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September 22, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-22

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Assembly To Hear Ke

WASHINGTON (Ap) - President
John F. Kennedy will address the
United Nations General Assem-
bly in New York on Monday, the
White House announcpd yester-
The President is expected to
emphasize a need for preserving
and strengthening the interna-
tional agency as a peace-keeping'
force. Grave fears for the future
of the organization have arisen as'
a result of the death of its ad-
ministrative chief, Secretary-Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold.
Draft Resolution
Meanwhile at the United Na-
tions, a group of middle-of-the-
road countries has begun drafting
a resolution to have the General
Assembly designate a temporary
head of the UN Secretariat to
serve till a new secretary-general
can be chosen to replace the late
Dag Hammarskjold.
No specific candidate has been
agreed upon yet by the group.
They said the United States
was trying to get this changed so
that the proposed temporary head
of the UN would be invited instead
"to take up the duties of the sec-
Soviet Russia, a bitter critic of
Hammarskjold, is insisting that
he be replaced by a Troika, or
three-member secretariat.
French's Junior Dept.

Informants at the UN said U
Thant of Burma seemed most
likely to get thenterim job, since
two other leading possibilities-
Mongi slim of Tunisia and Fred-
erick H. Boland of Ireland -- were
reluctant to take it over. But they
added that U Thant himself, Bur-j
ma's UN ambassador, as yet had
no authorization from his govern-
ment to accept the post.

The i
fill qui
crash n
curity C
er veto

World News R
By The Associated Pre
tossed the question of Katanga's secession
Leopoldville central government.
"Katanga's secession is purely the inte
lese," said Tunisian diplomat Mahmoud'
civilian operations who negotiated the prov;
tanga President Moise Tshombe,
* * * *
HAIFA, Israel-Israeli Arabs in Nazan
the government for the second day Thursd
lice and shouted "we want (Premier) Ben-
' . ** * *
TOKYO-The amount of radioactivity
sharply increased Thursday. Weather exp
Typhoon Nancy had blown in air contam
test blasts.
WASHINGTON-Kennedy administrat:
United States officials are taking another 1
to participate in Ghana's $168 million Volta
Negotiations are said to be still under
ernment, but there are strong indications of
President John F. Kennedy recentlyi
American economic aid will go to countries
obstruct United States policies.

nnedy Calls Truce
ckyth acu I NTemporary
dea behind the move is to
ickly the vacuum in UN
hip that was created when Gen. Muke Charges
rskjold died in a plane
ear Ndola, Northern Rho- UN With Violations
r the charter, the secre- ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga (P)
neral is appointed by the -- Battle-weary soldiers mostly
on Assembly on recoi- obeyed a provisional United Na-
ouncil, where the big pow- tions-Katangan cease-fire agree-
applcie retesi.pw ment yesterday but the lull in the
applies, shooting may be brief.
Gen. Masako N. Muke, newly
appointed Katanga military chief,
oundusaid the truce is "only temporary,"
and accused the UN command of
bad faith.
Declaring "I am a strongman,"
ss Muke said the UN is planning to
United Nations last night rush troop reinforcements to Elis-
back into the lap of the abethville. He charged the UN
violated pledges to Katanga of-
arnal affair of the Congo- ficials.
Khiari, the chief of UN "The United Nations wanted to
isional cease-fire with Ka- kill our men, not disarm them,"
Muke asserted.
Conor O'Brien, UN chief in Ka-
eth demonstrated against tanga, denied Muke's charges. He
ay. They clashed with po- said UN planes had flown in food
Gurion's head!" and supplies but no troops. Ad-
ditional troop arrivals would vio-
over Japan was reported late the cease-fire agreement, he
iers epresedbelef hatsaid. He added that snipers, ap-
erts expressed belief that parently Katangans and European
inated by Soviet rnuclear mercenaries, had broken the cease-
f ire three times.
O'Brien said short bursts of
ion sources said yesterday gunfire occured near the postoffice
ook at the earlier decision building, near the Swedish camp
a River hydroelectric prof- and near the giant refugee com-
pound where war-painted Baluba
way with the Ghana gov- tribesmen have been clamoring for
f a slowdown. the blood of whites and other tri-
indicated that priority in bal enemies.
which are not seeking to The UN operation, launched
Sept. 13 at the request of the Cen-
tral Congo government in Leo-
poldville, was for the announced
purpose of restoring Congo unity.
The UN said it had information
N that hundreds of white "mercen-
WRITERS aries" who had evaded expulsion.
under UN Security Council orders,
were undermining cooperation
in * * * with the Leopoldville government.
The eight-day campaign cost
the UN 13 soldiers killed, 63
wounded and at least 158 cap-
I'tured at Jadotville~

New Magnet
Great Asset
To Scienitists
PITTSBURGH M)-Creation of
a revolutionary supermagnet was
announced yesterday by Westing-
house scientists.
Weighing only one pound, and
only the size of a doughnut, it
creates, a magnetic field twice as
strong as that of a conventional
electromagnet 'weighing 20 tons
and as big as an automobile.
The supermagnet promises to
revolutionize almost every aspect
of man's use of electricity, Dr. J.
K. Hulm, associate director of the
Westinghouse research laborator-
ies, said.
He foresees uses in generating
and distributing electricity, in
building new atom-smashing ma-
chines, magnetic containers try-
ing to draw peaceful power from
the H-bomb reaction, and light-
\veight power plants for interplan-
etary space ships.
The secret of the supermagnet
is a new superconducting wire.
This is a wire or coil which loses
all electrical resistance at a tem-
perature of 450 degrees below
zero Fahrenheit. The electrical
current creates a magnetic field.
Peru Leader,
Kennedy Take
Firm Stand
. 1
WASHINGTON OP) - President
Manuel Prado of Peru and Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy said yester-
day they agree a firm policy is
needed to confront Communism
in the Western Hemisphere and
in the world.
This declaration was made in a
joint communique .summarizing
discussions between the two presi-
dents at meetings in the White
House Wednesday and Thursday.
The communique said the talks
covered a range of topics includ-
ing economic and social, develop-
ment of Latin America, United
States cooperation in the realiza-
tion of this objective and "the
formulation by each country of a
national development plan to es-
tablish its own goals, priorities and
reforms" ' to facilitate develop-
The communique said also the
two presidents "agreed that only
by instituting reforms in such
fields as land tenure, tax struc-
ture and the utilization of nation-
al income can the objective of, in-
tegrated social and economic de-
velopment be achieved."

Culture Swap May Collapse

WASHINGTON (A) - A major
chunk of the United States-Soviet
cultural exchange program col-
lapsed yesterday with cancella-
tion of scheduled Russian and
American exhibits.
Indefinitely postponed amid an
exchange of allegations were a
Russian medical exhibit slated to
open in Oklahoma City next Sat-
urday and an American transpor-
tation exhibit planned for open-
ing in Moscow the same day.
The United States accused the
Soviets of imposing exhorbitant
expenses and breach of contract.
The Soviet alleged interference by
the State Department forced them
to call off the Oklahoma City
show. They barred the American
Moscow exhibit in retaliation.
$oth sides professed hope thatl
the medical and transport shows
Foreign Aid
In Deadlock
and House conferees broke off
talks on President John F. Ken-
nedy's Foreign Aid Appropriation
bill yesterday after their second
fruitless attempt to reach a com-
Rep. Otto Passman (D-La),
chairman of the House conferees,
ended an afternoon session which
lasted nearly 21/2 hours by calling
for an indefinite recess in the
While efforts likely will be made
to arrange another conference to-
day, both Passman and Sen. Carl
Hayden (D-Ariz), chairman of
the Senate group, said no meeting
has been set.
Clerical Error,
Causes Gidney
To Quit Post
WASHINGTON (-) - Comp-
troller of the Currency Ray M.
Gidney said yesterday he accepts
the administration's explanation
that a "clerical error" lay be-
hind a big mixup which led Wed-
nesday to his forced resignation.
The White House Wednesday
sent to the Senate the nomination
of James J. Saxon, a Chicago
lawyer, to replace Gidney.
The nomination was withdrawn
within two hours when it became
apparent that Gidney had not re-
signed. Another hour passed be-
fore the White House finally ended
the confused drama by announc-
ing that Gidney's resignation.

would go on to other cities which
had been on their itineraries. But
there is no firm agreement on
The program is supposed to
promote good will between the
two cold war antagonists through
exchanges of exhibits, students,
scientists, artists and others.
American officials, who feel the
Communists have been placing
one impediment after another on
the exhibits, decided they would
have to call a halt to the Russian


If religious beliefs and opinions are
found contrary to the standards of
science, they are mere superstitions.
Unquestionably, there must be agree-
ment between true religion and
-Baha'i Writings
Baha'i student meetings every Friday
at 8 P.M. at 4:18 Lawrence. Call 663-
2904 for transportation or informa-

Wilmette, Il1.

show until they could get me
equitable treatment for the Un
ed States exhibit.
But for the time being, taxpE
ers on the both sides are losi
money ,although no figures we
given on the Russian exhibi
cost. The American transportati
exhibit is not g'oing to be a co:
plete waste because it still can
shown in other cities overse;
American officials said. Congr
appropriated $1.7 million for I
exhibits program.

Introduction to ihe
TONIGHT at 8:00
Followed by
8:30 P.M.






Rhodesians Plan
UN Crash Inquest
NDOLA, Northern Rhodesia OP)
- Rhodesian authoritibs will hold
a public inquest into the deaths
of Dag Hammarskjold and 14
others who died with him in Mon-
day's air crash, officials announc-
ed last night.
The official investigation into
the cause of the crash is not com-
plete but informed sources said
any suggestion of sabotage or at-
tack has been ruled out.


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