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April 26, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-26

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TEWRS:DAY, APRM "26,1962



THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1962 A i~U'

XJ1i. "1'A JEKE*.




Tests Start
Ndear Island
In Pacific
Sources on Scene
Call Shot Successful

Guido Readies
President's Vote
Nullifies Old Peronist Victories;
Bows Again to Military Leaders
BUENOS AIRES ()-President Jose Maria Guido swept all
Peronist election victories off the books last night and announced
a presidential election for Oct. 27, 1963.
Apparently bowing once more to Peronist-hating military leaders,
Guido nullified congressional elections held March 18 when Peronists
won 47 seats. He previously had erased nine Peronist gubernatorial
victories by ordering a federal takeover of the provinces.
Guide announced the nullification of the Congressional elections,
along with a few scattered ones held before March 18, and announced
the presidential election date after an unexpected meeting with

U.S. Tesing
Stirs Variety
Of OP1111on
Communists Assail
American ABlast
By The Associated Press
The United States' resumption
of nuclear tests.in the atmosphere
yesterday touched off a mixed
chorus overseas of denunciation
and disapproval, regret and moral
Communists bitterly assailed the
move. Pacifists protested. Backers
of Washington's decision said the
Soviet' Union, by its own testing
late last year, had left America no
In London a small group of
young Americans, mostly students,
picketed the American embassy to
protest the test resumption and
other anti-nuclear groups geared
for fresh' demonstrations in Brit-
East Germany denounced the
United States moveas "one of the
greatest crimes in the history of
"It is murder of the born and
unborn," said the East German of-
ficial news agency ADN.
Radio Moscow opened with a
brief announcement of the test re-
newal, immediately followed by
reports of anti-nuclear agitation
At the site of the 17-nation dis-
armament talks in Geneva, Soviet
delegates refused to comment im-
mediately. But prior to the an-
nouncement of the test shot, So-
viet Deputy Foreign Minister Va-
lerian A. Zorin had accused the
United States and Britain of not
wanting a ban on tests. Zorin did
not repeat an' earlier threat to
lead a Communist walkout when
the American tests started.
Japan, only nation to experience
the horror of nuclear bombing, re-
acted strongly against the Ameri-
can tests, as it had to the Soviet
blasts. Morning papers delayed
deadlines by more than an hour
to splash the news from Washing-
To consumer The ODE Company
Write Fio Illustrated Catalogxe

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Educators from 30 states-some who have been
in the thick of desegregation battles--will discuss school segregation
May 3-4 in a national conference sponsored by the civil rights
commission. John A. Hannah, president of Michigan State Univer-
sity and commission chairman, will close the two days by summariz-
ing unsolved problems.
UNITED NATIONS - The Soviet Union demanded today that
Britain give immediate independence to Northern Rhodesia. The
demand was contained in a resolution presented to the UN com-
mittee on decolonialization, now considering the political future of
that African territory.
* * * *
BATHURST, Gambia - A new constitution comes into force
Friday granting internal self-government to this West African
British Colony and protectorate. The new constitution, approved by
Britain, will give local West Africans their first prime minister and
a larger voice in their own affairs as a step toward independence.
General elections will be held May 31 for the house of representatives.
* * * *
UNITED NATIONS - Soviet Cosmonaut Gherman Titov will
get a UN reception next Monday similar to that given United States
astronaut John Glenn here March 2. Acting Secretary-General U
Thant will introduce the Soviet spaceman to members of the UN
Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, members of the Security
Council and secretariat officials at an informal reception.
Titov will pass through New York on his way to Washington, D.C.,
where he and Glenn will address the Committee on Space Research.
* * * *
PASADENA - The Ranger Four spacecraft-its butterfly-like
wings apparently clipped by a power failure--headed yesterday for
a certain collision with the moon. Scientists at Caltech's jet pro-
pulsion laboratory, which built the capsule, said there no longer
is any doubt it will slam at 6,000 miles per hour into the moon's
dark backside early tomorrow morning.

-AP Wirephoto
PROTEST NUCLEAR TESTS-Student members of the Zen-
gakuren Student Federation gtruggle with Japanese police as
they demonstrate in front of the United States Embassy in
Toyko, protesting the United States decision to resume nuclear
Mansfield Opens Fight
TO- End -Literacy Tests
WASHINGTON (')-The Senate opened a major civil rights
battle over voter literacy tests yesterday with Southerners planning
a filibuster and the leadership hoping to stop them but backing
away from any drawn-out "trial by physical stamina."
Majority leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) said he would offer
a petition to shut off debate when "all the wisdom of which the
Senate is reasonably capable has been exhausted." If the vote fails
'by a substantial margin to achieve

End Travel Ban
On Military Wives
WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
yesterday ordered an immediate
end to a nearly seven-month ban
on government-paid travel of mili-
tary wives and children to Europe.
The army and air force said it
will take about a month to re-
start the flow of dependents
Both services ruled men who
have been overseas longest will
join their families first.
Last 3 Days
Phi Sigma Sigma
A E Pi




the required two-thirds majority,
the legislation will be set aside,
Mansfield said. If it is close, debate
will be resumed and a second at-
tempt made later.
If this fails too, then the ad-
ministration bill will be dropped
rather than trying to settle the
issue by physical stamina, Mans-
field added.
His remarks came after he and
Republican leader Everett M. Dirk-
sen (R-Ill) offered the proposal
as a substituteforra minor mea-
sure already cleared for Senate
Thenbill, denounced by Southern
Senators as unconstitutional and
politically inspired, would exempt
anyone with a sixth grade edu-
cation from state literacy tests
required to vote in federal elec-
Proponents say the tests, re-
quired in 21 states, have been
used in the past to prevent Ne-
groes from voting, regardless of
their educational background.
FRI. OR SAT. ($2.00, 1.50)
OR MON. OR TUE. ($1.75, 1.25)
8:00 P.M.

WASHINGTON (P) - The Unit-
ed States fired the first explosion
in its new nuclear test series in
the atmosphere near r e m o t e
Christmas Island in the Pacific at
dawn yesterday.E
It was a middle-range weapon
dropped from an airplane. The
brief Atomic Energy Commission
announcement gave no details.
But other sources said word from
nuclear task force eight on the
scene was that this first of about
three dozen shots expected to be
touched off in the next two
months was successful.
This undertaking was started
only a day after President John F.
Kennedy gave the final go-ahead.
The preparations had been made
during the months he has been
warning Russia that this country
had no .other choice unless a safe
nuclear test ban could be agreed
United States officials braced
for a wave of protests, and sought
to soften them beforehand. They
held the door open for calling off l
the tests provided agreement could
be reached and signed on a test
ban with adequate inspections.
AEC Promise
To stem some of the protests,
the AEC also sought to assure the
people of the world that fallout'
from the United States tests would
be held to a minimum. The atom-
ic agency promised, as Kennedy
and others had done before, that
the fallout would be far less than
that from Russia's nuclear blasts
last. fall.
Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, AEC
chairman, notified Kennedy late
Tuesday night that the tests would
get under way today unless
weather interfered. The President,
as the White House had told news-
men beforehand, issued no state-
ment on resumption of the tests.
Typical Congressional reaction
was that of Senate Democratic
leader Mike Mansfield of Montana
and Sen. Richard B. Russell, (D-
Ga.) chairman of the Senate
Armed Services Committee.
Mansfield said Kennedy showed
great forebearance in holding up
the tests so long. Russell said he
was reluctant to see the tests re-
sumed but that national security
demands them.
Rusk Stresses
Need To Keep
Military Might'
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk said last night
that until the arms race is limited,
the United States is committed to
maintaining military might so
strong that no nation would ra-
tionally attack the free world.
Rusk disputed Soviet Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev's forecast
that Russian production will
match America's by 1970.
The secretary predicted that
over the next nine years the West-
ern industrial countries will boost
their output by more than $500
billion compared with $300 billion
for the Communist bloc.
Rusk made the remarks in an
address prepared for the school
of advanced international studies
of John Hopkins University.
Since his speech was one of a
series presented at the Pan Amer-
ican Union, the United States
foreign affairs chief dealt mainly
with President John F. Kennedy's
alliance program of aid to Latin
He did not refer directly to
United States resumption yester-
day of atmospheric nuclear tests.


the cabinet that had turned in,
its resignation last week as army
commanders feuded among them-
Changes Stipulation
Guido's decree on the election
call befuddled constitutional au-
thorities, who claim the consti-
tution stipulates that the election
for a new president had to be
held by the end of July of this
year. Guido pushed the balloting
to about 15 months later.
As to the congressional elec-
tions last month. Guido had agreed
earlier in Argentina's five-and-
one-half-week-old crisis to let
new memtbers, inciuaing the 47
Peronists, due to take their seats
May 1.
Military Pressure
Guido faces the prospect of vio-
lenee from Peronists. The Peronist-
dominated general confederation
of labor prepared its three million
members for a nationwide strike
May 1 because of the government
bar to Peronist candidates.
Send- Negroes
From South
NEW ORLEANS (,p) - Two
buses carrying Negroes wanting
to escape segregation customs in
New Orleans may leave for New
York later this week, an official
of the pro-segregation Citizens
Council said yesterday.
The buses were to have gone
to Washington, but Director
George Singlemann of the Citizens
Council of greater New Orleans
said "the Negroes indicating they
want to leave New Orleans chang-
ed their minds. Now they want to
go to New York."
The Citizens Council circulated
"a handbill offering to pay the
transportation-"one way only"
as Singlemann put it-of Negroes
wanting to leave New Orleans to
any city of their choosing.

Khrushchev .
Seeks Law
MOSCOW (A) -- Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev yesterday called
for ahnew constitution to write
into the Soviet Union's basic law
the fundamental principles of its
foreign relations, including peace-
ful coexistence.
He also asked for the inclusion
of more freedoms for the people.
The Supreme Soviet without
dissent then adjourned a three-
day meeting by designating him to
continue running the country at
the head of a 71-man cabinet and
to head a commission to write a
replacement for the 1936 Stalinist
The cabinet which Khrushchev
presented, following the routine
resignation of the old one, kept
the same faces in the same places
with few exceptions.
The chief change was to give
the comparatively unknown Kon-
stantin Pysin the job of agricul-
ture minister. He replaces Mikhail
Olshansky, who had tried for two
years to whip the nation's stub-
born low-yield agricultural prob-
In a 10-minute speech to the
Supreme Soviet, or parliament,
Khrushchev said almost nothing
about foreign affairs and did not
even mention nuclear tests. In-
stead he outlined the need for a
new basic law.
The old constitution in out in-
ing the conduct of foreign rela-
tions, he said, "speaks only of the
procedure for proclaiming war
and concluding peace."
But, he said, the Soviet Union
had "emerged from capitalist en-
circlement" and added:
"Now there exists a world So-
cialist system. A new type of re-
lations has developed between
i friendly Socialist states.

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