the Laotian crisis might er
into a bloody clash betweent
rightists and the Pathet Lao.
Souphanouvong charged a
his meeting with Souvanna t
American planes airlifted-
right-wing troops to the Plainez
Jarres Friday to bolster neutra
forces there under the comma
of" Gen. Kong Le.
Kong Le denied Souphan
vong's charge and Invited me
bers of the International Cont
Commission to go among his tro
and see for themselves.
Macmillan Calls
Aides to Meeting
LONDON VP) - British Pri
Minister Harold Macmillan su
moned his chief lieutenants to
unusual weekend house party
the British countryside yester
and started plotting a course
keep his Conservatives in powe
British poll takers say that
election now or soon would o
Macmillan and bring Harold W
son's Labor Party into power.
news conference in a basement room'
" of the United States Embassy to
correspondents from both sides of
the Iron Curtain, including Rus-
sian correspondents.
'Vigorous, Strong Captain'
When Harriman was asked if
Khrushchev had lent any support
to rumors that the premier was
re- planning to retire, he replied: "I
ma didn't think it was appropriate for
ist me to talk about that. He impress-
a ed me as vigorous and strong as
was a captain of the ship of state."
ap- Harriman sought to give the im-
isis pression that he felt his trip to
rn- Moscow had been worthwhile in
trying to get Russian support for
hay ending the Laos fighting. But he
ile declined to indicate more than a
to limited number of things that had
be- been specifically agreed.
ces "My purpose was to bring home
to the officials of the Soviet gov-
%lf- ernment that the United States
ng, sees the agreements on Laos as im-
in- portant and significant, and to
ust see if we can achieve mutually
are agreeable results."
st- Move Freely About
The specific measures included
ht- agreement that the International
as- Control Commission should be en-
is couraged to move freely about in
the troubled area, and that the
st- United States and Soviet ambas-
ern sadors should work closely togeth-
upt er in Vientiane, the Laotian capi-
the tal.
In Washington, United States
fter officials are reported somewhat
hat encouraged by Khrushchev's new
500 declaration of support for a neu-
des tral and peaceful Laos. But they
list caution that what counts is what
nd 'happens on the scene in the next
few days.
ou- Kennedy's Reaction?
m- The White House made no com-
trol ment on the message or Kennedy's
ops reaction to it.
One big question in the minds
of administration officials is
whether Khrusihchev, in view of
his power struggle with Red China,
still has the authority and influ-
ence to control decisively the Com-
munist side in the Laotian con-
[me flict.
im- The view of authorities here,
an privately expressed, is that it re-
in mains to be demonstrated by Coin-
day munist actions in Laos itself
to whether the Soviet influence can
er. be exerted effectively and, In-
an deed, whether Khrushchev will
ust determinedly carry out the policy
Vil- line which he reaffirmed to Har-
SEGREGATIONIST JUDGES--Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy
(right) backed the appointments of Southern segregationist
judges to the federal bench Friday. He made what he called
"courtesy visits" to Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama (left)
and Gov. Donald S. Russell of South Carolina.
Attorney General Backs
Segregationist Judges
ATLANTA-Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy Friday defended the
administration's appointment of Southern segregationists to the
federal bench.
Kennedy's remarks came as he wound up visits to governors
and federal officials in three states in the Deep South. He made
what.he called "courtesy visits" to Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama
and Gov. Donald S. Russell of Sc
World News
By The Associated Press
Bundy, a top aide to President
John F. Kennedy, said Thursday
he will remain at the White House,
passing up a possible chance to
become president of Yale Univer-
Bundy said he had been asked
informally if he wanted to be one
of the candidates to succeed the
late A. Whitney Griswold as Yale's
president. He said he had de-
clined in order to remain as Ken-
nedy's special assistant on na-
tional security affairs.
Bundy was a dean at Harvard
University before taking his pres-
ent post.
' * . .
SAN JOSE, Calif.-United Na-
tions troops will be gone from The
Congo by the end of 1963, but it
would be foolhardy for technical
experts to withdraw at present,
says the chief of UN civilian op-
erations in The Cor go, Godfrey K.
J. Amachree.
"It is time we allowed the Con-
golese to manage their own af-
fairs," he told a news conference.
But later he said, "Until The Con-
go gets its own highly-trained ex-
perts it would be foolhardy to
withdraw technical help."
S. *
MOSCOW - Cuban Premier
Fidel Castro headed for a tri-
umphant reception in Moscow yes-
terday already covered with Soviet
tributes dished out in a circus-
like atmosphere. Soviet propagan-
da seized the occasion to launch
new attacks on the United States1
and President John F. Kennedy's
Alliance for Progress.
* * *
ROME-The left-leaning gov-
ernment of this NATO nation was
put to the test of a crucial par-
liamentary election yesterday. In
the hands of the country's 34 mil-
lion voters was the choice of 630
deputies and 315 senators for the
Italian republic's fourth parlia-
States has deferred an answer to
India on a $512 million loan for
the construction of a controversial
government-owned steel mill-a
prime part of the Indians' third
5-year development plan.
OT' AWA-United States Am-
bassador Christian Herter yester-
day wound up two days of talks
with officials of Canada's new
government and flew. back to
Washington to report to President
John F. Kennedy. As expected,
there was no official announce-
ment on the talks in which Herter
sought to line up Canada's sup-
port for United States efforts to-
ward freer world trade.
outh Carolina Thursday, the New
'York Times reported. Both in the
meetings with the governors and
in his public appearances, the at-
torney general underscored his
hope that Southerners would re-
solve racial problems locally and
thus make federal intervention un-
Militia Needed
However, sources close to Ken-
nedy said he had come away from
his conference with Wallace con-
vinced that federal troops would
be necessary to enforce, any court
desegregation orders in Alabama.
The public records of some men
named to federal judgeships by
President John F. Kennedy, and
some of their decisions after tak-
ing office, have brought growing
criticism from civil rights advo-
At a news conference in the Old
Post Office Building here, the-at-
torney general was asked why
persons known to have strong seg-
regationist views had been placed
in these positions.
Good Judges
"I'm very proud of the judges
that have been appointed," he re-
plied. "We looked into all of them
for questions of integrity and
whether they would uphold the
law of the land."r
Kennedy acknowledged that
some of the jurists had ruled
against the justice department in
civil rights cases.
"They didn't decide for the gov-
ernment on every matter and I
wouldn't expect that they would,"
he said.
The attorney general also con-
tended that criticism of the Fed-
eral Bureau of Investigation in
civil rights circles was groundless.
Some Negroes have accused FBI
agents of stalling in investigating
alleged violations of their rights.
Educator Asks_
Fewer 'Frills'
NEW YORK - Dr. Calvin E.
Gross, New York City's new super-
intendent of schools, called Friday
night for a return to "intellectual
development" in the schools.
He asked that first place in the
curriculum be assigned to English
and reading and that such "frill"
courses as driver training be
dropped, the New York Times re-
Speaking before the New York
Society for the Experimental Study
of Education, Gross asked that far
more stress be placed on the
teaching of children "at the two
extremes of the ability continuum"
-the very bright and the very
Although he did not specifically
connect his remarks with his plans
for the city's schools, Gross is ex-
pected to put much of his pro-
gram into effect here.
(Continued from Page 2)
be made on behalf of Phi Chi Theta,
Delta Sigma Pi, and Alpha Kappa Psi.
The public is invited.
June 8, 1963
To be held at 5:30 p.m. either in the
Stadium or Yost Field House, depend-
ing on the weather. Exercises will con-
clude about 7:30 p.m.
All grads as of June 1963 are eligible
to participate.
For Yost Field House: Two to. each
prospective grad, to be distributed from
Mon., May 27, to 12:00 noon on Sat.,
June 8, at Diploma Dept., 555 Admin.
Bldg. Office will be closed Thurs., May
30 and Sat., June 1.
For Stadium: No tickets necessary.
Children not admitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, N. Univ. Ave., Ann
Arbor, or at Tice's Men Shop, 1107 S.
Univ. Ave., Ann Arbor.
Assembly for Grads: At 4:30 p.m. in
area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct grads to proper stations. If siren
indicates (at intervals from 4:00 to 4:15
p.m.) that exercises are to be held in
Yost Field House; grads should go di-
rectly there and be seated by Marshals.
S Stadium: Enter by Main St. gates
only. All should be seated by 5:00 p.m.,
when procession enters field.
Yost Field House: Owing to lack of
space only those holding tickets can
be admitted. Enter on State St., oppo-
site McKinley Ave.
Grad Announcements, Invitations,
etc.: Inquire at Office of Student Af-
Commencement Programs: To be dis-
tributed at Stadium or Yost Field House.
Distribution of Diplomas: If the exer-
cises are held in the Stadium, diplo-
mas for all grads except the School of
Dentistry, the Medical School, Flint
Collegeand Dearborn Campus, will be
distributed from designated stations
under the east stand of the Stadium,
immediately after the exercises. The
diploma distribution stations are on the
level above the tunnel entrance.
If the exercises are held in the Yost
Field House, all diplomas except those,
of the School of Dentistry, the Medical
School, Flint College and Dearborn
Campus, will be distributed from the
windows of the Cashier's Office and the
Registrar's Office in the lobby of the
Admin. Bldg., following the ceremony.
Diplomas may be called for until 9:00
p.m. on this day.
Doctoral degree candidates who quali-
fy for the PhD degree or a similar de-
gree from the Grad School and WHO
CISES will be given a hood by the
Univ. Hoods given during the ceremony
are all Doctor of Philosophy hoods.
Those receiving a doctor's degree other
than the PhD may exchange the PhD
hood for the appropriate one at the
Grad School booth under the E. Stand,
immediately after the 4eremony, or at
the office of the Secretary, 2564 Admin.
Bldg., on Mon., June 10, and thereafter.
Events Monday
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-Bureau of In-
dustrial Relations Personnel Techniques
Seminar No. 87-Dr. Dallas Jones, As-
sociate Prof. of Industrial Relations,
Grad School of Bus. Admin., "Evaluat-
Ing and Improving Disciplinary Policies
and Practices": Room 3D, Mich. Union.
8:30 a.m.-First Annual Community
Planning Workshop-Registration: 2nd
Floor Corridor, Mich. Union.
4:00 p.m.-Dept. of Engrg. Mechanics
Seminar-Prof. Ernst Becker, Univ. of
Damstadt, "Laminar Boundary Layr at
an Undulating Wall": Room 311, W.
Congr. Disc. E & R Stud. Guild, Sem-
inar: "History of Christian Thought,"
Rev. J. E. Edwards, 7:30-8:30 p.m.; Eve-
ning Relaxer, 8:30 p.m.; April 28, 802
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club,
Supper, 6 p., Election of Officers,
6:45 p.m., April 28, 1511 Washenaw.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society, "Toledo
War" and "Cox and Box," April 28, 8
p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Ad-
mission charge.
Sociedad Hispanica, Tertuia: coffee,
conversation, music, April 29, 3-5 p.m.,
3050 FB.
U. of M. International Dancers, Dance
Meeting, April 30, 8 p.m., 1429 Hill.
* * *
Wesleyan Guild, Seminar, 10:15 a.m.,
Pine Room; Student Cabinet, 5:30 p.m.,
Pine Room; Worship & Program, 7 p.m.,
Wesley Lounge; April 28.
Lutheran Student Assoc., April 28, 7
p.m., Hill & Forest. Speaker: Juliet An-
derson, "My Day in Tanganyika."
procedures of the exam for acceptance
into the Foreign Service Career Reserve
Officer Corps. Please make appts; in
person or call Ext. 3544. Qualification
requirements: 21-31 yrs. old (age 20 if
college grad or jr. yr. completed);
citizen for at least 9 yrs. (if married
spouse must be citizen); must meet
rigid physical exam; must be willing
to serve anywhere in the world. Seek-
ing majoftsin Bus. Ad., PubI. Ad., Econ.,
Poll. Sci., Hist., Lang. & Area Studies,
Geog., Intern'l. Affairs. Applications for
written exam must be on file no later
than July 22. Exam given Sept. 7.
U.S. Dept. of State, 'Foreign Service -
W. Broderick will speak to all- stu-
dents who are interested in a Foreign
Service Career. Underclassmen are wel-
come. No individual interviews will be
8:30 p.m.--School of Music Degree Re- held by the State Dept. Meeting to be For further information, please come
cital-Lorrie Pierce, pianist: Lane Hall held at 4:00 p.m. on Tues., April 30 in to Summer Placement.
Aud.-Open to the public. Aud. A in Angell Hall. Qualification
requirements are the same as those for POSITION OPENINGS:
The Faculty Seminar on Conflict Res- the USIA. Applications are not present- Lahti of Ann Arbor, Mich.-Manager,
olution will meet in the Kalamazoo ly available at the Bureau of Appoint- Service Dept. Prefer EE degree. At
Room of the League at 12:30 on April ments but we do have literature which least college bkgd. with emphasis in
29. Speakers will be Prof. Robert Hef- gives detailed descriptions of the work electronics field. Some exper. desired.
ner and Sheldon Levy. They will dis- of the State Dept. Foreign Service. An- Will service amplifiers, hi-fi installa-
cuss their recent efforts on the topic: nouncement of the receipt of the appli- tions & FM tuner alignment. Knowl-
"Multidimensional Scaling of Interna- cations will be made in the D.O.B. edge of circuits required.
tional Attitudes." There will be no eve- FMC Corporation, Hoopeston, Ill. -
ning meeting of the Faculty Seminar SUMMER PLACEMENT: Openings for Sales Trainees in the ma-
on Arms Control and Disarmament. 212 SAB- chinery field. Will spend approx. 2 yrs.
Manpower, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.- in sales trng. prog. before own sales ter-
The Regular Spring Meeting of the Placement, part-time & temporary for ritory. Desire applicants In upper half
Univ. Senate will be held on Mon., at all kinds of engineers at any class , of graduating class, have a better than
4:15 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall. level. Must have marketable skill: draft- average mech. aptitude & have either a
ting and design, mech. or electrical BS or BA.
Department of Economics: The next tech., secretarial skills, machine opera- YWCA, N.Y., N.Y. - Job openings
meeting of the Univ. of Mich. Econom- tion, etc. Call them: NO 5-3757. throughout the U.S. in the following
ics Society will be held on Mon. at 8 supervisors of Upper Merion Town- arear: Exec. Dirs.; Young Adult Prog.
p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the ship, Montgomery County of Prussia, Pa. Dirs., Health, Phys. Educ. & Recreation
Undergrad. Lib. Speaker will be Prof. -Positions open for 3 male forestry Dirs.; Teenage Prog. Dirs.; & Multiple
George J. Stigler of the Univ. of Chi- students. Surveying the trees on public Age Group Prog. Dirs.
cago. His subject will be "Public Regu- right of way'& municipal grounds., , ILG Electric Ventilating Co., Chicago,
lations: The New Laissez-Faire?" Camp Oakland, Oxford, Mich. - Coed ' III.-Sales Engnr.-Degree required (not
camp will interview for men counselors f necessarily Engrg., but some tech. bkgd.
Math 809 - Approximation Theory: & arts & crafts director (M or F). helpful). Exper. not required. Willing-
Prof. J. L. Ullman will speak on "Gen- Counselors can earn up to 12 hrs. of ness to travel (less than 25 per cent of
eralized Section Theory; the Problem credit of Mich. State Univ. Will inter- the time). Auto necessary.
of Real Zeroes." Meeting is in 340- W. view Wed., May 1. Time, Inc., Chicago, Ill.-The Chicago
Engrg., Mon., at 2:00 p.m. Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, Detroit, Subscription Service Div. of Time, Inc.
Mich.-Interviews will be held at 128-H offers employment opportunities to men
W. Engrg. on May 2. Architectural & as Administrative Trainees & to women
Engrg. Firm. Will consider for summer in a Supervisory Training Prog. Women
ANNOUNCEMENTS: only those avail, in Feb. '64. I ill receive trng, in the summer months;
Camp Arbutis, Mich.-Will interview in the fall will be assigned to supervise
Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass. Tues., April 30. Positions open for 1st a group of people processing & entering
announces its 16th summer course in & 2nd cooks, 3 or 4 kitchen girls & a magazine subscriptions. Will have re-
Publishing Procedures from June 19 secretary. . sponsibility for the direction, counsel-
through July 30. It is open to both Mueller Brass, Port Huron, Mich. - ing, trng., etc. of a sect. of from 8-15
men & women. Enrollment is limited Summer positions for engineers in people. Must have interest in business
to 50. The lecture staff consists of fields dealing with the metal industry. organization. Courses in Stat., Econ.,
leading book & .magazine publishers. Interviews will be held on Mon., April Acc't., etc. particularly appropriate, but
Must be recent grad unless at present 29 in 128-H W. Engrg. Bldg. not required. Men will receive bkgd.
employed in some branch of publishing. Camp Chick-A-Mi, Mich.-Mrs. Garm- training prior to specific assignments
Must have reasonable ability to express hausen will interview in the Summer, in such areas as Methods Engrg., Com-
himself in writing & show critical placement Office on Mon., April 29. puter Programming, Cost Acc't., & Cir-
judgment. Typing ability essential. positions open for male in golf and all culation Stat. Will lead to broader
Must apply by May 15. types of women counselors who are 19 managerial oppor.
U.S. Information Agency-Horace H. and older. * * *
Holmes & Alan Carter, (U-M grad) wilibe Roy C. Ingersoll Research Center, Ili- For further information, please cell
here from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. on April nois-Mechanical engineer doing grad General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
30. Representatives will interview inter- work wanted by this firm. Salary open. SAB, Ext. 3544.
ested applicants & acquaint them with____.
U of M
Invites you to celebrate with us the
in the Michigan League Ballroom
Speakers: PROF. WILLIAM HABER, Chairman, Dept. of Economics
DR. JAMES M. DAVIS, Director, International Center
Moderator: DR. HERMAN JACOBS, Director,
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
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