Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Schizophrenia' Cure
Partly Within Reach
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
URSDAY, APRIL 26, 1962
Michigan Income Tax
Double-Crosses Citizens
SENATORS THAYER, Beadle and cohorts
double-crossed the people of Michigan yes-
terday; through their efforts an income tax
has been approved by the State Senate.
Two years ago, almost to the day, the people
of Michigan were asked to go to the polls and
vote to increase the sales tax to four per
cent, with the understanding that this measure
would be sufficient-that no income tax would
be necessary.
Now, barely two years since they expressed
th ir wishes, they are being ignored.
It wouldn't be quite so deplorable if an
income tax were really needed, but in fact it
is quite superfluous. There is no good reason
why the state as a whole cannot live within
its present revenues.
An income tax offers a virtually unlimited
field of taxation. The rate can go up and up
endlessly. This same Sen. Thayer could well
return next year (if he is so fortunate to be
re-elected after this fiasco) and ask to increase
this little old three per cent income tax to a
little old four per cent income tax. And then
a five per cent income tax. And then a seven
per cent income tax. And then a little old
crippling 10 per cent income tax. And then
--it begins to mount up, doesn't it?
BUT THERE IS precedent for it. Remember
when social security only bit off a half of
one per cent of a person's total income? Re-
member how Washington officials assured the
public that this half per cent would be quite
enough? Now its five times that amount and
threatens to keep rising,
An income tax with no ceiling is quite an
untapped source of funds to lawmakers whose
thinking is oriented toward how much money
should be spent instead of how much money
could be saved.
However, a healthy economy could with-
stand even a crushing new tax measure such
as this. But to all prophets, Michigan's econ-
omy is far from healthy. The very persons
who backed this income tax have said that
Michigan is in financial troubles, And why?
Because its people are not making enough
money to support the politicians in the style
to which they are accustomed.
Why then is it believeable that these same
people will be able to scrape together an ever-
Increasing income tax? To be sure, the rich
can pay the tax and probably not miss it
much. And the really destitute person might be
exempt. But how about the little fellow in
the middle-the guy who makes around $6,000
a year and needs every penny of It. He gets
caught in the squeeze again.
come this truism by claiming that a state
Income tax levy would be deductable from the
federal income tax. Such an argument is
simply a shaky exercise in mathematics. In the
end the taxpayer loses.
Suppose a man makes $5,000 a year and is
in the 20 per cent bracket. This means, after
deductions, that he will pay $1,000 to the
Federal government. Along comes the state
income tax, say at five per cent, This means
that he must pay $250 a year to the state.
lHe deducts that from the Federal tax, leaving
him $4750 taxable by Washington. At 20 per
cent, he now pays $950 to the United States.
Add this to his Michigan income tax and the
total tax bill amounts to $1,200, or $200
more than he paid before Michigan had an
income tax.
Now it is true that without the Federal
deducation his total tax bill would have been
$1,250 instead of $1,200, but this is little con-
solation to a man who hasn't got the cash, to
spare anyhow.
What's more, the Federal government doesn't
have more money than it knows what to do
with, so very soon it may cease to allow state
taxes to be deducted, in hopes of getting more
money for the Washington bureaucracy.
THE PROBLEM really at issue is that the
State of Michigan refuses to live within its
means like any other organization, and there is
no excuse for it.
State officials have fooled the people of
Michigan with the sham of the "state's deficit"
too long now. What deficit? Who does Michigan
owe it to?
They can't tell you, because they don't know,
but they will assure you its there. In truth, it's
just some fuzzy thinking.
Rep. Gail Handy suggests that sloppy book-
keeping is all that keeps Michigan in the red.
He claims that the state treasury is 14 days
behind in recording its revenues and that if
it ever caught up it might find it had enough
money to go around. (The state takes in over
$5 million a day and the deficit is around
$70 million.)
AND WHAT'S MORE, it is impossible to have
a deficit unless you spend more money
than you take in. It doesn't come about just
because you WANT to spend more than you
can afford.
For example, suppose Mr. Jones comes home
with his weekly paycheck-$100. He sits down
with his family and asks how much they need.
$35 for Mrs. Jones, $15 to Johnny Jones, $10
to Susie Jones, $5 to Junior Jones and $45
to Mr. Jones himself. He adds up all the re-
quests and gets $110-$10 more than he makes.
"The Jones family has a deficit," he con-
But the Jones family doesn't anymore have
a deficit than Michigan does. They all just
want more than their means can afford. As
a result the Jone's requests will have to be
pared down to meet their revenues. Michigan
should do the same thing.
Sen. Lynn Francis recently showed the Sen-
ate how the state could save $130 million a
year. Perhaps in reality it wouldn't be feasible
to cut every expenditure he suggested, but
certainly some of it could be sliced off. Yet
his Senate colleagues were not interested in
saving any money. Just spending, that's all.
BUT MOST IMPORTANT is the fact that
people of Michigan do not want an income
tax. And for that reason-and for that reason
alone-they should not have to endure one.
There is not a Republican who voted for this
income tax that can truthfully say his con-
stitutents wanted him to do so. And there
probably isn't a Democrat who can say so
It's hard to say just how these politicians
explain their actions and its hard to say whom
they think they are representing. Certainly not
their constituents. And its hard to say how they
justify grabbing more tax money when they
aren't fully using the funds they've got. When
they appropriate funds for the Lapeer State
Home for the mentally ill and $32,000 of it
gets turned back unspent, does this sound
like a penniless state that needs an income
It is interesting to speculate whether the
income tax advocates have considered what will
happen if the people of Michigan refuse to live
under their new tax levy. It would place them
among the most heavily taxed people in the
nation and there is no reason to believe they
will like it.
Already the protest has started. Outstate
Republicans, violently against any income tax,
have started a movement to draft a conserva-
tive to run against American Motors President
George Romney for governor.
They claim that the income tax will simply
drive people and industry out of Michigan, and
who is to say they aren't right?
So, if a great exodus should start, who will
stick around to foot the bill?
SEN. FRANCIS cites an historical point: He
claims no society has ever spent over 38
per cent of its total income in taxes and sur-
Daily Staff Writer
THERE HAS been much talk re-
cently about the "schizophre-
nia" which exists between stu-
dents' in-class and out-of-class
activities. We frequently hear
complaints - justified, in most
cases - about the fact that stu-
dents and faculty only intersect at
a 300-to-one ratio in lectre halls.
The administration usually gets
the blame. But there is one oppor-
tunity for valuable student-faculty
contact which is seldom exploited
and for which students themselves
are to blame.
This neglected opportunity is
the faculty associate program in
the mens' residence halls. "Facul-
ty associate" Is the deceptively
bureaucratic title for a professor
who simply gets together with the
men in a house, usually for lunch
or dinner and an informal "bull
session" afterwards.
THIS SIMPLE, natural type of
contact is painfully absent from a
large university, but can provide
many benefits. First, students
meet faculty members as people
rather than necessary evils to be
conquered in order to pass a
course. Theprofessors, likewise,
see that students can be capable
of more than sleeping through a
Better yet, these informal gath-
erings are free of the pressure of
grade-point averages and distri-
bution requirements. Students
whose curricula isolate them in
some highly specialized major get
a chance to meet new subjects
and new ideas, and to be stimulat-
ed by them. The things they learn
here are retained, because they
are the product of real intellectual
enthusiasm - not next Friday's-
* * *
WITH SUCH a possibility easily
within reach, one would expect
that all houses on campus would
have thriving faculty associate
Not so. At present, only 14 of
the 24 houses on campus have fac-
ulty associates at all, and only a
handful of these are'active on a
regular basis,
This neglect can be traced pri-
marily to the student governments
of the houses. More specifically,
it can be traced to the academic
chairmen. The post of house aca-
demic chairman, like other chair-
man positions in house govern-
ments, often devolves to someone
capable of carrying out orders
from house officers but with little
initiative of his own. To arrange
for a faculty associate requires
some initiative; consequently the
job never gets done. he house
loses a''lot, especially considering
the minimal amount of effort in-
John Binkley, '65, Interquad-
rangle Council's first academic
chairman in many years, is at-
tempting to stimulate interest, in
this program among house aca-
demic chairmen. But IQC cannot
and should not do it alone. The
responsibility is with the house
academic chairmen.
THERE ARE enough interested
people on the University staff to
provide an active faculty associate
program for a residence hall sys-
temn twice this size, but it's up to
the academic chairmen to start
things moving.
This may be done in two ways.
If the academic chairman has a
particular faculty member in
mind, he may contact him direct-
ly with his request. If not, he
should get in touch with Assistant
Dean of Men for Residence Halls
John M. Hale, who will make the
The associate must then be ap-
proved by the Board of Governors
... isolates students
-Daily-Danial Higgins
Objects to Board's Interference
To the Editor:
IT IS, as you know, often assumed
in the world of the private
universities that the big state uni-
versities such as Michigan, sub-
ject to legislative and budgetary
controls, cannot be free and that
their student papers must be house
organs, carefully watched over by
understandably cautious protec-
tors, lest some segment of local
opinion, not excluding influential
student opinion, be offended.
Since the days of Henry Tappan
over a hundred years ago, the
University of Michigan has had
an extraordinary record of vigor
and freedom. And when I have
read The Daily, which I regard
as one of the two or three most
vital, most distinguished and most
interesting college papers, I am
happily reminded of that tradition,
and I often mention it to students
who are considering graduate or
undergraduate work in Ann Arbor.
* * *
Crimson reports that a number
of Daily editors have resigned in
protest against interference by the
overseeing Board. As a former
Crimson editor myself, and as a
faculty member who reads a num-
ber of student newspapers regu-
larly, I'm not aware of all the
ambiguities, misunderstandings,.
and messes that can cloud the
relation of a student newspaper
to its various constituencies inside
and outside the university; and I
know of course that The Daily is
also in effect a daily paper for the
community of Ann Arbor.
I am, of course, not qualified to
enter into all the details of con-
troversy and ambiguity in this
particular case. But I can say that
The Daily has a constituency out-
side of the State of Michigan
which regards it as adding to the
lustre of a great state university;
and I also believe, as someone who
follows pretty carefully the press
in communities of the size of Ann
Arbor, that the residents of that
comunity are not ill-served by The
Daily, for what the latter doesn't
cover in the area of what is gen-
erally considered "news" is cov-
ered to overflowing by the Detroit
daily papers, by the mass circula-
tion weeklies, and by broadcasting.
* * *
IT IS OFTEN SAID that stu-
dents today are cautious and
afraid to take risks, that they
don't believe in free enterprise.
Interference, heavy-handed or
subtle, from adults who are put
in a position of buffers between
The Daily and its critics is not a
way to encourage free enterprise
at Michigan or anywhere else, and
the long-run dangers of such
interference would seem to out-
weigh whatever short-run alle-
viation it might bring.
-Prof. David Riesman
Harvard University
Inbreeding .. .
To the Editor:
reasons they were given the power
they are now exercising) also for
the preservation of the freedom
of the press?
Cduld it be that the present
Daily staff can conceive of a free
press as free only under their en-
lightened absolute control?
A free press can be free only
if it can be challenged by respon-
sible persons; it must be defended
by responsible persons.
The present "debate" has all the
histronics of a petulant child or
the organization of a witch hunt.
-Tomas Frasier, Grad
Obligations. .
To the Editor:
an outstanding university news-
paper. The Board in' Control of
Student Publications, however,
saw its duty and fulfilled its ob-
The Phi Delta Theta editorial
on Feb. 22 was a perfect example
of sloppy, irresponsible reporting
and editorializing. If this was in
any way typical (and how can the
average reader know?), some ac-
tion needed to be taken.
It takes guts to print a re-
traction when you are wrong. Ob-
viously The Daily is never wrong,
since retractions are as scarce as
successful moon shots. Here's to
a free, responsible Daily that does
more than merely print the
"wounded party's" belated reply.
-Prof. E. F. Zeigler
Physical Education
Recommendations . .
To the Editor:
AS A FORMER Daily senior edi-
tor and for two months a
member of the 1961-62 Board in
Control of Student Publications, I
have been appalled to learn of the
action of the Board in refusing to-
approve senior appointments as
suggested by the outgoing Senior
Knowing the personalities in-
volved, both on the Board and
Daily staff, it is evident that the
deviation from the seniors' recom-
mendation is one based on idieo-
logical differences of opinion, and
a desire to "re-mold" The Daily's
campus image. Some portion of the
Board has, in the past, been out-
spoken in a desire to "bring The
Daily closer to the campus," and
there is reason to believe that a
portion of Board opinion would
have preferred even more drastic
changes from the seniors' recom-
mendations if in any way they
could have been justified.
BRINGING The Daily "closer to
the campus" as proposed by some
sources, would do little more than
reduce the best college newspaper
in the country,to a bulletin board
advertising quad dances, frater-
nity parties, and the next speaker
in the lecture series. This is what
a majority of college newspapers
have become as they drip editorial
not result in a curtailment of the
freedom that has enabled the Uni-
versity's student paper to call
itself the best of its kind-and be
correct in its boast.
* * *
IF A MAJORITY of The Daily
staff can be said to lean to the
so-called political "left," it is only
because of the lassitude and in-
difference shown by the rest of
the campus. The fraternity sys-
tem (of which I was a member)
is particularly notable for abdicat-
ing its right to place members
on the staff and encourage them
to spend the often-grueling hours
necessary before a senior position
is obtained.
Admittedly the difference be-
tween senior recommendations
and Board appointments is small,
but since when should protest
based on principle only be heard
when the violation of rights is
most flagrant?
Again, as a former senior staff
member and member of the
Board in Control, I would urge
that the seniors' recommendations
be reviewed, approved and of-
ficialized with apologies to the
staff. And if my post on the
Board, vacated last fall, has not
been filled and is still a voting
position, I do cast one vote in
that direction.
-Michael J. Gillman, '61
WHEN THE Russian Cadets and
Kerensky raised a furious hue
and cry against the Bolsheviks-
especially after April 1917, and
more particularly in June and
July 1917-they "overdid" it.
Millions of copies of bourgeois
papers, shrieking in every key
against the Bolsheviks, helped.
to induce the masses to appraise
Bolshevism; and, apart from the
newspapers, all public life was
thoroughly permeated with dis-
cussions about Bolshevism just be-
cause of the "zeal" of the bour-
The millionaires of all coun-
tries are now behaving on an in-
ternational scale in a way that
deserves our heartiest thanks.
When the French bourgeoisie
makes Bolshevism the central is-
sue at the elections, and abuses
the comparatively moderate or
vacillating Socialists for being
Bolsheviks; when the American
bourgeoisie, having completely lost
its head, seizes thousands and
thousands of people on suspicion
of Bolshevism, creates an atmos-
phere of panic and broadcasts
theories of Bolshevik plots; when
the British bourgeoisie - the most
"solid" in the world - despite all
its wisdom and experience, com-
mits acts of incredible stupidity,
founds richly endowed "anti-Bol-
shevik societies," creates especial
literature on Bolshevism, and hires
(since the faculty associate is en-
titled to attend quad meals and
other functions without charge).
From then on, if a good academic
chairman and a good faculty as-
sociate are teamed up, the pro-
gram will keep rolling on its own
This program can be an excit-
ing and rewarding experience for
all involved. If students miss out
on it, they have only themselves
to blame.
"You Can Survive the Bomb"
by Mel Wayrence and John Clark
Kimball is a new book selling for
four dollars. The Bookmailer News
reveals that this book not only
"brings the complex mathematics
of radiation danger down to earth
but also tells readers how to build
and stock a bomb shelter.
"If you are afraid that nuclear
bombs are going to be tossed about
in your time, this is probably the
best book you can take counsel
from . . . It's a book that should
settle your nerves."
Sure, but a tranquilizer costs
less and goes to work in less than
half the. time.
-R. Selwa
N 4
THE CITIZEN Council of Greater
leans this week proposed to send
train" north carrying one thousand]
a free one-way ride away from s
and two liberal integrationist organi
acted negatively.
The train is a "cruel hoax," accor
Congress of Racial Equality and th
Association for the Advancementc
PUTTING THIS protest to, song,
add to the student movement's
new verse: "Abolish the freedom trai
not be moved."
MICHAEL BU1RNS .....................8
:AVI)AAND)REWS ...........Associate 8
CLIFF MARKS ...............Associate 8
vived. Michigan's taxpayers shell out 32 per
To be sure, no one would begrudge the state
the money it sorely needs for survival. But
when part of the taxes go to subsidize Southern
r New Or- berry-pickers and unskilled workers who don't
a "freedom work half the time, while one of the finest
Negroes on educational systems in the country pleads for
egregation, money, the people of Michigan are reluctant
izatiosr-- 1'd
to throw in any more for fear it will end up
in the same place.
ding to the But there is explanation for the folly: each
e National and every berry-picker has a vote, and they are
of Colored careful to use it-to perpetuate their subsidy.
But the University is voteless, and regretfully,
there are more berry-pickers than there are
one could concerned citizens. And so it is that worthwhile
s hymn a projects suffer, while vote-getting measures
n, we shall, wax fat.
British humorist C. Northcote Parkinson's
- R.A.S. axiom warns that "expenditure rises to meet
income." But apparently he didn't ever live
in Michigan. Senators Thayer and Beadle can
tell him in all seriousness that now it is the
4[ other way around.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: May 18. Communi-
cations for consideration at this meet-
ing must be in the President's hands
not later than May 8, Please submit
TWENTY copies of each communica-
The University of Michigan Marching
Band will participate in the Michigras
parade on Fri., April 27. Members need-
ing instruments may obtain them on
Thurs., April 26 at Harris Hall from 7
to 9 P.M. Band members are asked to
report to 204 Harris Hall at 2:30 P.M.
on Fri., April 27. Uniform: Band jackets,
dark trousers, black shoes and socks.
Events Thursday
Guest Lecturer: EugeneLeahy, Prof.
of Musicology, University of Notre
Dame, will speak on "Some New
Thoughts on Trope, Sequence and Med-
ieval Polyphony," Thurs., April 26, 4:15
p.m. in Lane Hall Aud. Open to the
Stochastic Programming seminar:
Randall E. Cline and Prof. R. M. Thrall
will continue their talk on "The Gen-
eralized Inverse," on Thurs., April26, at
3 p.m. in 247A West Engineering.
Events Friday
Guest Lecturer: Alan P. Merriam will
lecture on the "Music of Africa" on
Fri., April 27, 8:30 P.M., in Aud. A, An-
gell Hall. Open to the public.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., April
27, 4:00 p.m., The Observatory. Dr. Z.
Suemoto, Tokyo Astronomical Observa-
tory, will speak on "Turbulence in the
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Gordon
Peterson, Director, Communication Sci-
ences Program, will discuss "Essentials
of Language Theory" on Fri., April 27
at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B.
Communication Sciences and Psychol-
PolL Set. for positions as Labor Econo-
mist, Analytical Stat., Claims Examiner,
Mgmt. Intern, Budget Examiner, Admin.
Analyst, Labor-Mgmt Report Analyst,
Electrical Computing, Office Mgmt. &
many others. Locations: Throughout
-Men; any degree for positions in Mar-
keting as Sales Reps. To sell to dealers
only but will also call on dentists. Lo-
cations: Throughout U.S.
degree in any area to become manager
of Branch Finance Office. Accelerated
Mgmt. Trng. Prog. In Chicago area with
eventual re-location to any part of
MAY 8-11
U.S. NAVY-Naval Officers Procure-
ment Team from Det. & Navigator Team
from Naval Air Station, Grosse Ile,
Mich. will interview potential officer
candidates Tues. through Fri., in the
Fishbowl in Mason Hall. Will furnish
material on all Navy Officer Progs.
Beginning the week of April 30, the
following schools will be at the Bureau
to interview candidates for the 1962-
1963 school year.
ALBION, MICH. - Elem., Elem. Art.
Cons., Sp. Ther., Ind. Arts, Comm., alg/
Geom. vocal/Strings, Jr. HS & HS SS.
CLARKSTON, MICH.-Elem.;' Math.,
EngA., St., Home Ec., Girl'sPE, Engl.,
MONROE, MICH. (Custer Sch. Dist.)
-Elem.; Elem. Vocal, Elem. PE.
Math (Alg/Geom.), Chem/Phys.. Engl.,
Girl's PE, Home Ec., Ind. Arts; Xdg.;
Jr. HS.
Speech, Drama/Engl., Math, Span/Engl.,
CORUNNA, Mich.-Voc. Ag., Comm.,
Sdt/Math, 88, Boy's PE, Engl., M~ead
TRENTON, MICH.-2nd grade.
West, Bskt. Coach.
CLEVELAND, O.--(Beechwood Sch.)-
Elem., Secondary.
SOUTHGATE, MICH.-Elem.; Secon-
dary, Jr. HS Ment. Handi
SAGINAW, MICH.-(Saginaw Twsp.)
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
MRS. ETHEL SIEGEL-Chicago, Ill.,
is looking for a female student to act
as mother's keeper for her. Begin June
22, end August 31sT, to be spent at the
Siegel's summer, home in Michiana,
!ports Editor
Sports Editor
3ports Editor
Acting City Editor
T 0-0 -0