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May 18, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-18

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SeventIy-fifth Year

Impetus Given to Local Activism

here opinions Are Fr
Truth Will Prevail


NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Trying ewTack:
SNCC And The Establishment

VICE-PRESIDENT for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler, not one to let dogs lie
sleeping for very long, released a state-
ment last Friday praising the Student
Non-Violent Coordinating Committee for
"its contributions to campus and nation-
al life." Cutler's action is at once startling,
unprecedented and a brilliant expression
of a type of moral and intellectual lead-
ership for students and faculty that has
not been seen around the University for
quite some time. (Leadership at a uni-
versity should be defined as stimulation
by example rather than the gathering
of a political or any other kind of fol-
The great importance of this state-
ment lies first in its source. A University
vice-president is saying something, ac-
tually saying something. He is not out
politicking for money, apologizing for stu-
dent activism or trying to snare new fac-
ulty. He is taking a morally-based stand
on an issue irrelevant to the mass pro-
duction of University degrees but cru-
cially relevant to our world, such as it is,
and to the individual human beings in
that world who will receive those de-
It's about time somebody took this
sort of interest in things human and in
those aspects of University life where new
social theories and philosophies must
grow and be nurtured-eventually to pro-
vide new directions and new meanings to
the surrounding society.
THIS, SURELY, must be one reason for
the University's existence-providing
social leadership. Such social leadership,
manifested in SNCC, has now been offi-
cially encouraged. SNCC has attempted to
formulate new approaches to social prob-
lems. Its success or even its tactics can
be debated, but the worth to society of
new and imaginative forces for change
and development cannot be.
Society, faced with such forces, can
either ignore them, at its peril, or try to
accommodate them. Without such forces
at work, a society will quickly fall into
the deadly ruts of stagnation and inertia.
It is this fate that the student activists,
roundabout, blundering or confused
though they may be, are trying to fore-
stall. And it now would seem that the
student activists have a champion and a
supporter in Richard Cutler. Some per-
haps are looking disdainfully at anything
issuing from "the establishment"-"their
bitter enemy." But the present state of
activism at the University, though some-
what above an earlier, rock-bottom posi-
tion, shows that the students here can't
really carry the ball for very long with-
outdsome outside encouragement and
T'S LARGELY A MATTER of stimula-
tion. It takes, after all, a great deal of
energy and vision for a student to get
JUDITH WARREN......................Co-Editor
ROBERT RIPPLER ............... . . ......Co-Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN................ Sports Editor
JUDITH FIELDS................ Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS.,.....,......Supplement Manager
NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexford Benoit, Michael Ba-
damo, Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Was-
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning

himself out of his UGLI-classes-dates-
apartment living circle and engage in
some positive thinking and action aimed
at changing and perhaps disrupting, in
the process, the society that has prob-
ably taken care of him pretty well for
most of his life. Cutler has urged upon
the students here just such a step.
He has officially endorsed a philosophy
of student involvement in something
more than drama groups, chess clubs and
"nice" activities. Such a philosophy far
transcends, and is far more useful to
both the student and his society, than
a more traditional view of students as
Max Rafferty, California state super-
intendent of public instruction and a
shining example of what has gone wrong
at California and Berkeley, has pro-
pounded the old-style philosophy in an
interview in U.S. News and World Report.
Q. What, specifically, would you do
with these demonstration leaders on
the Berkeley campus?
A. I have urged many times that
we get rid of the obvious ringleaders
--these people who are not serious
students--to make room for the very
fine, dedicated and scholarly students
graduating from the high schools,
who are serious about advancing their
APPARENTLY, Rafferty's version of the
ideal student must either espouse his
own educational values or be willing to
accept whatever is handed him by Raf-
ferty in the name of education. This isn't
the kind of education Berkeley and the
University can and ought to offer; it is,
to borrow a phrase from Rafferty's title,
public instruction.
Those students here, who see them-
selves as students, can now, at least, see
one of the University's leaders doing and
saying something intended to jar them
from their complacency, encourage them
to think beyond the confines of the UGLI,
provoke them to discussion and perhaps
to action. They are, in short, confronted
with a compelling example, urging them
to live a little in the broadest, most hum-
anistic sense of the term.
Over and over and over again it has
been said. A university must be something
more than assigned reading and lectures
and libraries and research and fancy and
not-so-fancy buildings and smiling but
closed-mouth administrators and grumpy
bureaucrats and stale professors. Perhaps
there are too many vested interests, legi-
timate ones even, for anyone, except Cut-
ler, to take square aim and publicly open
fire on student apathy and social con-
servatism in one grand maneuver.
BUT AT LEAST there is Cutler now,
there have always been a few stu-
dents, maybe the faculty will start pro-
viding some vigorous support, maybe Cut-
ler's colleagues and boss will provide pri-
vate encouragement and public defense
even if they don't think they are in a
position to provide public encourage-
ment, maybe even for a brief span the
University, that great, confused, corpor-
ate-looking enterprise, can transcend, for
at least a few brilliant moments, its own
confusions, bureaucracies, neuroses and
become excitir}g, chaotic, stimulating and

EDITOR'S NOTE: In today's ar-
ticle, thetenth in a series, Philip
Sutin, Grad, continues to explore
the course of student activism on
the University campus since 1960.
CONCERN about the University
has languished this year, but
two major off-campus issues have
stimulated activism throughout
the University.
Two of this year's three at-
tempts at action in the University
community have proven to be
failures. In January, Student Gov-
ernment Council backed a "stay
in" at the Butterfield Theatres
that cost studentsrmore money
than the 25-cent price -hike they
were fighting.
Based on a tactic advanced by
Kenneth Winter inra Daily edi-
torial, students were to stay a
half hour into the 9 p.m. show,
getting their money's worth while
fouling up theatre operations.
BUT THE demonstration was
overplanned. Students jammed the
7 p.m. show, and almost no stu-
dents attended the 9 p.m. show.
The total attendance for the night
was very good, thus supplying the
theatre with enough money. In
addition, since few patrons came
to the 9 p.m. show, few were in-
convenienced when the students
stayed in the theatre an extra half
Finally, the protestors picked
"Mary Poppins," a Walt Disney
special that cost them $1.50
apiece-25 cents more than usual.
The University Student Em-
ployes Union threatened to picket
Drake's Sandwich Shop because
of the low wages paid its student
employes. But four employes re-
.udiated UMSEU in a letter to
The Daily, charging that the un-
ion Dromised not to picket, but
merely to negotiate with Drake's.
THE UNION, however, contin-
ued its pressure for a $1.25 mini-
mum wage. After discussions and
a picket of the Administration
Bldg., the University announced
that a new minimum wage would
start this July, not in 1967, as
originally planned,
Student Government Council
rebounded after the fall's low
vote. It agreed to remove the pe-
titioning requirement -- and the
result was 20 candidates and a
new political party-GROUP.

DURING CHRISTMAS VACATION, this year, the Butterfield theaters raised their prices to $1.25 Uni-
versity students, organized by Student Government Council, planned a "stay-in" at the Michigan
Theater to protest the price increase, seen above.

GROUP-the initials stand for
Government Reform of University
Policy-was formed by liberal stu-
dents from Detroit's Mumford
High School. The school had for
years been the largest contributor
of freshmen to the University, but
Mumfordites had until now had
little impact of the University
With the coming of Barry Blue-
stone, a Mumfordite, two years
ago this inertia had begun to
ROBERT GOLDEN, M i c k e y
Eisenberg and Steven Daniels
founded GROUP-and outlined its
basic policies. Candidates were
selected after a meeting of about
40 of their..friends in Eisenberg's
apartment where the incipient
party's aims were spelled out.
Golden ran for SGC president
under the new popular election
system with Ellen Buchalter as his
running mate. GROUP ran seven
candidates for nine positions.
GROUP, somewhat to the right
of the old Voice in its campus
politics days, stressed student

economic issues in the campaign.
"We see economic exploitation of
the student body while the Uni-
versity remains unwilling to com-
mit itself with the economic wel-
fare of students," the GROUP
platform declared. "Our primary
concern is to benefit the student."
WHILE Golden was soundly de-
feated by Gary Cunningham, the
GROUP slate scored one of the
greatest victories in SGC history.
Five of the seven candidates were
swept into office, despite charges
of shady GROUP campaign prac-
tices. On the Saturday before the
election the candidates were ruled
off the ballot, only to be returned
the next day.
With the coming of GROUP and
a virtually complete council turn-
over, SGC has become more lib-
eral. It has backed the UMESU-
Voice - GROUP economic welfare
program, but without effective
action yet.
IQC under John Eadie has
shown much vigor in protesting a
quite probable dorm fee hike
which may occur this summer.
BUT THESE campus happen-
ings were only minor events. Stu-
dents - and faculty - reacted
sharply to civil rights and the
growing war in Viet Nam.
The police brutalities in Selma
and the continued bombing in Viet
Nam culminated in two weeks of
frantic activity-March 14-27.
On the civil rights front, 60
students went to Montgomery,
Ala., at the request of the Stu-
dent N o n v i o 1e n t Coordinating
Committee. They remained five
days. Four who were arrested did
not return until March 24 after
several days in jail on a hunger
THE STUDENTS came from
t h e Voice-SDS-Osterweil Co-op
complex. Those that did not go

to Montgomery picketed the De-
troit Federal Bldg.
On March 19, they returned to
Detroit to participate in a long-
time previously scheduled picket
of Chrysler Corp. to protest Chrys-
ler investments in the Union of
South Africa.
This spring, for probably the
first time in University history,
faculty members were prepared to
use activist direct action tactics
in support of a cause.
A group of 13 faculty members
-largely younger members of the
sociology department-announced
their intention to hold a work
moratorium March 24. They would
replace their cancelled classes
with a day-long conference on
Viet Nam.
rect action tactics came from sev-
eral sources. One of the key lead-
ers, Prof. William Gamson was
active in Boston CORE before
moving to Ann Arbor.
Faculty and teaching fellow
participation in the Berkeley pro-
test movement was a second in-
spiration. The appropriateness of,
faculty action was driven home in
a speech Paul Goodman gave in
the Union Ballroom Feb. 18.
Faculty, because of their spe-
cial competance, must speak out
in a variety of issues which strike
at the foundation of society and
the university, he said.
"I would like society blasted by
the fire of university truth," he
told his audience.
IRONICALLY, Goodman cited
Viet Nam as an issue where fac-
ulty should speak as citizens, not
as faculty.
The movement quickly gained
ahderants and critics. Gov. George
Romney said the faculty was pre-
senting a bad example to the
state's youth; the state Senate
condemned the protest. Its reso-
lution was toned down; the orig-

inal version labeled the action "un
American and unpatriotic."
University P r e s i d e n t Harlan
Hatcher called the class suspen-
sion "inappropriate" but legal.
It was faculty pressure that
caused the group-now swollen to
49-to change tactics. The group
held an agonizing eight and one-
half hour meeting the night of
March 16 with the chairman of
SACUA and two other spokesmen
AS A RESULT of this meeting,
the "teach in" was adopted. It
was a 12-hour lecture, protest
rally, seminar session on Viet
Nam held March 24.
The group felt the work mora-
torium tactic was diverting atten-
tion from the real issue-the war
in Viet Nam. The tactic also had
reached the limit of its faculty
Hatcher blessed the "teach in"
at the student convocation. The
sense of relief in his remarks was
followed by the unstinting co-op-
eration the University gave the
"teach in."
THE TEACH-IN drew 2200 stu-
dents-one of the largest crowds
ever to participate in a University
protest demonstration. Theturn-
out-from opening speech to last
rally-was double the planners'
Students overflowed the four
Angell Hall Auditoria where the
event was staged and stayed on
through the second of two bomb
scares to a midnight rally.
There was some picketing by a
pro-administration Young Repub-
lican-Young Democrat coalition
and some noisy heckling of Prof.
Kenneth Boulding at the midnight
rally by a fraternity group.
THE "TEACH IN" movement
has continued past the original
rally to have both national and
I o c a 1 impacts. Nationally, it
spawned a series of local teach
ins. Sources close to President
Lyndon B. Johnson say he made
his "unconditional negotiation"
speech April 7 at Johns Hopkins
University to partially meet the
academic dissidents.
A long-planned Students for a
Democratic Society Viet Nam rally
April 17 drew 15,000 students in
Meanwhile, the faculty and
their cadre of students did much
of the planning behind the May
15 national teach in.
The movement has been a fac-
ulty one since the beginning with
students playing supporting roles.
The students are only marginally
related to the usual activist
SDS HAS supported the move-
ment, but an attempt to divert
student Interest to the march only
was checked.
The group has integrated quite
well with the faculty members to
form a new type of movement-.
a faculty-student movement.
TOMORROW: Student activ-
ism becomes motivated by in-
creasingly complex national and
international problems. The fu-
ture for activism on campus next
fal seems bright.




jobs Available But
Unemployment Reigns

Washington officials make un-
employment statistics as accurate
as the present state of knowledge
permits, but it is hard to under-
stand where the 4 million or so
Americans listed as "unemployed"
may be found.
While the AFL-CIO presses its
demands for a 35-hour work week
and double-time penalty on over-
time to "make employment," there
is increasing difficulty in finding
men andswomen to fill job open-
Recently the Wall Street Jour-
nal devoted a long article to the
difficulties employers in a num-
ber of areas are having in find-
ing skilled, semi-skilled and even
unskilled labor. Costly overtime is
being worked in a number of in-
dustries due to the lack of appli-
THIS IS NOT, apparently, a
situation confined to a few areas
of the country. West Virginia has
been held up for some years as
an example of a "depressed area"
in which jobs must be created. But
Sen. Randolph of that state re-
ports that West Virginia can't
find enough workers to harvest
the $20 million apple crop, even
with the help of Labor Depart-
ment recruiters in other states.
Similar stories are being spread
on the Congressional Record in-
volving states in all parts of the
When the Brooklyn Navy Yard

closing was announced, job offers
for even the unskilled poured in
even from employers hundreds of
miles away.
THESE BITS of evidence,
coupled with the pages of Help
Wanted advertising in so many
papers all over the country, cause
one to wonder how we are to go
about curing unemployment if
having jobs open and available
won't do it.
-National Association of


fall seems bright.

Congress Impotent in Foreign Policy

Special To The Dally
W ASHINGTON -- It takes no
more than half of a day spent
conversing with congressional
staff members to discover the
great extent to which Congress is
disenchanted with American pol-
icy in Viet Nam.
However the result of this dis-
enchantment is more congressional
frustration than congressional ac-
tion. Congress is no longer a vital
force in formulating American
foreign policy, nor has it been
since at least the onset of the
Second World War.

o&) 1TO)1tR 2

This situation is partly due to
constitutional provisions giving the
president the power to make
treaties as well as full authority
as commander-in-chief of the na-
tion's military forces.
SINCE George Washington, it
has been the President rather than
Congress which has been the
major force in making foreign
Congressional impotence (rather
than simply the traditional presi-
dential dominance) is also ex-
plained in American government
textbooks as a necessary reaction
to America's post-war emergence
from isolationism into internation-
alism in the modern nuclear world.
In such a situation speed and
efficiency in gathering informa-
tion and making decisions is a
prerequisite for survival. But Con-
gress is ill-prepared to compete
with the presidency in fulfilling
these requirements.
But the main reason for con-
gressional inaction in the area of
foreign policy is that, based on
both of the above partial explana-
tions, congressmen themselves
feel that it is not their place to
involve themselves in that area.
liam Fulbright (D-Ark), chairman
of the Senate Committee on For-
eign Relations, remarked, "Con-
gress is extremely reluctant to tell
the President that he is all wet in
his foreign policy."
As a result, only a handful of
congressmen have voiced their dis-
f'rIntent. wyjih rev~c'nt .adminigjtvr -

can to the Democratic Party while
in the Senate in 1954, has never
been one of the most popular
Senators among his colleagues.
Despite his admitted brilliance,
Morse's erratic senatorial career
and his outspoken criticism, par-
ticularly in the field of foreign
affairs has, many Senators fear,
identified him in the public eye as
an advocate of wild and improb-
able causes. Thus, individual con-
gressmen may hesitate to seem-
ingly associate themselves with
Morse's criticisms on Viet Nam.
Other Senators, both Republi-
can and Democratic, have, to
varying degrees at least, indicated
their growing concern over our
involvement in Viet Nam on the
floor of the Senate. Senators
Church (D-Idaho), McGovern (D-
SD), Nelson (D-Mis), Javits (R-
NY) and Aiken (R-Vt) have come
closest to expressing outright op-
A host of other Senators have
publically expressed some degree
of criticism. These include Sena-
tors Robert Kennedy (D-NY), Ful-
bright (D-Ark), the powerful
Richard Russell (D-Ga) and
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
EVEN MORE senators, includ-
ing a large bloc of Southern con-
servatives who point to the
Korean War as bitter testimony
to the fact that the United States
cannot win a land war in South-
east Asia, have been privately
grumbling about American in-
volvement in Viet Nam, according
to one of Morseo's aides.

will undercut the American effort
in Viet Nam. Our effort, he ex-
plains, is predicated on convinc-
ing the enemy that it is impossible
for them to ever win the war be-
cause of a steadfast American
commitment to protect the ter-
ritory. Criticism will make our
commitment seem less than stead-
THE SUCCESS of Johnson's
persuasive abilities is testified to
by the case of Sen. Fulbright. Ful-
bright, who has publically engaged
in only very mild criticism--"Bill
doesn't take a stand; he lies
down," an aide to Sen. Morse re-
marked bitterly- is known to be
privately very much opposed to
present administration policies.
Fulbright has expressed this op-
'position to the President, and the
President has responded by trying
to convince the Chairman of the
Foreign Relations Committee of
the merit of present strategy. But,
as one assistant remarked, "The
President doesn't enjoy hearing
things he doesn't like, and every
time he talks to Fulbright he
hears something he doesn't like."
Despite his opposition, however,
not only has Fulbright largely re-
mained silent on the floor of the
Senate, but he has refused to hold
hearings before the Foreign Re-
lations Committee on the situa-
tion in Viet Nam.
Johnson was able to persuade
Fulbright, according to Morse's
aide (Morse is also a member of
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