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March 15, 1964 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-03-15

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A-Line Style Features Bigger Jumpers

Knee Length Style Aids
Popularity of Shoe-Boot

Madras, the spring standby, will
still be with us this spring. Jump-
ers are even made with madras
and denim reversible sides.
Many women find shifts look
better when they are slightly
shaped through the middle, one
local merchant said. Therefore, we
won't see all shapeless forms.
These straight shifts are best if
they are a bit on the short side.
One reason why jumpers are so
popular is their practicality. They
are cool and gentle fitting, and
the majority are washable.

The women's shoe-boot has been
rapidly growing in popularity
across the country for the past
two years.
Though the boots come in sizes
ranging from ankle to knee length,
the biggest seller on this campus
has been the knee length size,
both because of its appeal and its
It can be worn year-round and
comes either with or without lin-
ing. Lining may be of wool, fur
or synthetic material, while the
boot itself is made, of strong leath-
er, sometimes patent leather. In
higher priced boots, they are made
of alligator or snake skin.
'Country' Look
Shoe-boots may be used in win-
ter as part of the after-ski look,"
in which the boots are worn with

The Spring .
Our greatest collection ever of
fine light weights and tropicals ,$
is now ready for your $
inspection. The reward for
making your selections promptly
is a far greater choice of
patterns and colorings,
particularly among4
our special imports.
Priced from $57.80 to $135.00
Dacron & Cottons from $45.00
Monday through Saturday,
9'00 to 530 R
G .
326 South State St. 41 East Adams
NO 5-7228 WO 2-1 05

Its (Saffell & Bush)
State Street
a complete new,.selection o
young men's apparell-
Cael Imported Madras Sportcoats-$3500
S CamelColor
100% Lamb's Wool Sportcoats-$4750

Natural Shoulder
Spring & Summer Suits-$4250
(browse through our stock at your leisure)
We have the most complete selection of young men's clothing and
furnishings in our 40-year history as the leader of quality merchandise

ski pants and a heavy, knit sweat-
er. In spring or fall, they blend
with the "country" or "out of
doors" look, and are worn with
either a plastic or patent leather
The boot's popularity may be
due to their informality and com-
fort or their particular fashion
appeal. One Ann Arbor merchant
said that the boots are only part
of an "Audrey Hepburn image"
with boots, tights and long hair.
Another merchant said that the
boots were part of a more out-
door look and one thinks more of
fishermen or mountaineers than
any particular person.
Aggressive Feeling
With either the ski look or the
fishermen's image, one can sense
a certain masculinity and strength
in these boots. As one University
woman said, "I feel aggressive in
them. It's the only pair of shoes I
have where I feel so much in com-
Several people felt the boots
were "down to earth."
In the angle-length boot, the
stress is on something more fem-
inine. "They're sexy, it has a great
effect," says one perceptive en-
thusiast. "You see a nice thick,
heavy boot rising off the floor with
this dainty, slender leg coming out
of it."
Male reaction to the boots isr
dififcult to pin down, though it
ranges from acute disfavor to great
enthusiasm. As one male student

... levis and top to match

...fashionable jumpers

Levis Come
Into Vogue
Women are doing it again: they
are trying to declare their- equal-
ity with men, and this time they
are doing it with their clothing.
Blue jeans and white levis are
the new sporting look for this sea-
For the outdoors woman who
is interested in being casually and
comfortable and, above all, appeal-
ingly dressed, the blue jean and
levi are definitely in. The fal
for blue denim which started last
year has spread to the female
sports wear.
Began as Rebellion
What probably started on col-
lege campuses when young wom-
en wore dungarees to classes to
demonstrate their rebellion against
the almost Victorian tendencies of
their parents, soon spread to their
more conservative peers. Today
the dungarees are even worn by
respectable matrons as they putter
in their gardens or on the golf'
The dungarees are popular eith-
er as short shorts, as bermuda
shorts or as- long pants for the
colder weather. Cut off dungarees
with their fringed legs are partic-
ularly suited to the high school
student or the co-ed who at-
tends summer beach parties, tennis
matches and other outdoor sports
The blue denim pants that tend
to be more tailored are extremely
popular. They often come with
matching overblouses or matching
shirts and jackets. Blue denim
gym shoes have even been produc-
ed to make the outfit complete.
White Levi Craze
White levi long pants styled very
much like the pants worn by cow-
punchers of western fame have
become extremely popular this sea-
son. Set off by wide brown belts
and sporty shirts, women look
ready to match the males in any
outdoor activity-with some limi-
tations of course.
What has caused this sudden
craze for the natural, sporty type
look that is becoming so popular
today? Are Americans reverting to
a period of naturalisny and of li-
berality that permits more diversi-
fication in dress?
Is this liberality that permits a
girl to walk around in levis and
not be regarded with fear and awe
by her preceding generation? Is
it this liberality that frees levi
wearers from the abusive cries of
"juvenile delinquent?" Or is it
perhaps, that the older generation
has compromised by "civilizing"
dungarees and making them ap-
pear more "suitable?"

U.S. Women,
Pierce Ears
For Fashion
Ancient tribes of Africa, Ame-
rica and Asia had strange rites
and rituals which we today regard
with horror and distaste. The still
popular tribal custom of producing
a protruding upper lip or a pro-
truding lower lip, the rings that
were placed in noses for orna-
mentation-all these fill us with
a mixture of awe and distaste.
Even in Europe certain painful
customs were maintained simply
because they were custom. How-
ever, when Europeans migrated to
this country, they gradually aban-
doned these old rituals, and the
young America was a polyglot of
v a g u e l y intermingled national
customs that were becoming dis-
torted with time and the influence
of other customs.
But today an old custom is re-
curring. This old custom, practiced
in Europe, and even practiced by
many of the tribes of America, is
now being practiced by American
females throughout the country.
Pierced ears have indeed become
the sign of a well dressed woman.
Doctors and Amateurs
Ears can be pierced by doctors
who do so easily and efficiently
with some novacaine and a sharp
needle. Very often, however, girls
finds it just as convenient to let
dormitory companions do the
somewhat delicate work of pierc-
ing ears.
The fad has produced a sud-
den blossoming of the earring pro-
duction for pierced ears. Earrings
in every shape, material and form
can be found.
Particularly popular are the
small gold circular earrings that
can be worn for a multitude of
different occasions, whether for
dress or casual wear. Large gold
rings are als6 quite popular and
can be worn for the same occa-
Wide Variety Available
But those who make earrings
have let their imaginations play,
and a beautiful assortment of de-
signs and colors can be found. The
wooden jewelry that became so
popular last fall comes in the
shape of oblong dangle earrings,
both of brown wood' or black
ebony. Very often they are adorn-
ed with a pearl or a turquoise at
the tip.
Some of the more modernistic
designs in earrings can be found
in those that consist of a straight
gold bar terminated with a shorter
horizontal bar decorated with
pearls, turquoise or jade. The
straight gold bar .may also be
tipped with a tic-tac-toe looking
But the straight line patterns
are not the only shape of earrings.
Very often loops and animal
shapes are used rather than the
more linear patterns.
Fashionable Dangle Earrings
Dangle earrings of this sort have
always been primarily associated
with the "beatnik look" but today
they are spreading so that they
are considered fashionable by
many of the more conservative
fashion critics.
Dangle earrings, of course, are
not the only type of adornment
for the pierced ear. Small, circular
stones of any sort may be attached
to a pierced ear clasp. Some of the
most beautiful and the most deli-
cate jewelry comes in these ear-
Pierced ears and the accom-
panying earrings are particularly
suitable for the natural look.



.s. . boots for all weather

said, "Their walking becomes a lot
more striking and appealing with
the boots on."
One complaint was that the
shoes would look a lot better if
the girls would buy the right size.
Boot sizes are the same as shoe
sizes but, according to one local
merchant, "Nine out of any ten
girls who wear these boots have
bought them a size too small."




" LV i
- Yq} ti

.FA's zip-liner


STOP at the
SHOP that

This split-raglan model in 2-ply Dacron poly-
ester and cotton is permanently water-repellent,
tailored to our exacting specifications, and com-
bines a good looking fitted front with on-campus
comfort. It's lined with our own distinctive two-
tone plaid, comes in natural, black, olive or new
slate brown, 32.50. With zip-in liner of Orlon




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