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March 15, 1964 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-15

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SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1964



SUNDAY, ARCH 15,1964 --- ------ DAI.

Collegiates Prove
Pipe's Popularity

Men's Rainwear Styles Change Little

Pullovers Dominate Spring Fashions

Pipe smoking has increased no-
tieably at the University since
the government issued its report
on the relationship between smok-
ing and cancer last January.
One merchant reported that pipe
s triped shirts
ShirtsS how
D xl a f S
Bold Colors
What are the biggest coed catch-
ers on campus? Manufacturers
claim that shirts for spring will
be the quickest way to catch a
woman's eye.
Brighter and bolder, the shirt of
today scorns tradition. For dress
wear, the conventional white has
been replaced by sassy stripes. Ap-
pearing from one sixteenth to one
quarter inch in width, they run
from hem to collar in blue, green,
gray and beige.
Even the more sedate gentleman
can show spring fever, for solid
colors of blue and pale yellow are
becoming increasingly popular.
Two darker shades, gray and co-
coa brown, have also been well
stocked in clothing stores.
Short Sleeves
No matter how hot Ann Arbor
weather may become, the most
well-dressed man can stay cool
and comfortable, for 85 per cent
of dress shirts are short-sleeved.
Tab collars are fading away and
the button down collar is making
the scene again.
The Ivy League style with its
tapered seven inches from top to
tail remains popular. Fabrics are
dacron and cotton to minimize
washing problems.
Pick a color, pick a design, pick
a fabric and you've probably pick-
ed any one of the sport shirt
combinations. For colors, multi-
colored stripes are appearing on
pastel backgrounds, and browns,
blues and greens go attractively
Madras plaids are less expen-
e sive this year since they are now
produced domestically, and they
are a sure bet for solid bermuda
combinations. The best partner for
madras bermudas is the round col-
lared, knit sport shirt, with a con-
trasting color trim edging the cowl.
It's a sure winner for the golf

sales during the past month in-
creased 50 per cent over the pre-
vious 30 day period. This figure
includes, surprisingly enough, sales
to women.
Several companies are now mar-
keting special pipes for women.
These models are of a more deli-
cate variety than standard pipes,
and have considerably smaller
bowls. If they have not had the
experience already, men can look
forward to their favorite ravish-
ing blonde, brunette, or redhead
gently reaching into her dainty
purse and withdrawing a pipe
which, after appropriate com-
ments, he can gallantly light for
Girls and Corncobs
As the pretty young thing blows
scented smoke into his face, he
can utter a silent prayer of thanks
that the girls have not yet adopt-
ed corncobs. These are still con-
fined to quaint villages of the
Dogpatch variety in the hills of
the Appalachians.
In men's pipes, certain peren-
nially popular shapes are still sell
ing best. These are unostentatious
in design and are generally sold
in sizes than can comfortably be
held in the mouth. The billiard
shape remains the most promi-
nent. Fads come and go, but the
billiard always survives.
However, pipe smokers are by
no means confined to standard
shapes. Indeed, one of the attrac-
tions of pipe smoking is the in-
finite varieties of shapes, prices
and sizes that are available. A
man can truly assume a new per-
sonality merely by withdrawing
a different kind of pipe from his
bulging pockets.
Large Bowls
The virile, strong-jawed speci-
men of American manhood can
stick out his chin and clasp a large,
heavy-bowled pipe in his mouth
as a challenge to his lesser broth-
ers around campus. The big bowls
come in numerous shapes, includ-
ing round, square, octagonal and
more radical designs. Some hold
no more tobacco than much small-
er models, the size of the bowl
being determined by very thick
wood surrounding the tobacco con-
taining portion.
On the other extreme, minia-
ture pipes with tiny bowls can
be purchased for that quick smoke
between classes. These, too, come
in many shapes.
If the smoker prefers a stand-
ard size, he still has limitless
opportunity to match the shape of
his pipe with his mood of the mo-
ment. Bulldogs, squat bulldogs,
pears, apples, mushrooms, and pots
are among the more conservative
shapes commonly sold. For the
man with more radical tastes,
such designs as the acorn, a bowl
with a pointed bottom marking the
sharp curve in a half-oval shape,
can be purchased.
Variety of Stems
Stems, as well as bowls, lend
variety to pipes. The most common
stem is the plain, straight model.
However, bent and half-bent stems
are also frequently seen. Many dif-
ferent filtering arrangements are
offered to give a smoother smoke
asnd trap those "nasty little cancer
Pipes are made of many differ-
ent materials, briar and meer-
schaum being among the most
popular. Most of the cheaper pipes
come with a dark, shiny varnish

AN EVENING OUT-The gentlemen above are prepared for a
formal party. The white dinner jacket, complemented by a graph-
ite colored felt hat, has long been a standard for spring evening
wear. For protection from inclement weather,- the all-weather
topcoat illustrated is quite popular. The silver tipped umbrella and
boucle straw hat nicely complete the outfit.
Formal Wear Indicates
Stress on LightTones

With spring just around the
corner the young collegiate man's
thoughts turn not only to poetic
thoughts of love and romance but
to more practical things like rain-
coats and umbrellas.
For, as any experienced Ann
Arbor student knows, spring is a
time of rain, the monsoon season
in fact. And even the most naive
fresmen has learned by now the
standard of dress even if he isn't
aware of its justification.
This standard of dress consists
of a knee-length, dacron and cot-
ton, water-repellent raincoat (in
black or cream) and a silver-tip-
ped umbrella (strictly in black).
Raincoat and topcoat needs are
increasingly being satisfied for
the practical young student, as
well as the man out in the cruel
world,' by one all-weather coat.
This coat is snow and rain repel-
lent and has a zip-in lining for
cold weather use.
The coat is of a dacron and cot-
ton mix which is washable, dur-
able, and wrinkle resistent. The
most popular colors are plain,
black and cream or white, yet small
checks and plaids in dark colors
have been growing in popularity.
The trend is also towards a
more "dressy" all-purpose coat.
This is demonstrated by the slash
pockets, the "set in sleeve" in
front, and the "fly front" which
covers the buttons. This last tech-
nique also has the advantage of
covering the spots of most wear
and tear, the button holes.
Shoulder Styles
The style technique at the
shoulder is known as the "set in
sleeve" in front and the raglen
back. The former gives a dressy
appearance while the latter re-
tains the comfort of the raglen
-Umbrella style remains constant.
The -only demands are those for
black color, sharp silver-tipped
walking sticks and support rods
that hold up in March winds. Only
the latter style is hard to pur-
For those who are looking for-
ward to next fall or who are es-
pecially pessimistic about spring,
the word on topcoats is that wool
dress coats are out and not ex-
pected to make a comeback. Dac-
ron and cotton as well as the
standard herringbone are the big
sellers today.
Just like women's shirts, the
trend on length of topcoats is
short. They were one inch shorter
last fall than before and will be
called knee breakers next fall.

It's burgundy and light blue
colored pull-overs in men's sweat-
er fashions this spring.
Since pull-overs have been the
big sellers since the fall, this is
nothing new. Fall is traditionally
the season for new styles.
Colors are apt to change, how-
ever, from the dark grey and olive
shades to lighter shades more ap-
propriate forhspring. Burgundy
and camel shades are still big
Lamb's Wool Popular
The- biggest selling fabric this
winter was lamb's wool and so you
should expect many such sweaters
in the popular V-neck style to re-
main on the shelves.
Local merchants are selling mo-
hair and cashmere sweaters in


camel and grey in addition to the
alpaca weave sweater, which is a
spring sweater ideally suited to an
afternoon on the golf course.
They are also selling the lighter
weight alpaca style. The popular-
ity of this sweater stems from its
nice tailoring. In many an in-
stance, it might substitute for a
French Import
Merchants offer sellections of
fine lamb's wool and shetland
crewnecks ant. V-necks imported
from England. One of the few new
style offerings is a highly contin-
ental French import. This sweater
hangs loose, has sleeves that are
tailored and is without seams.
Most quality sweaters sell from
$14.00 to $40.00 with the alpacas,
mohairs and cashmeres more ex-


Formal fashions for both sum-
mer and winter are shifting to
lighter, bolder tones, emphasizing
versatility. This trend to lightness
is a mirroring of the sportier fash-
ion trend throughout mens' wear.
Summer formal fashions are
swinging away from the tradition-
al white dinner jacket to imported
cotton batiks, muted madras, and
solid color silk jackets. This
change is especially apparent in
college and young mens' fashions.
The batik, madras, and colored
silk jackets are more versatile and
colorful than the conventional
white jacket, and are sportier for
the summer and resort formal
evening wear.
Jacket styling is changing too, to
fit this sportier trend. Both white
and non-white formal coats are
cut slimmer and are shifting from
two-button to one-button models.
The shawl collars are becoming
more angled toward the single
button, replacing the convention-
al tapered shawl. But be it white
or colored formal dinner jacket,
the black slacks ,hose and shoes
ensemble completes the correct
formal attire. Slacks are cut slim-
mer with pleatless fronts; plain
black loafers are acceptable with
summer formal wear.
Formal accessories for summer
wear feature the new vest look.
Beginning to replace the matching
cummerbund and tie, the match-
ing vest and tie, or lively vest and

pensive than the lambs wool. 7
relatively inexpensive cost of
lambs wool sweater coupled w
its unobtrusive look may acco
for its popularity.
The peculiar popularity of
V-neck is particularly interest
because the burgundy colored
neck reverts to what was popu
in the '40s and illustrates h
little men's fashions have chang
This is not to say that me
sweater fashions haven't chan
at all. The new cadet collar
made inrodes simply because
the desire among some men
something new. This style, p
terned after the West Po
jacket, has been selling regula
The jacket style sweater is
ways a regular seller also. Ol
University men prefer them.

black tie, reflect ' the sportier
trend. Vests range from black and
other subdued colors, to scotch
plaids and batik patterns. Even
the traditional cummerbund sets
are brightening up with new plaid
and batik models, to supplement
traditional solid colors.
Jewelry for summer formal wear
includes white, black or colored
studs and cuff-links. Pleated or
fancier ruffled shirts complete the
summer formal look. Black rain-
coats, if necessary, are the correct
outer coat for summer formal
Winter formal fashions are
based around the, traditional black
tuxedo. The trend in tuxedo styl-
ing is again toward the newer one-
button, tapered-shawl-collar mod-
el. Slacks have unpleated fronts
with a slightly tapered look. The
traditional pleated shirt and tie-
cummerbund set is still good fash-
ion, however, formal vests, in usu-
ally more subdued plain colors or
patterns, are growing in popular-
Formal jewelry for winter cen-
ters around black or gold studs
and matching-cuff-links. The plain
black loafer is considered by many
fashion experts to be improper for
winter formal dress. A plain-toe
black tie shoe is preferred. Black
hose white silk neck scarf, black
homberg or snap brim dress hat,
black overcoat and off-white
gloves complete the well dressed
winter man's attire.

/ ' 'U
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shake a
stick at
f rom

"shirt story"
is as many
fabrics as

fur .


t 895






f in

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S . from 32.50
. 6.95
. . . . .. 8.9 5
.S .......... 3.95
GS . ... 5.95
. .. .... 4.00
.. .. . ...... 2.50

\ 4'
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Bermuda shorts as welcome to see
as +hfirs rdnfodil.Rresh and

New 'Natural Wonder' visibly improves your com-
plexion ... and flatters you as only a Revlon make-up
can! Helps prevent skin problems because it's actively
antiseptic, and absolutely non-greasy. Choose
' i.~rAI Wnr'- Mane (for etrnenrealine cover-

Stop by soon and treat yourself to a rewarding preview
of the lightweight clothing "in force" this season. Just in time for your
trip to Florida and the coming sunnmer months.

. 't..3...t.1


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