"'Tis But Thy Name That Is My Enemy... 0, Be
Some Other Name"
Seventy-First Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Teaching Museum:
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Engrossing Trap
Daily Staff Writer
"A TEACHING museum has a function to intelligently lay a trap
for the audience, by presenting material to which they can re-
act," said University museum director, Charles Sawyer.
Speaking on the museum's responsibility towards modern art, Saw-
yer opened a series of six informal talks being presented on modern art
at the Forsythe Gallery.
Sawyer stressed that a museum must collect modern art to main-
tain a sense of excitement to remain in contact with our own age, even
though modern art is a highly varied and unproven form at the pres-
ent. "To refuse the art of our time is to accept that the museum is
Do University Women
Need Special Representation?
'HE CONCEPT of a Women's Senate, speak-
* ing for all women on the campus and in-
stigating their particular problems, is an
Kcellent one.
Unfortunately, the reality of our Senate has
,llen far short of the ideal in its seven years
F existence. Part of the problem has been the
nnual attitude, "Well, what can we do about
mate this year?" which never seems to get
ast the question stage.
Any new idea needs time to grow and time
> be adapted to local needs, but Senate
ight to have passed the germinal stage by
ow. It ought to be doing things and making
self heard. At the end of this year, Senate
ill have been in existence for two full student
rcles. If it has not proved effective by that
me, it probably never will.
TET BEFORE we accept the conclusion that
Senate is dead wood to be cleared away
icause it simply doesn't work, let us give a
second thought to the idea from which it
developed. Is there still a real need for women's
legislation as opposed to general campus
legislation? Are women still in a semi-isolated
position at this university? Do organizations
like Senate maintain distinctions which ought
to be abolished entirely?
Perhaps the real question extends far beyond
the value of Women's Senate as an organiza-
tion. Perhaps what ought to be evaluated is
not the organization, but the principle behind
it: that women are somehow second-class
citizens at the University who need special
legislation and special representation in order
to receive fair treatment.
If this is so, then we need Women's Senate
to insure the equality of women. On the other
hand, perhaps Senate's weakness signifies that
the principle of women's special, sheltered
status on this campus is no longer operative.
Registration Deadline Nears
THISCOMING Monday, Oct. 10. marks the
deadline for the biggest registration drive
the state has ever seen. Democrats in Detroit
are pushing for one million registered voters.
The Republicans outstate hope to offset that
with an even larger number. In short, political
experts predict the largest registration in
Michigan's election history.
Registration and voting in Michigan are
relatively simple. Registration is permanent
if the voter votes in every Congressional elec-
tion. All voters whose registration expires be-
cause of this provision will be mailed a "Notice
of Suspension of Registration" which must
be returned to the township or city clerk within
30 days or registration will be cancelled.
is a voter changes his permanent address
since Le last voted, this too serves as a regis-
Grmavel Throats
AN APOLOGY is due professors who attempt-
ed to teach Friday morning courses in
Angell Hall classrooms while sandblasters
cleaned the Angell Hall steps.
It was nearly impossible for these professors
ten and eleven o'clock are the most popular
class hours - to project their instruction over
the noise of the janitorial work.
-N. M.
tration nullification, and makes it necessary
for him to re-register.
TO REGISTER the person must be a United
States citizen, must have resided in the
state six months, and in the city or township
30 days.
Registration may be made in person or by
mail up to and including the thirtieth day
preceeding the general election (Oct. 10).
Any minor who will be 21 years of age on
or before the general election should also
register. The general election this year is on
Nov. 8.
REGISTRATION in person means that the
voter simply presents himself at the office
of either the township clerk or the county
clerk, as may be the case in his place of resi-
dence, and registration is quickly completed
with the materials at hand. No documentation
of the process is required.
In Michigan, college students living per-
manently within the state, but not at the
college itself, are recognize to reside at their
permanent residence. They should register to
vote with their township clerk.
Members of he armed forces must also
register in the manner prescribed for students.
If you plan to be away from your residence
on election day, you should apply for an
absentee ballot at the time you register. This
is especially true in Michigan as most students
cannot return home just to vote.
Second Round Disappointing
Ia masoleum," he said. Compared
attitudes in museums today,Mr.
Sawyer noted.
* * *
the National Gallery in Washing-
ton, D.C., ignore modern art com-
pletely, with the idea that until a
type of art has proven itself, I
doesn't belong; and, it is felt, that
an artist must be dead twenty-five
years before his work can be
evaluated as significant.
Extremely opposed to such a
view, is the one of a museum like
the Whitney Museum, in New
York, which collects modern art
exclusively; the director there be-
lieves that a museum is a social
institution, with a primary re-
sponsibility to support contem-
porary artists, Sawyer stated.
Midway between these two views,
is that of most museums, Sawyer
said, which try to present a re-
flection of our time, but whichj
feel a responsibility to the art, not
to the artist.
differences between the large pub-
lic museums and the specialized
teaching museum.I
In his opinion, the public insti-
tute tries to present a reflection of
man in art of all ages; modern art
is only one facet of this job. Ini
giving a cross-section in this way,
the larger museums may be forc-
ed to "miss the boat in presenting
the exciting and adventure-
some," Sawyer noted, and be forc-
ed to deal only in established
values. .
* * *
known, and unevaluated art which
the museum director is faced with,
Sawyer separated out four of the
major trends in contemporary art.{
Abstract art is that which de-
rives from Cezanne, Picasso, and
Braque, says Sawyer. It does not
deny the image, and is recreative
of forms.
Non-objective art deliberately
does deny the image, and at-j
tempts to recreate the ordered re-
lationships of mathematics and
science, much as the Bauhaus
school does in architecture, Saw-
yer stated.
The image is present but dis-
torted for emphasis of particular
elements which the artist wishes
to accent, in expressive art. El
Greco represents an early exam-
ple of such work.
* * *
NEWEST IN THE developments
is the abstract expressionist
school, in which abstract and ex-
pressionist elements are combin-
ed, and which in certain aspects
is concerned with the "kinetic ex-
citement of surface," Sawyer not-
He saw this latest movement as
a reaction against, and denial of
its basic ancestry, which was "in-
terest in form, in projection and
space." Abstract expressionism is
most concerned with the use of
colors and textures, on a two di-
mensional surface.
with this goal, are three differing
td the
To The Editor:
WHEN a nation such as ours be-
gins to persecute its more ra-
tional thinkers and internationally
acclaimed humanitarians,, then
something is clearly wrong. 'It
leads me to believe Fidel Castro:
The U.S. Government calls every-
body who does not accept their
line of thought a Communist.
Thus is the case of Dr. Linus
Pauling, renowned scholar, pro-
found thinker, Nobel prize winning
chemist, and devoted humanist,
who has dedicated his life to the
promotion of world peace and the
end of the nuclear threat. By
means of tireless lectures, numer-
ous pamphlets, and the book "No
More War," he has led the fight in
this country against the testing
and use of nuclear weapons. He
with the help of other dedicated
scientists circulated a petition to
the United Nations asking for the
banning of nuclear tests and the
use of such weapons. He spoke on
this subject at the University of
Michigan in 1959 and was under-
stood and loved my most of the
people who heard him.
DR. PAULING has recently been
cited by the Senate Internal Se-
curity Committee (led by Senator
Dodd) for contempt of Congress
because he refused to reveal the
names of those scientists who
helped him circulate his famous
petition. Because of this, he faces
a possible jail sentence, and if
this happens it will be a great
tragedy not only for those who
seek an end to this nuclear non-
sense, but also a tragedy' for all
who support the idea of free
speech and the right of public
protest. To lose this basic free-
dom is to lose the essence of dem-
ocratic life.
I call for all students sincerely
interested in preserving this free-
dom to raise their voices in pro-
test against the persecution of
Linus Pauling.
-John C. Erfurt
alapropos .. .
To The Editor:
By the time our Junior academi-
cians recover from their "week
shock," perhaps they wpl have oc-
casion to realize that they are
receiving the gift of five addition-
al days of classes (or perhaps,
CHAR E whatsoever.
--Harriett Gluckstein
Secretary, Dept. of Psychology
Only the First Wave
IT IS TOO early to be sure, but there are
signs that the first wave of Mr. K.'s dip-
lomatic offensive has passed its crest. There
is no doubt that there will be a second wave
but it may be that it will not come immediately,
and that there will be an interval of compara-
tive quiet in which to assess the situation.
If this proves to be correct, we can say that
while Mr. K. has failed to conquer or to
wreck the U. N, he has staged a powerful
and significant demonstration against the
status quo. His campaign is not over. Indeed
it is just launched. And there is no time to be
wasted in preparing our minds and our policies
for the long conflict of which we have seen
only the beginning.
ON MONDAY, in the most revealing of all his
speeches at the U. N., Mr. K. made clear
what is behind the uproar he has been creating.
It is that "the structure of some United
Nations bodies," which was "normal," fifteen
years ago, "is now out of date."
In 1945, when the U. N. was founded, the
assumption was that the U. N. would be led
by the five victorious big powers in World
War II, that is to say by the Soviet Union,
Kuomintang China, Great Britain, France,
and the United States. Since 1945 the Soviet
Union has become a very great power, Kuomin-
tang China has,collapsed on the Chinese main-
land, and a billion people, formerly under
colonial rule, have become independent.
The U. N., he asserts, reflects the power
structure of the world in 1945 and not the
power structure of the world today. His griev-
ance is that in the Security Council and in
the Secretariat, the new powers that have
risen since 1945 are not fairly represented. His
object is to reform the U. N. - or more
specifically to reform the Security Council
and the Secretariat - in order that they may
reflect the facts which are, he asserts, that'
"not only law and justice but force too is on
the side of" the Communist orbit and the
neutrals. The United States and its Western
allies are, he asserts, still preponderant in the
U.N. But they are no longer preponderant in
the world.
ONCE AGAIN, as in his torrent of insults
after the U-2, Mr. K. has overplayed his
hand and has played it badly. For he has
directed the brunt of his assault not at the
undoubted weaknesses of the U. N. structure
but at its strongest and most progressive and
most inspiring success. This is the emergence
of the office of Secretary General under Mr.
Hammarskjold's brilliant direction as an in-j
dispensible protector of the peace among small
Mr. Hammarskjold is not out of date but the
composition of the Security Council is out
of date. The bloc voting in which we have had
so conspicuous a part has been abused in such
matters as the Chinese representation, the
election to the Presidency of the General
Assembly, and the election of non-permanent
members to the Security Council. But there
pis room for negotiation and for reform. But
what is not negotiable is the one thing that
Mr. K. has made the most of - his proposal
to abolish the Secretary General and to re-
place him by an inherently discordant com-
MR. K.'s MISTAKE has been to attack the
U. N. where it is least vulnerable, and
because of that his support in the Assembly
is small. He has in fact been repulsed, and
apparently he knows it. For he is not pressing
his demands about the Secretary General.
But, if we care about the future, let us not
think that Mr. K.'s mistake has been our
success. Let us not sink into torpor and com-
placency until Mr. K. launches, as he surely
will, the next wave of his campaign. The uproar
in the General Assembly which evoked more
Daily StaffW riter
THE televised debate between
Sen. Kennedy and Vice-Presi-
dent Nixon last night was cer-
tainly disappointing to the audi-
ence and was probably disappoint-
ing to both candidates as well.
But the big loser last night-
and in the first debate as well-
was, unquestionably, Nixon. Once
again, Nixon failed to project a
"good image." It became clear last
night that his problem was not
the lighting or his make-up. He
has two more basic problems.
His first problem is that he
has apparently contracted a mon-
strous case of stage fright. Ex-
perienced politicians do not or-
dinarily advocate eliminating "the
farmers" nor do they ordinarily
state that any group of people is
"not too important" nor do they
confuse easy money with "free
*S* *
tions of Nixon's confusion. For ex-
ample, a man as experienced as
Nixon is at answering reporters'
questions does not continually
protest that he wants to make
himself "absolutely clear"-as Nix-
on did several times last night.
Nixon's stage fright has been
the big surprise of the ,debates.
Experienced observers of the two
men were predicting that Nixon
would come off better in the de-
bates. For years Nixon has been
using spontaneous speeches and
semi-public news conferences as
his chief weapon. He has a quick
and agile mind and has been very
successful. Some observers were
even predicting that Kennedy
would insist on a different format
for the debates.
Nixon's performance in the two
debates so far has been unfor-
tunate not only for himself, but
also for the voters. Nixon is far
more capable, far more able, and
far more articulate than he has
appeared in the debates. But if
one has not attended his press
conferences or spoken with the
man personally, this must be very
hard to appreciate.
* * *
NIXON'S SECOND problem is
his basic strategy in the cam-
paign. He has apparently ma-
nuevered himself into a rather
poor position. His original strate-
gy was, apparently, to soft-pedal
domestic issues and hit hard at
the experience of Henry Cabot
Lodge and himself in foreign af-
His approach worked well for
a while, but he has carried that
issue as far as it can go. The first
debate convinced Nixon support-
ers-and, judging from his recent
statements, Nixon himself-that
he needs to hit harder on all
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
fronts or he will run the danger
of a repetition of 1948: Although
people may agree with him, they
will not become enthusiastic
enough to actually go to the polls
and vote for him.
* * *.
HIS PROBLEM IS, in his words,
"not to stand on the Eisenhower
record, but to build on it." He
has not yet solved the problem
of implementing this strategy. If
he is going to win the election, he
will probably have to solve this
problem rather quickly.
Kennedy was not as convincing
as he was in the first debate. His
performance was certainly not im-
pressive enough to start an elec-
tion landslide. He evaded many
issues, and he gave rather super-
ficial answers to other questions.
He was certainly less articulate
and less dynamic this time.
However, the debate can prob-
ably be called a stand-off and
this is unquestionably to Kenne-
dy's advantage. It kills the inex-
perience and immaturity argu-
ment and it prevents Nixon from
cutting into the Democratic
"natural majority" of voters.
is unquestionably unsatisfactory-
this time it was far worse than
the first debate. An hour is too
short a time for a complete dis-
cussion of complex issues, And
two-and-one-half minutes is an
absurdly short time to answer
questions concerning national de-
fense, economic policy, or foreign
Nixon partisans have taken this
position since the first debate and
will, no doubt, enlarge upon this
theme in the next few days. From
this argument they conclude that
the debates are worthless.
Although their premise that the
debates have been unsatisfactory
is basically true, their conclusion
is sheer nonsense. A far more rea-
sonable position is that the de-
bates should not be the only cri-
terion for making a decision. But
any presentation which allows the
voters to make first-hand com-
parisons between the candidates
is of some value.
Ad Libs
A DISC jockey from Chicago
named Dan Sorkin tells the
story of his career in "The Blab-
bermouths" (Citadel). In it he
lists some of his favorite ad libs,
"Money is the root of all hap-
"The meek shall inherit the
earth, and the bold shall take it
"A friend in need is a big pain
in the neck."
"The only thing we have to fear
is life itself."
'Lve makes the world go
-The Saturday Review
Collected Magazine Stories
Fitzgerald. 341 pp. New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons. $4.50.
'THE Saturday Evening Post of
thirty years ago was not a pic-
ture magazine (stories were illus-
trated by small drawings and
sketches and color was reserved
for the advertisements); it print-
ed no full-page photos of genuine
egg-heads--or of anything else for
that matter-and anyone inter-
ested enough to real all of one is-
sue would have had a full week's
work doing it.
Frequent articles were then ap-
pearing under the by-lines of Will
Rogers and Benito Mussolini, but
the major attraction of the mag-
azine was its fiction pages, where
the number of stories in a single
issue was twice what it is today.
Of those authors of three decades
ago, only a few, like Clarence
Budington Kelland, are still to be
found in current issues ofthe
Post. The once-familiar names of
Margaret Culkin Banning, James
Warner Bellah, Bernard DeVoto,
Nunnally Johnson, Sinclair Lewis,
John P. Marquand, Gouverneur
Morris, Damon Runyon, Booth
Tarkington and Ben Ames Wil-
liams, frequent contributors of the
past, have long since ceased to
a program that has seen nearly
all of Fitzgerald's books returned
to print in one form or another.
Two of Fitzgerald's best-known
pieces, "Babylon Revisited" and
"Crazy Sunday," are included in
"Taps at Reveille." There are a1-
so several somewhat less success-
ful stories, including one Civil
War tale and one near-fantasy.
Most interesting of all, how-
ever, are are three tales of Jose-
phine ("an unconscious pioneer of
the generation that was destined
to 'get out of hand' ") and the
five stories, selected from among
eight that appeared in the Post
in 1928-29, about Basil Duke Lee
(rhymes with Francis Scott Key).
* * *
disguised recollections of Fitzger-
ald's own school and pre-school
days, make up a very effective
sort of prose Variations on a
Theme. It is, after 'all, Basil's
pride that does him battle from
year to year, often hiding in his
inability to get along with other.
boys his age or to make close
Basil, like other Fitzgerald
young men in this book who seek
timidly after young ladies already
happily engaged, often finds him-
self the third man, the outsider
looking in. Yet this and other
James, often revised and rewrite
his stories extensively between
first publication and reprinting.
The result was often an improve-,
ment, occasionally not; sometimes
it was confusion.
The latter is found in the first
sentence of "'A Nice Quiet Place,"
one of the Josephine stories, as it
was first reprinted in "Taps at
Reveille" in 1935:
All that week she couldn't
decide whether she was a lol-
lipop or a roman candle -
through her dreams, dreams
that promised uninterrupted
sleep through many vacation
mornings, drove a series of
long, incalculable murmuring"
in tune with the put-put-put
of their cut-outs, "I love you
-I love you," over and over.
Whether the slip was Fitz-
gerald's or the printer's one still
has to turn back to The Saturday
Evening Post of. May 31, 1930,
and the sentence as it appeared
in its first published version, to
discover the subject of the long
latter part of the sentence, that
following the first dash.
All that week there was
much singing in her ears-
summer songs of ardent skies
and wild shade, songs about
new cars with long, incalcul-
was rushing away from her,
The earlier version, as it ap-
peared in that same issue of the
Post, is perhaps not vital to un-
derstanding the sentence, but it
gives an idea of how Fitzgerald
had progressed:
It was dark and cool, and
for the first time there was a
hint in the air that the earth
was hurrying on toward other
weather; the lush midsum-
mer moment when time stands .
still was already over.
* * *
flawed revisions, while they may
give some indication of how Fitz-
gerald worked, are not offered by
way of assault on the, author's
possible carelessness. Rather, the
complaint is that while they are
here, quoted from the 1935 .edi-
tion of "Taps at Reveille," they
are reproduced without alteration
in this year's new edition of the
The puzzle, it would seem, is why
the publisher, having decided Fits-
gerald to be deserving of repub-
lication at this time, did not as-
sign an editor to examine the
texts and to search for and clear
up such difficulties.
Still worse, the present edition is
full of typographical errors-so
full that 'when one character is