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July 09, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-09

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FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1965


Methods.-Key to




Meet Wrath Aid Bills Creal

te Controversy

prove the birth control devices in ity on the, government and the
principle. However, the Catholics, non-Catholic community, Blood
until 1961, had a rigid attitude, explained.
maintaining that they would not This represents an adaptation
change. Continued pressure on the of aCtholicism to a pluralistic so-
Catholics has led them to make cieyt in which there are many
changes in recent years. values held by people in a rela-'
The Roman Catholic church of- tionship ofmutual respect. Ca-
ficially teaches and approves of a tholocism was originally a state
method of birth control termed religion, but in the U.S., where
"rhythm" or natural birth con- it is only a minority religion,eit
trol. According to this method, the has changed its view to fit into a
nature controls. Rhythm restricts minority status.
sexual love to "infertile phases of Position to Change
the menstrual cycle, when nature Prof. Blood predicts that the
is presumed to have no intention Catholic position, in respect to
to conceive." the methods to be employed in
Concurs birth control, will also change in
Concurring with Protestants, Fr. the near future.
Litka of St. Mary's Chapel said The Catholic view on the meth-
that in accordance with the in- od is an obstacle to the interna-
ner conscience and realizing one's tional program of birth control
physical, financial and psycholog- aid. This has affected the U.S.
ical reasons, a couple may sincere- government in its program of im-
ly feel the need to use contracep- plementation. However, it is hoped
tives in order to have full married that the changing trend among
love. American Catholics would also
He emphasized that he did feel spread to other countries and

-- -- - --- - - %- qmw-qw in

Of Faculty-
Collegiate Press Service
WASHINGTON-Faculty mem-
bers at George Washington Uni-
versity in Washington and George
Mason College in Virginia have
recently joined a growing list of
rebels against the administration
of their institutions.
The George Washington faculty
has refused to endorse the trus-
tee's selection of Lloyd Elliot, the
current University of Maine presi-
dent, as their new president. The
trustees had ignored a unanimous
advisory committee recommenda-
tion supporting Vice-President
John Brown for the job in making
their selection.
At George Mason, at least seven
faculty members have resigned in
protest of the administrative con-
duct of director Robert Reid. Al-
though the George Mason griev-
ances haven't been fully aired in
public, they seem far more per-
sonally directed against Reid than
the George Washington grievances
are directed against Elliott.
Earlier this year, protests by
faculty members at Saint John's
in New York and the University
of Oregon attracted attention.
At Saint John's, faculty mem-
bers objected to the banning of
an Allen Ginsburg poem at Cen-
tral Oregon College. Also in Wash-
ington, 17 Georgetown University
English faculty members petition-
ed in December against the dis-
missal of their colleague Francis
E. Kearns, allegedly for criticiz-
ing the university magazine ar-

Collegiate Press Service
WASHINGTON-Legislation to
aid higher education, which Con-
gress put aside while passing the
administration's elementary and
secondary school aid bill, has pro-
duced unusual controversy and
surprises this year.
The most recent development
was the House Education and
Labor Committee's unexpected re-
moval on May 21 of the $70 mil-
lion undergraduate scholarship
program from President Lyndon
B. Johnson's $250 million higher
education bill.
The committee removed the
scholarship program by one vote
in response to criticism by Penn-
sylvania Democrat John Dent, who
objected to the lack of stringently
defined requirements for recip-
ients in the bill.
Eligibility Requirements
Earlier, a subcommittee of the
full committee had expanded the
eligibility requirements for schol-
arships to include all needy stu-
dents, rather than just low-income
students as the bill originally
Among other subcommittee
changes in the higher education
bill was the repeal of the require-
ment that students receiving loans
under the National Defense Edu-
cation Act take an affirmative
loyalty oath.
A similar oath and an even
more controversial affidavit is stillf
included in several other educa-
tion and anti-poverty programs.
The full Education and Labor
Committee upheld the subcom-
mittee's repeal on Friday, ap-


the matter of responsible parent-
hood must be understood.
The general trend in the at-
titude of Catholics on the ques-
tion of birth control is bringing
them nearer to the Protestant
viewpoint and thus, the difference
between the two churches is con-
siderably reduced.
Prof. Robert Blood of the so-
ciology department noted the fol-
lowing factors contributing to the
* A considerable number of,
Catholics have publicly called for
a reexamination of the Church's
attitude and have favored the
" A large number of Catholic
families employ contraceptives,
which are not endorsed by their
0 Until the last decade, the'
Catholic church favored large
families, and it looked to increas-
ed agriculture and a growing econ-
omy as a solution to the popula-
tion problems.3
Some Controls
But, now they have recognized

subsequently, the opposition of the
Catholic communities in those
countries would decrease.
This trend would facilitate the
United Nations in its efforts to
more effectively deal with its pop-
ulation check program, particular-
ly in the regions of Asia and
Latin America.
The governments in India, Cey-
lon, Korea and Pakistan have al-
ready adopted family planning as
part of their national programs.
This is reflection of the fact
that when the practical prob-
lems become severe, the opposition
of the Catholic church to birth
control program tends either to
change, or to be bypassed, Blood

TAX CREDIT LEGISLATION introduced to Congress by Sen.
Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn) received a boost from Sen.Winston
Prouty (R-Vt) recently when he introduced a modified form of
the bill aimed at solving some of the objections brought out by

ticles. mittee's repeal on Friday, ap-

Goldberg Reports .Continuance
Of Disturbing Population Trend

A disquieting state population "This raises the question about

the gravity of the problem and #trend is continuing, according to the economic adjustment of the
agree that, to a certain extent, the Prof. David Goldberg of the so- state," Goldberg says. "What if
limitation of birth is desirable. ciology department and associate the image of a prosperous Michi-
A more speculative change in director of the Population Studies gan were accented nationally and
the Catholic outlook is due to the Centers noted recently. we had a net in-migration. Could

Ecumenical movement. The Cath-
olic church is now more tolerant
of the government programs for
birth control although they do
not approve of them.
The absence of a Catholic op-
position to the governmental fam-
ily planning schemes is a signifi-
cant political change. The Cath-
olic church now does not obstruct
the voluntary use of contracep-
In the United States, with its
present tolerant attitude, the
Catholic minority does not seek
to politically impose its author-{

-- -

"Tropical Growth," above, by Frans Wildenhain, is one of the
many pieces of'contemporary ceramic work now on display in
the Alumni Hall Museum as part of the twenty-third Ceramic
National Exhibition. Called the "most significant event in the
field of ceramic art," the show features large forms in muted
earthen colors, "necessitated by the new freedom of approach.
The show will run through August 15.

Goldberg has been participat-
ing in a project to estimate the
1964 population of the 83 coun-
ties in Michigan.
More people are moving out of
the state than are moving in wasa
one fact he noted. That the new
arrivals are not as well as edu-
cated as those departing is a sec-
ond fact Goldberg noted.
Net emigration from 1960 to
1964 was 190,000. Hundreds of
thousands more than this left, but
this is the net loss after the ar-
rival of others, according to Gold-

Book Demand Sparks UNESCO Action

By The Associated Press
new kind of explosion is threaten-
ing the world-an unprecedented
demand for books.
That is the warning issued by
Julian Behrstock, an expert who
heads the division of free flow of
information in the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cul-
tural Organization.
To meet the threat, UNESCO
has launched a new program aim-
ed at increasing the production
and distribution of books in the
developing countries of Asia, Af-
rica and Latin America, where

Behrstock says the situation is
most critical.
Over-All Goal
The over-all goal is to encourage
the establishment of book pub-
lishing enterprises in the develop-
ing countries. The emphasis would
be on production of paperbacks-
the cheapest way of getting books
into the hands of readers.
Behrstock uses the term "book
gap" to describe the situation in
the developing countries.
He says the biggest demand now
is for textbooks, which account
for 90 per cent of the books or-
dered or produced in those coun-

"It's a kind of vicious circle,"
he explains. "The book gap widens
as the extension of education in-
creases the demand for textbooks,
which in turn produces readers
who want more than just text-
He points out that 75 per cent
of the 400,000 book titles issued
each year throughout the world
originate in 12 countries-all
technically advanced nations.
Asia, with the exception of
Japan, accounts for only 17 per
cent of the number of titles, al-'
though it has 58 per cent of the
population. In Africa less than
10 countries publish books and the


University Players
Next week,..

Department of Speech
T. S. Eliot's

titles amount to'-one per cent of
the world's total. Editions rarely
exceed 3,000 copies.
Set Up Enterprise
Behrstock estimates it takes
about $100,000 to set up a book
publishing enterprise. He has no
estimate of how much money it
would take to establish enough
enterprises to meet the demands.
UNESCO's campaign in Asia will
be marked by a week-long con-
ference in Toyko at the end of
May in 1966. Experts will gather
from all of UNESCO's 117 mem-
ber states, as well as observers
from other countries and book
trade organizations.
Similar sessions will be held in
Africa in 1967 and later in Latin
Toyko Conference
The sponsors are hopeful that
the Toyko conference will result
in :
-Formation of a systematic
policy for book development in
which books are integrated into
national, economic and social
-Encouragement of bilateral
to Asian countries from the Unit-
ed States, the Soviet Union, and
other technically advanced coun-
tries; and
-Development of plans to send
experts into individual countries
to help develop book publishing

the economy accommodate these
people? What would the unem-
ployment rate be then?"
Unemployment in Michigan at
the moment is running between
three and one-half to four per
cent, well below the national av-
erage. But Goldberg asks, "Is un-
employment low because more peo-
ple are leaving than coming?"
Net Outflow
This net outflow is relatively
new to Michigan. From 1910 to
1955 the balance was in the state's
favor, mainly because of the
growth of the automobile industry
and war production. The tide turn-
ed in 1956.
Michigan is losing people to
other regions. Those are also the
people in whom it has the biggest
investment. This experience is
similar to that of the entire east-
north - central region including
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois
and Wisconsin.
From 1955 to 1960, according
to the Census Bureau's figures,
those who moved out of this re-
gion were generally better edu-
cated than those moving in.
Still Continuing
Although these figures are five
years old, Goldberg says that the
trend is continuing.
"We're losing men," he said,
"and we're doing badly in the
Where are Michigan people go-
ing? Everywhere, but one of the
biggest losses has been to the
West while one of the biggest
gains has been from the South.
Why Leave?
Why are people leaving Michi-
gan? Frequently the reason is op-
portunity for financial success.
Michigan does not lack these op-
portunities, Goldberg explained,
but those which exist are mainly
for technically trained men. Men
with a broader background in bus-
iness, science and the arts, Gold-
berg says, are more likely to do
better elsewhere.
The end result of this is that
Michigan is training people who
then leave the state.

The Population Studies Center
has been estimating the state's
population annually since 1957.
This year it estimated the popula-
tion for 1964 at 8.1 million-a
three and one-half per cent in-
crease over the 7.8 million count-
ed in the 1960 census.
Population Loss
Of the 83 counties, 27 lost pop-
ulation in the four year interval.
Eleven of the 15 in the Upper
Peninsula lost. The remaining loss-
es were chiefly in the northern
portion of the Lower Peninsula.
Most of the big gains were in
metropolitan areas-the counties
around Detroit and the Flint-
Lansing area.
Wayne County, like most metro-
politan areas around the country,
lost a little of its population, but
nearby Macomb, Oakland and
Washtenaw Counties made up for
Washtenaw County
Washtenaw County gained 14,-
560 persons in the four year inter-
val. In nearby counties, Lenawee
County lost 1,289 people, Living-
ston County gained 2,367, and
Monroe County gained 4,780.
Goldberg has acquired these sta-
tistics from varied sources. Among
them are births, auto registrations,
voting lists, and sales tax returns.
One of the most reliable - and
one which has consistently shown
a net outflow-is the annual Mich-
igan School Census of persons un-
der 20.
Goldberg concedes that there
might be an error of two and one-
half to three per cent in the 1964
estimate but explained that any
error in the 8.1 million estimate
for the state as a whole is much
smaller than the possible error.
Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB,
* * *
Folk Dance Club: Folk dance with
instruction,eFri., July 9, 8-11 p.m.,
Women's Athletic Bldg.

1 I
1:30 p.m.-The Audio Visual
Education Center Film Preview
will feature "Peter Tchaikowsky"
and "Peter and the Wolf."
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
will present Alec Guinness in "The
Lavender Hill Mob" in the Arch-
itecture Aud.
8:30 p.m.-Prof. Dennis Walsh
of the astronomy department will
speak on "Exploding Galaxies" at
the astronomy department's visit-
ing night.
8:30 p.m.-The Stanley Quartet
will assist at an Evening of
Chamber Music, with Ruth Dean
Clark, harp, Keith Bryan, flute,
and Robert Courte, violin. Pieces
by Ravel, Debussy and Porter will
be played, at Rackham Lecture




comedy questo
of Ae-year!
Sellems OToolel

The Confidential Clerk

critics of the bill.
parently supporting the argument
of Congressman Qgden Reid (N-
NY) that the oath unfairly singl-
ed out students from other groups
receiving federal aid.
Separate Bills
In order to avoid further con-
troversy about the higher edu-
cation bill, however, the repeal
measure was made into a separate
Since both the broadened schol-
arship program and the guaran-
teed loan program were eliminated
from the higher education bill as
of last Friday, further committee
negotiations and changes in the
bill are expected in order to re-
store some form of student aid to
the bill. Final Congressional ac-
tion on the higher education bill
does not seem likely before the
summer, as the Senate has not
yet finished its frequently post-
poned hearings.
Another bill aimed at helping
parents finance college education,I

tax-credit legislation, which has
been championed by former See-
retary of Health, Education, and
Welfare Abraham Ribicoff (D-
Conn), has just received a further
and perhaps ultimate boost from
Senator Winston Prouty (R-Vt),
the ranking Republican member
of the Education Subcommittee of
the Senate Labor and Public Wel-
fare Committee.
Modified Bill
Monday, Prouty introduced a
modified tax credit bill aimed at
meeting some objections raised
by critics of tax credits. Prouty
inserted an "absolute" tax credit
in his bill in order to enable those
with incomes too small to accom-
modate a tax credit to benefit.
The Prouty plan would permit a
taxpayer with no tax liability to
receive up to $100 toward college
expenses as a direct grant from
the government,
Prouty's bill also changed the
sliding scale on which tax credits
would be granted.
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8 P.M. in the air-conditioned



-Sat., July


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Romg Schneider
Paula Prentiss
and least but not last
Woody Allen
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Thoy're all together again
Releasd thr

* AND e








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