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November 22, 1969 - Image 2

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Page Two


Saturday, November 22, 1969

k~ge f~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Soturdoy, November 22, 1969

? t wnI hope that the ::ex Powxer
Arts Center is completed soon.
for ichganhasan opera coin-
, 3 2'{ ; xf xJ ' fF pany that deservesc the best. In
the opening n1-It of Jules Mas-
1 r y , senlet's Manon, lywhich will play
thrIoughi Monllday, maestro Josekf
Blatt anld his troupe lpreselnted(
a ner'- perfect performance of
a this Romantic classic, a superb
combination of talent and a r-
tistic ability.
The typically comiplica ted
>c" ars c v storx'line of yo3ung Manion's
~Y Sa t> t jsear'ch for" glam2or and glitter
which ends in disaster could be
eaisily followed fromin latt's
poetically simple translation of
.", .'the French original. With the
st aging cap~abilities of Ralph
Herbert, the twxo lproduced at
version which does not bow to
thle e f f u s Iv e sentim~entality'
;. wich could destroy the energy
of1 the opsera in a flood of tears.
Th'le unforced rhymes, the mnas-
'> V tcrfully ironic unending d~finner
t t x s x ,.u;of the Parisians in Act I whichi
foreshadows the pala tr Y to
y xfollow. the artificial agrof
de Bretign in AcL II played
° sr; {,P x#eu with exact ness--all these pr'o-
Q: ~~~vided a strong vehicle for theNI ils
excellent singing of the prin-
t ~ k~t GwenldolynSchleffel's Manion
was a living character; we could
{''k f '",c "' Y Pik Q K J , w seeY' ysv '_ SE her' grow and changTe, though.'l
the marvel of her fine voice wa Gs
splendidly consistent, From hler
va ?<yy x r q sf irst ar'i. "This is the first I'v
E°F-x lYS c t , 'u& r< t raveled,'" hiinding at a mioreC
wry Kxis ° i~fkh~t' than cunining innocence, to the(
yY h Yabandon of "Profit from all that
Xup youth is bringing''. in thle Cour
po etry 3an pro-se

e, 3 r

tkeatre--- --_- -
perf°,ect 'llanon'

Regents approve plan
for Dearborii grrowthi

I .a ! .!,, sliehanidled Malcsseznet 's
bra uraruns and t rills withi
11lover. le chevalier Des
C(:ircux was sung- by Robert Zai-
jac, whose broad, glowing tenor
ceirpenst ndiore than suffici-
en l or hiis difficulties in act -
in=;. The° aria, 'In Paris, we'll
live in a< union divine,'' only pre-
pared the,;way for his grand and
skill ful work in ''WithI my eyes
closed tight I eebelow" and
-O .d p r of f c.The cast were all strong sing-
:,rs, notably Lee Davis as Les-
caut, Manon's cousin; William
Hall as de Btretigny a trio ,of
Parisian coutesans who flut -

tered and flirted, recalling t h e
belles of C'osi Fan Tutti; a ni d
WalIter Richards on who play-
ed Dies Grieux's father.
Maestro Blatt's orchestra was
as together and as knowledge-
able as the singers. It is from
here where the r'eal control of
the overflowing emotion miust
comje; Massenet's melodies must
be ptn'e and sweewt, but they can-
not be overpowering or I h°
opera's balance wvill be des-
troyted. The small group's en-
semnble and precision only
pointed out as more startling the
troubles they had neai' the end
of Act II.

The st and costumes are
opulent without suffocating. The
velvet and creamy wood of Act
II moves to the br'illiance of
an aristocratic garden w it h
Manon in diamonds and gold
brocade. A simple scene of
gnarled w ood and stone closes
the opera, silently deprecating
the richness which p)1ecueded.
Perhaps, a fte r all, MNation is
too romantic an opera, is too
filled with sweeping crescend-
oes and sugatry melodies; but
when offered by such compe-
tent ar'tists, it seems it can even
move one who knows the beaut-
ies of the straight line.

SContiinuied frog~ Pa rel
process involving administration.
faculty, and students at both
branches would have to be under-
Such plans are indefinite at
present, pending further action by
the Regents, Ross said.
The resolution approved by the
Regents also proposed separate
budget status for' Flint College,
Dear'born already is listed sepa-
rately in the state High~i" E euca-
tion Appropriations Act.
Overseeing Flint and Dearborn
development will be Dean Stephen
H. Spur' of the graduate school,
who was appointed yesterday to a
new University vice presidency
created especially for' that pur'-
pose, Spur'r will continue as head
of the graduate school.
"The commitment of the Uni-
versity, on instruction from the
Regents, is to build strong, viable
operations at both Flint and Dear-
born,", President Robben Fleming

said, commenting on the question
of eventual independence for the
two campuses. "The future will
take care of itself."
Fleming also emphasized the
importance of continued growth
and the strengthening of adminis-
trative structtu'es at each campus.
He said neither school should be-
come a mir'ror image of the Ann
Arbor' campus.
'The recomnmendations on which
the Regents acted were the result
of -rep~orts by planning committees
made up of faculty members, stu-
dents, community leaders, and
University administartors. The re-
ports were presented to the Re-
gents by Fleming and other exe-
tive officers.
Prof'. Charles W. Cares was ap-
pointed the new chairman of the
department cf landscape archi-
tecture, succeeding Prof. Walter
L. Chambers, who held the pos't
for the past 11 years,

Cooin u4a d0asin1i

-!d g'ay-. a red dillg of his poemls
'i'hurstaNv :Lt-' 0' 11oon ill tie [U( 11,)
in William St a I:r)o1d's poeints Z
f,'rl a ecrrultipec, but it is not
na ive, anmid he i iows the tlii-
irreer et ~:e deep peace antd
ineie cin ort: 'Coin fort : io
thik t s cl mihere,;'or that
TIaeis alsoa raes(ii
the p)oet ry which sees t coe
it ', ut incriy. iii's rhythms
a~ n (tiit ad lura1, like sal
cix o s ad re as much lkea
man actunally talkingi as they
cou ld BuTtt they are also far
fi'oi bingflatia mid prosaic,
xxinia lwri the page with a
c mto'l nre beautiful' for its
not bein' so obv ious:
Cane' day ackross :the a'la here
echoe's Icome Inow :1n1 animl
thlat n1!1eede d ound came down 1.
lie gazed e normlously, a ii d
iEad f,31of lr mak ing y, lhe
tok;way from, Sound...
tisa;stibtle music, btt-ver
sesouwith the'n's'anid
ii'' ummng wand the echoingi-
of the,,stressed long VW"e.I
Stafford is bein both acut~ely
aware and tv odest aboti his
styl whn hexx'it es in one
1)0m '' x'akig long in this
not quite 'oyway xve both
knwit is not (uite prose5( we
Ie alc .o has a rea' t alof
wi t that c(anl be com ic anid sa-
iinoas fin A Documnitary fom
Amervica. or' beati'ifully tender
as i assing Rema!;rk.
1 is i;gynis,glow1with1a quiet
religious elng fscr'enit y,
btut Also continir awC %Ne of tile
confrontation with mystery.
Stoi'm or the thre at or storm
are ne'ver Ia'r"xx'y, ad the air
"things not solv(d,. .though
is filled with the, voices of
''thingps not sole'rd.. . though
omno" rrow canm'. Stafford's
:)and'->cis of stones tand rivx-
em'rad nount a;iisare also
hutdb ghssand tnex-
:amed_ xoiu s, i t ipi)by t lh e
St ang lihtof lie hnagina-
1Idaily Classi fwcds
3020 We lhtenow, Ph. 434-1782
r twenYpsilanti & Ann Artor

tion xwhich sesA iMhars suc
''Somnetinwes on thtele 1phonle
the one you ha fge ar
and _gh1ostly voies wi-sltprin.
3'oil think they are trom ntother
iv ires.
Youm think they are.''
He is constantly conred
with the dialogtue of memor1uy
betxxeen the past a1nd; the pre:-
snt, and tthiings 'thal :t t h e
deadsay o te liing;andit
is, a conUcern iledxv h te-
derness of a xh nws
that the strange ange ls Iitend''(7
us no harm. I"atll Jom'.and
T1he F1arm onti ew Gre: _at Plains
are marx'clous xmls
Stafford is the, kind of mani
wvho is tender, o lern love, and
totugh at the e times. Hie
.if incidenits of' my ;journey
sing righlt for you, then i my
miouthi can rabide
this comnmunion, or i (can[
gnaw° other bones;."
Hr knoxx-'s the x'aluos of reti-

cence. bt is ('e:rtainly not afraid
to speak honelyi , imaginllativ--
ly, and intimate-ly, Thef proof
is in beautiful poems like( Re-
turned to Say, Thinking f o r
Berky, 'ihe animal thalt Drank
Up Soundm, Strolkes, Pasing Re-
mark, 'Uhe Fam'm on the Great
Plains, an:d niauny othe~r,
To close, I'll cut myself o ut
and leave you alone with Wi-
liam Stafford's spir'it and art:
Star in a well, darkc message:
when I die,
my glance drawn over galaxies.
all through one night let a
candle nurse the dark
to mark this instant of what
I vwas,
this oncer - not putting my
head oulit
blessing for business's sake
alny frail markers
ofr human y111ears:Nwe Nwant real
f riends or none;
what's genuine w~ill accompjany
ever'y man,1
Who travel these lonely we14lls
can drink that star.

''Cash n inund selling out
are tw,.o different things" com-
miented Alice May Brock as she
autographed a pancakie stack;
of her newxly released anti-text,
Alice's Rtestaura nt Cookbook ait
Cent icoi'e's r'eception Thiuirsday,
MisBrock is the undehydrat-
e'd, xitamin-packed original of
Arlons song a nd restaurant
scene, Yes, Virginia, there is an
Alice, and her cinema self is
mnere' corn flakes in comnparison.
Onl the recipe:
''I make 'emtiUp. They're the
result of eri Emieice, long and
short, But co ok-ing depends up-
oin your mood and your audi-
enice and wvhat's in the ctup-
hor.Stay loose. The basic in-
greiet is your attittude.,,
VMiss Brock's experrience is the
result of oper-ating a virtttoso
kitcheltn community in Mas-
Ohmet.0neC cook he'selil ,
onexaitress, and a hand eg
bter 'furnish the uwonderlanid
vhcire Alice once manufactured
thirty different meals in thirty
When Alice eas ut, she htunts
for a res-ftaurant like her own,
xith ag'nie person handling
lie pots. and peans.
''If a human makes mist akes,
youttanl sympathize and hope
for' a better day. It's thosema
chin-mad disasters that I
canll t take,''
Alice's spiced aniid scribbled
cookbook wxas created for the
humina n behind t he stove,
St'aighit hmadeginforma-
tion is liber ially sprlinikled with
half-baked bean m Jokes and
handy illustratldions of Ann Me-
Cord's Lg served in an orgy
at mosphei'e of grinning food
freaks, It's the next best thing
to eaiting t here,

from 1 P.M.

Saturday and Sunday--Nov. 22, 23
Rebel Without a Cause
Dir. Nicholas Ray, 1955
* "Reflected (and possibly caused) more cultural
changes," Pauline Kael.
* Ray orchestrates the American scene in this semi_
classic film.
* IN COLOR with the inestimable JAMES DEAN.
in his first performance.
662-8871 75C AUDITORIUM



-Daily'--Sara Krulic~ih

The Mle'ielganDatiy, edited and '-
aman-by . sI udts ,at the University of
M.r_ietan -"v;,_pitoie : 764 -0552. Second ida r roMch
i u .40Ma. or St., Ann Arbor"
Mahgat 41104Publh:'ed dailyv aus-
doe'. ,r; ug : Sund;,y mxrn iixig Onticer-
coI rteroll$10eb:e$m0il.
liuml!er Session Ut1publihed 'I ud'
I;rug a uiv tl mlorriug. Suabs, ip-
I lll atu~ $J0( by carrier, $3.00 by




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'Stolen Kisses' is a movie I'll cherish
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Delphine Seyrig seduces Leaud in
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"Putney Swope' is a stinging, zing-
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It is going to take of f and be one of
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"A bold, compelling film -not to be

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Saturday- 1--2-5 :30

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