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September 22, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-22

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Seventy-First Year
Truth Wilt Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan baily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Hammarskjold's Death
May Stall Red China
Associated Press News Analyst
A NEW FACTOR has been added to the already strong chance that
a United Nations debate on Red China will not produce her ad-
mission to membership.
The enhanced feeling among delegates since the death of Dag
Hammarskjold is that no more disturbing elements can be admitted to
the hall at this time.
The though of replacing Nationalist China, a charter member
and a permanent member of the Security Council, by adding andther

SGC Vacancies:

Crucial Opportunity
STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL'S pas- versity - the ones who see relationships
sage last night of a powerfully worded between event and conviction; between world
resolution on the Office of Student Affairs and university.
study committee may signal a year of ar- Valuable Council members must be highly
ticulate and effective Council debate on vital articulate and productive. Problems only reach
issues, Or it might indicate that a few well- SGC meetings when someone takes time for
informed and determined individuals will con- research and to write motions. And the prob-
tinue to pass important motions over the lems only reach solution because someone
heads of amenable Council members who takes the time to think about answers, and
really don't know what's going on. talk about means and ends at meetings. The
The deciding factor will be the selection ghosts of the Council table, voting on the
two students to fill the vacant Council final issue but never participating in the in-
of tellectual process of problem-solving, contri-
seats of Mary Wheeler and Philip Power. bute only to the Council's stagnation.
SGC can easily become a farce if qualified
persons do not apply for the posts. Needless BUT EVEN if outstanding individuals apply
to say, "qualified" means much more than for the positions, SOC is stymied if the
. fulfilling the eligibility regulations stated at nominating committee does not recommend
the top of the petition form. petitioners to the Council on the basis of valid
criteria. The interviewing group can easily
FIST, Council members need to be extremely subvert the Council if it makes choices on the
well-informed before they take office. Sit- basis of "political balance," other organiza-
ting at the long, stately table once a week is tional affiliations or .personal interest.
not going to fill magically an information void Undoubtedly persons will petition for SGC
of several years' standing. The contributing who have in no way demonstrated an interest
members of SGC are those who have a grasp in- improving the University or the society
of how the University works, an understanding which surrounds it. It is the obligation of
of what its basic problems are, and a clear the Interviewing and Nominating Committee
idea of what SGC can do to help solve them. to weed them out.
They are also the ones with the most in- -PAT GOLDEN
formation about the world beyond the Uni- Associate City Editor
r1Committee of One

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GOP Con-Con:. GOP Michigan

HAVE YET to see anything written by a
committee that is worth the paper it's
written on" is Assistant Dean of Men John
Hale's reason for writing the first draft of the
revision of the Michigan House Plan himself.
He has rejected the proposal made by Inter-
Quadrangle Council President Thomas Moch
that' a. student-faculty-administration com-
mittee handle the project of reevaluating this
plan that has served as a basic philosophy
of the residence halls since 1942. Aside from
the example of the King James Bible (trans-
lated by a committee), there are basic flaws
in Hale's reasoning which lead him to believe
that he will produce a document which others
can later criticize and revise.
First, Hale's reasons for rewriting the plan
are so different from those of Moch and others,
including many Resident Advisors, that any
first draft he could produce would be mean-
ingless; there is nothing in common between
his views and the views of others that could
provide a starting point.
FOR EXAMPLE, Moch hopes to stall the re-
vision 'until after the coming quadrangle
conference. He wishes to include in a rewritten

House Plan many of the new ideas that have
arisen in the years since the House Plan was
initiated. He wants a total re-evaluation of
the residence hall. system. Where is it going
and why? What is its function in the Uni-
versity? These are the questions that Moch
wants considered.
On the other hand, all Hale wants is a
rewording. (For instance, faculty members are
no longer resident advisors, as they were under
the original House Plan, and so these words
must be properly removed.) Hale, in effect,
wants an administrative revision that would
reduce the House Plan from the level of an
overall philosophy providing both ends and
means to a description of the present un-
satisfactory system with much of the philos-
ophy removed.
In short, the committee Moch proposes would
be concerned with issues transcending a mere
re-wording. It would carefully evaluate every
area of residence hall life and attempt to
produce a document which would deal with
both the basic weaknesses and strength of
the system.

Uncommitted, Unethical

appointment. It'disappointed the Western
bloc. It also disappointed the peace forces. Its
tepid attitude toward Soviet resumption of
testing antagonized the West and disillusioned
those who had looked to Belgrade for firm
leadership against war. Men earn respect by
being willing to pay a price for the things in,
which they believe. The resumption of test-
ing by the Soviet Union was a major challenge.
If the neutrals had declared the skies the com-
mon property of mankind and denounced any
power for polluting them', if they had broken
relations and refused any further aid from
Russia as long as it was testing and declared
they would treat the United States the same
way if we resumed, their action would have
had impact. If the underdeveloped nations
had said they were ready to slow up their
development by refusing aid from nations
which test rather than acquiese weakly in a
move so dangerous to the future of the planet,
they would have met the crisis on the high
plane it called for.
T UNDERSTAND why they acted as they
did, one must start by noting that these
nations are neither unaligned nor neutral in
a full sense. The Swiss and the Swedes are un-
aligned and neutral. They not only do not
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
SUSAN FARRELL...............Personnel Director
FAITH ~WEINSTEIN.............. Magazine Editor
MICHAEL BURNS................... Sports Editor
PAT GOLDEN......... ... Associate City Editor
RICHARD OSTLING.....Associate Editorial Director
DAVID ANDREWS..........Associatc4 Sports Editor
CLIFF MARKS ............. Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
CHALES JUDGE. Bush i nessMange

belong to either bloc-they do not need to ask
either bloc for favors. But the nations gath-
ered at Belgrade are aligned on a narrow tight-
rope between the two blocs, recipients of
favors from both, suitors for alms in both
Washington and Moscow., Their future and
their precarious independence, the independ-
ence which enables them to coquette with both
and give in to neither, depends on the main-
tenance of tension between the two great
powers. They can hardly act as peacemakers
when they are the beneficiaries of the cold
war. If Moscow and Washington ever came to
terms and settled down to a really peaceful co-
existence, neither would be ready to pour out
millions for the favor of the so-called non-
aligned. It is true that the non-aligned would
suffer with the rest of us from a new world
war and that they resent the millions spilled
out and wasted in the arms race; nonetheless,
their bargaining power depends on the main-
tenance of suspicion, rivalry and tension be-
tween Moscow and Washington. This does not
make for moral force on their part.
SECONDLY, the non-aligned are no better
morally than the aligned. There was hard-
ly one head of a non-aligned state present in
Belgrade who was not obsessed with some
quarrel of his own qualitatively no different
than the Berlin problem. If the non-aligned
had set up an international agency and de-
clared themselves ready to submit all their own
petty bones of contention-Kashmir, West
Irian, the Arab-Israel quarrel-to arbitration,
they would have set an example for Moscow
and Washington in the Berlin dispute. But
these small powers are as obdurate as the big
ones when it comes to the issues on which
they feel their national interests are at stake.
Indeed in some ways the smaller powers are
perhaps even more nationalistic than the
large. Their sense of nationhood is newer and
less secure, won by sacrifices whose memory
is still fresh. I did not hear a single speaker
at Belgrade speak of the impossible situation
created when issues as complex as Berlin (or

Daily Staff Writer
THE DEMOCRATS are claiming
that "the Republicans didn't
win this (con-con) election; we
lost it," but somehow that just
doesn't ring true.
For the first time in 13 years,
the Grand Old Party saw a real
threat to it's existense, and so
for the first time in 13 years the
GOP did something about win-
First, the Republicans were
genuinely terrified. All they could
see coming from the con-con was
some fantastic plan that would
strip them of what strength they
had left.
The Democrats had threatened
to reapportion the state Legisla-
ture and even do away with the
state Senate. For the first time,
the grass-roots Republicans sens-
ed a real danger. And thus they
turned out to vote.
ed away at one theme-that the
Democrats were trying to take
away outstate representation in
Lansing. This really reached the
rank-and-file out on the hustings
and Democrats and Republicans
alike backed the Republicans who
pledged themselves to "fight ap-
portionment and any income tax."
So on Sept. 12, the Republicans
held the line and turned out more
voters than they had expected.
Consequently, a vote of landslide
proportions gave them a sweep
of 99 of the 144 seats, or better
than two-thirds of the total. This
was, by the Republican State Cen-
tral Committee's own admission,
way beyond their wildest dreams.
What happened to the Demo-
crats? Well, they simply didn't
turn out, especially in Wayne
County, where the GOP took seven
seats presently held by Demo-
crats in the Legislature.
* * *
VOTER APATHY was a factor,
but more than that there was
voter ignorance. Many voters
didn't even understand what con-
con was, and thus they couldn't
get very excited about it.
And whereas Republicans had
the grim spectre of reapportion-
ment and the income tax to wave
at the voters, the Democrats didn't
really have anything too exciting.
To those that understood the
ramifications of the election, the
Democrats presented little. Where-.
relation to the earth, which is
and will remain our home. Major
Titov confessed to some home-
sickness, though he was away
from earth only 25 hours and
never more than 160 miles dis-
tant. We cannot, even if we would,
shed the genes and environmental
heritage of a million years. We
cannot exchange our life on this
green planet for an airless, dan-
gerous and expensive environment.
If a thousand men reach the
moon and the nearer planets in
+ha ,.rninlarof hs n tnurn

as the Republicans put up many
able and proven candidates (Mich-
igan State University President
John A. Hannah, American Motors
President George Romney, Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political
science department, former Uni-
versity Regent Roscoe I. Boni-
steel), the Democrats put up no
one of any note or promise.
Furthermore, Democrats had
usually taken a very wishy-washy
position on con-con all along,
whereas the GOP had been more
consistent in their support.
IN AN ANGRY, unguarded mo-
ment Michigan CIO Piesident
August Scholle said that the Re-
publicans won because they are
the "idle rich. The workers had
to go out and work all day for
a living. So only the Republicans
had time to vote."
However, one cannot accept
this explanation. State law pro-
vides that an employer must give
an employee time off to vote, and
besides we recall that there were
a lot of General Motors workers
with more time on their hands
than even the "idle rich."
No, the Republicans presented
a program, even though it was
one of holding the line. The Demo-
crats played their cards close to
the chest, as it were, and this time
it didn't work.
Also, the GM strike was costly.
Studies have shown that workers
are not too interested in voting
when they are concerned for their
own jobs. Witness the Democrat
vote in Detroit. It dropped off
LOCAL ISSUES were costly to
the Democrats, too. Many local
governments seized the unexpected
opportunity of a special election,
coupled with the prospect of a
small turnout, to put some costly
proposals up for a vote. (For
example, in Washtenaw County,
a county-wide park system, with
its prospect of new taxes was de-
feated.) As one Democrat put it:
"Property owners turned out
specifically to vote against the
money issues and'while they were
at it they pulled the Republican
A bit of unguarded misfortune
also befell the Democrats, for the
election 'fell on the Jewish New
Year, Rosh Hashana, and the Jews
in Wayne County are traditionally
a solid Democratic block. This
large vote was observing the holi-
days and couldn't go to the polls.
The Democrats were over-con-
fident. They had suffered no ser-
ious reversals since 1946, and there
was no straw in the wind to
indicate that this election would
be any different. So they didn't
do too much work - even where
it counted. But the Republicans
The GOP spent $76,000 and
activated special con-concom-
mittees in every one of the 83
counties. This was compared to
the $24,000 they had spent on
Paul Bagwell's gubernatorial cam-
paign last year. Democrats admit
they didn't do as much.
* * *

the accepted fact that Michigan
as a state has been slipping down-
hill since the Democrats got in.
But Williams was a good poli-
tician. He persuaded the voters he
was doing his best, and perhaps he
was. Besides the GOP never really
gave him any good opposition.
When he stepped down, he left
Gov. John B. Swainson as his
hand-picked successor. Swainson
showed a lot of promise, but he
is not another Williams. He hasn't
the magnetism and force that Wil-
liams had, and consequently he
lost his grip on the rank-and-file.
He barely defeated Bagwell and
has been impotent in his dealings
with the Legislature.
Some Republicans are proclaim-.
ing that "it's the beginning of the
end :for Michigan Democrats."
Perhaps; it's hard to say. A lot
will depend on what comes of the
con-con itself.
that the state Senate will be
abolished or even altered. The
predominant GOP is satisfied with
the bicameral set-up, like that in
48 other states. (Nebraska has a
unicameral legislature.) They may
well scrap the none-too-popular
fractional representation theory
in the House and run the repre-
sentatives strictly on population.
Speculation could undoubtedly
come up with a number of little
thing's the convention would
change (making the auditor gen-
eral official appointed by the Le-
gislature, a four-year, off-year
term for the governor, a slate of
candidates for the statehouse, all
coupled together, new restrictions
on the Justice of the Peace
Courts), but the GOP has been in
the past reluctant to change much.
And they have shown no signs of
changing its attitude.
HOWEVER, they will not ignore
the problems that must be faced,
primarily the financial situation.
Some new tax set-up will emerge.
It could be just a rehash of what
we've had before, or it could be
something extreme, such as legal-
ized (and thus taxed) gambling as
acknowledged by Speaker of the
House Don R. Pears (R-Buchan-
Whatever it is, it will be ade-
quate and it will probably be
earmarked for specific purposes.
Republicans have long favored
earmarking of funds and they have
maintained through the cash
crisis that if education funds were
earmarked, no school would be
And in a way, this is good. No
educational institution should ever
have to go with its hat in its hand,
begging for cash, playing politics,
as has been the norm in Michigan.
Republicans are the first to say
this, even in the Legislature. But
they refuse to spend money they
haven't got. The con- con should
pave the way for them to get it.
If the people are expecting any-
thing drastic, they're in for a
surprise, for the GOP won't
change much.
Such action, while it might not
be terribly farsighted, has in the
past been successful, and Repub-

voice to the coterie which seeks
to hamstring the entire organiza-
tion, is just too mch.
There has been much talk -
more among outside observers
than among the delegations-of
recognizing two Chinas. But it has
never gotten very far, One reason
Is that ii; would be futile as long
as Peiping insists that her repre-
sentatives will not sit with the
The United States already had
decided that the chances of de-
feating renewed efforts in Red
China's behalf were excellent.
The decision to agree to an
open debate - after years of
standing on a technical parlia-
mentary aproach which kept the
subject off the agenda - assauged
a considerable amount of resent-
ment among delegations which
felt no one should tell them what
they should talk about. When that
issue was removed it took with it
much of the heat.
ThesBelgrade conference, too,
demonstrated that while there is
a pro-revolutionary leaning among
the unaligned countries, there is
no desire to take concrete action
which might result in throwing
additional power into one side or
the other of the cold war balance.
The United States counts heavily
on this attitude to restrain pre-
cipitate action in the UN.
The United States is also ready
to urge strongly upon the smaller
nations that no precedent should
be set with regard to Nationalist
China which might one day work
to the detriment of some of them.
The fact that Red China re-
mains on the UN blacklist as an
aggressor-is in fact still at war
with the United Nations as an
entity, and still publicly advocates
the use of force to spread Con-
munism - also will be stressed.
The United States hopes that
the debate will not be too long
or too bitter. No concerted attack
on the Sino-Soviet bloc as such
is now desired.
The policy of the United States
is to keep her hands strictly off
the differences which from' time
to time seem to develop between
Soviet Russia and Red China. The
theory is that anything the United
States does to try to widen the
rift - anything the world does
- can only result in driving them
back together.
PRESIDENT Modibo Keita of
Mali urged Kennedy to work
for peace, but told him not to be
overly concerned about the opin-
ion of the neutrals. Said he:
"There aren't ten people in mY
country who know where Berlin
-Time Magazine
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
The following student sponsored social
events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are remind-
ed that requests for approval forso-
cial events are due in the office of
Student Affairs not later that 12 noon
on the Tuesday prior to the event.
SEPT. 22-
Anderson House, Alpha Kappa Alpha,
Inter co-operative Council.

Acacia Fraternity, Alpha Sigma Phi,
Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Chi,
Delta Theta Phi, Law Fraternity, Phi
Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Sig-
ma Kappa, Psi Omega, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Del-
ta Chi, Theta Xi, Trigon Fraternity.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
An organizational meeting will be held
Mon., Sept. 25, at 12 noon, in 3020 An-
gell Hall.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at its Meeting of
September 20, 1961
Approved: Minutes of previous meet-
Accepted: Resignation of Mary Wheel-
Adopted: Brian Glick and Sally Jo
Sawyer, elected and ex-officio members
of Student Government Council re-
spectively, be appointed to serve on
the Interviewing Board for the two
Council vacancies. The President of
Student Government Council shall
convene the Interviewing Board after
petitions have been received. The In-
terviewing Board shall proceed immedi-
ately with its work and report to the
Council at its next business meeting.
Adopted: The Executive Committee
shall recommend to the Council per-
sons to serve on the Committee on
f+.,A.,* Activitie, the Committee on

to the
Orientdtion .. .
To the Editor:
ALOW ME to compliment you
on your excellent editorial con-
cerning the lack of emphasis on
the academic side of college life
in the fall orientation. I am a
transfer student from a very
highly rated small college. How-
ever, when I had to change
schools, I was very happy to come
to the University because of its
reputation as possibly the best
state university in the country
and one of the best universities,
public or private.
Orientation, unfortunately, com-
pletely destroyed this notion and
for the last couple of weeks, I
have been very discouraged with
the school.
* * *
BUT the important thing, as
you stated, is making the enter-
ing freshmen understand that they
came to the University above all
to study. Every speech I heard
during orientation emphasized
participation in extra-curricular
"Participate in the extra-cur-
ricular activities, and, if you bud-
get your time, you will be able
to get your studying in." This was
said to our house by a high-
ranking officer from the I.Q.C.
HAVING HAD a year of college,
I am academically oriented and I
know the studies are by far the
one most important thing in the
life of a college student. But it
took a while to convince me of
that, even at a school with much
less of a social program than
The entering freshmen must
start out with the proper attitude
toward his studies. If not, he can
hurt himself tremendously. It
should be the purpose of orienta-
tion to get the freshman in a
"studying frame of mind." This
year's orientation, as you said
in your editorial, failed to do this.
-Arthur Bernstein, '64
Atrocity .
To the Editor:
(Did the Soviets Kill Ham-,
marskjold?"-Michael Harrah),
which by mere chance escaped the
title of "Harrah's Hurrah," is per,
haps the most atrocious piece of
writing I have had the distinct
displeasure to read. Overloaded
with charged words, and slanted
beyond reason, it is an article
worthy of a member of the Birch
Society, of which I assume Harrah
to be a charter member.
He operates on the blatant as-
sumption that since Hammar-
skjold was "on our side," any evil
that befell him must have been
caused by that unique group of
people, "they" (dirty, murdering
Realizing that everyone has a
right to his own opinion, it seeis
to me that The Daily might im-
proveitself considerably by mak-
ing that editorial The Last Har-
-Robert Me Nish, Grad.
To the Editor:
residence system has done it
again. For the third consecutive
year, the Yom Kippur breaking
fast meal has consisted of a pork
product, the alternative was a
bar-b-qued meat dish. The idea
of breaking the fast with a pork
dish is most unfavorable to any

Jew regardless of whether or not
he keeps kosher. And a highly
seasoned bar-b-que sauce does
wonders for an empty stomach!
We ought to know - we speak
from experience.
We wish that the residence hall
dieticians would note the day of
Yom Kippur on their calendars
so that a more appropriate (not
fancy) breaking fast meal could
be served. We are only asking for
one meal a year, and we do not
feel that this request would pre-
sent too difficult a problem since
the dieticians manage to comply
with other religious dietary laws.
-18 Residents of Little House,
second floor
of the soviet Union have d&-




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