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March 15, 1964 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-15

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Hat Styles to Feature Large Brims

Spring Fashion Keynoted by BrightLook

$ d..a

The fashion to watch for this
spring is the change in hat styles..
They're the biggest, boldest and
most' beautiful confections that
the fashion store can offer in 1964.
Away with the wispy veil and
over-sized bow! The big hat takes
over the spotlight with a full-gen-
erous brim rolled up at the brow
and slung down on the crown. The
little girl style, which is the
grandmother of all large hats,
hasn't lost its appeal, either. Its
wide rolled brim and trailing rib-
bons will be seen on grown-up, As
well as school age, lassies.
The modified sombrero will
make its debut this month with
a short, curled brim and a wide
ribbon accentuating the crown.
For those who won't give way to
the new trend, the derby is still
"in". It looks very similar to the
hat which Charlie Chaplin made

famous. The small curled brim
and high, round crown is just as
popular now with women as it is
with men.
Bright Colors
Almost better than the styles for
this season are the colors and fab-
rics which milliners have selected
to reproduce their creations in.
Spring gets spelled out in spicy
greens, soft suedes, and sassy
straw. Pastel colors, which are al-
ways a favorite for the warmer
months, come alive in pinks that
sizzle and ripe orange. Prints are
a favorite to encircle the large
hat's crown, and long ribbons in
contrasting color attract eyes to
the little girl look.
Even though designers insist
anyone can wear the broad-
brimmed hat, they haven't for-
gotten those too timid to try. The
beret has returned in a new shape
-flatter, squarer, and worn on top

of the head instead of on a slant.
It's perfect for the dressier spring
Match Outfits
Another way to accentuate the
new Easter outfit is with a match-
ing hat of the same fabric. The
speckled tweeds can make a so-
phisticated picture when created
in a fringed cloche.
Kerchiefs are back too, but the
fabrics have put them far above
the bicycle-riding set. Lacy and
appliqued, these triangles com-
bine comfort with pseudo-sophis-
With such a variety from which
to choose, women should be highly
hatted. In fact, this year perhaps
women will be the hat wearers ofI
the family.
Hats are being seen more and
more often with women's cloth-
ing. The summer evening hat is
the coiner to watch.


Fashions for this season are go-
ing to be radically different from
those in the past. The new looki
characterized by a briefer and a
brighter color.
The briefer look can be seen
particularly in the shorter jackets
and the lower necklines. Even
feet are being styled with the
briefer look as is evidenced by
open cut shoes and the sling
back style that is now recurring
after many years of unpopularity.'
This brief look is also obvious
in the suit jackets for women
that hug the rib cage and have
necklines that swoop to the waist.
Time magazine, in particular, re-
cently gasped over the plunging
necklines that are becoming so
popular in evening dresses.
Skirt Length
The brief look is also apparent
in the length of skirts and dresses.1
Though there is considerable de-
bate as to whether hem lines are
growing shorter or longer, it is
becoming increasingly obvious that
they will remain as short, at least,
as they were last year.
Culottes, in particular, are rep-
resentative of the very short
styles that are now considered ac-
ceptable for casual wear. Coats,
too, have the short look, character-
ized by low waists and short skirts.
Even jackets have that shorter
look and this winter's car coat is
being duplicated in the lighter col-
ors and materials of spring.
Casual outfits of wrap around
Women Whisk
Waists Awaya
When shift dresses became pop-
ular four years ago, men be-
moaned the figureless women that
then graced their presence.
Well, once again men have cause;
to wonder-women are no longer



The Fashions o Europe are here
in Ann Arbor
Yi~IW'arcade jewelryshop
we have many imported VDk white and yellow golda
imported from France, Italy, Spain, Germany
Stop in and see our wide selection. from 3.75
pfe e s sc o e o c~d|

skirts and blouses ar.e also fol-
lowing the trend of the shorter
look. The wrap around skirt, in
particular, is being raised above
the knees.
Two Areas
Only in two areas of women's
clothing are these shorter trends
not being followed. Women's night
shirts and night gowns are becom-
ing increasingly popular. They are
also shown with long, flowing robes
faintly reminiscent of the long
sleeping wear of post-war styles.
Hats, too, seem to be abandon-
ing the look of brevity. As skirts
get shorter, hats become fuller and
droopier. This year's hats are tall-
er, with flipped up brims. The
pill box hat look that has been
so popular for the past few years
is now being complimented with
a long chiffon scarf addition that
once again hints of longer and
sweeping millinery styles.
The long evening dresses that
have suddenly become popular
again are the final exception to
the briefer look. An outgrowth of
the Paris styles, these long dresses
nevertheless compensate for their
hem lengths by a very low neck-
Hair Styles
Even hair styles seem to be fol-
lowing this trend toward a shorter
look. This year's styles call for an
end to the full bouffants of last
season. Instead, the call is for
shorter, silkier, more natural looks.
These short, perky styles are ac-
centuated by the return of nauti-
cal fashions and country looks.
Blue denims, along with this trend,
is becoming increasingly popular.
The newest in the "brighter"
colors is the use of harsh, very
flagrant blues, pinks, reds, and
oranges. Strange patterns of clash-
ing plaids and prints now can be
found side by side in the new
stretch pants that have become
so popular.

"Tom Jones" has influenced a
great many of women's styles in
clothing. The very sweet, pure look
that characterized the heroine of
"Tom Jones" will be seen in manyI
blouses and dresses of this spring.
The high necks with the faintly
ruffled bodice, the pastel colors
and the paisley prints are all very

suggestive of the sunny, country-
ish atmosphere of Tom Jones.
What to look for, then, in the
coming season? A briefer look, a
brighter color, and the contrast
of the Tom Jones look with its
muted colors and styles. Ameri-
can women are heralding this
spring with clever, exciting styles.

t t

Elegant Coats Greet Spring

figureless, but their waists have Stripes and Spots
dropped down drastically. This Zebra stripes, leopard spots, plus
look is important in its reminis- mtdpad n rnshv n
cence of the '30's look and its muted plaids and prints have i-
overa'll look that is slim with a taded women's ldngerie. Gone are
hint of shaping. the old staid and steady colors.
On the other hand, waists have Bathing suits, too, have adopted
also moved up in the Empire styles these exuberant spring colors, and
that have recently become so pop- summer swim suits of violets and
ular. These give a similar faintly of reds and oranges will be seen
figured effect. So anyway, what's frequently on the beaches this
wrong with women's waist lines at summer.-
| their waists? Interestingly enough,_the movie

FORMAL COATS in spring fashion are typified by this attractive
full-length dress coat. Made of a comfortable summer wool, it is
the perfect complement to any . evening appearance. Coats in
this style will be seen more and more as the summer progresses.

;f .. s
> +p
_., '. , a ''f.

Eden Roberts
new casual wear
in 50% vycronC'
(that doesn't
wrinkle) and 50%
cotton . . . the
color is caribbean
blue with white
stripes . . . and
the look is

Shifts $13.00
top $10.00
skirt $8.00


- - . L -.-


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