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May 03, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-03

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r g j~jiga faix
Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Disgusting Quad Experience
Calls for University Action

PERHAPS the most disgusting experience on
campus these days is a meal in the men's
residence halls.
A recent lunch saw one student scrape the
residue of his main course into his neighbor's
milk glass, while a second student drank his
soup directly from the bowl. What he didn't
finish of it got poured alternately on the table
and the floor.
It is nothing unusual to see dishes with food
overturned on the tables, or milk soaked
napkins flying through the air, or students
spitting food and beverage at one another, or
eating with their hands.
T HE LANGUAGE is far from obscene-it
is down-right pornographic; salt shakers
fly through space with the greatest of ease,
diners carry on their conversations audibly-
between tables several yards apart.
Students precariously balancing trays make
their way down the close aisle between tables
while their seated cohorts make every effort
to jostle, trip, poke, or otherwise upset them.
Dishes are broken, trays carelessly tossed
about, and any woman who ventures in can
hardly anticipate what type of reception she
will encounter.
THE STATE OF UNDRESS of the diners is
appalling. Shirts are often unbuttoned half-
way to the wearer's navel; pants, tighter than
the skin on a peach, are usually dirty. They
often don't wear socks.
EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE in the complex
world of politics, there comes along an
honest politician, a man who will think out
his stand on an issue and then stick with it
and fight for it, no matter how unpopular his
opinion might become, because he believes he
is doing what is best for his government.
And regardless of whether or not one agrees
with such a man, one cannot help but admire
his courage, when he must turn against his
party, his friends and his constituents to make
peace with himself.
It is not easy to go out 'on a limb for some-
thing you believe, especially, when there is
tremendous pressure to stay within the fold.
Such a situation has existed in the State
Senate this year, and two men, Senators Stan-
ley Thayer of Ann Arbor and Frank Beadle
of St. Clair, found they had to oppose many
of their Republican colleagues, to back an
income tax package which they felt would
help better the State of Michigan.
B TH MEN found their actions quite un-
popular, and they were both the object of
numerous attacks. But they did not waiver,
because they believed in a principle.
The people of Michigan need not agree with
these men, but they should be proud to know
that there are politicians in their state gov-
ernment who put a principle ahead of political
As long as they serve, regardless of what
tax is passed, Michigan will not be lost.

This is the usual, run-of-the-mill state
of the situation, except on those rare evenings
in some halls when students are required to
dress in a coat and tie. This they do reluc-
tantly, complaining and lobbying hard to get
this last bastion of respectability eliminated
In a college community there should be no
excuse for anyone to eat in an atmosphere
that would disgrace a pigsty. Surely these
same students who wallow in each other's food
in the quadrangles would have a knock-down,
drag-out fight on their hands if they attempted
their antics at home.
incredible lack of breeding-a quality which,
if they have not overcome it by the time they
get to Ann Arbor, the University should wring
out of them.
In spite of the laissez-faire, "let-us-go-to-
hell-our-own-way" attitude to which many
members of the student body subscribe, the
University must realize that it has a respon-
sibility to the rest of the world, upon which it
will soon thrust these social boors, to turn out
something that might be half-way respectable.
And this responsibility the University must
pursue even if it means the strictest type of
discipline on record.
THERE IS NO REASON on earth why these
swine of the meal line should be allowed
to create an atmosphere that does discredit
to themselves and the University. They do
not own the University; nor is the University
honored by their presence.,
The Roman Catholic Bishops of the United
States have issued a call to "stop the en-
croachment of barbarism by deed and af-
firmation . .
The bishops describe as moral apathy the
fact that American young people care not
about the little decencies that make society
bearable. It is moral deterioration.
PERHAPS there is no logical reason for
Americans to continue to live up to the
standards of decency. True, they could exist
like a society of animals, refusing to resist any
desire or whim that overtook them. But such
a society wouldn't be a very pleasant place to
As an institution of higher learning, the
University cannot permit this. Its educational
responsibilities extend beyond the classroom,
As a society we have come a long way in
becoming civilized and refined. This was not
a happenstance. It occurred only because
people constantly battled the elements in so-
ciety that wanted to mongrelize the human
race. It only happened because someone insisted
on decency and morality.
THE UNIVERSITY must insist on this too.
Above the presidium that frames Angell
Hall is an excerpt from the Constitution of
the State of Michigan, which, reads in part:
"Religion, morality and education being
necessary .. ."
Morality-the University is committed to it.
Perhaps it had better start enforcing it.
The dining rooms would be a good place
to start.
-Acting City Editor

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Majority Rule Doesn't Prevail

.festival To Open:
Varied Format Set
T HOSE RESPONSIBLE for the May Festival programs are to be
applauded on their choice of works for the 69th Festival. A wide
variety of composers, forms, formats and styles is presented by the
Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted half the time by Eugene Ormandy,
and a fine roster of soloists.
"Who's guilty," used at the bridge table, is a jocular expression
meaning roughly, who dealt this mess? Here it is no joke. Some
very good cards are distributed into six "hands" in a manner which
comes perilously close to obscuring their excellence with imbalance.
"Six 'theme' programs distinguish this year's series .. " says the
Festival flyer-perhaps the pun of the year. To think that a musical
program needs an explicit "theme" to make it palatable!
The chosen "themes" are all restrictive in nature and result in
each concert's comprising a narrower range of music than a random
arrangement might have provided. Fortunately the music is generally
of sufficient stature to survive an evening's over presentation; still,
the idea is not felicitous.
* * *
TONIGHT'S PROGRAM presents contrasting works by Beethoven,
theme for the day. The "Overture to Coriolanus" is probably the
hardest work to begin with. Portraying the agony and indecision of
Coriolanus with shifts between irregularly accented chords and a
luscious singing string theme, Beethoven demands tremendous pre-
cision from the orchestra and a delicate balance of nervous tension
and lyricism from the conductor.
To my ears only the late Wilhelm Furtwangler has properly
projected this work, on discs, at any rate.
In a calmer mood, and well suited to the Philadelphia strings, is
the Pastoral Symphony, showpiece for the long phrase and the
gradual decrescendo. After intermission Byron Janis returns to May
Festival, moving up from the Rachmaninoff third, which he performed
in 1956, to the Beethoven third.
The "C Minor Concerto" is the most outwardly dramatic of the
five. Between the almost classic first two and the subtle fourth and
grandiose fifth, it is Beethoven in transition-in growth and power.
* * * *
THE FRIDAY CONCERT consists of compositions of two con-
temporary English composers of quite different character. William
Walton's music is by turns brittle and lush, often laced with clever
humor. Ralph Vaughn Williams writes in a quieter, more subtle vein.
None of the three works on the program is well known; only the
first, "Partita for Orchestra" by Walton, has even been recorded: This
work is followed by excerpts from Troilus and Cressida, an opera by
the same composer. Phyllis Curtin and Richard Lewis are the soloists.
After intermission appears the cantata "Dona Nobis Pacem" by
Vaughan Williams for soprano, baritone, chorus and orchestra. The
soloists will be Phyllis Curtin and Donald Gramm. The entire concert
will be conducted by Thor-Johnson.
THE GENERAL LEVEL of Saturday afternoon May Festival
concerts has been raised considerably since the elimination of the
agglomerated children's chorus, which,. on one afternoon I shall not
soon forget, reduced the proceedings to recitations from "Alice in
Wonderland." Despite the improvement, this concert is almost a
children's concert, with light music by a set -of French composers:
Gretry, Lalo, Milhaud, Francaix and Ravel, all of the second rank.
Center of interest of this program should be the "Flower Clock
for Oboe and Orchestra" by Jean Francaix. Most recent composition
of the afternoon and by the youngest composer represented, there is
at least hope that it will rise above the level of the remainder. The
concert will end with a loud enough bang in the form of Ravel's
"La Valse" to clear the air for the evening program. These proceedings
have been V . .tin the hands of, the associate conductor, William Smith.
* * * *i
FROM THE CHILDREN'S CONCERT we move for Saturday night
to old war horse corner. Curiously none of the thrice familiar numbers
on the program has been played here recently, so this is a fine
time to hear all the old favorites that nobody has played for so lon
because they are always over-played. A fine opportunity.
As a matter of fact the opening work, Stravinsky's "Fireworks,"
has never appeared in this series. Prokofieff's "Classical Symphony,"
second on the program has been absent for 10 years. The closing
work, Tschaikowsky's "Pathetique," has, mirabile dictu, not graced
our ears in 18 years. Just before intermission, Jerome Hines will sing
excerpts from "Boris Godonov," a familiar enough role for him; but
this time he will sing it in Russian, a new twist, in preparation for
his forthcoming appearance at Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre.
Sunday afternoon Thor Johnson resumes the helm to present
Dvorak's unfamiliar "Requiem Mass." Composed between the popular
"G Major" and "New World" symphonies, it was completed in 1891.
I refrain from comment on this work, as I have never heard it. The
"theme" for this concert is Dvorak.
EUGENE ORMANDY will direct the final performances of the
season on Sunday night. Three works by Richard Strauss constitute
the program. Within that restriction, the programmers have achieved
about as much variety as possible. "Don Juan," in performance nearly
as often as the fabled Don himself, is the opener.
Next Gyorgy Sandor, new chairman of the University's music
department, will perform the "Burlesque for Piano and Orchestra,"
a great show-piece for piano and tympani. Mr. Sandor is perhaps

best known for his Bartok recordings and performanaces, including
a May Festival performance of the "Second Concerto" in 1958. But
his superb recordings of Brahms show that his artistry is not one-sided
and lead to high expectations for, this 'performance.
The evening and the festival conclude with the slightly bombastic
"Ein Heldenleben," with Anshel Brusilow taking the solo violin part.
In prospect this looks like a particularly good set of concerts.
See you there!
-J. Philip Beukard
Comments on Taxation


Daily Staff Writer
first in a three-part series on


)N FEBRUARY 7, the minority
members of the Legislative Or-
ganization Committee, consisting
of seven Democrats, filed their
proposal on state apportionment
with the Constitutional Conven-
tion, having decided that the
majority proposal was not a sig-
nificant enough reappraisal of
Michigan's representative system.
(In 1952 an amendment to the
constitution was passed that froze
the present Senate districts into
the Constitution. This, in effect,
made it impossible to reapportion
the Senate districts which had not
been changed since 1925.)
Included with the minority re-
port were reasons in support of its
proposal. "We dissent (from the
majority proposal) on the grounds
that they are wrong in principle
and in practice. The minority ac-
curately perceived the growing
need for a new apportionment
formula for the legislature.
* * *
not prevail. A majority of the
members of the legislature repre-
sent a minority of the people of
the state. As a result, some votes
have been arbitrarily magnified
while others have been -arbitrarily
Second, since 1950, 10 legisla-
tive bodies have been elected in
Michigan (five Senates and five
Houses of Representatives). On the
basis of the popular vote the con-
trol should have been split, with
each party holding the majority
for one-half of the time. In fact,
all 10 legislatures were Republi-
can. Thus, the legislature is, at
once, biased against Democratic
voters and unresponsive to public
Further, a minority of rural
Republican legislators have had
the power to block any legislation
while no other minority can ac-
complish this feat. The over-all
results of the present system is to
cause a failure of both effective
state government and popular sov-

SBX Needs Expansion

The apportionment problem is
especially acute in the Senate. In
the past four elections the popu-
lar vote for Republican Senators
ranged from 46.7 per cent ,to 50.2
per cent. Yet, in every case, the
Republicans had control by nearly
two to one majorities.
* *
torial districts 'frozen' into the
constitution due to the 1952
amendment, the deviation from
equality of representation has gone
from 6.5 to 1, after the 1952
amendment, to a present 12 to 1
deviation and a possible 28 to 1
variance by 1975 if no change is
By freezing the Senatorial dis-
tricts, the Senate has not re-
sponded to changes in the voting
pattern. Only one district in the
state has 'swung' from one party
to the other in state-wide elections
during the past ten years, although
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Fulbright Awards for university lec-
turing and advanced research have
been announced for 1963-64 in Europe,
the Near East, Far East, Africa and
South Asia. Those applying must be
U.S. citizens; for lecturing, must have
a minimum of one year of college teac-
ing experience; for research, a doctoral
degree or recognized professional stand-
ing; in certain cases, a knowledge of the
language of the host country. For appli-
cation forms and additional informa-
tion write to: Conference Board of As-
sociated Research Councils, Committee
on International Exchange of Persons,
2101 Consttution Ave., Washington 25,
D.C. Deadline for filing an application
for these countries is Aug. 1, 1962. In-
formation is also available locally at
the Fellowship Office, 110 Graduate
Dr. Harry Doukas, Program Director
for National Science Foundation Grad-
uate Fellowships will be available from
11 a.m. to 12 noon on Wed., May 9.
in 118 Rackham Bldg., to meet any
1961-62 or 1962-63 N.S.F. Fellows who
have problems they wish to discuss.
Advance appointments are not neces-
The Henry Russel Lecture will be de-
livered by Herbert C. Youtie, Research
Prof. of Papyrology, Thurs., May 3, at
4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphithea-
ter. His lecture topic is "Papyrologist:
Artificer of Fact."
Public Lecture: "Unity and Variety
In Medieval Political Philosophy," will
be discussed by Muhsin Mahdi, Asst.
Prof. of Arabic, University of Chicago,
on Fri., May 4 at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. C.
Astronomy Department V I si t o r s'
Night. Fri., May 4, 8:30 p.m., 2003 An-
gell Hall. Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin will
speak on "The Surface of Mars." After
the lecture the Student Observatory,
fifth floor, Angell Hall, will be open
for inspection and for telescopic ob-
servations of a double star and cluster.
Children welcomed, but must be ac-

the party distribution has changed
Under the minority proposal for
the senate the state would first be
divided into four zones. One dis-
trict would be allocated to each
zone, and then 15 additional dis-
tricts would be distributed among
the four zones on the basis of their
respective populations.
* ,*
would be divided into the number
of districts it has been assigned
with the population of the re-
spective zones divided as nearly
equally as possible among the dis-
tricts assigned to each.
Each of the 19 single member
districts would select one person
from each of the major parties to
represent that district in the Sen-
ate for the next two years. In other
words, each political party may
nominate only one person as can-
didate for senator from each dis-
trict, and the voter may vote for
only one of thesecandidates. The
two candidates receiving the high-
est number of votes will be elected.
Provision is made for the elec-
tion of a third party candidate
receiving at least 25 per cent of
the total votes cast for senator in
any one district. In the body of
the Senate each senator will have
a vote equal to the number of votes
cast for him in the election. This
holds true only if a senator de-
mands, and receives support, for a
roll call vote.
* * *
minority Proposal was to provide
bipartisan representation for every
district of the state, to make the
Senate a body that would respond
precisely to the popular will giving
equality of representation to all
voters regardless of where they
may live, and to guarantee effec-
tive representation for all areas
whether sparsely or densely pop-
The Senate "has lost all contact
with the principle of popular sov-
ereignty and is tending toward a
condition having no resemblance
whatever to popular sovereignty or
representative government ... We
must return to popular sovereignty
and .equal representation if we are
to have effective government in
Michigan," the minority report
85% Cheaper
SINCE the House of Representa-
tive's voted to double the money
and triple the representatives of
the Peace Corps in overseas as-
signments, it is interesting to note
a report of one of the well-known
but smaller religious denomina-
tions on its missionary program,
which in some ways parallels the
Peace Corps activities.
At a time when the Peace Corps
had something more than 400 rep-
resentatives in the field (the num-
ber has since grown to 698), it was
noted that the Corps was operat-
ing on a budget of $30 million.
At the same time, the world
missions program of one Protes-
tant denomination had -an equal
number of missionaries in the
field whn wr finnced by bud-

THE STUDENT Book Exchange may not
exist next year.
No one has petitioned for manager.
But this is not the only problem. SBX is
on a dead-end street because no one is willing
to support it.
Students don't make use of. a service that
could save them 20 per cent on the cost of
books. Student Government Council has not
played an active role in supporting the SBX,
but instead has merely acted in a routine,
organizational capacity. The Regents have
further restricted the SBX by not permitting
it to sell books and supplies out-right.
Christopher Cohen, assistant manager of the
SBX, says the real problem is the Regent's
Bylaw, passed in 1929, which states that the
Regents will not "encourage or approve the
establishment of cooperative mercantile or-
ganizations within University buildings."
HE ADDED that the SBX could really be a
service to the University and a going con-
cern if it weren't for the Regents' restrictions.
Actually the Regents' limitation on the SBX
is inconsistant with the fact that there are
other cooperatives in University buildings on
campus right now. The University pharmacy,
located in Health Service, the Union, League
and residence hall snack bars, the Union
barber shop, rooms and bowling alleys are all
perfect examples of "mercantile organizations"
which receive University sanction and com-
pete with Ann Arbor merchants.
B1nsiness Staff
CHARLES JUDGE. Business Manager

Certainly, if SGC were interested in helping
the SBX become the valuable student service
it could be, Council could put pressure on the
Regents to rescind its unfair and restrictive
Council ought to re-evaluate the book ex-
change concept and support a new student
book service which would sell supplies and
texts outright. Council cannot do this without
strong student support.
could also help out by getting volunteers
to clerk for one or two hours a semester.
Cohen emphasized that he didn't mind do-
ing the organizational work, but that Council
couldn't expect to get a m'anager who would
be willing to do all the clerking too.
A new, more central location would be
another boon to the book exchange. An attempt
has been made and rejected to get the multi-
purpose room of the undergraduate library
between semesters. Some more convenient place
must be found to help the students to help
themselves save money.
Last semester the SBX showed real promise
of a successful future., It handled twice as
many books, accounts, money and students as
the previous semester.
This service should not be permitted to die.
Gentleman's C
THE SENATE is currently considering a bill
on literacy qualifications for voter regis-

"THE OPPONENTS of federal
direction have good reason for
their wariness. Control in some
form-intentional or otherwise-
has long'accompanied federal aid,
largely because Congress tradi-
tionally grants such aid only for
specific purposes.
The National Defense Education
Act, for example, gave a huge
financial boost to science and for-
eign language study, but as a re-
sult many schools simply skimped
on history and English-a clear
case of "federal control" to critics.
The only answer, says Executive
Secretary William G. Carr of the
National Education Association, is
for Congress to give aid without
strings, and "trust the integrity,
patriotism and good judgment of
local and state school boards and
pnr,. +M hat hrinr uiv or thers

To the Editor:
PERHAPS I am writing this let-
ter in vain. I am afraid so. I
am afraid that too many people
are going to go on believing in the
sheer stupidity of Michael Harrah.
Nevertheless, I feel compelled to
comment on his last editorial
which expressed views similar to
those which killed the state in-
come tax this week.
About two and a half years ago,
when the state had no money to
pay its employes, whenathe poor
where suffering more and more
from the nuisance and food taxes,
when industry threatened to move
away from Michigan because of its
out-moded and unfair financial
demands, one Republican Senator
bluntly announced in the Legisla-
ture "Michigan has no real finan-
cial problem."
And so they continued their old
and crippled policy which had
produced the situation in the first
place until today the problem is
worse than ever.
M *

Now let's see what would happen
to the state if we were to go
without teachers and subsidies,
fire or police protection, sanita-
tion and hospital facilities, (and
other state-provided benefits) for
two weeks while we simply put
ourselves in the black.
-* * *
there must be more) of four non-
partisan economic committees ap-
pointed by the Legislature and the
governor to study Michigan's tax
problems. Composed of some of the
most learned economists in the
country, they all agreed that an
income tax would be the best and
fairest tax. Yet the Republican-
dominated Legislature disregarded
their own, advisors and voted
exactly opposite.
* * S
I HAVE NOT even scratched
the surface of all the irrational
tactics employed by those, like
Harrah. For the moment, it is too
late anyway. The income tax is
dead and Michigan will suffer in-

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