T _RS_, A 316-TH -IIIG N DAL
. US. Increases
West Germany Insists
On Alliance
About Atomic Weapons
Chamber Endorses
Tra de Aid Proposal
WASHINGTON (P)-The United States Chamber of Commerce
yesterday killed and then revived a resolution giving limited support
to President John F. Kennedy's proposals for federal aid to companies
and workers damaged by rising imports under the pending trade
expansion program.
The 1,000 voting delegates at the Chamber's 50th annual meeting
staged a two-hour -floor battle on a scale seldom seen in the orderly
procedures of the country's biggest business organization.
By the time it ended the losers--those who opposed any im-
plication that the Chamber supports federal aid to business firms-
were still complaining that the
Seeks Post
Of Governor
E. Faubus decided yesterday to
run after all for an unprecendent-
ed fifth term against six Demo-
cratic opponents-one of them the
man who gave hime his state
political start.
This time Faubus will face the.
biggest Democratic gubernatorial
field since 1948. And among the
rivals is a hard campaigner, for-
mer Gov. Sid McMath who gave
Faubus his first state political
McMath joined the battle Tues-
day night in a 30-minute televised
denunciation of the present state
administration. He and Faubus
split during the 1957 Little Rock
public school integration crisis.
McMath criticized Faubus for call-
ing out national guardsmen to
block integration at Central High
resolution had been "railroaded"
through and that the will of the
majority had been thwarted.
They based this charge on the
argument that half the delegates
had left the hall by the time the
reconsideration vote was taken.
As endorsed, the resolution ac-
cepts the prospect that congress
may approve the "trade adjust-
ment assistance" proposals of the
Kennedy administration, but puts
the Chamber on record against:
1. Any cash subsidy to a com-
pany damaged by reduced tariffs
on the kind of goods it makes. The
legislation provides no cash pay-
ments to firms, but would offer
loans, technical help.
2. Direct federal adjustment al-
lowances to laid-off workers. The
resolution specifies that any such
payments should be limited to un-
employment compensation, should
be administered and financed by
the states, and should. not exceed
in amount or duration the benefits
already provided by state unem-
ployment compensation laws.
This is substantially the position
taken by Chamber witnesses before
the House Ways and Means Com-
New Request
U.S. Opinion
Strauss Cites Report
Of Three Nations
On Nuclear Policy
ATHENS (A') - West Germany
insisted on the eve of cold war
strategy sessions last night that
the Atlantic Alliance make a de-
cision on whether NATO is going
to acquire a nuclear striking force.
Arriving for the annual spring
meeting of defense and foreign
ministers, West German Defense
Chief Franz Josef Strauss said
the session "will be called upon
to approve or reject a series of
proposals on the creation of a
NATO nuclear force drafted by a
NATO subcommittee."
The airport statement by Strauss
was in contradiction to the view
here-notably that of the United
States-that multilateral control
of nuclear weapons, or an in-
dependent NATO nuclear force,
would not be discussed here
Secret Report
Strauss in his statement re-
ferred to a secret report, prepared
by the United States, Britain and
West Germany, covering such
items as granting nuclear stock-
piles and a greater voice in nu-
clear policy to NATO's non-
nuclear powers.
The report does not specifically
lay down the ground rules for
multilateral control of nuclear
weapons. But Strauss seemingly
linked this to the discussions here
by referring to a NATO nuclear
Before Strauss arrived, United
States sources said the question
of a NATO strike force would not
come up, although other nuclear
problems would be discussed.
Technical Data
In Washington, officials said
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
planned to offer the NATO allies
largely technical information on
United States nuclear weapons
capabilities. The idea, the officials
said, is to assure the allies that the
United States had enough nuclear
power either to deter the Soviet
Union from attacking or to strike
back effectively if an attack is
Latest Blast
In Megaton
Yield Range
Atmospheric Device
Third in New Series
States atomic experts stepped up
the size of their nuclear test shots
in the Pacific yesterday, exploding
one in the million-ton range.
It was the third nuclear device
fired in the atmosphere since the
current test series started one week
ago today in the vicinity of Christ-
mas Island..
Like the first two it was dropped
from an airplane.
It produced a much bigger blast,
Low Yield
The joint announcement by the
Defense Department and the
Atomic Energy Commission said
it was "in the low megaton yield
In the terms of reference used
by atomic weaponeers this means
it had the explosive equivalent of
anywhere from one to several mil-
lion tons of TNT.
By contrast, the atomic bomb
dropped on Hiroshima in World
War II was rated at 20,000 tons
of TNT.
The first two test shots in Oper-
ation Dominic now under way in
the Pacific were in the 100,000-
500,000 ton range.
Measure Flash
They were set off around 6 a.m.,
Christmas Island time, giving
nuclear scientists an opportunity
to measure their flash rays against
the light of the rising sun.
The first explosion took place
on April 25, a few days after
President John F. Kennedy or-
dered a resumption of atmospheric
tests after a lapse of nearly four
Test number two came two days
No Details
Beyond giving the time, place,
yield and method of drop the offi-
cial announcement did not divulge
any details.
The United States has an-
nounced it will not set off any
super blasts in the Pacific series
for propaganda purposes, but will
confine its experiments to practi-
cal military needs.
United States security requires a
complete test ban under a strong
international inspection system to
prevent sneak tests or secret pre-
parations for tests.
The final decision may hinge at
least partly on a study of results
obtained during the current tests.
Impair Position
Some State Department and
White House officials familiar with
the developing dispute are becom-
ing worried that it may impair the
United States bargaining position
in the 17-nation disarmament con-
ference at Geneva. As a result, a
reassertion of President John F.
Kennedy's basic policy on nuclear
testing is being considered.
Join in Ban?
As a policy matter, some admin-
istration officials were reportedly
talking of the possibility that the
United States could afford to join
in a ban or moratorium on atmos-
pheric testing when the present
series is over. In discussions within
the administration, some interest
in this possibility is reported to
have been shown by the Presi-
dent's science advisor, Dr. Jerome
B. Wiesner, who was understood to
have raised objection to the cur-
rent tests before they started.
Set Runoffs
In Two States
By The Associated Press
Runoff elections later this
month were set up by a scramble
of seven candidates in Alabama
and 12 in Oklahoma for Demo-
cratic nominations for governor
Both states regularly elect
Democrats over Republicans.
Ahead in Alabama was George C.
Wallace, a former circuit judge
who campaigned on a promise to
defy any Federal school integra-
tion order. A runoff on May 22
was set up in Oklahoma between
former Gov. Raymond Gary and
W. P. Bill Atkinson, a millionaire
home builder.
Secret .army
Kills Moslems
ALGIERS (M)-The outlaw Eu-
ropean Secret Army yesterday
perpetrated its worst Algerian
bloodbath since before the March
19 cease-fire, killing a reported 62
Moslems in a dockside booby-trap
bomb blast here and shooting six
dead in Oran.
Two hours before midnight, un-
official sources reported that 96
persons had been killed and 140
wounded in the day's terrorist at-
tacks in the Algiers area alone as
European extremists desperately
sought to provoke civil war.
Controversy Rages
Over Nuclear Tests
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON ()-A controversy is reported blowing up within
the Kennedy Administration over what steps the United States should
take about trying to halt nuclear weapons testing when the current
series of Pacific tests is completed.
Some officials are advocating that the United States enter a new
moratorium on atmospheric tests, which would mean a reversal of
present policy. Others insist that
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
NASHVILLE-Gov. Buford Ellington yesterday called a special
session- of the Tennessee legislature for May 29, to correct the
legislative apportionment which touched off the recent United
States Supreme Court decision on representation.
* * . *
NORFOLK-The. nuclear submarine Thomas A. Edison and the
destroyer Wadleigh collided in the Atlantic Ocean during anti-
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At this moment, thousands oft
U.S. engineers are working to
put an astronaut on the moon. S
In this week's Saturday Evening
Post, you'll learn when the launching
will take place. Why some experts
are dead set against it. And why our
scientists are confident we can get
there before the Russians.
ALSO: Read "Backstage With Andy
Williams" and watch his TV Special
on NBC, Friday night-
2'he Saturday Evening
submarine warfare exercises April
reported Tuesday that no one was"-
injured in the collision, the first
involving a nuclear-powered vessel.
WASHINGTON - Soviet cos-
monaut Gherman S. Titov pre-
dicted yesterday that someday
American and Russian spacemen
will fly together to the moon and
farther reaches of the cosmos.
He will talk today to President
John F. Kennedy and to American
astronaut John Glenn.
* * *
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy has boosted his budget
for the next fiscal year with a
request to Congress for an extra
$1,050,495 for expenses of Con.
gress itself.
a . * *
WASHINGTON - Congress was
asked yesterday to make perma-
nent the government's present
temporary authority to prohibit
shipment of strategic materials to
Communist and other unfriendly
9. Atlantic Fleet headquarters
It's what's up front that counts CIS