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July 09, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-09

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guF 43U

:4Ia iti

in the afternoon

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom



W on't

Change OSU Ban
Reject Faculty Proposal To Alter
Rules, Ignore Plea from Faucett
The Ohio Slate University Board of Trustees rejected any pos-
sibility of alteration of the OSU speakers' ban rules by a vote of
five to three yesterday.
The rules had touched off massive student protests last spring
in. the wake of a ban on Marxist speaker Herbert Aptheker.
OSU President Novice G. Faucett had delivered a lengthy .ddress
to the trustees at the meeting yesterday calling for a change in the
r outdated and restrictive regulations.





u get

"As I see our problem," he


Deno Says
Truce Near
Francisco Caamano Deno, the reb-
el president, raised hopes last
night that a political settlement
of the Dominican crisis may be
near. Other sources also reflected
In a radio speech, Caamano said
"an important and fruitful meet-
ing was held yesterday, with the
participation of the political par-
ties that make up the Constitu-
tionalist Front . . . Interesting
points were dealt with that star
us on the road toward a practi-
cal solution to the Dominican cris-
is." i
Hector Garcia Godoy
Reliable rebel sources said th
pro-Castro 14th of June Move-
ment participated in the meeting
and agreed-tentatively at least-
to Hector Garcia Godoy as presi-
dent of a compromise provisiona
Under an Organization of Amer-
ican States peace plan, the pro-
visional government would serve
until elections can be held in six
to nine months.
Garcia Godoy was foreign mm
ister under ex-President Juan
Bosch, in whose name the Domini
can rebellion was launched Apri
A reliable OAS source said "w
are closer than we have ever bee]
before to a solution, but until ther
is one anything can go wrong."
Some OAS officials said Caam
ano's radio speech indicated th
rebel leadership was in agree
ment and the first step was beinb
taken to present this agreement t
the public.
Godoy, a wealthy businessma
living in Santiago, is said to be ac
cepted to the military junt
leaders, who wield the principa
power in the five-man junta.

said, "this university must be no
-K4less free than others to test ideas
that flow from the frontiers of
thought dispite the fact that at
times an idea may be highly con-1
troversial and even repulsive to
our keener insights."'
Faucett went on to say that
he considered the rules definitelyI
not in keeping with the tennants1
of academic freedom and that heE
did not consider an open forum of
ideas subversive.,
"Historically, ideas have been
challenged on the campuses of
great universities, and out of thisI
quality of confrontation have
evolved knowledge and values thatI
have been useful to the advance-f
ment of our cherished way of life."I
Fight Ban
The Free Speech Front, the
OSU group organized to fight the
speaker ban, had no official state-1
ment because the former spokes-
men for the group had graduated
from the university and was noI
longer a member of FSF.
Because of a number of other
graduations FSF has elected an
entirely new steering committee.
General FSF feeling, however,
appeared to be a determination to
continue to fight the rule. Mem-
bers said that many more stu-
dents will be attracted to the
cause because of the trustees de-
Sources explained that the
tragedy of the situation lay in
. the trustees' total disregard for
campus feeling. Not only do the
t students object to the rule but so
t do the faculty and administration.
The OSU Faculty Advisory
i Committee had submitted an al-
ternate plan for speaking regula-
i tions which show some liberaliza-
- tion of the rules and had received
half-hearted FSF support. It was
not considered by the trustees.
Ohio legislative action on the
trustees refusal to be swayed is
t also pending. House Minority
- Leader A. G. Lancdine, has prom-
- ised that action to change the
ruling on a state level will be at-
tempted at the next legislative
e session. He said that the OSU
- rules were not in keeping with
g other state universities and had
no place in a modern university.
- Controversy Began
1 The controversy began when a
campus organization attempted to
- engage Aptheker for a speaking
- date and were refused by admin-
e istration officials in light of the
x speaker ban rules.
FSF formed shortly thereafter
- and a series of campus protests
n erupted in which student leaders
- demanded change of the rules. The
1 protests culmininated when Ap-
theker was brought on campus in
defiance of the rules. He did not
e speak but made an appearance
n before students.
e There was, at the time, discus-
sion of a possible "fix" in the
- Aptheker appearance. Just prior
e to his appearance FSF leader Jef-
- rey Schwartz had a short talk
g with an administration official
o and immediately thereafter he
announced that a threat had been
n made on Aptheker's life and that
- he would not speak. Aptheker was
a then escorted off campus by a
11 delegation of FSF members and
administration officials.

To Present
Open Letter
To Regents
Attempting to convey student
opposition to a proposed increase
in tuition, the Student Employees'
Union drafted an open letter to
University Regents at a meeting
last night.
The letter was written for
presentation at the special Re-
gents' meeting slated for 1:30
p.m. today. At this session, the
University budget will be consid-
ered by the Regents.
While the union realized a need
for increased educational funds,
it objected to the means used to
obtain such funds. The letter ex-
pressed concern over "the Uni-
versity's failure to implement
possible alternatives which would
alleviate the increasing financial
pressure on the student." In addi-
tion, the union members felt
"students have not been given the
opportunity to participate in mak-
ing decisions which directly affect
Union members voted to attend
the Regents' meeting in order to
reinforce their statement. Rich-
ard Cutler, vice-president for stu-
dent affairs, agreed to present the
letter to the Regents, although
it was not on the agenda.
The letter followed a longer
statement of policy and financial
proposals. 'Although we have pre-I
sented what we consider viable
alternatives to the present admin-
istration policies, the administra-
tion and Regents have failed to
give serious consideration to these
proposals," the letter stated.
The union's interest in tuition'
and residence fee increases moti-
vated other measures approved at
last night's meeting. A job survey
booklet, a student consumer price
index, and a fall retreat for dis-
cussion of issues concerning stu-
dents were accepted by the mem-

GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY SIGNED the higher education bill yesterday. This provides the University
with a $51.2 million provision for its general funds budget. Another bill adds a $4.3 million in cap-
ital outlay funds to University budget. The budget however is $4.5 million short of the amount re-
quested by the University. It is expected that the University will discuss means for making up
the deficiency at their meeting today. It is probable that one means will be a tuition hike.

The source said that the tui-
tion increase would be about $50
per year for residents and $100
for out-of-state students. This


College May Be Built in Steps

Construction of the new Resi-
dential College may have to be
undertaken in s t e p s, adding
buildings group by group to a
b a s i c housing - classroom plan,
Dean Burton Thuma of the Resi-
dential College said yesterday.
Residential College planners are
setting up this plan for step-by-
step construction because they
are not certain whether they will
have enough money to complete
the whole college at one, time,
Thuma explained.
"But we'll end up with what we
had originally planned," Thuma

be egulu pJU Uy Wl
raise tuition charges at today's
Tuition Increase

Remains Intact
Goveruor Signs Capital Outlay Bill;
Regents To Decide Tuition Hike
Gov. George Romney signed the higher education appro-
priations bill yesterday, leaving the $51.2 million provision for
the University's general funds budget intact.
Another bill, containing a $4.3 million capital outlay
appropriation for the University, was also signed by the gov-
With the question of state support thus settled, the Re-
gents will hold a special meeting today to complete action
on the 1965-66 University budget. High administration
sources have indicated that, since the $51.2 million figure is
$4.5 million short of the amount requested by the University,
the R.P ents robablh will

said. The uncertainty of available If the Residential College must
funds, he said, would not change be finished in steps, Thuma said,
the fall, 1967, date set for begin- it would start with some of the
ning of construction. residence halls already planned.

Hopeful Completion Date
"Hopefully," he said, "it will be
completed in 1971."
Funds for the Residential Col-
lege can come from four main
sources, Thuma explained. They
come from government grants,
gifts, self-liquidating housing, and
state funds, through the Univer-
The latter two sources are un-
certain, Thuma said, and as yet
there have not been any gifts or
government grant applications.

expectations of the Mariner 4

In these would be built temporary
libraries and classrooms. Present
plans call for libraries and class-'
rooms inside the residence halls,
but these would have to be ex-
The appropriations bill signed
yesterday by Gov. George Romney
includes funds for the Residential
College, Thuma said, under its
capital outlay provisions. But
Thuma did not know exactly how
much the capital outlay provisions
would mean the Residential Col-
lege could get.
The Residential College is a
'"first" for a large, established
university: a small, self-contained
college located close enough to the
campus so that it would have all
the benefits of the large, complex
It would be built near North
Campus, close to the University
Administratively, the Residen-
tial College would be a part of the
literary college, although it would
probably be autonomous in prac-
The college would also have a
new curriculum. Possible changes
include comprehensive exams, no
grades, and inter - disciplinary

Associated Press Staff Writer
PASADENA, Calif. - The pic-
tures Mariner 4 is expected to
take of Mars on Wednesday may
prove to be historic-but they
will be inferior to those taken of
the moon by the Rangers 7, 8
and 9.
The edge - of - the - seat excite-
ment generated last March 24
when the Ranger 9 televised live
as it plunged into the moon will
be missing.
The Mariner 4 will not transmit
its pictures as they are taken. It
will be a week or more before
they all have been received and
days before the first picture is
Pictures Inferior
The best Mariner 4 is expected
to show is whether there really
is a network of canals on Mars
and perhaps whether there are
any cities or ruins of cities.
Scientists are asking only for some
clue as to whether any kind of
life could exist on Mars - not
whether it does or ever has.
There are many reasons for the
difference in performance of the
two spacecraft.
At 575 pounds, Mariner 4 is
more than 200 pounds lighter than

the Ranger and carries much less
elaborate equipment.
It has to be-it must travel 325
million curving miles to intercept
Mars at point 134 million miles
from Earth. Ranger 9 traveled just
a quaiter million miles to the
Mariner's route to Mars will
take 228 days, which means its in-
struments had to be made simple
and rugged.
Unprecedented Distance
The unprecedented distance-a
signal from Mariner 4 will take
12 minutes, traveling at 186,000
miles a second, to reach Earth-
forced engineers to design the
spacecraft's radio to send very
Ranger 4 transmitted more than
5,800 pictures in 18 minutes while
Mariner 4 will take 81/2 hours to
send eac hof its 18 to 21 pictures.

Finally, Ranger 9 took pictures
down to within a few feet of the
surface of the moon. Mariner 4's
photographs will be snapped at
altitudes of 6,000 miles or higher
as it curves around Mars. Jet Pro-
pulsion Laboratory scientists did
not aim Mariner 4 directly at
Mars for fear of contaminating it
with germs from Earth.
But, crude though the pictures
will be by Ranger 9 standards,
they will still be 100 times better
than any taken with the largest
Earth-based telescopes.

would yield approximately $1.6
million in additional revenue,
leaving the University with a $2.9
million shortage to make up by
cutting back expenditures.
Romney's action yesterday end-
ed a brief period of confusion
about his intentions on the mat-
ter. Thinking that the bill would
be signed yesterday, it was an-
nounced Wednesday that a spe-
cial Regents meeting had been
scheduled for today.
However, Charles Orlebeke,
Romney's special assistant for ed-
ucation, said Wednesday night
that the measure was not on the
governor's schedule for this week
and probably would not be acted
on for 10 more days. Without
Romney's signature ,the Regents
could not announce a final deci-
sion on the budget today.
The mixup was clarified yester-
day morning when Romney called
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher assuring him that the bill
would be signed in the afternoon
in plenty of time for today's Re-
gents meeting.
The $51.2 million appropriation
for the general funds budget,
which finances the basic costs of
instruction, marks a $7 million
increase from last year's state sup-
port figure.
However, the Regents had re-
quested a hike of roughly $11.6
million. This, in combination with
student fees (at 1964-65 rates)
would have given the University
a $71 million general funds budget
for 1965-66-$12 million higher
than that for the academic year1
which ended July 1.
Faculty Increases
Roughly 90 per cent of the ex-
tra money was labeled for merit
faculty salary increases and addi-
tional staff and supplies. Also
included is an extra $285,000 to
finance a freshman class at the
University's Flint College branch;
the branch has been operating as
a two-year upperclassman institu-
tion, and, because of controversy
surrounding plans to add fresh-
men in the fall, there had initially
been some fear that funds for
Flint would not be approved. The
Flint money was included in the
higher education bill with a sup-
porting expression of legislative
The $4.1 million capital outlay
appropriation includes $1.1 mil-
lion for remodeling and additions
and roughly $3 million for new
construction. In the latter cate-
gory, $2 million is designated for
a new medical science building
and $1 million for a dental build-
Ing. Miscellaneous items account
for another $200,000.
The University's state capital
fund request was $14.2 million-
$10 million more than the amount
allocated by the state yesterday.
Capital outlay appropriations have
Varied widely in the past, how-
ever, and are largely dependent
on approval of plans to start con-

Bills To Get
Minor Cuts
LANSING (3) - Gov. George
Romney signed five budget bills
yesterday and said he will sign
the remaining money bills approv-
ed by the legislature with only
minor vetoes.
Before signing the higher edu-
cation bill yesterday, however, the
governor did veto one of its sig-
nificant provisions: a $1.2 million
enrollment contingency f un d
which would have been available
to the seven smaller state colleges
and universities if their enroll-
ments exceeded current estimates.
Romney commented that the
fund would merely "be an incen-
tive for schools to build enroll-
ment," adding that, if enroll-
ments rise faster than predicted,
the' legislature can follow its tra-
ditional procedure of appropriat-
ing additional money next winter
or spring.
Three Other Bills
In addition to the $186.7 millior.
higher education bill, Romney ap-
proved the following three meas-
-Two capital outlay bills, total-
ing $63.5 million;
-A $20.5 million public health
bill, and
-A $101.7 million m e n t a l
health appropriation.
The higher education bill is
$37.5 million higher than last
year's provision. It includes $11.2
million for faculty pay hikes and
$11.5 million for community col-
leges-a 65 per cent hike in state
support for these institutions.
The capital outlay appropria-
tion is $3.8 million less than rec-
ommended, but this amount is apt
to be appropriated next spring.
The public health budget repre-
sents an increase of $2.7 million
over last year, and the mental
health appropriation is $10.7 mil-
lion higher than that for the
1964-65 fiscal year.
Total Budget
The total budget approved by
the legislature was $820.4 million
-$31.9 million above the gover-
nor's recommendation.
However, Romney said, the end
r e s u 1 t of legislative changes
"coupled with revised revenue es-
timates left us in pretty much the
same position I had recom-
He estimated that the budget
will total about $819 million when
he has signed all of the bills with
minor revisions.
Romney offered no new figures
as to what the state surplus will
be either at the start or at the
end of the 1965-66 fiscal year. His
most recent prediction was at
least $22 million as of June 30,
1965, but the exact figures won't
be totaled until near the end of
the summer.
To Withdraw
Mace Missiles
By The Associated Press

Pentagon Cancels Proj ect
Camelot; Calls It Impractical
By The Associated Press

Because of th
transmission, the
and dark spots
each picture-ha
Mariner 4 pictur
200 lines each;
tures had up to
Mariner's picture,
visible details.'

is slow rate of I WASHINGTON-The Pentagon cancelled Project Camelot-a
number of scan study of how Communists capitalize on revolutionary change in de-
strips of light veloping nations-yesterday on the grounds that it was "impractical
which make up and not worthwhile."
s been reduced. A defense department spokesman explained that "one of the most
es will have only difficult problems in the research plan was that of conducting re-
Ranger 9's Pic- search in foreign countries."
s will have fewer A furor had flared up several weeks ago when a scientist con-
nected with the project appeared in Chile. The spokesman said no
tresearch was actually started

Center Sponsors Summer Showings

different areas
summer by the

film, representing 20 well-known producers and ten
of study, are being presented at the University this
University's Audio-Visual Education Center.

The films are selected on the basis of quality, approach and the
diversity of subject matter. Their purpose, Hessler explained, is "to
acquaint the public, teachers and students with the types of pro-
ductions being produced by educational film companies."
Educational Significance
The program, originated by Ford Lemler, director of the center,
aims to show that the films have valid educational significance in
the hands of a skilled teacher.
"They open up new realms of direct experience," Hessler added.
Tn the University film lihrarv which is one of the largest in the

there but "the sensitivity of the
problem" was demonstrated by the
reaction in Chile to the possibility
that a study might be conducted
According to the defense de-
partment statement, the project
was halted because "it has been
concluded that the project as cur-
rently designed would not produce
the desired information."
Thebcancellationwas termed
wise by Sen. Eugene McCarthy
(D-Minn), who had questioned
whether the military was intrud-
ing without authority in the state
department's domain of foreign
policy. But he said an inquiry
still is needed by the Senate For-

The six-week program, now in its second week, provides free
showings every day at 1:30 p.m. in the Undergraduate Library Multi-
purpose Rm. The films run from approximately 20 to 30 minutes,
allowing time within the class hour for adequate introduction and

iem. i..o


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